BOOL CScreenSnap::GetScreenDataSize(DWORD &dwScreenDataSize) { CDC dc; dc.CreateDC("DISPLAY",NULL,NULL,NULL); CheckPointer(dc.GetSafeHdc(),FALSE); CBitmap bm; int nWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int nHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); if(!bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc,nWidth,nHeight)) { dc.DeleteDC(); return FALSE; } BITMAP btm; bm.GetBitmap(&btm); dwScreenDataSize = btm.bmWidthBytes * btm.bmHeight; dwScreenDataSize += sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); dwScreenDataSize += sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); dc.DeleteDC(); return TRUE; }
LRESULT CScreenDlg::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam,BOOL& bHandled){ ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CDC dcScreen; dcScreen.CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL); = GetDeviceCaps(dcScreen.m_hDC, HORZRES); = GetDeviceCaps(dcScreen.m_hDC, VERTRES); m_dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(dcScreen.m_hDC); m_bmpScreen.CreateCompatibleBitmap(dcScreen.m_hDC,,; HBITMAP pOldBmp = m_dcMem.SelectBitmap(m_bmpScreen.m_hBitmap); m_dcMem.BitBlt(0,0,,, dcScreen.m_hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); RECT rect={0,0,,}; MoveWindow(&rect); ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); RIGHT_RECT.left = - INFO_WIDTH-INFO_OFFSET; RIGHT_RECT.right =; m_bmpInfoBK = (HBITMAP)c6beeres::R().GetImg(IDB_BITMAP_INFOBK,IMAGE_BITMAP,INFO_WIDTH,INFO_HEIGHT); S1= (HBITMAP)c6beeres::R().GetImg(IDB_S1,IMAGE_BITMAP,shadow_size,shadow_size); S2= (HBITMAP)c6beeres::R().GetImg(IDB_S2,IMAGE_BITMAP,shadow_size,shadow_size); S3= (HBITMAP)c6beeres::R().GetImg(IDB_S3,IMAGE_BITMAP,shadow_size,shadow_size); S4= (HBITMAP)c6beeres::R().GetImg(IDB_S4,IMAGE_BITMAP,shadow_size,shadow_size); S5= (HBITMAP)c6beeres::R().GetImg(IDB_S5,IMAGE_BITMAP,shadow_size,shadow_size); thinfont = ::CreateFont(15,0,0,0,FW_THIN,false,FALSE,FALSE,DEFAULT_CHARSET,OUT_STRING_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,DEFAULT_QUALITY,FF_MODERN,_T("arial")); boldfont= ::CreateFont(15,0,0,0,FW_BOLD,false,FALSE,FALSE,DEFAULT_CHARSET,OUT_STRING_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,DEFAULT_QUALITY,FF_MODERN,_T("arial")); penLine1.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, SELECT_RECTCOLOR); penLine2.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, CROSS_LINECOLOR); bool border=false,shadow=false; COLORREF bcolor=0; nsplugin::GetImgCapParam(border,shadow,bcolor); pen_Border.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, border_size, bcolor); return 0; }
BOOL CPMenuSpecial::SetFont (CFont &pFont) { TEXTMETRIC tm; CFont *pOldFont; CDC TVDC; LOGFONT LogFont; m_Font.DeleteObject (); if (pFont.GetObject (sizeof (LogFont), &LogFont) != 0) { if (m_Font.CreateFontIndirect (&LogFont) != 0) { if (m_Font.GetObject (sizeof (LogFont), &LogFont) != 0) { if (TVDC.CreateDC ("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0) { if ((pOldFont = TVDC.SelectObject (&m_Font)) != NULL) { TVDC.GetTextMetrics (&tm); m_nDefaultTextHeight = tm.tmHeight; TVDC.SelectObject (pOldFont); return TRUE; } } } m_Font.DeleteObject (); } } return FALSE; }
void CViewBitmap::Capture(CRect &rect) { if(m_pPalette) { DeleteObject(); delete m_pPalette; } m_width=rect.Width(); m_heighth=rect.Height(); double wid=rect.left/1024; double; CDC dcscreen; dcscreen.CreateDC("DISPLAY",NULL,NULL,NULL); CDC dcMem; dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC( &dcscreen ); CreateCompatibleBitmap( &dcscreen, m_width, m_heighth ); dcMem.SelectObject( this ); dcMem.BitBlt(0,0,m_width, m_heighth,&dcscreen,rect.left,,SRCCOPY); // create an empty logical palette that¡¯s big enough to hold all the colors int nColors = ( 1 << ( dcscreen.GetDeviceCaps( BITSPIXEL ) *dcscreen.GetDeviceCaps( PLANES ) ) ); LOGPALETTE *pLogpal=(LOGPALETTE*) new BYTE[sizeof(LOGPALETTE)+(nColors * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY))]; pLogpal -> palVersion = 0x300; pLogpal -> palNumEntries = nColors; // load this empty palette with the system palette's colors GetSystemPaletteEntries( dcscreen.m_hDC, 0, nColors,(LPPALETTEENTRY)(pLogpal->palPalEntry)); m_pPalette = new CPalette; m_pPalette -> CreatePalette( pLogpal ); delete []pLogpal; dcMem.DeleteDC(); dcscreen.DeleteDC(); }
void CMFCDCView::OnDcCdc() { // TODO: Add your command handler code here CDC dc; dc.CreateDC("DISPLAY",NULL,NULL,NULL); //输出信息 dc.TextOut(100,100,"Hello CDC"); dc.DeleteDC(); }
void COptionTreeFontSel::ConvertFont(LOGFONT &lf, CHARFORMAT &cfFont) { // Declare variables CDC dc; dc.CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL); long yPerInch = dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY); // Create log font // -- Font name lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = cfFont.bPitchAndFamily; _tcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, cfFont.szFaceName); // -- Size lf.lfHeight = abs(((cfFont.yHeight * yPerInch) / 1440)); lf.lfWidth = 0; lf.lfEscapement = 0; // -- Bold if (cfFont.dwEffects & CFE_BOLD) { lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; } else { lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; } // -- Strikeout if (cfFont.dwEffects & CFE_STRIKEOUT) { lf.lfStrikeOut = TRUE; } else { lf.lfStrikeOut = FALSE; } // -- Underline if (cfFont.dwEffects & CFE_UNDERLINE) { lf.lfUnderline = TRUE; } else { lf.lfUnderline = FALSE; } // -- Italic if (cfFont.dwEffects & CFE_ITALIC) { lf.lfItalic = TRUE; } else { lf.lfItalic = FALSE; } }
// Protected member functions BOOL COXScreenGrabber::PrepareWindow(BOOL bClient, CRect& ScrRect, CWnd* pWnd) { if (pWnd == NULL) pWnd = CWnd::GetForegroundWindow(); if (pWnd == NULL) pWnd = CWnd::GetDesktopWindow(); ASSERT(pWnd != NULL); if (!pWnd->IsWindowVisible()) return FALSE; if (pWnd == CWnd::GetDesktopWindow()) { // create a DC for the screen and create CDC SreenDC; if (!SreenDC.CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL)) return FALSE; // get screen resolution and set Rect ScrRect.left = 0; = 0; ScrRect.right = SreenDC.GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES); ScrRect.bottom = SreenDC.GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES); SreenDC.DeleteDC(); } else { // Move window which was selected to top of Z-order for // the capture, and make it redraw itself pWnd->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); pWnd->UpdateWindow(); if (bClient) { // get the client area dimensions pWnd->GetClientRect(&ScrRect); // convert client coords to screen coords CPoint pt1(ScrRect.left,; CPoint pt2(ScrRect.right, ScrRect.bottom); pWnd->ClientToScreen(&pt1); pWnd->ClientToScreen(&pt2); ScrRect.left = pt1.x; = pt1.y; ScrRect.right = pt2.x; ScrRect.bottom = pt2.y; } else pWnd->GetWindowRect(&ScrRect); } return TRUE; }
KernelBitmap* SGNameDrag::MakeImage(UINT32 nDepth) { // If there's no current View, or no Spread, then fail. DocView* pView = DocView::GetCurrent(); if (pView == 0) return 0; Spread* pSpread = pView->FindEnclosingSpread(OilCoord(0, 0)); if (pSpread == 0) return 0; // Create a device context for the display. CDC sdc; sdc.CreateDC("DISPLAY", 0, 0, 0); // Calculate the size of the rendering and set up the rendering matrix etc. Matrix matConvert; FIXED16 fxScale = 1; INT32 nSel = NameGallery::Instance()->GetSelectedItemCount(); DocRect drClip(0, 0, SG_DefaultNameText, nSel * SG_DefaultSmallIcon); // Work out the destination bitmap's characteristics. double dpi = (double) GetDeviceCaps(sdc.m_hDC, LOGPIXELSX); if (nDepth == 0) nDepth = GetDeviceCaps(sdc.m_hDC, BITSPIXEL) * GetDeviceCaps(sdc.m_hDC, PLANES); // Create a render region with the given properties of the display etc. GRenderBitmap* pRenderer = new GRenderBitmap(drClip, matConvert, fxScale, nDepth, dpi); ERRORIF(pRenderer == 0, _R(IDE_NOMORE_MEMORY), 0); pRenderer->AttachDevice(pView, &sdc, pSpread); pRenderer->StartRender(); pRenderer->SaveContext(); // Blank the background. pRenderer->SetLineWidth(0); pRenderer->SetLineColour(COLOUR_WHITE); pRenderer->SetFillColour(COLOUR_WHITE); pRenderer->DrawRect(&drClip); // Render the item's name. DocColour dcText(COLOUR_BLACK), dcBack(COLOUR_WHITE); pRenderer->SetFixedSystemTextColours(&dcText, &dcBack); String_256 strName; m_pSourceItem->GetNameText(&strName); pRenderer->DrawFixedSystemText(&strName, drClip); // Create a kernel bitmap from the OIL bitmap and return it. pRenderer->RestoreContext(); pRenderer->StopRender(); OILBitmap* pOilMaskBmp = pRenderer->ExtractBitmap(); delete pRenderer; KernelBitmap* pkb = new KernelBitmap(pOilMaskBmp, TRUE); ERRORIF(pkb == 0, _R(IDE_NOMORE_MEMORY), 0); return pkb; }
void COptionTreeFontSel::ConvertFont(CHARFORMAT &cfFont, LOGFONT &lf) { // Declare variables CDC dc; dc.CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL); long yPerInch = dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY); // Convert Font cfFont.dwMask = CFM_COLOR | CFM_SIZE | CFM_FACE | CFM_UNDERLINE | CFM_BOLD | CFM_ITALIC | CFM_STRIKEOUT; cfFont.dwEffects = 0; // -- Face _tcscpy(cfFont.szFaceName, lf.lfFaceName); // -- Pitch and family cfFont.bPitchAndFamily = lf.lfPitchAndFamily; // -- Size cfFont.yHeight = ((1440 / yPerInch) * abs(lf.lfHeight)); // -- Bold if (lf.lfWeight >= FW_BOLD) { cfFont.dwEffects |= CFE_BOLD; } // -- Italic if (lf.lfItalic == TRUE) { cfFont.dwEffects |= CFE_ITALIC; } // -- Underline if (lf.lfUnderline == TRUE) { cfFont.dwEffects |= CFE_UNDERLINE; } // -- Strikeout if (lf.lfStrikeOut == TRUE) { cfFont.dwEffects |= CFE_STRIKEOUT; } // -- Character set cfFont.bCharSet = lf.lfCharSet; cfFont.dwEffects |= CFM_CHARSET; // -- Text color cfFont.crTextColor = GetTextColor(); }
DWORD CFontDialog::FillInLogFont(const CHARFORMAT& cf) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwFlags = 0; if (cf.dwMask & CFM_SIZE) { CDC dc; dc.CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL); LONG yPerInch = dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY); m_lf.lfHeight = -(int) ((cf.yHeight * yPerInch) / 1440); } else m_lf.lfHeight = 0; m_lf.lfWidth = 0; m_lf.lfEscapement = 0; m_lf.lfOrientation = 0; if ((cf.dwMask & (CFM_ITALIC|CFM_BOLD)) == (CFM_ITALIC|CFM_BOLD)) { m_lf.lfWeight = (cf.dwEffects & CFE_BOLD) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; m_lf.lfItalic = (BYTE)((cf.dwEffects & CFE_ITALIC) ? TRUE : FALSE); } else { dwFlags |= CF_NOSTYLESEL; m_lf.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE; m_lf.lfItalic = FALSE; } if ((cf.dwMask & (CFM_UNDERLINE|CFM_STRIKEOUT|CFM_COLOR)) == (CFM_UNDERLINE|CFM_STRIKEOUT|CFM_COLOR)) { dwFlags |= CF_EFFECTS; m_lf.lfUnderline = (BYTE)((cf.dwEffects & CFE_UNDERLINE) ? TRUE : FALSE); m_lf.lfStrikeOut = (BYTE)((cf.dwEffects & CFE_STRIKEOUT) ? TRUE : FALSE); } else { m_lf.lfUnderline = (BYTE)FALSE; m_lf.lfStrikeOut = (BYTE)FALSE; } if (cf.dwMask & CFM_CHARSET) m_lf.lfCharSet = cf.bCharSet; else dwFlags |= CF_NOSCRIPTSEL; m_lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; m_lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; m_lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; if (cf.dwMask & CFM_FACE) { m_lf.lfPitchAndFamily = cf.bPitchAndFamily; lstrcpy(m_lf.lfFaceName, A2T((LPSTR)cf.szFaceName)); } else { m_lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE; m_lf.lfFaceName[0] = (TCHAR)0; } return dwFlags; }
/*************************************************** PrintInit Initializes and sets up the data that needs to be calculated to perform the actual print. Such tasks include calcualating the number of pages required to print the given range, and the scale. Params pDC - device context for the printer (or print preview) pPD - pointer to the print dialog information startCol- leftmost column to print on the page endCol - rightmost column to print on the page startRow- topmost row to print on the page endRow - bottom most row to print on the page Return number of pages that will be printed ****************************************************/ int CUGPrint::PrintInit(CDC * pDC, CPrintDialog* pPD, int startCol,long startRow, int endCol,long endRow) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pPD); ClearPrintList(); //get a screen device context CDC sDC; sDC.CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL); //check to see if the request if for printing or print preview m_bIsPreview = FALSE; SIZE size; pDC->SetMapMode(MM_ANISOTROPIC); SetWindowExtEx(pDC->m_hDC,1,1,&size); if( != 1){ m_bIsPreview = TRUE; SetWindowExtEx(pDC->m_hDC,,,&size); } //get the metrics for the printer float paperWidthPX = (float)pDC->GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES); float paperHeightPX = (float)pDC->GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES); float paperWidthMM = (float)pDC->GetDeviceCaps(HORZSIZE); float paperHeightMM = (float)pDC->GetDeviceCaps(VERTSIZE); int virtualWidthPX = (int)( 3.79 * (paperWidthMM - m_printLeftMargin - m_printRightMargin)); int virtualHeightPX = (int)( 3.78 * (paperHeightMM - m_printTopMargin - m_printBottomMargin)); //save the scaling values m_printVScale = ( (paperHeightPX/paperHeightMM) * (paperHeightMM - m_printTopMargin - m_printBottomMargin) ) / virtualHeightPX; m_printHScale = ( (paperWidthPX/paperWidthMM) * (paperWidthMM - m_printLeftMargin - m_printRightMargin) ) / virtualWidthPX; //save the margins m_printLeftMarginPX = (int)((paperWidthPX/paperWidthMM) * m_printLeftMargin); m_printTopMarginPX = (int)((paperHeightPX/paperHeightMM) * m_printTopMargin); m_printRightMarginPX = (int)(paperWidthPX - (paperWidthPX/paperWidthMM) * m_printRightMargin); m_printBottomMarginPX = (int)(paperHeightPX - (paperHeightPX/paperHeightMM) * m_printBottomMargin); m_paperWidthPX = (int)paperWidthPX; m_paperHeightPX = (int)paperHeightPX; //if not print preview, then addjust values by the virtual pixel width if(m_bIsPreview == FALSE) { m_virPixWidth = (int)paperWidthPX / 450; //300 m_printVScale /= m_virPixWidth; m_printHScale /= m_virPixWidth; m_printLeftMarginPX /= m_virPixWidth; m_printTopMarginPX /= m_virPixWidth; m_printRightMarginPX /= m_virPixWidth; m_printBottomMarginPX /= m_virPixWidth; m_paperWidthPX /= m_virPixWidth; m_paperHeightPX /= m_virPixWidth; } //get the number of pages wide int col,width=0,w; int scol = startCol; //start col for a page m_pagesWide = 0; if(m_printSideHeading) width = m_ctrl->GetSH_Width(); //find the number of pages wide and the number of columns //on each page for(col =startCol;col <= endCol;col++) { m_ctrl->GetColWidth(col,&w); width += w; if(width > virtualWidthPX) { m_pagesWide++; if(m_printSideHeading) width = m_ctrl->GetSH_Width(); else width = 0; if(w < virtualWidthPX) col--; //add the column info to the list AddPageToList(m_pagesWide,scol,col,0,0); scol = col+1; } } if(width >0) { m_pagesWide++; //add the column info to the list if(col > endCol) col = endCol; AddPageToList(m_pagesWide,scol,col,0,0); } //get the number of pages high long row; long srow = startRow; //start row for page int height=0,h; m_pagesHigh = 0; if(m_printTopHeading) height = m_ctrl->GetTH_Height(); //find the number of pages high and the number of rows //on each page for(row = startRow;row <=endRow;row++) { m_ctrl->GetRowHeight(row,&h); height += h; if(height > virtualHeightPX) { m_pagesHigh ++; if(m_printTopHeading) height = m_ctrl->GetTH_Height(); else height = 0; if(h < virtualHeightPX) row--; //add the page information to the list int c1,c2; long r1,r2; int page; for(col =1;col<=m_pagesWide;col++) { //get the col info GetPageFromList(col,&c1,&c2,&r1,&r2); //update the page info page = (m_pagesHigh-1)*m_pagesWide +col; AddPageToList(page,c1,c2,srow,row); } srow = row+1; } } if(height >0) { m_pagesHigh++; //add the page information to the list int c1,c2; long r1,r2; int page; for(col =1;col<=m_pagesWide;col++) { //get the col info GetPageFromList(col,&c1,&c2,&r1,&r2); //update the page info page = (m_pagesHigh-1)*m_pagesWide +col; if(row > endRow) row = endRow; AddPageToList(page,c1,c2,srow,row); } } //return the number of pages in total return (m_pagesWide * m_pagesHigh); }
BOOL CScreenSnap::GetScreenData(BYTE* pScreenData,DWORD &dwScreenData) { CDC dc; dc.CreateDC("DISPLAY",NULL,NULL,NULL); CheckPointer(dc.GetSafeHdc(),FALSE); CBitmap bm; int nWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int nHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); if(!bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc,nWidth,nHeight)) { dc.DeleteDC(); return FALSE; } CDC tdc; if(!tdc.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc)) { dc.DeleteDC(); return FALSE; } CBitmap*pOld = tdc.SelectObject(&bm); if(pOld == NULL) { tdc.DeleteDC(); dc.DeleteDC(); return FALSE; } tdc.BitBlt(0,0,nWidth,nHeight,&dc,0,0,SRCCOPY); tdc.SelectObject(pOld); BITMAP btm; bm.GetBitmap(&btm); DWORD nSize = btm.bmWidthBytes * btm.bmHeight; // LPSTR lpData = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GPTR,nSize); // if(lpData == NULL) // { // tdc.DeleteDC(); // dc.DeleteDC(); // return FALSE; // } //-------------------------------------------------------- BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; bih.biBitCount = btm.bmBitsPixel; bih.biClrImportant = 0; bih.biClrUsed = 0; bih.biCompression = 0; bih.biHeight = btm.bmHeight; bih.biPlanes = 1; bih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bih.biSizeImage = nSize; bih.biWidth = btm.bmWidth; bih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; //-------------------------------------------------------- //得到DIB色彩表 if(!GetDIBits(dc,bm,0,bih.biHeight,(pScreenData + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)),(BITMAPINFO*)&bih,DIB_RGB_COLORS)) { tdc.DeleteDC(); dc.DeleteDC(); return FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------- BITMAPFILEHEADER bfh; bfh.bfReserved1 = bfh.bfReserved2 = 0; bfh.bfType = ((WORD)('M'<< 8)|'B'); bfh.bfSize = 54 + nSize; bfh.bfOffBits = 54; memcpy(pScreenData,&bfh,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); dwScreenData = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); memcpy(pScreenData + dwScreenData,&bih,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); dwScreenData += sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); // memcpy(pScreenData,lpData,nSize); dwScreenData += nSize; // GlobalFreePtr(lpData); tdc.DeleteDC(); dc.DeleteDC(); return TRUE; }
void CLogiTextGate::Draw(CDC* pDC, CLogiView* pView) { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Draw the Bitmap Portion if (m_iStyle == 1) { CRect crBackup = m_position; CSize csBackup = m_size; m_position = CRect(m_position.TopLeft(), CSize(BITX_TXT, -BITY_TXT)); m_size = CSize(BITX_TXT, BITY_TXT); CLogiGate::Draw(pDC, pView); m_position = crBackup; m_size = csBackup; } // if printing build a bitmap on the fly for the Text. if (pDC->IsPrinting() || m_pDocument->m_iZoom) { CDC MemDC; MemDC.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); pOldFont = MemDC.SelectObject(&m_pDocument->m_cfScreen); pOldPen = MemDC.SelectObject(&m_pDocument->m_cpBlack); pOldBrush = MemDC.SelectObject(&m_pDocument->m_cbWhite); int oldBkMode = MemDC.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); COLORREF oldTextColor = MemDC.SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 0)); // calculate the surrounding rectangle of the text only CSize csExtent; if (m_bLoaded) { csExtent = MemDC.GetTextExtent( m_pTextArray[m_uIndex], m_pTextArray[m_uIndex].GetLength() ) + CSize(4,4); } else { csExtent = MemDC.GetTextExtent( m_pTextText, m_pTextText.GetLength() ) + CSize(4,4); } MemDC.GetTextMetrics(&tm); if (tm.tmItalic) csExtent += CSize(tm.tmHeight/4,0); // crate a temperary bitmap to draw the text to (can't be MemDC?) CBitmap cbGate; CDC screenDC; screenDC.CreateDC(L"DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); cbGate.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&screenDC,,; screenDC.DeleteDC(); pOldBmp = MemDC.SelectObject(&cbGate); // draw rectangle also inits bitmap with brush MemDC.Rectangle(CRect(CPoint(0,0),csExtent)); // draw text if (m_bLoaded) { MemDC.TextOut(2, 2, m_pTextArray[m_uIndex], m_pTextArray[m_uIndex].GetLength()); } else { MemDC.TextOut(2, 2, m_pTextText, m_pTextText.GetLength()); } MemDC.SelectObject(pOldPen); MemDC.SelectObject(pOldBrush); MemDC.SetTextColor(oldTextColor); MemDC.SetBkMode(oldBkMode); MemDC.SelectObject(pOldFont); MemDC.SelectObject(pOldBmp); // build a DIB from the bitmap m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight =; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth =; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 4; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 16; m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 16; if(!::GetDIBits(MemDC.GetSafeHdc(), (HBITMAP) cbGate.m_hObject, 0, (UINT) m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight, NULL, (LPBITMAPINFO) &m_Bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) return; if (m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage == 0) return; LPBYTE lpImage = (LPBYTE) new char[m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage]; ::GetDIBits(MemDC.GetSafeHdc(), (HBITMAP) cbGate.m_hObject, 0, (UINT) m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight, lpImage, (LPBITMAPINFO) &m_Bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); MemDC.DeleteDC(); // determine where to draw the dib CPoint origin; if (m_iStyle == 1) { origin = CPoint(m_position.left+(BITX_TXT-1),; } else { origin = CPoint(m_position.left, m_position.bottom); } // draw it ::StretchDIBits(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), origin.x, origin.y,,, 0, 0, m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth, m_Bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight, lpImage, (LPBITMAPINFO) &m_Bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); delete [] lpImage; } // Else not printing do direct else { pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&m_pDocument->m_cpBlack); pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_pDocument->m_cfScreen); pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&m_pDocument->m_cbWhite); int oldBkMode = pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); COLORREF oldTextColor = pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 0)); // calculate the surrounding rectangle of text only CSize csExtent; if (m_bLoaded) { csExtent = pDC->GetTextExtent(m_pTextArray[m_uIndex], m_pTextArray[m_uIndex].GetLength() ) + CSize(4,4); } else { csExtent = pDC->GetTextExtent(m_pTextText, m_pTextText.GetLength() ) + CSize(4,4); } pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm); if (tm.tmItalic) csExtent += CSize(tm.tmHeight/4,0); // determine where to draw things CPoint origin; if (m_iStyle == 1) { origin = CPoint(m_position.left+(BITX_TXT-1),; } else { origin = CPoint(m_position.left, m_position.bottom); } pDC->Rectangle(CRect(origin,csExtent)); if (m_bLoaded) { pDC->TextOut(origin.x+2, origin.y+2, m_pTextArray[m_uIndex], m_pTextArray[m_uIndex].GetLength()); } else { pDC->TextOut(origin.x+2, origin.y+2, m_pTextText, m_pTextText.GetLength()); } pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont); pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen); pDC->SetTextColor(oldTextColor); pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush); pDC->SetBkMode(oldBkMode); } }