Esempio n. 1
void CEffectCreator::InitPainterParameters (CCreatePainterCtx &Ctx, IEffectPainter *pPainter)

//	InitPainterParameters
//	Initialize painter parameters

	SEventHandlerDesc Event;
	if (FindEventHandlerEffectType(evtGetParameters, &Event))
		CCodeChainCtx CCCtx;


		ICCItem *pResult = CCCtx.Run(Event);
		if (pResult->IsError())
			::kernelDebugLogMessage(CONSTLIT("EffectType %x GetParameters: %s"), GetUNID(), (LPSTR)pResult->GetStringValue());
		else if (pResult->IsSymbolTable())
			int i;
			CCSymbolTable *pTable = (CCSymbolTable *)pResult;

			for (i = 0; i < pTable->GetCount(); i++)
				CString sParam = pTable->GetKey(i);
				ICCItem *pValue = pTable->GetElement(i);
				CEffectParamDesc Value;

				if (pValue->IsNil())
				else if (pValue->IsInteger())
				else if (pValue->IsIdentifier())
					CString sValue = pValue->GetStringValue();
					char *pPos = sValue.GetASCIIZPointer();

					//	If this is a color, parse it

					if (*pPos == '#')

					//	Otherwise, a string


				pPainter->SetParam(Ctx, sParam, Value);
			::kernelDebugLogMessage(CONSTLIT("EffectType %x GetParameters: Expected struct result."), GetUNID());

Esempio n. 2
void COrbEffectPainter::SetParam (CCreatePainterCtx &Ctx, const CString &sParam, const CEffectParamDesc &Value)

//	SetParam
//	Sets parameters

	if (strEquals(sParam, ANIMATE_ATTRIB))
		m_iAnimation = (EAnimationTypes)Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, -1, animateNone);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, INTENSITY_ATTRIB))
		m_iIntensity = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, 100, 50);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, LIFETIME_ATTRIB))
		m_iLifetime = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, -1, 0);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, PRIMARY_COLOR_ATTRIB))
		m_wPrimaryColor = Value.EvalColor(Ctx);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, RADIUS_ATTRIB))
		m_iRadius = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 1, -1, (int)(STD_SECONDS_PER_UPDATE * LIGHT_SECOND / KLICKS_PER_PIXEL));

	else if (strEquals(sParam, SECONDARY_COLOR_ATTRIB))
		m_wSecondaryColor = Value.EvalColor(Ctx);
	else if (strEquals(sParam, STYLE_ATTRIB))
		m_iStyle = (EOrbStyles)Value.EvalIdentifier(Ctx, STYLE_TABLE, styleMax, styleSmooth);
Esempio n. 3
void IEffectPainter::OnWriteToStream (IWriteStream *pStream)

//	OnWriteToStream
//	Writes list of parameters from the painter.

	int i;

	TArray<CString> Params;
	if (!m_bSingleton && GetParamList(&Params))
		//	Write the count of parameters

		DWORD dwSave = Params.GetCount();
		pStream->Write((char *)&dwSave, sizeof(DWORD));

		//	Write each parameter (name and value)

		for (i = 0; i < Params.GetCount(); i++)
			//	Write the parameter value


			//	Write the value

			CEffectParamDesc Value;
			GetParam(Params[i], &Value);

		DWORD dwSave = 0;
		pStream->Write((char *)&dwSave, sizeof(DWORD));
Esempio n. 4
void CRayEffectPainter::SetParam (CCreatePainterCtx &Ctx, const CString &sParam, const CEffectParamDesc &Value)

//	SetParam
//	Sets parameters

	if (strEquals(sParam, ANIMATE_OPACITY_ATTRIB))
		m_iOpacityAnimation = (EAnimationTypes)Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, -1, animateNone);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, INTENSITY_ATTRIB))
		m_iIntensity = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, 100, 50);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, LENGTH_ATTRIB))
		m_iLength = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 1, -1, (int)(STD_SECONDS_PER_UPDATE * LIGHT_SECOND / KLICKS_PER_PIXEL));

	else if (strEquals(sParam, LIFETIME_ATTRIB))
		m_iLifetime = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, -1, 0);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, PRIMARY_COLOR_ATTRIB))
		m_wPrimaryColor = Value.EvalColor(Ctx);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, SECONDARY_COLOR_ATTRIB))
		m_wSecondaryColor = Value.EvalColor(Ctx);
	else if (strEquals(sParam, SHAPE_ATTRIB))
		m_iShape = (ERayShapes)Value.EvalIdentifier(Ctx, SHAPE_TABLE, shapeMax, shapeStraight);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, STYLE_ATTRIB))
		m_iStyle = (ERayStyles)Value.EvalIdentifier(Ctx, STYLE_TABLE, styleMax, styleGlow);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, WIDTH_ATTRIB))
		m_iWidth = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 1, -1, 10);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, XFORM_ROTATION_ATTRIB))
		m_iXformRotation = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, -359, 359, 0);
Esempio n. 5
void IEffectPainter::OnReadFromStream (SLoadCtx &Ctx)

//	OnReadFromStream
//	This is the default for reading painter parameters. We ask the painter for
//	a list of its parameters and read those.

	int i;

	//	Read parameters

	if (Ctx.dwVersion >= 90)
		//	Read the number of parameters

		DWORD dwCount;
		Ctx.pStream->Read((char *)&dwCount, sizeof(DWORD));

		for (i = 0; i < (int)dwCount; i++)
			//	Read the parameter name

			CString sParam;

			//	Read the value

			CEffectParamDesc Value;

			//	Set it

			SetParam(CCreatePainterCtx(), sParam, Value);
Esempio n. 6
void CParticleJetEffectPainter::SetParam (CCreatePainterCtx &Ctx, const CString &sParam, const CEffectParamDesc &Value)

//	SetParam
//	Sets parameters

	if (strEquals(sParam, CUR_DIRECTION_ATTRIB))
		m_iCurDirection = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, -1, -1);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, EMIT_RATE_ATTRIB))
		m_EmitRate = Value.EvalDiceRange(Ctx, 10);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, EMIT_SPEED_ATTRIB))
		m_EmitSpeed = Value.EvalDiceRange(Ctx, 50);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, FIXED_POS_ATTRIB))
		m_bUseObjectMotion = Value.EvalBool(Ctx);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, IS_TRACKING_OBJECT_ATTRIB))
		m_bTrackingObject = Value.EvalBool(Ctx);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, PARTICLE_LIFETIME_ATTRIB))
		m_ParticleLifetime = Value.EvalDiceRange(Ctx, 10);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, LAST_DIRECTION_ATTRIB))
		m_iLastDirection = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, -1, -1);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, LAST_EMIT_POS_ATTRIB))
		m_vLastEmitPos = Value.EvalVector(Ctx);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, LIFETIME_ATTRIB))
		m_iLifetime = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, -1, 0);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, SPREAD_ANGLE_ATTRIB))
		m_SpreadAngle = Value.EvalDiceRange(Ctx, 5);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, TANGENT_SPEED_ATTRIB))
		m_TangentSpeed = Value.EvalDiceRange(Ctx, 0);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, USE_OBJECT_CENTER_ATTRIB))
		m_bUseObjectCenter = Value.EvalBool(Ctx);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, XFORM_ROTATION_ATTRIB))
		m_iXformRotation = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, -359, 359, 0);

	else if (strEquals(sParam, XFORM_TIME_ATTRIB))
		m_rXformTime = Value.EvalIntegerBounded(Ctx, 0, -1, 100) / 100.0;