/** * Metodo para montar a lista de labels=valores para uso no * no update, note bAllFields, permite levar os null's na query */ CString CTableBase::BuildFieldValueList(BOOL bAllFields, BOOL bNoKeyInSet) { CString s; POSITION pos = m_mapFields.GetStartPosition(); CString sKey; CField *pClass; int counter = 0; BOOL usefull = FALSE; ///Ll## STLOG_WRITE("Inicio CTableBase::BuildFieldValueList()"); while(pos != NULL) { m_mapFields.GetNextAssoc( pos, sKey, pClass ); // Naoadicionar as chaves no set xxxx='xxxx' if(pClass->IsKey() && bNoKeyInSet) continue; if(!bAllFields) // Skipar os nulos ! { if(!pClass->IsNull()) { if(counter++ > 0) s += _T(",\r\n"); usefull = TRUE; //if(sKey.Find(' ') > 0) s += _T("[") + sKey + _T("]="); //else // s += sKey + _T("="); s += pClass->GetQueryFormatValue(); } } else // fazer assign mesmo dos nulos / nao preenchidos !!! { usefull = TRUE; if(counter++ > 0) s += _T(",\r\n"); //if(sKey.Find(' ') > 0) s += _T("[") + sKey + _T("]="); //else // s += sKey + _T("="); if(!pClass->IsNull()) s += pClass->GetQueryFormatValue(); else s += _T("NULL"); } } //STLOG_WRITE(L"CTableBase::BuildFieldValueList: CAMPOS/VALORES: %s", s); return s; }
/** * Metodo para limpar todos os valores dos campos da tabela */ void CTableBase::Reset(BOOL bExcludeKeys) { POSITION pos = m_mapFields.GetStartPosition(); CString sKey; CField *pField; while(pos != NULL) { m_mapFields.GetNextAssoc( pos, sKey, pField ); if(pField->IsKey() && bExcludeKeys) continue; pField->SetValue(_T("")); } }
/** * Metodo para montar a lista de label=valor para uso no * where clause da query */ CString CTableBase::BuildWhereList(BOOL bOnlyKeys, BOOL bIgnoreNULL) { CString s(_T("WHERE ")); POSITION pos = m_mapFields.GetStartPosition(); CString sKey; CField *pClass; int counter = 0; BOOL usefull = FALSE; while(pos != NULL) { m_mapFields.GetNextAssoc( pos, sKey, pClass ); // Se o campo estiver na lista de ignore... nao usar ... if(m_ignoreFields.Find(sKey) != NULL) continue; // Se nao for chave ... if(bOnlyKeys && !pClass->IsKey()) continue; if(!pClass->IsNull()) { usefull = TRUE; CString s1 = pClass->GetQueryFormatValue(); if(s1.CompareNoCase(_T("NULL")) == 0 || s1.CompareNoCase(_T("\"NULL\"")) == 0 ) { if(!bIgnoreNULL) { if(counter++ > 0) s += _T("\r\n AND "); s += _T("[") + sKey + _T("] IS NULL"); } } else { if(counter++ > 0) s += _T("\r\n AND "); //if(sKey.Find(' ') > 0) s += _T("[") + sKey + _T("]="); //else // s += sKey + _T("="); s += s1; } } else { if(!bIgnoreNULL) { if(counter++ > 0) s += _T("\r\n AND "); s += _T("[") + sKey + _T("] IS NULL"); } } } if(!usefull) return _T(""); return s; }