Esempio n. 1
void CEntitySA::SetCollidableWith( CEntity *entity, bool enabled )
    CEntitySA *intEnt = dynamic_cast <CEntitySA*> ( entity );

    if ( intEnt == this )

    // quit if no change
    if ( MapContains( m_disabledColl, intEnt->GetInterface() ) != enabled )

    if ( enabled )
        MapRemove( m_disabledColl, intEnt->GetInterface() );

        if ( m_disabledColl.empty() )
            MapRemove( pGame->m_disabledColl, this );
        MapSet( m_disabledColl, intEnt->GetInterface(), true );
        MapSet( pGame->m_disabledColl, this, true );

    // Set in the other entity as well
    intEnt->SetCollidableWith( this, enabled );
Esempio n. 2
VOID CCameraSA::TakeControlAttachToEntity(CEntity * TargetEntity, CEntity * AttachEntity, 
										  CVector * vecOffset, CVector * vecLookAt, 
										  float fTilt, int CamSwitchStyle)
	DEBUG_TRACE("VOID CCameraSA::TakeControlAttachToEntity(CEntity * TargetEntity, CEntity * AttachEntity, CVector * vecOffset, CVector * vecLookAt, float fTilt, int CamSwitchStyle)");
	char szDebug[255] = {'\0'};
	CEntitySAInterface * targetEntityInterface = 0;
	CEntitySAInterface * attachEntityInterface = 0;

        CEntitySA* pTargetEntitySA = dynamic_cast < CEntitySA* > ( TargetEntity );
		if ( pTargetEntitySA )
			targetEntityInterface = pTargetEntitySA->GetInterface ();

        CEntitySA* pAttachEntitySA = dynamic_cast < CEntitySA* > ( AttachEntity );
		if ( pAttachEntitySA )
			attachEntityInterface = pAttachEntitySA->GetInterface ();

	CCameraSAInterface * cameraInterface = this->GetInterface();
	// __thiscall

	//	void 	TakeControlAttachToEntity(CEntity* NewTarget, CEntity* AttachEntity, 
	//  CVector& vecOffset, CVector& vecLookAt, float fTilt, short CamSwitchStyle, 
	//  int WhoIsTakingControl=SCRIPT_CAM_CONTROL);
	DWORD CCamera__TakeControlAttachToEntity = FUNC_TakeControlAttachToEntity;

		mov ecx, cameraInterface
		push 1
		push CamSwitchStyle
		push fTilt
		push vecLookAt
		push vecOffset
		push attachEntityInterface
		push targetEntityInterface
		call CCamera__TakeControlAttachToEntity
Esempio n. 3
void CPedSA::AttachPedToBike(CEntity * entity, CVector * vector, unsigned short sUnk, FLOAT fUnk, FLOAT fUnk2, eWeaponType weaponType)
    DEBUG_TRACE("void CPedSA::AttachPedToBike(CEntity * entity, CVector * vector, unsigned short sUnk, FLOAT fUnk, FLOAT fUnk2, eWeaponType weaponType)");

    CEntitySA* pEntitySA = dynamic_cast < CEntitySA* > ( entity );
    if ( !pEntitySA ) return;

    DWORD dwEntityInterface = (DWORD)pEntitySA->GetInterface();
    DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_AttachPedToBike;
    FLOAT fX = vector->fX;
    FLOAT fY = vector->fY;
    FLOAT fZ = vector->fZ;
    DWORD dwThis = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
        push    weaponType
        push    fUnk2
        push    fUnk
        push    sUnk
        push    fZ
        push    fY
        push    fX
        mov     ecx, dwThis
        push    dwEntityInterface
        call    dwFunc
Esempio n. 4
void CPhysicalSA::SetDamageEntity( CEntity *entity )
    CEntitySA* pEntitySA = dynamic_cast <CEntitySA*> ( entity );

    if ( !pEntitySA )

    GetInterface()->m_damageEntity = pEntitySA->GetInterface();
Esempio n. 5
void CWorldSA::IgnoreEntity(CEntity * pEntity)
    DEBUG_TRACE("VOID CWorldSA::IgnoreEntity(CEntity * entity)");

    CEntitySA* pEntitySA = dynamic_cast < CEntitySA* > ( pEntity );

    if ( pEntitySA )
        MemPutFast < DWORD > ( VAR_IgnoredEntity, (DWORD) pEntitySA->GetInterface () );
        MemPutFast < DWORD > ( VAR_IgnoredEntity, 0 );
Esempio n. 6
void CWorldSA::Add ( CEntity * pEntity, eDebugCaller CallerId )
    DEBUG_TRACE("VOID CWorldSA::Add ( CEntity * pEntity )");

    CEntitySA* pEntitySA = dynamic_cast < CEntitySA* > ( pEntity );

    if ( pEntitySA )
        CEntitySAInterface * pInterface = pEntitySA->GetInterface();
        if ( (DWORD)pInterface->vtbl == VTBL_CPlaceable )
            SString strMessage ( "Caller: %i ", CallerId );
            LogEvent ( 506, "CWorld::Add ( CEntity * ) Crash", "", strMessage );
        DWORD dwEntity = (DWORD) pEntitySA->GetInterface();
        DWORD dwFunction = FUNC_Add;
            push    dwEntity
            call    dwFunction
            add     esp, 4
Esempio n. 7
void CHeliSA::PickupEntityWithWinch( CEntity* pEntity )
    CEntitySA *pEntitySA = dynamic_cast <CEntitySA*> ( pEntity );

    if ( !pEntitySA )

    DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_CVehicle_PickUpEntityWithWinch;
    DWORD dwThis = (DWORD)GetInterface();
    DWORD dwEntityInterface = (DWORD)pEntitySA->GetInterface();

        push    dwEntityInterface
        mov     ecx, dwThis
        call    dwFunc
Esempio n. 8
 * \todo Find out what the last two paramters are
VOID CCameraSA::TakeControl(CEntity * entity, eCamMode CamMode, int CamSwitchStyle)
	DEBUG_TRACE("VOID CCameraSA::TakeControl(CEntity * entity, eCamMode CamMode, int CamSwitchStyle)");

    CEntitySA* pEntitySA = dynamic_cast < CEntitySA* > ( entity );
	if ( !pEntitySA ) return;

	CEntitySAInterface * entityInterface = pEntitySA->GetInterface();
	CCameraSAInterface * cameraInterface = this->GetInterface();
	// __thiscall

	DWORD CCamera__TakeControl = FUNC_TakeControl;
		mov ecx, cameraInterface
		push 1
		push CamSwitchStyle
		push CamMode
		push entityInterface
		call CCamera__TakeControl
Esempio n. 9
bool CPedSA::CanSeeEntity(CEntity * entity, FLOAT fDistance)
    DEBUG_TRACE("bool CPedSA::CanSeeEntity(CEntity * entity, FLOAT fDistance)");

    DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_CanSeeEntity;
    bool bReturn = false;

    CEntitySA* pEntitySA = dynamic_cast < CEntitySA* > ( entity );
    if ( pEntitySA )
        DWORD dwEntityInterface = (DWORD)pEntitySA->GetInterface();
            push    fDistance
            push    dwEntityInterface
            call    dwFunc
            mov     bReturn, al

    return bReturn;