Esempio n. 1
void CPDF_ReflowedPage::GetDisplayMatrix(CFX_AffineMatrix& matrix, FX_INT32 xPos, FX_INT32 yPos, FX_INT32 xSize, FX_INT32 ySize, FX_INT32 iRotate, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pPageMatrix)
    CFX_AffineMatrix display_matrix;
    if(m_PageHeight == 0) {
        matrix.Set(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0);
    FX_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
    iRotate %= 4;
    switch (iRotate) {
        case 0:
            x0 = xPos;
            y0 = yPos;
            x1 = xPos;
            y1 = yPos + ySize;
            x2 = xPos + xSize;
            y2 = yPos;
        case 3:
            x0 = xPos;
            y0 = ySize + yPos;
            x1 =  xPos + xSize;
            y1 = yPos + ySize;
            x2 = xPos;
            y2 = yPos;
        case 2:
            x0 = xSize + xPos;
            y0 = ySize + yPos;
            x1 = xSize + xPos ;
            y1 = yPos;
            x2 = xPos;
            y2 =  ySize + yPos;
        case 1:
            x0 = xPos + xSize;
            y0 = yPos;
            x1 = xPos;
            y1 = yPos;
            x2 = xPos + xSize;
            y2 = yPos + ySize;
    display_matrix.Set(FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(x2 - x0), m_PageWidth),
                       FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(y2 - y0), m_PageWidth),
                       FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(x1 - x0), m_PageHeight),
                       FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(y1 - y0), m_PageHeight),
                       (FX_FLOAT)(x0), (FX_FLOAT)(y0));
    matrix.Set(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Esempio n. 2
void CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawTextPathWithPattern(
    const CPDF_TextObject* textobj,
    const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device,
    CPDF_Font* pFont,
    FX_FLOAT font_size,
    const CFX_AffineMatrix* pTextMatrix,
    FX_BOOL bFill,
    FX_BOOL bStroke) {
  if (!bStroke) {
    CPDF_PathObject path;
    CPDF_TextObject* pCopy = new CPDF_TextObject;
    path.m_bStroke = FALSE;
    path.m_FillType = FXFILL_WINDING;
    path.m_ClipPath.AppendTexts(&pCopy, 1);
    path.m_ColorState = textobj->m_ColorState;
    path.m_Path.New()->AppendRect(textobj->m_Left, textobj->m_Bottom,
                                  textobj->m_Right, textobj->m_Top);
    path.m_Left = textobj->m_Left;
    path.m_Bottom = textobj->m_Bottom;
    path.m_Right = textobj->m_Right;
    path.m_Top = textobj->m_Top;
    RenderSingleObject(&path, pObj2Device);
  CFX_FontCache* pCache;
  if (pFont->m_pDocument) {
    pCache = pFont->m_pDocument->GetRenderData()->GetFontCache();
  } else {
    pCache = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontCache();
  CFX_FaceCache* pFaceCache = pCache->GetCachedFace(&pFont->m_Font);
  FX_FONTCACHE_DEFINE(pCache, &pFont->m_Font);
  CPDF_CharPosList CharPosList;
  CharPosList.Load(textobj->m_nChars, textobj->m_pCharCodes,
                   textobj->m_pCharPos, pFont, font_size);
  for (FX_DWORD i = 0; i < CharPosList.m_nChars; i++) {
    FXTEXT_CHARPOS& charpos = CharPosList.m_pCharPos[i];
    const CFX_PathData* pPath = pFaceCache->LoadGlyphPath(
        &pFont->m_Font, charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_FontCharWidth);
    if (pPath == NULL) {
    CPDF_PathObject path;
    path.m_GraphState = textobj->m_GraphState;
    path.m_ColorState = textobj->m_ColorState;
    CFX_AffineMatrix matrix;
    if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust)
      matrix.Set(charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1],
                 charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3], 0, 0);
    matrix.Concat(font_size, 0, 0, font_size, charpos.m_OriginX,
    path.m_Path.New()->Append(pPath, &matrix);
    path.m_Matrix = *pTextMatrix;
    path.m_bStroke = bStroke;
    path.m_FillType = bFill ? FXFILL_WINDING : 0;
    ProcessPath(&path, pObj2Device);
Esempio n. 3
CFX_AffineMatrix CPDF_Array::GetMatrix()
    CFX_AffineMatrix matrix;
    if (m_Type != PDFOBJ_ARRAY || m_Objects.GetSize() != 6) {
        return matrix;
    matrix.Set(GetNumber(0), GetNumber(1), GetNumber(2), GetNumber(3), GetNumber(4), GetNumber(5));
    return matrix;
Esempio n. 4
static void CheckRotate(CPDF_Page& page, CFX_FloatRect& page_bbox)
    int total_count = 0, rotated_count[3] = {0, 0, 0};
    FX_POSITION pos = page.GetFirstObjectPosition();
    while (pos) {
        CPDF_PageObject* pObj = page.GetNextObject(pos);
        if (pObj->m_Type != PDFPAGE_TEXT) {
        total_count ++;
        CPDF_TextObject* pText = (CPDF_TextObject*)pObj;
        FX_FLOAT angle = pText->m_TextState.GetBaselineAngle();
        if (angle == 0.0) {
        int degree = (int)(angle * 180 / PI + 0.5);
        if (degree % 90) {
        if (degree < 0) {
            degree += 360;
        int index = degree / 90 % 3 - 1;
        if (index < 0) {
        rotated_count[index] ++;
    if (total_count == 0) {
    CFX_AffineMatrix matrix;
    if (rotated_count[0] > total_count * 2 / 3) {
        matrix.Set(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, page.GetPageHeight());
    } else if (rotated_count[1] > total_count * 2 / 3) {
        matrix.Set(-1, 0, 0, -1, page.GetPageWidth(), page.GetPageHeight());
    } else if (rotated_count[2] > total_count * 2 / 3) {
        matrix.Set(0, 1, -1, 0, page.GetPageWidth(), 0);
    } else {
static void nativeSetTransformAndClip(JNIEnv* env, jclass thiz, jlong documentPtr, jint pageIndex,
        jlong transformPtr, jint clipLeft, jint clipTop, jint clipRight, jint clipBottom) {
    FPDF_DOCUMENT document = reinterpret_cast<FPDF_DOCUMENT>(documentPtr);

    CPDF_Page* page = (CPDF_Page*) FPDF_LoadPage(document, pageIndex);
    if (!page) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException",
                "cannot open page");

    double width = 0;
    double height = 0;

    const int result = FPDF_GetPageSizeByIndex(document, pageIndex, &width, &height);
    if (!result) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException",
                    "cannot get page size");

    CFX_AffineMatrix matrix;

    SkMatrix* skTransform = reinterpret_cast<SkMatrix*>(transformPtr);

    SkScalar transformValues[6];
    if (!skTransform->asAffine(transformValues)) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException",
                "transform matrix has perspective. Only affine matrices are allowed.");

    // PDF's coordinate system origin is left-bottom while in graphics it
    // is the top-left. So, translate the PDF coordinates to ours.
    matrix.Set(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, page->GetPageHeight());

    // Apply the transformation what was created in our coordinates.
    matrix.Concat(transformValues[SkMatrix::kAScaleX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kASkewY],
            transformValues[SkMatrix::kASkewX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kAScaleY],
            transformValues[SkMatrix::kATransX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kATransY]);

    // Translate the result back to PDF coordinates.
    matrix.Concat(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, page->GetPageHeight());

    FS_MATRIX transform = {matrix.a, matrix.b, matrix.c, matrix.d, matrix.e, matrix.f};
    FS_RECTF clip = {(float) clipLeft, (float) clipTop, (float) clipRight, (float) clipBottom};

    FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip(page, &transform, &clip);

CFX_AffineMatrix CPDF_DefaultAppearance::GetTextMatrix()
    CFX_AffineMatrix tm;
    if (m_csDA.IsEmpty()) {
        return tm;
    CPDF_SimpleParser syntax(m_csDA);
    if (syntax.FindTagParam("Tm", 6)) {
        FX_FLOAT f[6];
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i ++) {
            f[i] = FX_atof((CFX_ByteString)syntax.GetWord());
        tm.Set(f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5]);
    return tm;
static void renderPageBitmap(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap, FPDF_PAGE page, int destLeft, int destTop,
        int destRight, int destBottom, SkMatrix* transform, int flags) {
    // Note: this code ignores the currently unused RENDER_NO_NATIVETEXT,
    // and FPDF_ANNOT flags. To add support for that refer to FPDF_RenderPage_Retail
    // in fpdfview.cpp

    CRenderContext* pContext = FX_NEW CRenderContext;

    CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*) page;
    pPage->SetPrivateData((void*) 1, pContext, DropContext);

    CFX_FxgeDevice* fxgeDevice = FX_NEW CFX_FxgeDevice;
    pContext->m_pDevice = fxgeDevice;

    // Reverse the bytes (last argument TRUE) since the Android
    // format is ARGB while the renderer uses BGRA internally.
    fxgeDevice->Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*) bitmap, 0, TRUE);

    CPDF_RenderOptions* renderOptions = pContext->m_pOptions;

    if (!renderOptions) {
        renderOptions = FX_NEW CPDF_RenderOptions;
        pContext->m_pOptions = renderOptions;

    if (flags & FPDF_LCD_TEXT) {
        renderOptions->m_Flags |= RENDER_CLEARTYPE;
    } else {
        renderOptions->m_Flags &= ~RENDER_CLEARTYPE;

    const CPDF_OCContext::UsageType usage = (flags & FPDF_PRINTING)
            ? CPDF_OCContext::Print : CPDF_OCContext::View;

    renderOptions->m_AddFlags = flags >> 8;
    renderOptions->m_pOCContext = new CPDF_OCContext(pPage->m_pDocument, usage);


    FX_RECT clip;
    clip.left = destLeft;
    clip.right = destRight; = destTop;
    clip.bottom = destBottom;

    CPDF_RenderContext* pageContext = FX_NEW CPDF_RenderContext;
    pContext->m_pContext = pageContext;

    CFX_AffineMatrix matrix;
    if (!transform) {
        pPage->GetDisplayMatrix(matrix, destLeft, destTop, destRight - destLeft,
                destBottom - destTop, 0);
    } else {
        // PDF's coordinate system origin is left-bottom while
        // in graphics it is the top-left, so remap the origin.
        matrix.Set(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, pPage->GetPageHeight());

        SkScalar transformValues[6];

        matrix.Concat(transformValues[SkMatrix::kAScaleX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kASkewY],
                transformValues[SkMatrix::kASkewX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kAScaleY],
                transformValues[SkMatrix::kATransX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kATransY]);
    pageContext->AppendObjectList(pPage, &matrix);

    pContext->m_pRenderer = FX_NEW CPDF_ProgressiveRenderer;
    pContext->m_pRenderer->Start(pageContext, fxgeDevice, renderOptions, NULL);


    pPage->RemovePrivateData((void*) 1);

    delete pContext;
Esempio n. 8
void CFX_PSRenderer::FindPSFontGlyph(CFX_FaceCache* pFaceCache, CFX_Font* pFont, const FXTEXT_CHARPOS& charpos,
                                     int& ps_fontnum, int &ps_glyphindex)
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_PSFontList.GetSize(); i ++) {
        CPSFont* pPSFont = m_PSFontList[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < pPSFont->m_nGlyphs; j ++)
            if (pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_pFont == pFont && pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_GlyphIndex == charpos.m_GlyphIndex) {
                if ((!pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_bGlyphAdjust && !charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) ||
                        (pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_bGlyphAdjust && charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust &&
                         (FXSYS_fabs(pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_AdjustMatrix[0] - charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0]) < 0.01 &&
                          FXSYS_fabs(pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_AdjustMatrix[1] - charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1]) < 0.01 &&
                          FXSYS_fabs(pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_AdjustMatrix[2] - charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2]) < 0.01 &&
                          FXSYS_fabs(pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_AdjustMatrix[3] - charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3]) < 0.01))) {
                    ps_fontnum = i;
                    ps_glyphindex = j;
    if (m_PSFontList.GetSize() == 0 || m_PSFontList[m_PSFontList.GetSize() - 1]->m_nGlyphs == 256) {
        CPSFont* pPSFont = new CPSFont;
        pPSFont->m_nGlyphs = 0;
        CFX_ByteTextBuf buf;
        buf << FX_BSTRC("8 dict begin/FontType 3 def/FontMatrix[1 0 0 1 0 0]def\n"
                        "/FontBBox[0 0 0 0]def/Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for\n"
                        "/CharProcs 1 dict def CharProcs begin/.notdef {} def end\n"
                        "/BuildGlyph{1 0 -10 -10 10 10 setcachedevice exch/CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec}bind def\n"
                        "/BuildChar{1 index/Encoding get exch get 1 index/BuildGlyph get exec}bind def\n"
                        "currentdict end\n");
        buf << FX_BSTRC("/X") << m_PSFontList.GetSize() - 1 << FX_BSTRC(" exch definefont pop\n");
        m_pOutput->OutputPS((FX_LPCSTR)buf.GetBuffer(), buf.GetSize());
    ps_fontnum = m_PSFontList.GetSize() - 1;
    CPSFont* pPSFont = m_PSFontList[ps_fontnum];
    ps_glyphindex = pPSFont->m_nGlyphs;
    pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_GlyphIndex = charpos.m_GlyphIndex;
    pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_pFont = pFont;
    pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_bGlyphAdjust = charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust;
    if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) {
        pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_AdjustMatrix[0] = charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0];
        pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_AdjustMatrix[1] = charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1];
        pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_AdjustMatrix[2] = charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2];
        pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_AdjustMatrix[3] = charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3];
    pPSFont->m_nGlyphs ++;
    CFX_AffineMatrix matrix;
    if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust)
        matrix.Set(charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1],
                   charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3], 0, 0);
    matrix.Concat(1.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f, 0, 0);
    const CFX_PathData* pPathData = pFaceCache->LoadGlyphPath(pFont, charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_FontCharWidth);
    if (pPathData == NULL) {
    CFX_PathData TransformedPath(*pPathData);
    if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) {
    CFX_ByteTextBuf buf;
    buf << FX_BSTRC("/X") << ps_fontnum << FX_BSTRC(" Ff/CharProcs get begin/")
        << ps_glyphindex << FX_BSTRC("{");
    buf << FX_BSTRC("n ");
    for (int p = 0; p < TransformedPath.GetPointCount(); p ++) {
        FX_FLOAT x = TransformedPath.GetPointX(p), y = TransformedPath.GetPointY(p);
        switch (TransformedPath.GetFlag(p) & FXPT_TYPE) {
            case FXPT_MOVETO: {
                    buf << x << FX_BSTRC(" ") << y << FX_BSTRC(" m\n");
            case FXPT_LINETO: {
                    buf << x << FX_BSTRC(" ") << y << FX_BSTRC(" l\n");
            case FXPT_BEZIERTO: {
                    buf << x << FX_BSTRC(" ") << y << FX_BSTRC(" ")
                        << TransformedPath.GetPointX(p + 1) << FX_BSTRC(" ")
                        << TransformedPath.GetPointY(p + 1) << FX_BSTRC(" ")
                        << TransformedPath.GetPointX(p + 2) << FX_BSTRC(" ")
                        << TransformedPath.GetPointY(p + 2) << FX_BSTRC(" c\n");
                    p += 2;
    buf << FX_BSTRC("f");
    buf << FX_BSTRC("}bind def end\n");
    buf << FX_BSTRC("/X") << ps_fontnum << FX_BSTRC(" Ff/Encoding get ") << ps_glyphindex
        << FX_BSTRC("/") << ps_glyphindex << FX_BSTRC(" put\n");
    m_pOutput->OutputPS((FX_LPCSTR)buf.GetBuffer(), buf.GetSize());