Esempio n. 1
int CEpgDatabase::Persist(const CEpgInfoTag &tag, bool bSingleUpdate /* = true */)
  int iReturn(-1);

  if (tag.EpgID() <= 0)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - tag '%s' does not have a valid table", __FUNCTION__, tag.Title(true).c_str());
    return iReturn;

  time_t iStartTime, iEndTime, iFirstAired;

  int iBroadcastId = tag.BroadcastId();
  std::string strQuery;
  /* Only store the genre string when needed */
  std::string strGenre = (tag.GenreType() == EPG_GENRE_USE_STRING) ? StringUtils::Join(tag.Genre(), g_advancedSettings.m_videoItemSeparator) : "";

  if (iBroadcastId < 0)
    strQuery = PrepareSQL("REPLACE INTO epgtags (idEpg, iStartTime, "
        "iEndTime, sTitle, sPlotOutline, sPlot, sIconPath, iGenreType, iGenreSubType, sGenre, "
        "iFirstAired, iParentalRating, iStarRating, bNotify, iSeriesId, "
        "iEpisodeId, iEpisodePart, sEpisodeName, iBroadcastUid, sRecordingId) "
        "VALUES (%u, %u, %u, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %i, %i, '%s', %u, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, '%s', %i, '%s');",
        tag.EpgID(), iStartTime, iEndTime,
        tag.Title(true).c_str(), tag.PlotOutline(true).c_str(), tag.Plot(true).c_str(), tag.Icon().c_str(), tag.GenreType(), tag.GenreSubType(), strGenre.c_str(),
        iFirstAired, tag.ParentalRating(), tag.StarRating(), tag.Notify(),
        tag.SeriesNum(), tag.EpisodeNum(), tag.EpisodePart(), tag.EpisodeName().c_str(),
        tag.UniqueBroadcastID(), tag.RecordingId().c_str());
    strQuery = PrepareSQL("REPLACE INTO epgtags (idEpg, iStartTime, "
        "iEndTime, sTitle, sPlotOutline, sPlot, sIconPath, iGenreType, iGenreSubType, sGenre, "
        "iFirstAired, iParentalRating, iStarRating, bNotify, iSeriesId, "
        "iEpisodeId, iEpisodePart, sEpisodeName, iBroadcastUid, idBroadcast, sRecordingId) "
        "VALUES (%u, %u, %u, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %i, %i, '%s', %u, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, '%s', %i, %i, '%s');",
        tag.EpgID(), iStartTime, iEndTime,
        tag.Title(true).c_str(), tag.PlotOutline(true).c_str(), tag.Plot(true).c_str(), tag.Icon().c_str(), tag.GenreType(), tag.GenreSubType(), strGenre.c_str(),
        iFirstAired, tag.ParentalRating(), tag.StarRating(), tag.Notify(),
        tag.SeriesNum(), tag.EpisodeNum(), tag.EpisodePart(), tag.EpisodeName().c_str(),
        tag.UniqueBroadcastID(), iBroadcastId, tag.RecordingId().c_str());

  if (bSingleUpdate)
    if (ExecuteQuery(strQuery))
      iReturn = (int) m_pDS->lastinsertid();
    iReturn = 0;

  return iReturn;