Esempio n. 1
	// Create the command to show on the Integration settings page
	LPCWSTR CreateCommand(CEStr& rsReady)
		rsReady = L"";

		for (INT_PTR i = 0; i < ourSwitches.size(); i++)
			Switch* ps = ourSwitches[i];
			_ASSERTE(ps && !ps->szSwitch.IsEmpty());
			bool bOpt = !ps->szOpt.IsEmpty();
			bool bQuot = (bOpt && IsQuotationNeeded(ps->szOpt));
				bOpt ? L" " : NULL,
				bQuot ? L"\"" : NULL,
				bOpt ? ps->szOpt.c_str() : NULL,
				bQuot ? L"\" " : L" ");

		if (!rsReady.IsEmpty() || bCmdList)
				bCmdList ? L"-runlist " : L"-run ", szCmd);

		return rsReady.c_str(L"");
Esempio n. 2
// Concatenate strings from array and set resource item
bool CLngRc::SetResource(MArray<LngRcItem>& arr, int idx, MJsonValue* pJson)
	CEStr lsValue;
	MJsonValue jStr;

	// [ "Decrease window height ", "(check ‘Resize with arrows’)" ]
	size_t iCount = pJson->getLength();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		if (!pJson->getItem(i, jStr) || (jStr.getType() != MJsonValue::json_String))
			_ASSERTE(FALSE && "String format failure");
			return false;
		lstrmerge(&lsValue.ms_Val, jStr.getString());

	if (lsValue.IsEmpty())
		_ASSERTE(FALSE && "Empty resource string (array)");
		return false;

	return SetResource(arr, idx, lsValue.ms_Val, true);
Esempio n. 3
LPCWSTR GetDirectory(CEStr& szDir)
	DWORD nLen, nMax;

	nMax = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szDir.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH));
	if (!nMax)
		goto wrap;
	else if (nMax > MAX_PATH)
		nLen = GetCurrentDirectory(nMax, szDir.GetBuffer(nMax));
		if (!nLen || (nLen > nMax))
			goto wrap;

	return szDir.IsEmpty() ? NULL : szDir.c_str();
Esempio n. 4
LPCWSTR CRConFiles::GetFileFromConsole(LPCWSTR asSrc, CEStr& szFull)
	CEStr szWinPath;
	LPCWSTR pszWinPath = MakeWinPath(asSrc, mp_RCon ? mp_RCon->GetMntPrefix() : NULL, szWinPath);
	if (!pszWinPath || !*pszWinPath)
		_ASSERTE(pszWinPath && *pszWinPath);
		return NULL;

	if (IsFilePath(pszWinPath, true))
		if (!FileExists(pszWinPath)) // otherwise it will cover directories too
			return NULL;
		CEStr szDir;
		LPCWSTR pszDir = mp_RCon->GetConsoleCurDir(szDir, true);
		// We may get empty dir here if we are in "~" subdir
		if (!pszDir || !*pszDir)
			_ASSERTE(pszDir && *pszDir && wcschr(pszDir,L'/')==NULL);
			return NULL;

		// Попытаться просканировать один-два уровеня подпапок
		bool bFound = FileExistSubDir(pszDir, pszWinPath, 1, szFull);

		if (!bFound)
			// git diffs style, but with backslashes (they are converted already)
			// "a/src/ConEmu.cpp" and "b/src/ConEmu.cpp"
			if (pszWinPath[0] && (pszWinPath[1] == L'\\') && wcschr(L"abicwo", pszWinPath[0]))
				LPCWSTR pszSlash = pszWinPath;
				while (!bFound && ((pszSlash = wcschr(pszSlash, L'\\')) != NULL))
					while (*pszSlash == L'\\')
					if (!*pszSlash)
					bFound = FileExistSubDir(pszDir, pszSlash, 1, szFull);
					if (!bFound)
						// Try to go to parent folder (useful while browsing git-diff-s)
						bFound = CheckParentFolders(pszDir, pszSlash, szFull);
				// let's try to check some paths from #include
				// for example: #include "src/common/Common.h"
				LPCWSTR pszSlash = pszWinPath;
				while (*pszSlash == L'\\') pszSlash++;
				bFound = CheckParentFolders(pszDir, pszSlash, szFull);

		if (!bFound)
			// If there is "src" subfolder in the current folder
			const wchar_t* predefined[] = {L"trunk", L"src", L"source", L"sources", NULL};
			for (size_t i = 0; !bFound && predefined[i]; ++i)
				CEStr szSrc(JoinPath(pszDir, predefined[i]));
				if (DirectoryExists(szSrc))
					bFound = FileExistSubDir(szSrc, pszWinPath, 1, szFull);

		if (!bFound)
			return NULL;

	if (!szFull.IsEmpty())
		// "src\conemu\realconsole.cpp" --> "src\ConEmu\RealConsole.cpp"

	return szFull;
Esempio n. 5
// Returns true on changes
// bDeQuote:  replace two "" with one "
// bDeEscape: process special symbols: ^e^[^r^n^t^b
bool DemangleArg(CEStr& rsDemangle, bool bDeQuote /*= true*/, bool bDeEscape /*= false*/)
	if (rsDemangle.IsEmpty() || !(bDeQuote || bDeEscape))
		return false; // Nothing to do

	LPCWSTR pszDemangles = (bDeQuote && bDeEscape) ? L"^\"" : bDeQuote ? L"\"" : L"^";
	LPCWSTR pchCap = wcspbrk(rsDemangle, pszDemangles);
	if (pchCap == NULL)
		return false; // Nothing to replace

	wchar_t* pszDst = rsDemangle.ms_Val;
	const wchar_t* pszSrc = rsDemangle.ms_Val;
	const wchar_t* pszEnd = rsDemangle.ms_Val + rsDemangle.GetLen();

	while (pszSrc < pszEnd)
		if (bDeQuote && (*pszSrc == L'"'))
			*(pszDst++) = *(pszSrc++);
			if (*pszSrc == L'"') // Expected, but may be missed by user?
		else if (bDeEscape && (*pszSrc == L'^'))
			switch (*(++pszSrc))
			case L'^': // Demangle cap
				*pszDst = L'^'; break;
			case 0:    // Leave single final cap
				*pszDst = L'^'; continue;
			case L'r': case L'R': // CR
				*pszDst = L'\r'; break;
			case L'n': case L'N': // LF
				*pszDst = L'\n'; break;
			case L't': case L'T': // TAB
				*pszDst = L'\t'; break;
			case L'a': case L'A': // BELL
				*pszDst = 7; break;
			case L'b': case L'B': // BACK
				*pszDst = L'\b'; break;
			case L'e': case L'E': case L'[': // ESC
				*pszDst = 27; break;
				// Unknown ctrl-sequence, bypass
				*(pszDst++) = *(pszSrc++);
			pszDst++; pszSrc++;
			*(pszDst++) = *(pszSrc++);
	// Was processed? Zero terminate it.
	*pszDst = 0;

	return true;
Esempio n. 6
void CSetPgDebug::debugLogShell(DWORD nParentPID, CESERVER_REQ_ONCREATEPROCESS* pInfo)
	CSetPgDebug* pDbgPg = (CSetPgDebug*)gpSetCls->GetPageObj(thi_Debug);
	if (!pDbgPg)
	if ((pDbgPg->GetActivityLoggingType() != glt_Processes)
		&& (pDbgPg->GetActivityLoggingType() != glt_Shell))

	LPCWSTR pszFile = pInfo->wsValue + pInfo->nActionLen;
	LPCWSTR pszParam = pInfo->wsValue + pInfo->nActionLen+pInfo->nFileLen;
	DebugLogShellActivity *shl = (DebugLogShellActivity*)calloc(sizeof(DebugLogShellActivity),1);
	shl->nParentPID = nParentPID;
	shl->nParentBits = pInfo->nSourceBits;
	wcscpy_c(shl->szFunction, pInfo->sFunction);
	shl->pszAction = lstrdup(pInfo->wsValue);
	shl->pszFile   = lstrdup(pszFile);
	shl->pszParam  = lstrdup(pszParam);
	shl->bDos = (pInfo->nImageBits == 16) && (pInfo->nImageSubsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_DOS_EXECUTABLE);
	shl->nImageBits = pInfo->nImageBits;
	shl->nImageSubsystem = pInfo->nImageSubsystem;
	shl->nShellFlags = pInfo->nShellFlags;
	shl->nCreateFlags = pInfo->nCreateFlags;
	shl->nStartFlags = pInfo->nStartFlags;
	shl->nShowCmd = pInfo->nShowCmd;
	shl->hStdIn = (DWORD)pInfo->hStdIn;
	shl->hStdOut = (DWORD)pInfo->hStdOut;
	shl->hStdErr = (DWORD)pInfo->hStdErr;

	// Append directory and bat/tmp files contents to pszParam
		LPCWSTR pszDir = (pInfo->wsValue+pInfo->nActionLen+pInfo->nFileLen+pInfo->nParamLen);
		LPCWSTR pszAppFile = NULL;
		wchar_t*& pszParamEx = shl->pszParam;

		if (pszDir && *pszDir)
			CEStr lsDir((pszParamEx && *pszParamEx) ? L"\r\n\r\n" : NULL, L"CD: \"", pszDir, L"\"");
			lstrmerge(&pszParamEx, lsDir);

		if (shl->pszFile)
			LPCWSTR pszExt = PointToExt(shl->pszFile);
			if (pszExt && (!lstrcmpi(pszExt, L".bat") || !lstrcmpi(pszExt, L".cmd")))
				debugLogShellText(pszParamEx, (pszAppFile = shl->pszFile));

		if (pszParam && *pszParam)
			LPCWSTR pszNext = pszParam;
			CEStr szArg;
			while (0 == NextArg(&pszNext, szArg))
				if (!*szArg || (*szArg == L'-') || (*szArg == L'/'))
				LPCWSTR pszExt = PointToExt(szArg);

				// Perhaps process *.tmp files too? (used with VC RC compilation?)
				if (pszExt && (!lstrcmpi(pszExt, L".bat") || !lstrcmpi(pszExt, L".cmd") /*|| !lstrcmpi(pszExt, L".tmp")*/)
					&& (!pszAppFile || (lstrcmpi(szArg, pszAppFile) != 0)))
					debugLogShellText(pszParamEx, szArg);
				else if (szArg[0] == L'@')
					CEStr lsPath;

					if (IsFilePath(szArg.Mid(1), true))
						// Full path to "arguments file"
					else if ((szArg[1] != L'\\' && szArg[1] != L'/')
						&& (pszDir && *pszDir))
						// Relative path to "arguments file"
						lsPath = JoinPath(pszDir, szArg.Mid(1));

					if (!lsPath.IsEmpty())
						debugLogShellText(pszParamEx, lsPath);
	// end of "Append directory and bat/tmp files contents to pszParam"

Esempio n. 7
bool IsNeedCmd(BOOL bRootCmd, LPCWSTR asCmdLine, CEStr &szExe,
			   LPCWSTR* rsArguments /*= NULL*/, BOOL* rpbNeedCutStartEndQuot /*= NULL*/,
			   BOOL* rpbRootIsCmdExe /*= NULL*/, BOOL* rpbAlwaysConfirmExit /*= NULL*/, BOOL* rpbAutoDisableConfirmExit /*= NULL*/)
	bool rbNeedCutStartEndQuot = false;
	bool rbRootIsCmdExe = true;
	bool rbAlwaysConfirmExit = false;
	bool rbAutoDisableConfirmExit = false;

	wchar_t *pwszEndSpace;

	if (rsArguments) *rsArguments = NULL;

	bool lbRc = false;
	BOOL lbFirstWasGot = FALSE;
	LPCWSTR pwszCopy;
	int nLastChar;
	#ifdef _DEBUG
	CmdArg szDbgFirst;

	if (!asCmdLine || !*asCmdLine)
		_ASSERTE(asCmdLine && *asCmdLine);
		goto wrap;

	#ifdef _DEBUG
	// Это минимальные проверки, собственно к коду - не относятся
	bool bIsBatch = false;
		NextArg(asCmdLine, szDbgFirst);
		LPCWSTR psz = PointToExt(szDbgFirst);
		if (lstrcmpi(psz, L".cmd")==0 || lstrcmpi(psz, L".bat")==0)
			bIsBatch = true;

	if (!szExe.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH))
		_ASSERTE(FALSE && "Failed to allocate MAX_PATH");
		lbRc = true;
		goto wrap;

	if (!asCmdLine || *asCmdLine == 0)
		_ASSERTE(asCmdLine && *asCmdLine);
		lbRc = true;
		goto wrap;

	pwszCopy = asCmdLine;
	// cmd /c ""c:\program files\arc\7z.exe" -?"   // да еще и внутри могут быть двойными...
	// cmd /c "dir c:\"
	nLastChar = lstrlenW(pwszCopy) - 1;

	if (pwszCopy[0] == L'"' && pwszCopy[nLastChar] == L'"')
		//if (pwszCopy[1] == L'"' && pwszCopy[2])
		//	pwszCopy ++; // Отбросить первую кавычку в командах типа: ""c:\program files\arc\7z.exe" -?"

		//	if (rbNeedCutStartEndQuot) *rbNeedCutStartEndQuot = TRUE;
			// глючила на ""F:\VCProject\FarPlugin\#FAR180\far.exe  -new_console""
			//if (wcschr(pwszCopy+1, L'"') == (pwszCopy+nLastChar)) {
			//	LPCWSTR pwszTemp = pwszCopy;
			//	// Получим первую команду (исполняемый файл?)
			//	if ((iRc = NextArg(&pwszTemp, szArg)) != 0) {
			//		//Parsing command line failed
			//		lbRc = true; goto wrap;
			//	}
			//	pwszCopy ++; // Отбросить первую кавычку в командах типа: "c:\arc\7z.exe -?"
			//	lbFirstWasGot = TRUE;
			//	if (rbNeedCutStartEndQuot) *rbNeedCutStartEndQuot = TRUE;
			//} else
			// Will be dequoted in 'NextArg' function. Examples
			// "C:\GCC\msys\bin\make.EXE -f "makefile" COMMON="../../../plugins/common""
			// ""F:\VCProject\FarPlugin\#FAR180\far.exe  -new_console""
			// ""cmd""
			// cmd /c ""c:\program files\arc\7z.exe" -?"   // да еще и внутри могут быть двойными...
			// cmd /c "dir c:\"

			// Получим первую команду (исполняемый файл?)
			CmdArg arg;
			if (!NextArg(pwszCopy, arg))
				//Parsing command line failed
				#ifdef WARN_NEED_CMD
				lbRc = true; goto wrap;

			if (lstrcmpiW(szExe, L"start") == 0)
				// Команду start обрабатывает только процессор
				#ifdef WARN_NEED_CMD
				lbRc = true; goto wrap;

			LPCWSTR pwszQ = pwszCopy + 1 + lstrlen(szExe);
			wchar_t* pszExpand = NULL;

			if (*pwszQ != L'"' && IsExecutable(szExe, &pszExpand))
				pwszCopy ++; // отбрасываем
				lbFirstWasGot = TRUE;

				if (pszExpand)
					if (rsArguments)
						*rsArguments = pwszQ;

				rbNeedCutStartEndQuot = true;

	// Получим первую команду (исполняемый файл?)
	if (!lbFirstWasGot)

		// `start` command must be processed by processor itself
		if ((lstrcmpni(pwszCopy, L"start", 5) == 0)
			&& (!pwszCopy[5] || isSpace(pwszCopy[5])))
			#ifdef WARN_NEED_CMD
			lbRc = true; goto wrap;

		// 17.10.2010 - support executable file path without parameters, but with spaces in its path
		// 22.11.2015 - or some weirdness, like `C:\Program Files\CB/cb_console_runner.exe "C:\sources\app.exe"`
		LPCWSTR pchEnd = wcschr(pwszCopy, L' ');
		if (!pchEnd)
			pchEnd = pwszCopy + lstrlenW(pwszCopy);

		CEStr szTemp;
		DWORD nTempSize;
		while (pchEnd)
			szTemp.Set(pwszCopy, (pchEnd - pwszCopy));
			_ASSERTE(szTemp[(pchEnd - pwszCopy)] == 0);

			// Argument was quoted?
			if (!szTemp.IsEmpty())
				INT_PTR len = szTemp.GetLen();
				if ((len > 2) && (szTemp[0] == L'"') && (szTemp[len-1] == L'"'))
					memmove(szTemp.ms_Val, szTemp.ms_Val+1, (len-2)*sizeof(*szTemp.ms_Val));
					szTemp.ms_Val[len-2] = 0;

			// If this is a full path without environment variables
			if (!szTemp.IsEmpty()
				&& ((IsFilePath(szTemp, true) && !wcschr(szTemp, L'%'))
					// or file/dir may be found via env.var. substitution or searching in %PATH%
					|| FileExistsSearch((LPCWSTR)szTemp, szTemp))
				// Than check if it is a FILE (not a directory)
				&& FileExists(szTemp, &nTempSize) && nTempSize)
				// OK, it an our executable?
				if (rsArguments)
					*rsArguments = pchEnd;

			_ASSERTE(*pchEnd == 0 || *pchEnd == L' ');
			if (!*pchEnd)
			// Find next space after nonspace
			while (*(pchEnd) == L' ') pchEnd++;
			// If quoted string starts from here - it's supposed to be an argument
			if (*pchEnd == L'"')
				// And we must not get here, because the executable must be already processed above
				// _ASSERTE(*pchEnd != L'"');
			pchEnd = wcschr(pchEnd, L' ');
			if (!pchEnd)
				pchEnd = pwszCopy + lstrlenW(pwszCopy);

		if (szExe.IsEmpty())
			CmdArg arg;
			if (!(pwszCopy = NextArg(pwszCopy, arg)))
				//Parsing command line failed
				#ifdef WARN_NEED_CMD
				lbRc = true; goto wrap;

			_ASSERTE(lstrcmpiW(szExe, L"start") != 0);

			// Обработка переменных окружения и поиск в PATH
			if (FileExistsSearch((LPCWSTR)szExe, szExe))
				if (rsArguments)
					*rsArguments = pwszCopy;

	if (!*szExe)
		_ASSERTE(szExe[0] != 0);
		// Если юзеру нужен редирект - то он должен явно указать ком.процессор
		// Иначе нереально (или достаточно сложно) определить, является ли символ
		// редиректом, или это просто один из аргументов команды...

		// "Левые" символы в имени файла (а вот в "первом аргументе" все однозначно)
		if (wcspbrk(szExe, L"?*<>|"))
			rbRootIsCmdExe = TRUE; // запуск через "процессор"
			lbRc = true; goto wrap; // добавить "cmd.exe"

		// если "путь" не указан
		if (wcschr(szExe, L'\\') == NULL)
			bool bHasExt = (wcschr(szExe, L'.') != NULL);
			// Проверим, может это команда процессора (типа "DIR")?
			if (!bHasExt)
				bool bIsCommand = false;
				wchar_t* pszUppr = lstrdup(szExe);
				if (pszUppr)
					// избежать линковки на user32.dll
					//CharUpperBuff(pszUppr, lstrlen(pszUppr));
					for (wchar_t* p = pszUppr; *p; p++)
						if (*p >= L'a' && *p <= 'z')
							*p -= 0x20;

					const wchar_t* pszFind = gsInternalCommands;
					while (*pszFind)
						if (lstrcmp(pszUppr, pszFind) == 0)
							bIsCommand = true;
						pszFind += lstrlen(pszFind)+1;
				if (bIsCommand)
					#ifdef WARN_NEED_CMD
					rbRootIsCmdExe = TRUE; // запуск через "процессор"
					lbRc = true; goto wrap; // добавить "cmd.exe"

			// Try to find executable in %PATH%
				#ifndef CONEMU_MINIMAL
				MWow64Disable wow; wow.Disable(); // Disable Wow64 file redirector
				apiSearchPath(NULL, szExe, bHasExt ? NULL : L".exe", szExe);
		} // end: if (wcschr(szExe, L'\\') == NULL)

	// Если szExe не содержит путь к файлу - запускаем через cmd
	// "start "" C:\Utils\Files\Hiew32\hiew32.exe C:\00\Far.exe"
	if (!IsFilePath(szExe))
		#ifdef WARN_NEED_CMD
		rbRootIsCmdExe = TRUE; // запуск через "процессор"
		lbRc = true; goto wrap; // добавить "cmd.exe"

	//pwszCopy = wcsrchr(szArg, L'\\'); if (!pwszCopy) pwszCopy = szArg; else pwszCopy ++;
	pwszCopy = PointToName(szExe);
	pwszEndSpace = szExe.ms_Val + lstrlenW(szExe) - 1;

	while ((*pwszEndSpace == L' ') && (pwszEndSpace > szExe))
		*(pwszEndSpace--) = 0;

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning(disable : 6400)

	if (lstrcmpiW(pwszCopy, L"cmd")==0 || lstrcmpiW(pwszCopy, L"cmd.exe")==0
		|| lstrcmpiW(pwszCopy, L"tcc")==0 || lstrcmpiW(pwszCopy, L"tcc.exe")==0)
		rbRootIsCmdExe = TRUE; // уже должен быть выставлен, но проверим
		rbAlwaysConfirmExit = TRUE; rbAutoDisableConfirmExit = FALSE;
		lbRc = false; goto wrap; // уже указан командный процессор, cmd.exe в начало добавлять не нужно

	// Issue 1211: Decide not to do weird heuristic.
	//   If user REALLY needs redirection (root command, huh?)
	//   - he must call "cmd /c ..." directly
	// Если есть одна из команд перенаправления, или слияния - нужен CMD.EXE
	if (!bRootCmd)
		if (wcschr(asCmdLine, L'&') ||
			wcschr(asCmdLine, L'>') ||
			wcschr(asCmdLine, L'<') ||
			wcschr(asCmdLine, L'|') ||
			wcschr(asCmdLine, L'^') // или экранирования
			#ifdef WARN_NEED_CMD
			lbRc = true; goto wrap;

	//if (lstrcmpiW(pwszCopy, L"far")==0 || lstrcmpiW(pwszCopy, L"far.exe")==0)
	if (IsFarExe(pwszCopy))
		bool bFound = (wcschr(pwszCopy, L'.') != NULL);
		// Если указали при запуске просто "far" - это может быть батник, расположенный в %PATH%
		if (!bFound)
			CEStr szSearch;
			if (apiSearchPath(NULL, pwszCopy, L".exe", szSearch))
				if (lstrcmpi(PointToExt(szSearch), L".exe") == 0)
					bFound = true;

		if (bFound)
			rbAutoDisableConfirmExit = TRUE;
			rbRootIsCmdExe = FALSE; // FAR!
			lbRc = false; goto wrap; // уже указан исполняемый файл, cmd.exe в начало добавлять не нужно

	if (IsExecutable(szExe))
		rbRootIsCmdExe = FALSE; // Для других программ - буфер не включаем
		lbRc = false; goto wrap; // Запускается конкретная консольная программа. cmd.exe не требуется

	//Можно еще Доделать поиски с: SearchPath, GetFullPathName, добавив расширения .exe & .com
	//хотя фар сам формирует полные пути к командам, так что можно не заморачиваться
	rbRootIsCmdExe = TRUE;
#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma warning( pop )

	lbRc = true;
	if (rpbNeedCutStartEndQuot)
		*rpbNeedCutStartEndQuot = rbNeedCutStartEndQuot;
	if (rpbRootIsCmdExe)
		*rpbRootIsCmdExe = rbRootIsCmdExe;
	if (rpbAlwaysConfirmExit)
		*rpbAlwaysConfirmExit = rbAlwaysConfirmExit;
	if (rpbAutoDisableConfirmExit)
		*rpbAutoDisableConfirmExit = rbAutoDisableConfirmExit;
	return lbRc;
Esempio n. 8
// May comes from Task or ConEmu's -run switch
// or from Setting\Environment page where one line is a single command (bAlone == true)
bool CProcessEnvCmd::AddCommands(LPCWSTR asCommands, LPCWSTR* ppszEnd/*= NULL*/, bool bAlone /*= false*/, INT_PTR anBefore /*= -1*/)
	bool bNew = false;
	LPCWSTR lsCmdLine = asCommands;
	CEStr lsSet, lsAmp, lsCmd;

	if (ppszEnd)
		*ppszEnd = asCommands;

	// Example: "set PATH=C:\Program Files;%PATH%" & set abc=def & cmd
	while (NextArg(&lsCmdLine, lsSet) == 0)
		bool bTokenOk = false;
		wchar_t* lsNameVal = NULL;

		// It may contains only "set" or "alias" if was not quoted
		if ((lstrcmpi(lsSet, L"set") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(lsSet, L"alias") == 0))

			_ASSERTE(*lsCmdLine != L' ');

			// Now we shell get in lsSet "abc=def" token
			// Or to simplify usage, the rest of line is supported too,
			// so user may type in our Settings\Environment:
			//   set V1=From Settings
			// instead of
			//   set "V1=From Settings"
			bool bProcessed = false;
			if ((*lsCmdLine != L'"') || bAlone)
				LPCWSTR pszAmp = bAlone ? NULL : wcschr(lsCmdLine, L'&');
				if (!pszAmp) // No ampersand or bAlone? Use var value as the rest of line
					pszAmp = lsCmdLine + lstrlen(lsCmdLine);
				// Set tail pointer
				LPCWSTR pszValEnd = pszAmp;
				// Trim trailing spaces (only \x20)
				while ((pszValEnd > lsCmdLine) && (*(pszValEnd-1) == L' '))
				// Trim possible leading/trailing quotes
				if (bAlone && (*lsCmdLine == L'"'))
					if (((pszValEnd-1) > lsCmdLine) && (*(pszValEnd-1) == L'"'))
						_ASSERTE(*pszValEnd == 0);
				// OK, return it
				lsSet.Empty(); // to avoid debug asserts
				lsSet.Set(lsCmdLine, pszValEnd - lsCmdLine);
				lsCmdLine = SkipNonPrintable(pszAmp); // Leave possible '&' at pointer
				bProcessed = true;
			// OK, lets get token like "name=var value"
			if (!bProcessed)
				bProcessed = (NextArg(&lsCmdLine, lsSet) == 0);
			if (bProcessed && (wcschr(lsSet, L'=') > lsSet.ms_Val))
				lsNameVal = lsSet.ms_Val;
		// Or full "set PATH=C:\Program Files;%PATH%" command (without quotes ATM)
		else if (lstrcmpni(lsSet, L"set ", 4) == 0)
			lsCmd = L"set";
			LPCWSTR psz = SkipNonPrintable(lsSet.ms_Val+4);
			if (wcschr(psz, L'=') > psz)
				lsNameVal = (wchar_t*)psz;
		// Support "alias token=value" too
		else if (lstrcmpni(lsSet, L"alias ", 6) == 0)
			lsCmd = L"alias";
			LPCWSTR psz = SkipNonPrintable(lsSet.ms_Val+6);
			if (wcschr(psz, L'=') > psz)
				lsNameVal = (wchar_t*)psz;
		// Process "chcp <cp>" too
		else if (lstrcmpi(lsSet, L"chcp") == 0)
			lsCmd = L"chcp";
			if (NextArg(&lsCmdLine, lsSet) == 0)
				UINT nCP = GetCpFromString(lsSet);
				if (nCP > 0 && nCP <= 0xFFFF)
					bTokenOk = true;
					_ASSERTE(lsNameVal == NULL);
					if (mp_CmdChCp)
						mp_CmdChCp->pszName = lstrdup(lsSet);
						bNew |= (NULL != Add(lsCmd, lsSet, NULL, anBefore));
		// Change title without need of cmd.exe
		else if (lstrcmpi(lsSet, L"title") == 0)
			lsCmd = L"title";
			if (NextArg(&lsCmdLine, lsSet) == 0)
				bTokenOk = true;
				_ASSERTE(lsNameVal == NULL);
				if (mp_CmdTitle)
					mp_CmdTitle->pszName = lstrdup(lsSet);
					bNew |= (NULL != Add(lsCmd, lsSet, NULL, anBefore));
		// Echo the "text" before console starts
		// Type the "text file" before console starts
		else if ((lstrcmpi(lsSet, L"echo") == 0) || (lstrcmpi(lsSet, L"type") == 0))
			// echo [-r] [-n] [-x] [-b] "String to echo"
			// type [-b] [-CP] "Path to text file to echo"
			CEStr lsSwitches;
			while (*lsCmdLine == L'-')
				if (NextArg(&lsCmdLine, lsSet) != 0)
				lstrmerge(&lsSwitches.ms_Val, lsSwitches.IsEmpty() ? NULL : L" ", lsSet.ms_Val);
			// Rest arguments are expected to be processed text or file
			CEStr lsAdd;
			while (NextArg(&lsCmdLine, lsSet) == 0)
				bTokenOk = true;
					lsAdd.IsEmpty() ? NULL : L" ",
					lsSet.mb_Quoted ? L"\"" : NULL,
					lsSet.mb_Quoted ? L"\"" : NULL);
				lsCmdLine = SkipNonPrintable(lsCmdLine);
				if (!*lsCmdLine || (*lsCmdLine == L'&') || (*lsCmdLine == L'|'))

			if (!lsAdd.IsEmpty())
				bNew |= (NULL != Add(lsCmd, lsSwitches, lsAdd, anBefore));

		// Well, known command was detected. What is next?
		if (lsNameVal || bTokenOk)
			if (NextArg(&lsCmdLine, lsAmp) != 0)
				// End of command? Use may call only "set" without following app? Run simple "cmd" in that case
				_ASSERTE(lsCmdLine!=NULL && *lsCmdLine==0);
				bTokenOk = true; // And process SetEnvironmentVariable
				if (lstrcmp(lsAmp, L"&") == 0)
					// Only simple conveyer is supported!
					bTokenOk = true; // And process SetEnvironmentVariable
				// Update last pointer (debug and asserts purposes)

		if (!bTokenOk)
			break; // Stop processing command line
		else if (lsNameVal)
			// And split name/value

			wchar_t* pszEq = wcschr(lsNameVal, L'=');
			if (!pszEq)

			*(pszEq++) = 0;

			bNew |= (NULL != Add(lsCmd, lsNameVal, pszEq ? pszEq : L"", anBefore));

		// Remember processed position
		if (ppszEnd)
			*ppszEnd = lsCmdLine;
	} // end of "while (NextArg(&lsCmdLine, lsSet) == 0)"

	// Fin
	if (ppszEnd && (!*ppszEnd || !**ppszEnd))
		static wchar_t szSimple[] = L"cmd";
		*ppszEnd = szSimple;

	return bNew;
Esempio n. 9
bool TermX::GetSubstitute(const KEY_EVENT_RECORD& k, CEStr& lsSubst)

	// Bypass AltGr+keys to console intact
		if (k.uChar.UnicodeChar)
			wchar_t szData[3] = {k.uChar.UnicodeChar};
			if (LastDeadCharVK == k.wVirtualKeyCode)
				szData[1] = k.uChar.UnicodeChar;
			LastDeadCharVK = 0;
			LastDeadCharVK = k.wVirtualKeyCode;
		return true;

	wchar_t szSubst[16] = L"";

	static UINT F1Codes[24] = {
		11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24,
		25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44, 45
	static wchar_t F1F4Codes[] = {L'P', L'Q', L'R', L'S'};

	static wchar_t ArrowCodes[] = {L'F', L'H', L'D', L'A', L'C', L'B'};

	typedef DWORD XTermCtrls;
	const XTermCtrls
		xtc_Shift = 1,
		xtc_Alt   = 2,
		xtc_Ctrl  = 4,
		xtc_None  = 0;
	struct processor
		XTermCtrls Mods;
		wchar_t szSubst[16];

		void SetKey(CEStr& lsSubst, wchar_t c, wchar_t prefix=L'O')
			if (!Mods)
				//wcscpy_c(szSubst, L"\033O*A");
				msprintf(szSubst, countof(szSubst), L"\033%c%c", prefix, c);
				msprintf(szSubst, countof(szSubst), L"\033[1;%c%c", Mods+L'1', c);

		void SetFKey(CEStr& lsSubst, UINT fn)
			if (!Mods)
				msprintf(szSubst, countof(szSubst), L"\033[%u~", fn);
				msprintf(szSubst, countof(szSubst), L"\033[%u;%c~", fn, Mods+L'1');

		void SetTilde(CEStr& lsSubst, wchar_t c)
			if (!Mods)
				msprintf(szSubst, countof(szSubst), L"\033[%c~", c);
				msprintf(szSubst, countof(szSubst), L"\033[%c;%c~", c, Mods+L'1');
	} Processor = {xtc_None};

	if (k.dwControlKeyState & (SHIFT_PRESSED))
		Processor.Mods |= xtc_Shift;
	if (k.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED|RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED))
		Processor.Mods |= xtc_Alt;
		Processor.Mods |= xtc_Ctrl;

	switch (k.wVirtualKeyCode)
	case VK_END:  case VK_HOME:  case VK_LEFT:
	case VK_UP:   case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN:
		Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, ArrowCodes[(k.wVirtualKeyCode-VK_END)], AppCursorKeys ? L'O' : L'[');
		return true;

	case VK_F1: case VK_F2: case VK_F3: case VK_F4:
		Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, F1F4Codes[(k.wVirtualKeyCode-VK_F1)]);
		return true;
	case VK_F5: case VK_F6: case VK_F7: case VK_F8:
	case VK_F9: case VK_F10: case VK_F11: case VK_F12: case VK_F13: case VK_F14: case VK_F15: case VK_F16:
	case VK_F17: case VK_F18: case VK_F19: case VK_F20: case VK_F21: case VK_F22: case VK_F23: case VK_F24:
		// "\033[11;*~" .. L"\033[15;*~", and so on: F1Codes[]
		Processor.SetFKey(lsSubst, F1Codes[(k.wVirtualKeyCode-VK_F1)]);
		return true;

	case VK_INSERT:
		Processor.SetTilde(lsSubst, L'2');
		return true;
	case VK_PRIOR:
		Processor.SetTilde(lsSubst, L'5');
		return true;
	case VK_NEXT:
		Processor.SetTilde(lsSubst, L'6');
		return true;
	case VK_DELETE:
		Processor.SetTilde(lsSubst, L'3');
		return true;
	case VK_BACK:
		if ((Processor.Mods & xtc_Alt)) szSubst[0] = 0x1B;
		szSubst[(Processor.Mods == xtc_Alt) ? 1 : 0] = ((Processor.Mods & (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt)) == (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt)) ? 0x9F
			: (Processor.Mods & xtc_Ctrl) ? X_CTRL('_')/*0x1F*/ : X_CDEL/*0x7F*/;
		szSubst[(Processor.Mods == xtc_Alt) ? 2 : 1] = 0;
		return true;

	case VK_TAB:
			wcscpy_c(szSubst, (k.dwControlKeyState & SHIFT_PRESSED) ? L"\033[Z" : L"\t");
		return true;

	/* NumPad with NumLock ON */
	case VK_NUMPAD0:
	case VK_NUMPAD1:
	case VK_NUMPAD2:
	case VK_NUMPAD3:
	case VK_NUMPAD4:
	case VK_NUMPAD5:
	case VK_NUMPAD6:
	case VK_NUMPAD7:
	case VK_NUMPAD8:
	case VK_NUMPAD9:
	case VK_DECIMAL: // VK_OEM_PERIOD}, // Actually, this may be comma
	case VK_DIVIDE:
	case VK_ADD:
		if (k.uChar.UnicodeChar)
			// Just a digits '0'..'9' and symbols +-/*.
			szSubst[0] = k.uChar.UnicodeChar; szSubst[1] = 0;
		return true;

	// Alt+Char
	if ((Processor.Mods & xtc_Alt) && k.uChar.UnicodeChar
		// connector/gh#4: AltGr+Char
		// or just a Alt+Char
			|| !(Processor.Mods & xtc_Ctrl))
		szSubst[0] = L'\033'; szSubst[1] = k.uChar.UnicodeChar; szSubst[2] = 0;
		return true;

	// Ctrl+Char: A-->1, ..., J-->10, ...
	if (Processor.Mods & (xtc_Alt | xtc_Ctrl))
		wchar_t key_char = k.uChar.UnicodeChar;
		if (!key_char)
			switch (k.wVirtualKeyCode)
			case VK_OEM_2:
				key_char = L'?'; break; // Ctrl+/ -> \x1F
			case VK_OEM_3:
				key_char = L'~'; break;
			case VK_OEM_4:
				key_char = L'['; break;
			case VK_OEM_5:
				key_char = L'\\'; break;
			case VK_OEM_6:
				key_char = L']'; break;
			case VK_OEM_COMMA:
				key_char = L','; break;
			case VK_OEM_PERIOD:
				key_char = L'.'; break;
			case VK_OEM_MINUS:
				key_char = L'-'; break;
			case VK_OEM_PLUS:
				key_char = L'='; break;
				if (k.wVirtualKeyCode >= L'0' && k.wVirtualKeyCode <= L'9')
					key_char = k.wVirtualKeyCode;
				else if (k.wVirtualKeyCode >= L'A' && k.wVirtualKeyCode <= L'Z')
					key_char = k.wVirtualKeyCode;

		if (key_char)
			szSubst[0] = szSubst[1] = szSubst[2] = szSubst[3] = 0;
			if ((Processor.Mods == xtc_Ctrl) && (key_char == L'2' || key_char == L' '))
				// Must send '\x00' but it's not a valid ASCIIZ string, have to be processed in connector
				return false;
			else if (key_char >= L'A' && key_char <= L'Z')
				if (Processor.Mods == xtc_Ctrl)
					// In vt220: If XOFF support is enabled, then CTRL-S is a "hold screen" local function and CTRL-Q is an "unhold screen" local function.
					szSubst[0] = (wchar_t)(1 + (key_char - L'A'));
				else if ((Processor.Mods == (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt))
					|| (Processor.Mods == (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt|xtc_Shift)))
					szSubst[0] = 0x1B;
					szSubst[1] = (wchar_t)(1 + (key_char - L'A'));
				// doesn't work, "showkey -a" receives "<x1B><xC3><x82><x01>"
				//else if (Processor.Mods == (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt|xtc_Shift))
				//	szSubst[0] = 0x1B; szSubst[1] = 0xC2;
				//	szSubst[2] = (wchar_t)(1 + (key_char - L'A'));
			else if ((Processor.Mods == xtc_Ctrl) && (key_char == L'1' || key_char == L'9' || key_char == L'0'))
				// Strangely Ctrl+1, Ctrl+9, Ctrl+0 generate only 1, 9 and 0.
				szSubst[0] = key_char;
			else if ((Processor.Mods == xtc_Ctrl) && (key_char >= L'3' && key_char <= L'7'))
				szSubst[0] = (wchar_t)(0x1B + (key_char - L'3'));
			else switch (key_char)
			case L',':
				szSubst[0] = 0x2C; break;
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'l'); break;
			case L'.':
				szSubst[0] = 0x2E; break;
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'n'); break;
			//case L'-':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'm'); break;
			//case L'0':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'p'); break;
			//case L'1':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'q'); break;
			// case L'2': // processed above
			//case L'3':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L's'); break;
			//case L'4':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L't'); break;
			//case L'5':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'u'); break;
			//case L'6':
			case L'~':
				szSubst[0] = 0x1E;
			//case L'7':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'w'); break;
			case L'8':
				szSubst[0] = 0x1B;
				if ((Processor.Mods == (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt)) || (Processor.Mods == (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt|xtc_Shift)))
					szSubst[1] = 0x7F;
					szSubst[0] = 0x7F;
				//Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'x'); break;
			//case L'9':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'y'); break;
			//case L'=':
			//	Processor.SetKey(lsSubst, L'X'); break;
			case L'[':
			case L'\\':
			case L']':
				wchar_t c = (key_char == L'[') ? 0x1B : (key_char == L'\\') ? 0x1C : 0x1D;
				szSubst[0] = 0x1B;
				if (Processor.Mods == xtc_Alt)
					szSubst[1] = 0x40 + c;
				else if ((Processor.Mods == (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt)) || (Processor.Mods == (xtc_Ctrl|xtc_Alt|xtc_Shift)))
					szSubst[1] = c;
					szSubst[0] = c;
			case L'?':
				if (!(Processor.Mods & xtc_Alt))
					szSubst[0] = (Processor.Mods & xtc_Shift) ? 0x7F : 0x1F;
					szSubst[0] = 0x1B; szSubst[1] = (Processor.Mods & xtc_Shift) ? 0x3F : 0x2F;
			if (szSubst[0])
				return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 10
bool TermX::GetSubstitute(const MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD& m, TermMouseMode MouseMode, CEStr& lsSubst)

	if (!MouseMode)
		return false;

	wchar_t szSubst[16] = L"";

	// Deprecated. Mouse events mimic xterm behavior now.
	#if 0
	if ((m.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_WHEELED)
		&& (MouseMode & tmm_VIM))
		// If the high word of the dwButtonState member contains
		// a positive value, the wheel was rotated forward, away from the user.
		// Otherwise, the wheel was rotated backward, toward the user.
		short dir = (short)HIWORD(m.dwButtonState);

		// Ctrl/Alt/Shift

		if (mods == 0)
			if (dir <= 0)
				wcscpy_c(szSubst, L"\033[62~"); // <MouseDown>
				wcscpy_c(szSubst, L"\033[63~"); // <MouseUp>
		else if (mods == SHIFT_PRESSED)
			if (dir <= 0)
				wcscpy_c(szSubst, L"\033[64~"); // <S-MouseDown>
				wcscpy_c(szSubst, L"\033[65~"); // <S-MouseUp>
			return false;
		return true;

	if ((m.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_WHEELED)
		&& (MouseMode & tmm_SCROLL))
		short dir = (short)HIWORD(m.dwButtonState);
		UINT nCount = 1;
		if (mods == 0)
			k.wVirtualKeyCode = (dir > 0) ? VK_UP : VK_DOWN;
			nCount = gpConEmu->mouse.GetWheelScrollLines();
		else if (mods == SHIFT_PRESSED)
			k.wVirtualKeyCode = (dir > 0) ? VK_PRIOR : VK_NEXT;
			return false;
		CEStr lsPart;
		if (!GetSubstitute(k, lsPart) || lsPart.IsEmpty())
			return false;
		if (nCount > 1)
			INT_PTR l = lsPart.GetLen();
			wchar_t* ptr = lsSubst.GetBuffer(l*nCount);
			for (UINT i = 1; i <= nCount; ++i, ptr += l)
				wcscpy_s(ptr, l+1, lsPart);
		return true;
	if (!(MouseMode & ~(tmm_VIM|tmm_SCROLL)))
		return false;

	BYTE NewBtns = (m.dwButtonState & 0x1F);
	if ((NewBtns != MouseButtons)
		|| ((m.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_WHEELED) && HIWORD(m.dwButtonState))
		|| ((LastMousePos != m.dwMousePosition)
			&& ((MouseMode & tmm_ANY)
				|| ((MouseMode & tmm_BTN) && NewBtns)))
		// #XTERM_MOUSE Unfortunately, szSubst is too short to pass "missed" coordinates
		// Like we do for Far events, MouseMove with RBtn pressed in tmm_ANY|tmm_BTN
		// modes would send all intermediate coordinates between two events

		BYTE code; bool released = false;
			code = 0; // MB1 pressed
		else if (NewBtns & FROM_LEFT_2ND_BUTTON_PRESSED)
			code = 1; // MB2 pressed
			code = 2; // MB3 pressed
		else if (NewBtns & FROM_LEFT_3RD_BUTTON_PRESSED)
			code = 64; // MB4 pressed
		else if (NewBtns & FROM_LEFT_4TH_BUTTON_PRESSED)
			code = 64 + 1; // MB5 pressed
		else if (m.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_WHEELED)
			// #XTERM_MOUSE Post multiple events if dir contains multiple notches
			short dir = (short)HIWORD(m.dwButtonState);
			if (dir > 0)
				code = 64; // MB4
			else if (dir < 0)
				code = 64 + 1; // MB5
			released = true;
			code = 3;

		if (m.dwControlKeyState & SHIFT_PRESSED)
			code |= 4;
		if (m.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED|RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED))
			code |= 8;
			code |= 16;

		if ((m.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_MOVED)
			&& (MouseMode & (tmm_BTN|tmm_ANY)))
			code |= 32;

		// (1,1) is upper left character position
		SHORT coord[] = {std::max<SHORT>(0, m.dwMousePosition.X) + 1,
			std::max<SHORT>(0, m.dwMousePosition.Y) + 1};

		if (MouseMode & tmm_XTERM)
			msprintf(szSubst, countof(szSubst), L"\033[<%u;%u;%u%c",
				code, coord[0], coord[1], released ? 'm' : 'M');
		else if (MouseMode & tmm_URXVT)
			msprintf(szSubst, countof(szSubst), L"\033[%u;%u;%uM", code + 0x20, coord[0], coord[1]);
			wcscpy_c(szSubst, L"\033[M");
			size_t i = wcslen(szSubst);
			szSubst[i++] = code + 32;

			// And coords. Must be in "screen" coordinate space
			for (size_t s = 0; s < 2; ++s)
				// (1,1) is upper left character position
				if (!(MouseMode & tmm_UTF8))
					szSubst[i++] = std::min<unsigned>(255, coord[s] + 32);
				else if (coord[s] < 0x80)
					szSubst[i++] = coord[s];
				else if (coord[s] < 0x800)
					// xterm #262: positions from 96 to 2015 are encoded as a two-byte UTF-8 sequence
					szSubst[i++] = 0xC0 + (coord[s] >> 6);
					szSubst[i++] = 0x80 + (coord[s] & 0x3F);
					// #XTERM_MOUSE Xterm reports out-of-range positions as a NUL byte.
					szSubst[i++] = 1; // It's impossible to post NUL byte ATM
Esempio n. 11
INT_PTR CRecreateDlg::OnInitDialog(HWND hDlg, UINT messg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)



	// Visual
	SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)hClassIcon);
	SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)hClassIconSm);

	// Set password style (avoid "bars" on some OS)
	SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, tRunAsPassword, WM_SETFONT, (LPARAM)(HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), 0);

	// Add menu items
	HMENU hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(hDlg, FALSE);
	InsertMenu(hSysMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
				ID_RESETCMDHISTORY, L"Clear history...");
				| (gpSet->isSaveCmdHistory ? MF_CHECKED : 0),
				ID_STORECMDHISTORY, L"Store history");

	//#ifdef _DEBUG
	//SetWindowPos(ghOpWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0,0,0,0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE);

	RConStartArgsEx* pArgs = mp_Args;

	// Fill command and task drop down
	SendMessage(hDlg, UM_FILL_CMDLIST, TRUE, 0);

	// Set text in command and folder fields
	LPCWSTR pszSetCmd = mpsz_DefCmd ? mpsz_DefCmd : pArgs->pszSpecialCmd ? pArgs->pszSpecialCmd : L"";
	CEStr lsTempCmd, lsAppend;
	if (!mpsz_DefCmd && pArgs)
		RConStartArgsEx tempArgs;
		tempArgs.RunAsSystem = pArgs->RunAsSystem;
		tempArgs.eSplit = RConStartArgsEx::eSplitNone;
		tempArgs.NewConsole = pArgs->NewConsole;
		lsAppend = tempArgs.CreateCommandLine();
		if (!lsAppend.IsEmpty())
			lsTempCmd = lstrmerge(pszSetCmd, ((lsAppend[0] == L' ') ? NULL : L" "), lsAppend);
			pszSetCmd = lsTempCmd.ms_Val;
	SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_RESTART_CMD, pszSetCmd);
	// TODO: gh-959: enable autocorrection of cbRunAsAdmin by IDC_RESTART_CMD task contents (first line)

	// "%CD%" was specified as startup dir? In Task parameters for example...
	CEStr lsStartDir;
	if (pArgs->pszStartupDir
		&& (lstrcmpi(pArgs->pszStartupDir, L"%CD%") == 0))
	// Suggest default ConEmu working directory otherwise (unless it's a cra_RecreateTab)
	if (lsStartDir.IsEmpty())

	// Current directory, startup directory, ConEmu startup directory, and may be startup directory history in the future
	AddDirectoryList(mpsz_DefDir ? mpsz_DefDir : lsStartDir.ms_Val);
	LPCWSTR pszShowDir;
	if ((pArgs->aRecreate == cra_RecreateTab) && !ms_RConCurDir.IsEmpty())
		pszShowDir = ms_RConCurDir;
		pszShowDir = mpsz_DefDir ? mpsz_DefDir : lsStartDir.ms_Val;
	SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_STARTUP_DIR, pszShowDir);

	// Split controls
	if (pArgs->aRecreate == cra_RecreateTab)
		// Hide Split's
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, gbRecreateSplit), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, rbRecreateSplitNone), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, rbRecreateSplit2Right), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, rbRecreateSplit2Bottom), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, stRecreateSplit), SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, tRecreateSplit), SW_HIDE);
		// Fill splits
		SetDlgItemInt(hDlg, tRecreateSplit, (1000-pArgs->nSplitValue)/10, FALSE);
		CheckRadioButton(hDlg, rbRecreateSplitNone, rbRecreateSplit2Bottom, rbRecreateSplitNone+pArgs->eSplit);
		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, tRecreateSplit), (pArgs->eSplit != pArgs->eSplitNone));
		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, stRecreateSplit), (pArgs->eSplit != pArgs->eSplitNone));

	// Спрятать флажок "New window"
	bool bRunInNewWindow_Hidden = (pArgs->aRecreate == cra_EditTab || pArgs->aRecreate == cra_RecreateTab);
	ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunInNewWindow), bRunInNewWindow_Hidden ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOWNORMAL);

	const wchar_t *pszUser = pArgs->pszUserName;
	const wchar_t *pszDomain = pArgs->pszDomain;
	bool bResticted = (pArgs->RunAsRestricted == crb_On);
	int nChecked = rbCurrentUser;
	int nNetOnly = cbRunAsNetOnly;
	DWORD nUserNameLen = countof(ms_CurUser);

	if (!GetUserName(ms_CurUser, &nUserNameLen))
		ms_CurUser[0] = 0;

	wchar_t szRbCaption[MAX_PATH*3];
	lstrcpy(szRbCaption, L"Run as current &user: "******"UPN format" остается в pszUser
					lstrcpyn(szOtherUser, pszUser, MAX_PATH);
					wcscat_c(szOtherUser, L"@");
					lstrcpyn(szOtherUser+_tcslen(szOtherUser), pszDomain, MAX_PATH);
					// "Старая" нотация domain\user
					lstrcpyn(szOtherUser, pszDomain, MAX_PATH);
					wcscat_c(szOtherUser, L"\\");
					lstrcpyn(szOtherUser+_tcslen(szOtherUser), pszUser, MAX_PATH);
				lstrcpyn(szOtherUser, pszUser, countof(szOtherUser));

			SetDlgItemText(hDlg, tRunAsPassword, pArgs->szUserPassword);
			EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunAsNetOnly), TRUE);

	SetDlgItemText(hDlg, tRunAsUser, (nChecked == rbAnotherUser) ? szOtherUser : L"");
	CheckRadioButton(hDlg, rbCurrentUser, rbAnotherUser, nChecked);
	RecreateDlgProc(hDlg, UM_USER_CONTROLS, 0, 0);

	if (gOSVer.dwMajorVersion < 6)
		// В XP и ниже это просто RunAs - с возможностью ввода имени пользователя и пароля
		//apiShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunAsAdmin), SW_HIDE);
		SetDlgItemTextA(hDlg, cbRunAsAdmin, "&Run as..."); //GCC hack. иначе не собирается
		// И уменьшить длину
		RECT rcBox; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunAsAdmin), &rcBox);
		SetWindowPos(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunAsAdmin), NULL, 0, 0, (rcBox.right-rcBox.left)/2,,
	else if (gpConEmu->mb_IsUacAdmin || (pArgs && (pArgs->RunAsAdministrator == crb_On)))
		CheckDlgButton(hDlg, cbRunAsAdmin, BST_CHECKED);

		if (gpConEmu->mb_IsUacAdmin)  // Только в Vista+ если GUI уже запущен под админом
			EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunAsAdmin), FALSE);
		else //if (gOSVer.dwMajorVersion < 6)
			RecreateDlgProc(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, cbRunAsAdmin, 0);

	SetClassLongPtr(hDlg, GCLP_HICON, (LONG_PTR)hClassIcon);

	if (pArgs->aRecreate == cra_RecreateTab)
		SetWindowText(hDlg, CLngRc::getRsrc(lng_DlgRestartConsole/*"Restart console"*/));
		lbRc = TRUE;
		SetWindowText(hDlg, CLngRc::getRsrc(lng_DlgCreateNewConsole/*"Create new console"*/));

		// If we disallowed to create "Multiple consoles in one window"
		// - Check & Disable "New window" checkbox
		bool bForceNewWindow = (!gpSetCls->IsMulti() && gpConEmu->isVConExists(0));
		CheckDlgButton(hDlg, cbRunInNewWindow, (pArgs->aRecreate == cra_CreateWindow || bForceNewWindow) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
		EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunInNewWindow), !bForceNewWindow);

		POINT pt = {0,0};
		MapWindowPoints(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TERMINATE), hDlg, &pt, 1);
		DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_TERMINATE));
		SetWindowPos(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_START), NULL, pt.x, pt.y, 0,0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);
		SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_START, (pArgs->aRecreate == cra_EditTab) ? L"&Save" : L"&Start");
		DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_WARNING));

	// Align "New window" and "Run as administrator" checkboxes
		RECT rcBox = {}; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunAsAdmin), &rcBox);
		MapWindowPoints(NULL, hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rcBox, 2);
		const int chk_height = (rcBox.bottom -;

		POINT pt = {rcBox.left};
		if (!bRunInNewWindow_Hidden)
			RECT rcIcoBox = {}; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_RESTART_ICON), &rcIcoBox);
			MapWindowPoints(NULL, hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rcIcoBox, 2);
			const int ico_height = (rcIcoBox.bottom -;
			const int h2 = (chk_height * 5) / 2;
			pt.y = + (ico_height - h2)/2;
			SetWindowPos(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunInNewWindow), NULL, pt.x, pt.y, 0,0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);
			pt.y += (h2 - chk_height);
			RECT rcBtnBox = {}; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_START), &rcBtnBox);
			MapWindowPoints(NULL, hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rcBtnBox, 2);
			const int btn_height = (rcBtnBox.bottom -;
			pt.y = + (btn_height - chk_height)/2;
		SetWindowPos(GetDlgItem(hDlg, cbRunAsAdmin), NULL, pt.x, pt.y, 0,0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);

	// Dpi aware processing at the end of sequence
	// because we done some manual control reposition
	if (mp_DpiAware)
		mp_DpiAware->Attach(hDlg, ghWnd, CDynDialog::GetDlgClass(hDlg));

	// Ensure, it will be "on screen"
	RECT rect; GetWindowRect(hDlg, &rect);
	RECT rcCenter = CenterInParent(rect, mh_Parent);
	MoveWindow(hDlg, rcCenter.left,,
			    rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -, false);

	// Была отключена обработка CConEmuMain::OnFocus (лишние телодвижения)
	PostMessage(hDlg, (WM_APP+1), 0,0);

	// Default focus control
	if (pArgs->aRecreate == cra_RecreateTab)
		SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_START)); // Win+~ (Recreate tab), Focus on "Restart" button"
	else if ((pArgs->pszUserName && *pArgs->pszUserName) && !*pArgs->szUserPassword)
		SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, tRunAsPassword)); // We need password, all other fields are ready
		SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_RESTART_CMD)); // Set focus in command-line field

	return lbRc;