bool CZipManager::GetZipList(const CURL& url, std::vector<SZipEntry>& items) { struct __stat64 m_StatData = {}; std::string strFile = url.GetHostName(); if (CFile::Stat(strFile,&m_StatData)) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"CZipManager::GetZipList: failed to stat file %s", url.GetRedacted().c_str()); return false; } std::map<std::string, std::vector<SZipEntry> >::iterator it = mZipMap.find(strFile); if (it != mZipMap.end()) // already listed, just return it if not changed, else release and reread { std::map<std::string,int64_t>::iterator it2=mZipDate.find(strFile); if (m_StatData.st_mtime == it2->second) { items = it->second; return true; } mZipMap.erase(it); mZipDate.erase(it2); } CFile mFile; if (!mFile.Open(strFile)) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"ZipManager: unable to open file %s!",strFile.c_str()); return false; } unsigned int hdr; if (mFile.Read(&hdr, 4)!=4 || (Endian_SwapLE32(hdr) != ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER && Endian_SwapLE32(hdr) != ZIP_DATA_RECORD_HEADER && Endian_SwapLE32(hdr) != ZIP_SPLIT_ARCHIVE_HEADER)) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"ZipManager: not a zip file!"); mFile.Close(); return false; } if (Endian_SwapLE32(hdr) == ZIP_SPLIT_ARCHIVE_HEADER) CLog::LogF(LOGWARNING, "ZIP split archive header found. Trying to process as a single archive.."); // push date for update detection mZipDate.insert(make_pair(strFile,m_StatData.st_mtime)); // Look for end of central directory record // Zipfile comment may be up to 65535 bytes // End of central directory record is 22 bytes (ECDREC_SIZE) // -> need to check the last 65557 bytes int64_t fileSize = mFile.GetLength(); // Don't need to look in the last 18 bytes (ECDREC_SIZE-4) // But as we need to do overlapping between blocks (3 bytes), // we start the search at ECDREC_SIZE-1 from the end of file if (fileSize < ECDREC_SIZE - 1) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "ZipManager: Invalid zip file length: %" PRId64"", fileSize); return false; } int searchSize = (int) std::min(static_cast<int64_t>(65557), fileSize-ECDREC_SIZE+1); int blockSize = (int) std::min(1024, searchSize); int nbBlock = searchSize / blockSize; int extraBlockSize = searchSize % blockSize; // Signature is on 4 bytes // It could be between 2 blocks, so we need to read 3 extra bytes auto_buffer buffer(blockSize + 3); bool found = false; // Loop through blocks starting at the end of the file (minus ECDREC_SIZE-1) for (int nb=1; !found && (nb <= nbBlock); nb++) { mFile.Seek(fileSize-ECDREC_SIZE+1-(blockSize*nb),SEEK_SET); if (mFile.Read(buffer.get(), blockSize + 3) != blockSize + 3) return false; for (int i=blockSize-1; !found && (i >= 0); i--) { if ( Endian_SwapLE32(*((unsigned int*)(buffer.get()+i))) == ZIP_END_CENTRAL_HEADER ) { // Set current position to start of end of central directory mFile.Seek(fileSize-ECDREC_SIZE+1-(blockSize*nb)+i,SEEK_SET); found = true; } } } // If not found, look in the last block left... if ( !found && (extraBlockSize > 0) ) { mFile.Seek(fileSize-ECDREC_SIZE+1-searchSize,SEEK_SET); if (mFile.Read(buffer.get(), extraBlockSize + 3) != extraBlockSize + 3) return false; for (int i=extraBlockSize-1; !found && (i >= 0); i--) { if ( Endian_SwapLE32(*((unsigned int*)(buffer.get()+i))) == ZIP_END_CENTRAL_HEADER ) { // Set current position to start of end of central directory mFile.Seek(fileSize-ECDREC_SIZE+1-searchSize+i,SEEK_SET); found = true; } } } buffer.clear(); if ( !found ) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"ZipManager: broken file %s!",strFile.c_str()); mFile.Close(); return false; } unsigned int cdirOffset, cdirSize; // Get size of the central directory mFile.Seek(12,SEEK_CUR); if (mFile.Read(&cdirSize, 4) != 4) return false; cdirSize = Endian_SwapLE32(cdirSize); // Get Offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number if (mFile.Read(&cdirOffset, 4) != 4) return false; cdirOffset = Endian_SwapLE32(cdirOffset); // Go to the start of central directory mFile.Seek(cdirOffset,SEEK_SET); char temp[CHDR_SIZE]; while (mFile.GetPosition() < cdirOffset + cdirSize) { SZipEntry ze; if (mFile.Read(temp, CHDR_SIZE) != CHDR_SIZE) return false; readCHeader(temp, ze); if (ze.header != ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"ZipManager: broken file %s!",strFile.c_str()); mFile.Close(); return false; } // Get the filename just after the central file header auto_buffer bufName(ze.flength); if (mFile.Read(bufName.get(), ze.flength) != ze.flength) return false; std::string strName(bufName.get(), bufName.size()); bufName.clear(); g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(strName); ZeroMemory(, 255); strncpy(, strName.c_str(), strName.size()>254 ? 254 : strName.size()); // Jump after central file header extra field and file comment mFile.Seek(ze.eclength + ze.clength,SEEK_CUR); items.push_back(ze); } /* go through list and figure out file header lengths */ for(std::vector<SZipEntry>::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { SZipEntry& ze = *it; // Go to the local file header to get the extra field length // !! local header extra field length != central file header extra field length !! mFile.Seek(ze.lhdrOffset+28,SEEK_SET); if (mFile.Read(&(ze.elength), 2) != 2) return false; ze.elength = Endian_SwapLE16(ze.elength); // Compressed data offset = local header offset + size of local header + filename length + local file header extra field length ze.offset = ze.lhdrOffset + LHDR_SIZE + ze.flength + ze.elength; } mZipMap.insert(make_pair(strFile,items)); mFile.Close(); return true; }
int OpenDataChannel(char *retrfile, int timeout, int ptype, char *pserver, int pport, char *puid, char *ppwd, char *szReturn, CFtpParam& ftpParam) { CString strCmd = _T(""); CString retMsg = _T(""); char buffer[1024] = {0}; SOCKET dataChannel; if(ftpParam.passive_mode) { dataChannel = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(dataChannel == SOCKET_ERROR) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_FTP", "FTP_CREATE_COMMUNICATE_ERROR"));//<%IDS_FTP_18%> return 1; } if(*pserver && ptype == 1) { if(socks5_protocol(dataChannel, ftpParam.remote_host, ftpParam.remote_port, pserver, pport, puid, ppwd, timeout)) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_FTP", "FTP_CREATE_COMMUNICATE_ERROR"));//<%IDS_FTP_19%> return 1; } } else { struct sockaddr_in rsa; rsa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ftpParam.remote_host); rsa.sin_family = AF_INET; rsa.sin_port = htons(ftpParam.remote_port); if(connect_timeo(dataChannel, (struct sockaddr *)&rsa, sizeof(rsa), timeout)) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_FTP", "FTP_CREATE_COMMUNICATE_ERROR"));//<%IDS_FTP_20%> return 1; } } } else { struct sockaddr_in rsa; int rsalen = sizeof(rsa); dataChannel = accept(ftpParam.dataSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&rsa, &rsalen); if(dataChannel == INVALID_SOCKET) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_FTP", "FTP_CREATE_COMMUNICATE_ERROR"));//<%IDS_FTP_21%> return 1; } } #ifdef SAVEASFILE CFile datafile; if(!datafile.Open("C:\\download\\download", CFile::modeWrite|CFile::modeCreate)) { return 1; } #endif DWORD recvBegin = GetTickCount(); while(1) { int iRead = 0; char response[1025] = {0}; iRead = recv(dataChannel, response, 1024, 0); if(!iRead || iRead == SOCKET_ERROR) break; else { #ifdef SAVEASFILE datafile.Write(response, iRead); #endif ftpParam.recvBytes += iRead; } } ftpParam.recvTickCount = GetTickCount() - recvBegin; #ifdef SAVEASFILE datafile.Close(); #endif return 0; }
bool CGUIDialogFileBrowser::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) { switch ( message.GetMessage() ) { case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT: { if (m_thumbLoader.IsLoading()) m_thumbLoader.StopThread(); CGUIDialog::OnMessage(message); ClearFileItems(); m_addNetworkShareEnabled = false; return true; } break; case GUI_MSG_WINDOW_INIT: { m_bConfirmed = false; m_bFlip = false; bool bIsDir = false; // this code allows two different selection modes for directories // end the path with a slash to start inside the directory if (URIUtils::HasSlashAtEnd(m_selectedPath)) { bIsDir = true; bool bFool; int iSource = CUtil::GetMatchingSource(m_selectedPath,m_shares,bFool); bFool = true; if (iSource > -1 && iSource < (int)m_shares.size()) { if (m_shares[iSource].strPath.Equals(m_selectedPath)) bFool = false; } if (bFool && !CDirectory::Exists(m_selectedPath)) m_selectedPath.Empty(); } else { if (!CFile::Exists(m_selectedPath) && !CDirectory::Exists(m_selectedPath)) m_selectedPath.Empty(); } // find the parent folder if we are a file browser (don't do this for folders) m_Directory->SetPath(m_selectedPath); if (!m_browsingForFolders && !bIsDir) m_Directory->SetPath(URIUtils::GetParentPath(m_selectedPath)); Update(m_Directory->GetPath()); m_viewControl.SetSelectedItem(m_selectedPath); return CGUIDialog::OnMessage(message); } break; case GUI_MSG_CLICKED: { if (m_viewControl.HasControl(message.GetSenderId())) // list control { int iItem = m_viewControl.GetSelectedItem(); int iAction = message.GetParam1(); if (iItem < 0) break; if (iAction == ACTION_SELECT_ITEM || iAction == ACTION_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK) { OnClick(iItem); return true; } else if (iAction == ACTION_HIGHLIGHT_ITEM && m_multipleSelection) { CFileItemPtr pItem = (*m_vecItems)[iItem]; if (!pItem->m_bIsShareOrDrive && !pItem->m_bIsFolder) { pItem->Select(!pItem->IsSelected()); CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT, GetID(), message.GetSenderId(), iItem + 1); OnMessage(msg); } } } else if (message.GetSenderId() == CONTROL_OK) { if (m_browsingForFolders == 2) { int iItem = m_viewControl.GetSelectedItem(); CStdString strPath; if (iItem == 0) strPath = m_selectedPath; else strPath = (*m_vecItems)[iItem]->GetPath(); CStdString strTest = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(strPath, "1"); CFile file; if (file.OpenForWrite(strTest,true)) { file.Close(); CFile::Delete(strTest); m_bConfirmed = true; Close(); } else CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(257,20072,0,0); } else { if (m_multipleSelection) { for (int iItem = 0; iItem < m_vecItems->Size(); ++iItem) { CFileItemPtr pItem = (*m_vecItems)[iItem]; if (pItem->IsSelected()) m_markedPath.push_back(pItem->GetPath()); } } m_bConfirmed = true; Close(); } return true; } else if (message.GetSenderId() == CONTROL_CANCEL) { Close(); return true; } else if (message.GetSenderId() == CONTROL_NEWFOLDER) { CStdString strInput; if (CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(strInput,g_localizeStrings.Get(119),false)) { CStdString strPath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(m_vecItems->GetPath(), strInput); if (CDirectory::Create(strPath)) Update(m_vecItems->GetPath()); else CGUIDialogOK::ShowAndGetInput(20069,20072,20073,0); } } else if (message.GetSenderId() == CONTROL_FLIP) m_bFlip = !m_bFlip; } break; case GUI_MSG_SETFOCUS: { if (m_viewControl.HasControl(message.GetControlId()) && m_viewControl.GetCurrentControl() != message.GetControlId()) { m_viewControl.SetFocused(); return true; } } break; case GUI_MSG_NOTIFY_ALL: { // Message is received only if this window is active if (message.GetParam1() == GUI_MSG_REMOVED_MEDIA) { if (m_Directory->IsVirtualDirectoryRoot() && IsActive()) { int iItem = m_viewControl.GetSelectedItem(); Update(m_Directory->GetPath()); m_viewControl.SetSelectedItem(iItem); } else if (m_Directory->IsRemovable()) { // check that we have this removable share still if (!m_rootDir.IsInSource(m_Directory->GetPath())) { // don't have this share any more if (IsActive()) Update(""); else { m_history.ClearPathHistory(); m_Directory->SetPath(""); } } } return true; } else if (message.GetParam1()==GUI_MSG_UPDATE_SOURCES) { // State of the sources changed, so update our view if (m_Directory->IsVirtualDirectoryRoot() && IsActive()) { int iItem = m_viewControl.GetSelectedItem(); Update(m_Directory->GetPath()); m_viewControl.SetSelectedItem(iItem); } return true; } else if (message.GetParam1()==GUI_MSG_UPDATE_PATH) { if (IsActive()) { if((message.GetStringParam() == m_Directory->GetPath()) || (m_Directory->IsMultiPath() && XFILE::CMultiPathDirectory::HasPath(m_Directory->GetPath(), message.GetStringParam()))) { int iItem = m_viewControl.GetSelectedItem(); Update(m_Directory->GetPath()); m_viewControl.SetSelectedItem(iItem); } } } } break; } return CGUIDialog::OnMessage(message); }
CMmio *CDataFile::OpenAsMMIO( const char *pFilename, const char *pRif ) { // Get the relative path of the file for which to search. CString file( pFilename ); CString path; if ( pFilename == NULL ) path.Format( "language\\%d\\%d.rif", m_countryCode, m_countryCode ); else path = file + "\\" + file + ".rif"; path.MakeLower (); // Check to see if the file exists in the patch directory. if ( m_pPatchDir ) { CString patchPath = *m_pPatchDir + "\\" + path; CFile test; if ( test.Open( patchPath, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::typeBinary ) != FALSE ) { // Close the file so we can re-open it as an mmio file. // Otherwise we'd need to keep the CFile around so it's // destructor wouldn't close the file handle. test.Close(); CMmio *pNewFile = new CMmio( patchPath ); if ( pNewFile == NULL ) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); // does the version match? try { pNewFile->DescendRiff ( pRif ); pNewFile->DescendList ('F', 'V', 'E', 'R'); pNewFile->DescendChunk ('D', 'A', 'T', 'A'); int iRifVer = pNewFile->ReadShort (); pNewFile->AscendChunk (); pNewFile->AscendList (); if ( iRifVer == m_iRifVer ) { // go back to begining (hack!!) delete pNewFile; pNewFile = new CMmio( patchPath ); if ( pNewFile == NULL ) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); return pNewFile; } } catch (...) { } delete pNewFile; } // we now look in the patch dir (users version) if ( pFilename == NULL ) patchPath.Format( "%s\\%d.rif", (char const *) (*m_pPatchDir), m_countryCode ); else patchPath = *m_pPatchDir + CString ("\\") + file + ".rif"; if ( test.Open( patchPath, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::typeBinary ) != FALSE ) { // Close the file so we can re-open it as an mmio file. // Otherwise we'd need to keep the CFile around so it's // destructor wouldn't close the file handle. test.Close(); CMmio *pNewFile = new CMmio( patchPath ); if ( pNewFile == NULL ) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); // does the version match? try { pNewFile->DescendRiff ( pRif ); pNewFile->DescendList ('F', 'V', 'E', 'R'); pNewFile->DescendChunk ('D', 'A', 'T', 'A'); int iRifVer = pNewFile->ReadShort (); pNewFile->AscendChunk (); pNewFile->AscendList (); if ( iRifVer == m_iRifVer ) { // go back to begining (hack!!) delete pNewFile; pNewFile = new CMmio( patchPath ); if ( pNewFile == NULL ) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); return pNewFile; } } catch (...) { } delete pNewFile; } } // If here, the file does not exist in the // patch directory or there is no patch directory. // If a datafile was opened, look for it in the // datafile. if ( m_pDataFile ) { // Look for the file path in the map. If // it is not found, if searching for language // file try searching for US version; otherwise, // return NULL. void * dummy; if ( m_pFileMap->Lookup( path, dummy ) == FALSE ) { if ( pFilename == NULL && m_countryCode != DEF_COUNTRY_CODE ) { m_countryCode = DEF_COUNTRY_CODE; return OpenAsMMIO( NULL, pRif ); } ThrowError( ERR_DATAFILE_NO_ENTRY ); } // If here, file was found in the map. Seek to // that position in the file. // If negative seek checks between CMmio's are // desired, they should be done here. long fileOffset = ( long )dummy; long offsetFromHere = fileOffset - ( long )m_pDataFile->GetPosition(); #ifdef _DEBUG if ( m_bNegativeSeekCheck == TRUE && fileOffset < m_lastPos ) WarnNegativeSeek( pFilename, m_lastPos, fileOffset ); #endif m_pDataFile->Seek( offsetFromHere, CFile::current ); #ifdef _DEBUG m_lastPos = m_pDataFile->GetPosition(); #endif // Create a new CMmioEmbeddedFile object. It will be positioned // at the current file offset. // BUGBUG - problem CMmio *pNewFile = new CMmioEmbeddedFile( m_pDataFile->m_hFile, m_sFileName ); if ( pNewFile == NULL ) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); return pNewFile; } // If here, file was not found in patch dir ( or // no patch dir was given ), and no datafile was // opened, so return NULL ( no file found ). ThrowError( ERR_DATAFILE_NO_ENTRY ); return NULL; }
bool CFile::Cache(const CStdString& strFileName, const CStdString& strDest, XFILE::IFileCallback* pCallback, void* pContext) { CFile file; CAsyncFileCallback* helper = NULL; if (file.Open(strFileName, true, READ_TRUNCATED)) { if (file.GetLength() <= 0) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "FILE::cache: the file %s has a length of 0 bytes", strFileName.c_str()); file.Close(); // Never save 0 byte files from the Plex Media Server. if (strFileName.Find(":32400") != -1) return false; } CFile newFile; if (CUtil::IsHD(strDest)) // create possible missing dirs { std::vector<CStdString> tokens; CStdString strDirectory; CUtil::GetDirectory(strDest,strDirectory); CUtil::RemoveSlashAtEnd(strDirectory); // for the test below if (!(strDirectory.size() == 2 && strDirectory[1] == ':')) { CUtil::Tokenize(strDirectory,tokens,"\\"); CStdString strCurrPath = tokens[0]+"\\"; for (std::vector<CStdString>::iterator iter=tokens.begin()+1;iter!=tokens.end();++iter) { strCurrPath += *iter+"\\"; CDirectory::Create(strCurrPath); } } } if (CFile::Exists(strDest)) CFile::Delete(strDest); if (!newFile.OpenForWrite(strDest, true, true)) // overwrite always { file.Close(); return false; } /* larger then 1 meg, let's do rendering async */ // Async render cannot be done in Linux because of the resulting ThreadMessage deadlock #ifndef _LINUX if( file.GetLength() > 1024*1024 ) helper = new CAsyncFileCallback(pCallback, pContext); #endif // 128k is optimal for xbox int iBufferSize = 128 * 1024; CAutoBuffer buffer(iBufferSize); int iRead, iWrite; UINT64 llFileSize = file.GetLength(); UINT64 llFileSizeOrg = llFileSize; UINT64 llPos = 0; int ipercent = 0; CStopWatch timer; timer.StartZero(); float start = 0.0f; while (llFileSize > 0) { g_application.ResetScreenSaver(); unsigned int iBytesToRead = iBufferSize; /* make sure we don't try to read more than filesize*/ if (iBytesToRead > llFileSize) iBytesToRead = llFileSize; iRead = file.Read(buffer.get(), iBytesToRead); if (iRead == 0) break; else if (iRead < 0) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Failed read from file %s", __FUNCTION__, strFileName.c_str()); break; } /* write data and make sure we managed to write it all */ iWrite = 0; while(iWrite < iRead) { int iWrite2 = newFile.Write(buffer.get()+iWrite, iRead-iWrite); if(iWrite2 <=0) break; iWrite+=iWrite2; } if (iWrite != iRead) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Failed write to file %s", __FUNCTION__, strDest.c_str()); break; } llFileSize -= iRead; llPos += iRead; // calculate the current and average speeds float end = timer.GetElapsedSeconds(); float averageSpeed = llPos / end; start = end; float fPercent = 100.0f * (float)llPos / (float)llFileSizeOrg; if ((int)fPercent != ipercent) { if( helper ) { helper->SetStatus((int)fPercent, averageSpeed); if(helper->IsCanceled()) break; } else if( pCallback ) { if (!pCallback->OnFileCallback(pContext, ipercent, averageSpeed)) break; } ipercent = (int)fPercent; } } /* close both files */ newFile.Close(); file.Close(); if(helper) delete helper; /* verify that we managed to completed the file */ if (llPos != llFileSizeOrg) { CFile::Delete(strDest); return false; } return true; } return false; }
bool zstringEx::tools_jm_file(char *filename,bool do_add)//do_add=false表示是进行解密 { CFile fn; ULONG i;BYTE k;long jsq=0;UINT newlen; if(!fn.Open(filename,CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::typeBinary))return false; UINT flen=(UINT)fn.GetLength(); //上面打开文件 if(do_add==true) //如果是要求加密 { //下面读文件 BYTE *buffer=(BYTE *)VirtualAlloc(0,(size_t)flen+1,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); if(buffer==NULL){fn.Close();AfxMessageBox("file is too big!");return false;} fn.Read(buffer,(UINT)flen); //////////////////////////////////判断是否有必要加密 bool is_already_add=true; for(i=0;i<16;i++){ if(buffer[i]!=120+i){is_already_add=false;break;} } if(is_already_add==true)//如果有加密,就返回 { fn.Close(); VirtualFree((LPVOID)buffer,0,MEM_RELEASE); return false; } //////////////////////////////////判断是否有必要加密 BYTE *buffer2=(BYTE *)VirtualAlloc(0,16+2*((size_t)flen+1),MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); if(buffer2==NULL){VirtualFree((LPVOID)buffer,0,MEM_RELEASE);fn.Close();AfxMessageBox("file is too big!");return false;} //准备内存 //下面开始加密 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(i=0;i<flen;i++)buffer[i]=255-buffer[i]; //反码 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(i=0;i<(flen-1)/2;i++){k=buffer[i];buffer[i]=buffer[flen-1-i];buffer[flen-1-i]=k;} //倒序 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// zdatetime::setRandSeed();jsq=0; for(i=0;i<flen-1;i+=2) { buffer2[16+i+jsq]=buffer[i]; buffer2[16+i+1+jsq]=buffer[i+1]; if(buffer[i+1]>=buffer[i]){buffer2[16+i+2+jsq]=(BYTE)zdatetime::getRand(255);jsq++;} } if(i==flen-1)buffer2[16+i+jsq]=buffer[i]; //插值 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(i=0;i<16;i++)buffer2[i]=(BYTE)(120+i); newlen=flen+16+jsq; //加16位的文件头 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn.SeekToBegin(); fn.Write(buffer2,(UINT)newlen); fn.Close(); //上面重写文件 VirtualFree((LPVOID)buffer,0,MEM_RELEASE); VirtualFree((LPVOID)buffer2,0,MEM_RELEASE); return true; } if(do_add==false) //如果是要求解密 { //下面读文件 BYTE *buffer=(BYTE *)VirtualAlloc(0,(size_t)flen+1,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); if(buffer==NULL){fn.Close();AfxMessageBox("file is too big!");return false;} fn.Read(buffer,(UINT)flen); //////////////////////////////////判断是否有必要解密 bool is_already_add=true; for(i=0;i<16;i++){ if(buffer[i]!=120+i){is_already_add=false;break;} } if(is_already_add==false)//如果没有加密,就返回 { fn.Close(); VirtualFree((LPVOID)buffer,0,MEM_RELEASE); return false; } //////////////////////////////////判断是否有必要解密 BYTE *buffer2=(BYTE *)VirtualAlloc(0,(size_t)flen+1,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); if(buffer2==NULL){VirtualFree((LPVOID)buffer,0,MEM_RELEASE);fn.Close();AfxMessageBox("file is too big!");return false;} //准备内存 //下面开始解密 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //插值还原 jsq=0; for(i=16;i<flen-1;i+=2) { buffer2[i-16-jsq]=buffer[i]; buffer2[i+1-16-jsq]=buffer[i+1]; if(buffer[i+1]>=buffer[i]){i++;jsq++;} } if(i==flen-1)buffer2[i-16-jsq]=buffer[i]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newlen=flen-jsq-16; //原长度求出 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(i=0;i<(newlen-1)/2;i++){k=buffer2[i];buffer2[i]=buffer2[newlen-1-i];buffer2[newlen-1-i]=k;} //倒序 for(i=0;i<newlen;i++)buffer2[i]=255-buffer2[i]; //反码 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn.SeekToBegin(); fn.Write(buffer2,(UINT)newlen); fn.SeekToBegin(); fn.SetLength(newlen); fn.Close(); //上面重写文件 VirtualFree((LPVOID)buffer,0,MEM_RELEASE); VirtualFree((LPVOID)buffer2,0,MEM_RELEASE); return true; } return true; }//end function
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int rc = 0; fs::path pathInFileName; fs::path pathOutFileName; fs::path pathOutDirectory; CCmdLineProcessor proc(argv, argc); int nIdx = 0; try { proc.parseCmdLine(); if (!proc.getFileCount()) return 0; const string& strOutSpec = proc.getOutSpec(); bool bStdOut = (strOutSpec == "-"); bool bQuiet = proc.beQuiet() || bStdOut; if (strOutSpec.length() && (strOutSpec != "-")) { if (proc.getFileCount() > 1) { // More than one input file -> interpret OutSpec as a directory if (!fs::exists(strOutSpec)) { // Create directory, if necessary if (!bQuiet) cout << endl << "Creating directory " << strOutSpec.c_str() << "." << endl; try { fs::create_directories(strOutSpec); } catch (const std::exception&) { } } // Check that dir exists if (!(fs::exists(strOutSpec) && fs::is_directory(strOutSpec))) { throw CSimpleException(CSimpleException::err_outdir); } pathOutDirectory = strOutSpec; } else { // Exact one input file -> interpret OutSpec as one file if (fs::exists(strOutSpec) && fs::is_directory(strOutSpec)) { throw CSimpleException(CSimpleException::err_outfileisdir); } pathOutFileName = strOutSpec; } } while (proc.getNextFile(pathInFileName)) { COutputFilter *pOut = NULL; CSffFile *pInfile = NULL; char acNumber[10]; try { fs::path outPath; CSffFile *pInfile = new CSffFile(pathInFileName.string()); int nPageCount = pInfile->GetPageCount(); if (!bQuiet) cout << "File " << pathInFileName.string() << " seems to have " << nPageCount << " page(s)." << endl; int nFileCountOut = nPageCount; time_t modTime = pInfile->GetModificationTime(); switch (proc.getOutputFormat()) { case CCmdLineProcessor::fmt_bmp: pOut = new CBMPFilter(nPageCount); break; case CCmdLineProcessor::fmt_pbm: pOut = new CPBMFilter(nPageCount); break; case CCmdLineProcessor::fmt_jpeg: pOut = new CJPEGFilter(nPageCount, proc.getJpegQuality()); break; case CCmdLineProcessor::fmt_tiff: nFileCountOut = 1; // all pages in one file pOut = new CTIFFFilter(nPageCount, proc.getTiffCompression(), modTime); break; case CCmdLineProcessor::fmt_tiff_single_pages: pOut = new CTIFFFilter(nPageCount, proc.getTiffCompression(), modTime); break; } CFile fileOut; if (bStdOut) { fileOut.OpenTemp(); pOut->Init(&fileOut); } for (int nPage = 0; nPage < nPageCount; nPage++) { TSFFPage* pPage = pInfile->GetPage(nPage); if (pPage->height <= 0) { if (!bQuiet) { cout << "Skipping page (no lines)." << endl; } continue; } if (!bStdOut) { if (pathOutFileName.string().length()) { // A fixed name was given, so use it as a base name outPath = pathOutFileName; std::string orgExt = fs::extension(outPath); if (nFileCountOut > 1) { sprintf(acNumber, "_%03d", nPage+1); outPath = fs::change_extension(outPath, acNumber); if (orgExt.length()) { std::string strTemp = outPath.string(); strTemp += orgExt; outPath = fs::path(strTemp); } } } else { // Otherwise construct output filename from input filename outPath = pathOutDirectory / pathInFileName.leaf(); if (nFileCountOut > 1) { sprintf(acNumber, "_%03d", nPage+1); outPath = fs::change_extension(outPath, acNumber); std::string strTemp = outPath.string(); strTemp += pOut->GetExtension(); outPath = fs::path(strTemp); } else { outPath = fs::change_extension(outPath, pOut->GetExtension()); } } if (!proc.doOverwrite() && !((nPage > 0) && (nFileCountOut == 1)) && fs::exists(outPath)) { throw CSimpleException(CSimpleException::err_outfileexists); } } bool bIsLowRes = pInfile->IsLowRes(nPage); bool bDoubleLines = !proc.keepVRes() && bIsLowRes; if (!bQuiet) { if (!((nPage > 0) && (nFileCountOut == 1))) { cout << "- Destination File " << outPath.string() << " : " << endl; } cout << " Converting page " << nPage+1 << " (" << pPage->width << "x" << pPage->height << "px / "; cout << pPage->dpi << "x" << pPage->lpi << "dpi), "; cout << (bIsLowRes ? "LowRes" : "HiRes") << " ..." << endl; } if (!pInfile->SeekPage(nPage)) { throw CSimpleException(CSimpleException::err_corruptfile); } if (!bStdOut && !((nPage > 0) && (nFileCountOut == 1))) { fileOut.Open(outPath.string(), "wb+"); pOut->Init(&fileOut); } if (bDoubleLines) { pOut->BeginPage(nPage, pPage->width, pPage->height*2, pPage->dpi, pPage->lpi*2); } else { pOut->BeginPage(nPage, pPage->width, pPage->height, pPage->dpi, pPage->lpi); } pOut->BlankLine(); TSFFRecord rec; while (pInfile->GetRecord(rec)) { switch(rec.type) { case NORMAL : pOut->BlankLine(); if (pInfile->DecodeRecord(rec, pOut->GetBitSink())) { pOut->WriteLine(); if (bDoubleLines) { pOut->WriteLine(); } } if (rec.pData != 0) free(rec.pData); break; case USERINFO : // not yet considered if (rec.pData != 0) free(rec.pData); break; case BADLINE : pOut->WriteLine(); if (bDoubleLines) { pOut->WriteLine(); } break; case WHITESKIP : pOut->BlankLine(); for (int j=0; j < rec.cb; ++j) { pOut->WriteLine(); if (bDoubleLines) { pOut->WriteLine(); } } break; } } pOut->EndPage(); if (!bStdOut) { if ((nFileCountOut > 1) || ((nFileCountOut == 1) && (nPage == nPageCount-1))) { pOut->Finalize(); fileOut.Close(); if (proc.keepDate()) { fileOut.SetModificationTime(modTime); } } } } if (bStdOut) { fileOut.DumpToStdOut(); fileOut.Close(); if (pOut) { pOut->Finalize(); } } } catch (const std::exception & e) { cerr << "ERROR: " << pathInFileName.string() << ": " << e.what() << endl; rc = 2; } catch (CSimpleException e) { cerr << "ERROR: " << pathInFileName.string() << ": " << e.what() << endl; rc = 2; } if (pOut) { delete pOut; } if (pInfile) { delete pInfile; } if (!bQuiet) cout << endl; } if (!bQuiet) cout << "Finished. " << endl << endl; } catch (const std::exception & e) { cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << endl; rc = 2; } catch (const CSimpleException& e) { cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << endl; rc = 2; } return rc; }
bool CTriMeshBuilder::Load (int nLevel) { CFile cf; tMeshDataHeader mdh; int nSize; bool bOk; char szFilename [FILENAME_LEN]; char *ioBuffer = NULL, *bufP; if (!(gameStates.render.bTriangleMesh && return false; if (!cf.Open (DataFilename (szFilename, nLevel), gameFolders.szCacheDir, "rb", 0)) return false; bOk = (cf.Read (&mdh, sizeof (mdh), 1) == 1); if (bOk) bOk = (mdh.nVersion == MESH_DATA_VERSION) && (mdh.nSegments == gameData.segs.nSegments) && (mdh.nFaces == gameData.segs.nFaces); if (bOk) nSize = (sizeof (*gameData.segs.vertices) + sizeof (*gameData.segs.fVertices)) * mdh.nVertices + sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.faces) * mdh.nFaces + sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.tris) * mdh.nTris + (sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.vertices) + sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.normals) + sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.texCoord) + sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.ovlTexCoord) + sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.color)) * mdh.nTris * 3 + sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.lMapTexCoord) * mdh.nFaces * 2 + sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.faceVerts) * mdh.nFaceVerts; if (bOk) bOk = ((ioBuffer = (char *) D2_ALLOC (nSize)) != NULL); if (bOk) bOk = cf.Read (ioBuffer, nSize, 1) == 1; if (bOk) { bufP = ioBuffer; memcpy (gameData.segs.vertices, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.vertices) * mdh.nVertices); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.vertices) * mdh.nVertices; memcpy (gameData.segs.fVertices, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.fVertices) * mdh.nVertices); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.fVertices) * mdh.nVertices; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.faces, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.faces) * mdh.nFaces); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.faces) * mdh.nFaces; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.tris, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.tris) * mdh.nTris); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.tris) * mdh.nTris; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.vertices, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.vertices) * mdh.nTris * 3); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.vertices) * mdh.nTris * 3; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.normals, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.normals) * mdh.nTris * 3); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.normals) * mdh.nTris * 3; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.texCoord, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.texCoord) * mdh.nTris * 3); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.texCoord) * mdh.nTris * 3; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.ovlTexCoord, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.ovlTexCoord) * mdh.nTris * 3); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.ovlTexCoord) * mdh.nTris * 3; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.color, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.color) * mdh.nTris * 3); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.color) * mdh.nTris * 3; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.lMapTexCoord, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.lMapTexCoord) * mdh.nFaces * 2); bufP += sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.lMapTexCoord) * mdh.nFaces * 2; memcpy (gameData.segs.faces.faceVerts, bufP, sizeof (*gameData.segs.faces.faceVerts) * mdh.nFaceVerts); } if (ioBuffer) D2_FREE (ioBuffer); if (bOk) { gameData.segs.nVertices = mdh.nVertices; gameData.segs.nTris = mdh.nTris; SetupVertexNormals (); } cf.Close (); CreateFaceVertLists (); return bOk; }
void CRoutingZone::ReadFile(const wxString& specialNodesdat) { if (m_superZone != NULL || (m_filename.IsEmpty() && specialNodesdat.IsEmpty())) { wxFAIL; return; } bool doHaveVerifiedContacts = false; // Read in the saved contact list try { uint32_t validContacts = 0; CFile file; if (CPath::FileExists(specialNodesdat.IsEmpty() ? m_filename : specialNodesdat) && file.Open(m_filename, CFile::read)) { // Get how many contacts in the saved list. // NOTE: Older clients put the number of contacts here... // Newer clients always have 0 here to prevent older clients from reading it. uint32_t numContacts = file.ReadUInt32(); uint32_t fileVersion = 0; if (numContacts == 0) { if (file.GetLength() >= 8) { fileVersion = file.ReadUInt32(); if (fileVersion == 3) { uint32_t bootstrapEdition = file.ReadUInt32(); if (bootstrapEdition == 1) { // this is a special bootstrap-only nodes.dat, handle it in a separate reading function ReadBootstrapNodesDat(file); file.Close(); return; } } if (fileVersion >= 1 && fileVersion <= 3) { numContacts = file.ReadUInt32(); } } } else { // Don't read version 0 nodes.dat files, because they can't tell the kad version of the contacts stored. AddLogLineC(_("Failed to read nodes.dat file - too old. This version (0) is not supported anymore.")); numContacts = 0; } DEBUG_ONLY( unsigned kad1Count = 0; ) if (numContacts != 0 && numContacts * 25 <= (file.GetLength() - file.GetPosition())) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numContacts; i++) { CUInt128 id = file.ReadUInt128(); uint32_t ip = file.ReadUInt32(); uint16_t udpPort = file.ReadUInt16(); uint16_t tcpPort = file.ReadUInt16(); uint8_t contactVersion = 0; contactVersion = file.ReadUInt8(); CKadUDPKey kadUDPKey; bool verified = false; if (fileVersion >= 2) { kadUDPKey.ReadFromFile(file); verified = file.ReadUInt8() != 0; if (verified) { doHaveVerifiedContacts = true; } } // IP appears valid if (contactVersion > 1) { if(IsGoodIPPort(wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(ip),udpPort)) { if (!theApp->ipfilter->IsFiltered(wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(ip)) && !(udpPort == 53 && contactVersion <= 5 /*No DNS Port without encryption*/)) { // This was not a dead contact, inc counter if add was successful if (AddUnfiltered(id, ip, udpPort, tcpPort, contactVersion, kadUDPKey, verified, false, false)) { validContacts++; } } } } else { DEBUG_ONLY( kad1Count++; ) } } } file.Close(); AddLogLineN(CFormat(wxPLURAL("Read %u Kad contact", "Read %u Kad contacts", validContacts)) % validContacts); #ifdef __DEBUG__ if (kad1Count > 0) { AddDebugLogLineN(logKadRouting, CFormat(wxT("Ignored %u kad1 %s in nodes.dat file.")) % kad1Count % (kad1Count > 1 ? wxT("contacts"): wxT("contact"))); } #endif if (!doHaveVerifiedContacts) { AddDebugLogLineN(logKadRouting, wxT("No verified contacts found in nodes.dat - might be an old file version. Setting all contacts verified for this time to speed up Kad bootstrapping.")); SetAllContactsVerified(); } }
bool CEdl::ReadVideoReDo(const CStdString& strMovie) { /* * VideoReDo file is strange. Tags are XML like, but it isn't an XML file. * * */ Clear(); CStdString videoReDoFilename(URIUtils::ReplaceExtension(strMovie, ".Vprj")); if (!CFile::Exists(videoReDoFilename)) return false; CFile videoReDoFile; if (!videoReDoFile.Open(videoReDoFilename)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Could not open VideoReDo file: %s", __FUNCTION__, videoReDoFilename.c_str()); return false; } char szBuffer[1024]; if (videoReDoFile.ReadString(szBuffer, 1023) && strncmp(szBuffer, VIDEOREDO_HEADER, strlen(VIDEOREDO_HEADER)) != 0) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid VideoReDo file: %s. Error reading line 1 - expected %s. Only version 2 files are supported.", __FUNCTION__, videoReDoFilename.c_str(), VIDEOREDO_HEADER); videoReDoFile.Close(); return false; } int iLine = 1; bool bValid = true; while (bValid && videoReDoFile.ReadString(szBuffer, 1023)) { iLine++; if (strncmp(szBuffer, VIDEOREDO_TAG_CUT, strlen(VIDEOREDO_TAG_CUT)) == 0) // Found the <Cut> tag { /* * double is used as 32 bit float would overflow. */ double dStart, dEnd; if (sscanf(szBuffer + strlen(VIDEOREDO_TAG_CUT), "%lf:%lf", &dStart, &dEnd) == 2) { /* * Times need adjusting by 1/10,000 to get ms. */ Cut cut; cut.start = (int64_t)(dStart / 10000); cut.end = (int64_t)(dEnd / 10000); cut.action = CUT; bValid = AddCut(cut); } else bValid = false; } else if (strncmp(szBuffer, VIDEOREDO_TAG_SCENE, strlen(VIDEOREDO_TAG_SCENE)) == 0) // Found the <SceneMarker > tag { int iScene; double dSceneMarker; if (sscanf(szBuffer + strlen(VIDEOREDO_TAG_SCENE), " %i>%lf", &iScene, &dSceneMarker) == 2) bValid = AddSceneMarker((int64_t)(dSceneMarker / 10000)); // Times need adjusting by 1/10,000 to get ms. else bValid = false; } /* * Ignore any other tags. */ } videoReDoFile.Close(); if (!bValid) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid VideoReDo file: %s. Error in line %i. Clearing any valid cuts or scenes found.", __FUNCTION__, videoReDoFilename.c_str(), iLine); Clear(); return false; } else if (HasCut() || HasSceneMarker()) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Read %"PRIuS" cuts and %"PRIuS" scene markers in VideoReDo file: %s", __FUNCTION__, m_vecCuts.size(), m_vecSceneMarkers.size(), videoReDoFilename.c_str()); return true; } else { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - No cuts or scene markers found in VideoReDo file: %s", __FUNCTION__, videoReDoFilename.c_str()); return false; } }
UINT SQLiteRecover::GetDataFromPages(CString PageFileName, UINT PageSize_parm, UINT EncodedType_parm) { CFile PageFile; if (PageFile.Open(PageFileName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone) != TRUE) { return PROCESS_FAIL; } this->PageSize = PageSize_parm; UINT8 *PageBuff; PageBuff = (UINT8 *)malloc(this->PageSize); UINT totalPageCount = 0; UINT classifiedPageCount = 0; UINT pageSignature = 0; UINT readSize = 0; UINT64 totalSize = 0; UINT64 srcFileSize = PageFile.GetLength(); while(srcFileSize > totalSize) { if(srcFileSize-totalSize < this->PageSize) readSize = (UINT)(srcFileSize-totalSize); else readSize = this->PageSize; if(PageFile.Read(PageBuff, this->PageSize) != readSize) { break; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RecordPageExtractor PageExtractModule(this->PageSize, EncodedType_parm); PageExtractModule.GetNormalRecordSet(PageBuff); UINT type = 0; TableData tTableData; tTableData.pageOffset = totalSize; tTableData.FieldArray = new ARRFieldArray; tTableData.NorRowArray = new ARRRowArray; tTableData.DelRowArray = new ARRRowArray; // NormalTable_InPage for(int jdx = 0 ; jdx < PageExtractModule.NormalTable_InPage.GetCount() ; jdx++) { CRowArray RowArr; RowArr = PageExtractModule.NormalTable_InPage.GetAt(jdx); tTableData.NorRowArray->Add(RowArr); ARRField arrField; CTypeArray TypeArr; TypeArr = PageExtractModule.Types_InPage.GetAt(jdx); for(int i = 0 ; i < TypeArr.GetCount() ; i++) { type = TypeArr.GetAt(i); Field field; field.cid.Format(_T("%d"), i); switch(type) { case TYPE_NULL: field.type = _T("NULL"); field.length = -1; break; case TYPE_INTEGER0: field.type = _T("INTEGER"); field.length = 0; break; case TYPE_INTEGER1: field.type = _T("INTEGER"); field.length = 1; break; case TYPE_INTEGER2: field.type = _T("INTEGER"); field.length = 2; break; case TYPE_INTEGER3: field.type = _T("INTEGER"); field.length = 3; break; case TYPE_INTEGER4: field.type = _T("INTEGER"); field.length = 4; break; case TYPE_INTEGER6: field.type = _T("INTEGER"); field.length = 6; break; case TYPE_INTEGER8: field.type = _T("INTEGER"); field.length = 8; break; case TYPE_NUMERIC: field.type = _T("IEEE754"); field.length = 9; break; case TYPE_BLOB: field.type = _T("BLOB"); field.length = 12; // variable length break; case TYPE_TEXT: field.type = _T("TEXT"); field.length = 13; // variable length break; } arrField.Add(field); } tTableData.FieldArray->Add(arrField); } arrTableData.Add(tTableData); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZeroMemory(PageBuff, this->PageSize); totalSize += readSize; totalPageCount++; } safe_free(PageBuff); PageFile.Close(); return TRUE; }
bool CEdl::ReadComskip(const CStdString& strMovie, const float fFramesPerSecond) { Clear(); CStdString comskipFilename(URIUtils::ReplaceExtension(strMovie, ".txt")); if (!CFile::Exists(comskipFilename)) return false; CFile comskipFile; if (!comskipFile.Open(comskipFilename)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Could not open Comskip file: %s", __FUNCTION__, comskipFilename.c_str()); return false; } char szBuffer[1024]; if (comskipFile.ReadString(szBuffer, 1023) && strncmp(szBuffer, COMSKIP_HEADER, strlen(COMSKIP_HEADER)) != 0) // Line 1. { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid Comskip file: %s. Error reading line 1 - expected '%s' at start.", __FUNCTION__, comskipFilename.c_str(), COMSKIP_HEADER); comskipFile.Close(); return false; } int iFrames; float fFrameRate; if (sscanf(szBuffer, "FILE PROCESSING COMPLETE %i FRAMES AT %f", &iFrames, &fFrameRate) != 2) { /* * Not all generated Comskip files have the frame rate information. */ fFrameRate = fFramesPerSecond; CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - Frame rate not in Comskip file. Using detected frames per second: %.3f", __FUNCTION__, fFrameRate); } else fFrameRate /= 100; // Reduce by factor of 100 to get fps. comskipFile.ReadString(szBuffer, 1023); // Line 2. Ignore "-------------" bool bValid = true; int iLine = 2; while (bValid && comskipFile.ReadString(szBuffer, 1023)) // Line 3 and onwards. { iLine++; double dStartFrame, dEndFrame; if (sscanf(szBuffer, "%lf %lf", &dStartFrame, &dEndFrame) == 2) { Cut cut; cut.start = (int64_t)(dStartFrame / fFrameRate * 1000); cut.end = (int64_t)(dEndFrame / fFrameRate * 1000); cut.action = COMM_BREAK; bValid = AddCut(cut); } else bValid = false; } comskipFile.Close(); if (!bValid) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Invalid Comskip file: %s. Error on line %i. Clearing any valid commercial breaks found.", __FUNCTION__, comskipFilename.c_str(), iLine); Clear(); return false; } else if (HasCut()) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Read %"PRIuS" commercial breaks from Comskip file: %s", __FUNCTION__, m_vecCuts.size(), comskipFilename.c_str()); return true; } else { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - No commercial breaks found in Comskip file: %s", __FUNCTION__, comskipFilename.c_str()); return false; } }
bool CEdl::ReadEdl(const CStdString& strMovie, const float fFramesPerSecond) { Clear(); CStdString edlFilename(URIUtils::ReplaceExtension(strMovie, ".edl")); if (!CFile::Exists(edlFilename)) return false; CFile edlFile; if (!edlFile.Open(edlFilename)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Could not open EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, edlFilename.c_str()); return false; } bool bError = false; int iLine = 0; CStdString strBuffer; while (edlFile.ReadString(strBuffer.GetBuffer(1024), 1024)) { strBuffer.ReleaseBuffer(); // Log any errors from previous run in the loop if (bError) CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - Error on line %i in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, iLine, edlFilename.c_str()); bError = false; iLine++; CStdStringArray strFields(2); int iAction; int iFieldsRead = sscanf(strBuffer, "%512s %512s %i", strFields[0].GetBuffer(512), strFields[1].GetBuffer(512), &iAction); strFields[0].ReleaseBuffer(); strFields[1].ReleaseBuffer(); if (iFieldsRead != 2 && iFieldsRead != 3) // Make sure we read the right number of fields { bError = true; continue; } if (iFieldsRead == 2) // If only 2 fields read, then assume it's a scene marker. { iAction = atoi(strFields[1]); strFields[1] = strFields[0]; } /* * For each of the first two fields read, parse based on whether it is a time string * (HH:MM:SS.sss), frame marker (#12345), or normal seconds string (123.45). */ int64_t iCutStartEnd[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (strFields[i].Find(":") != -1) // HH:MM:SS.sss format { CStdStringArray fieldParts; StringUtils::SplitString(strFields[i], ".", fieldParts); if (fieldParts.size() == 1) // No ms { iCutStartEnd[i] = StringUtils::TimeStringToSeconds(fieldParts[0]) * 1000; // seconds to ms } else if (fieldParts.size() == 2) // Has ms. Everything after the dot (.) is ms { /* * Have to pad or truncate the ms portion to 3 characters before converting to ms. */ if (fieldParts[1].length() == 1) { fieldParts[1] = fieldParts[1] + "00"; } else if (fieldParts[1].length() == 2) { fieldParts[1] = fieldParts[1] + "0"; } else if (fieldParts[1].length() > 3) { fieldParts[1] = fieldParts[1].Left(3); } iCutStartEnd[i] = StringUtils::TimeStringToSeconds(fieldParts[0]) * 1000 + atoi(fieldParts[1]); // seconds to ms } else { bError = true; continue; } } else if (strFields[i].Left(1) == "#") // #12345 format for frame number { iCutStartEnd[i] = (int64_t)(atol(strFields[i].Mid(1)) / fFramesPerSecond * 1000); // frame number to ms } else // Plain old seconds in float format, e.g. 123.45 { iCutStartEnd[i] = (int64_t)(atof(strFields[i]) * 1000); // seconds to ms } } if (bError) // If there was an error in the for loop, ignore and continue with the next line continue; Cut cut; cut.start = iCutStartEnd[0]; cut.end = iCutStartEnd[1]; switch (iAction) { case 0: cut.action = CUT; if (!AddCut(cut)) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - Error adding cut from line %i in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, iLine, edlFilename.c_str()); continue; } break; case 1: cut.action = MUTE; if (!AddCut(cut)) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - Error adding mute from line %i in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, iLine, edlFilename.c_str()); continue; } break; case 2: if (!AddSceneMarker(cut.end)) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - Error adding scene marker from line %i in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, iLine, edlFilename.c_str()); continue; } break; case 3: cut.action = COMM_BREAK; if (!AddCut(cut)) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - Error adding commercial break from line %i in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, iLine, edlFilename.c_str()); continue; } break; default: CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - Invalid action on line %i in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, iLine, edlFilename.c_str()); continue; } } strBuffer.ReleaseBuffer(); if (bError) // Log last line warning, if there was one, since while loop will have terminated. CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s - Error on line %i in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, iLine, edlFilename.c_str()); edlFile.Close(); if (HasCut() || HasSceneMarker()) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Read %"PRIuS" cuts and %"PRIuS" scene markers in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, m_vecCuts.size(), m_vecSceneMarkers.size(), edlFilename.c_str()); return true; } else { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - No cuts or scene markers found in EDL file: %s", __FUNCTION__, edlFilename.c_str()); return false; } }
void CTimeEv::OnTeTakePict() { // CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::GetDesktopWindow(); CWindowDC dc(this); CDC memDC; CRect rect; CBitmap bitmap; CClientDC pDC(this); // pWnd->GetWindowRect(rect); GetWindowRect(rect); memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc); // bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc,rect.right,rect.bottom); bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc,rect.Width(),rect.Height()); CBitmap *oldBM = memDC.SelectObject(&bitmap); // memDC.BitBlt(rect.left,, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), &dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); memDC.BitBlt(0, 0, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), &dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); BITMAP bm; bitmap.GetObject(sizeof(bm),&bm); // pDC.BitBlt(0, 0, rect.right, rect.bottom, &memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); pDC.BitBlt(0, 0, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), &memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); CFile file; file.Open("a.pcx",CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); CreatePCXHeader(&file,rect.Width(),rect.Height()); short *bmBit; RGBQUAD *rgbQuad; bmBit = (short*) malloc (bm.bmHeight * bm.bmWidthBytes * 2); int n = bitmap.GetBitmapBits(bm.bmHeight * bm.bmWidthBytes, bmBit); rgbQuad = (RGBQUAD*) malloc (bm.bmHeight * bm.bmWidthBytes * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); for (int y=0; y< rect.Height();y++) { for (char hl=0; hl<3; hl++) { for (int x=0; x < rect.Width();x++) { char byte; RGBQUAD rgb; rgb = QuadFromWord( bmBit[y*rect.Width() + x]); if (hl == 0) byte = rgb.rgbRed; if (hl == 1) byte = rgb.rgbGreen; if (hl == 2) byte = rgb.rgbBlue; char toWr; toWr = (char) 0xC1; file.Write(&toWr,1); file.Write(&byte,1); } } } free(bmBit); free(rgbQuad); file.Close(); char txt[300]; sprintf(txt,"type:%d, width:%d, height:%d, widthbytes:%d, planes:%d, BitsPixel:%d,", bm.bmType, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmWidthBytes, bm.bmPlanes, bm.bmBitsPixel); // sprintf(txt,"%d %d", rect.left,rect.right); pDC.TextOut(10,10,txt); memDC.SelectObject(oldBM); MessageBeep(0); }
FileState SendFile(SOCKET socket, HWND hWrapperWnd, LPCTSTR strFilePathName, ULONGLONG llStartAt) { //gl_SenderStop = false; gl_mapSenderStop[hWrapperWnd] = false; PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_OPERATE_BEGIN, 1, 0); FileState MyFileState = S_FileOK, YouFileState = S_FileOK; //check dir CString strFileName = strFilePathName; CDestFolderHelper folderHelper; if (!folderHelper.IsDestFileExist(strFileName)) MyFileState = S_FileNotExits; //open file CFile LocalFile; if(!LocalFile.Open(strFileName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary)) { if(MyFileState == S_FileOK) MyFileState = S_OpenFileFailed; } if (MyFileState != S_OpenFileFailed) { ULONGLONG uSeeked = LocalFile.Seek(llStartAt, CFile::begin); if (uSeeked != llStartAt) { MyFileState = S_CreateFileFailed; } } //get file time FILETIME fileTime; if(!GetFileTime(LocalFile.m_hFile, NULL, NULL, &fileTime)) { if(MyFileState == S_FileOK) MyFileState = S_GetFileInfoFailed; } //send my file operate state if(!SendData(socket, (char*)&MyFileState, sizeof(FileState))) { if(MyFileState != S_FileNotExits && MyFileState != S_OpenFileFailed) LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } //receive you file operate state if(!ReceiveData(socket, (char*)&YouFileState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if(MyFileState != S_FileOK) return MyFileState; if(YouFileState != S_FileOK) return YouFileState; //init basicFileInfo BasicFileInfo basicFileInfo; basicFileInfo.CreationTime = fileTime; char* pFileName = (LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)(LocalFile.GetFileName()); memset(&(basicFileInfo.FileName), 0, MAX_PATH); CopyMemory(&(basicFileInfo.FileName), pFileName, LocalFile.GetFileName().GetLength()); basicFileInfo.Size = LocalFile.GetLength(); //send file info if (!SendData(socket, (char*)(&basicFileInfo), sizeof(basicFileInfo))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } ULONGLONG nDes = LocalFile.GetLength() > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ? 1024 * 1024 : 1024; //file's size larger than 1G. PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SETRANGE_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)(LocalFile.GetLength() / nDes), (LPARAM)0); ULONGLONG nRead = llStartAt; ULONGLONG nResCount = 0; ULONGLONG nFileLength = LocalFile.GetLength(); FileDataEx fileData; PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SENDFILETOSERVER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)(nRead / nDes), 0); if (gl_pLogger) gl_pLogger->log_info("SendFile Begin to send: %s", strFilePathName); bool *pbstatus = NULL; SendMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_GETSENDSTATE, 0, (LPARAM)&pbstatus); //send loop while(1) { int nCount = 0; try{ nCount= LocalFile.Read(, FILEDATASIZE); } catch(...){ fileData.state = S_ReadFileFailed; } = nCount; nRead += nCount; fileData.state = (*pbstatus) ? S_FileContinue : S_IStop; if(nRead == nFileLength) fileData.state = S_Finished; //if(gl_SenderStop) if (gl_mapSenderStop.find(hWrapperWnd) != gl_mapSenderStop.end() && gl_mapSenderStop[hWrapperWnd] == true) { fileData.state = S_IStop; } if (!SendData(socket, (char*)(&fileData), sizeof(fileData))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if ( == 0) break; if(fileData.state == S_IStop)// || fileData.state == S_ReadFileFailed { LocalFile.Close(); return fileData.state; } if(fileData.state == S_Finished)// || fileData.state == S_ReadFileFailed { LocalFile.Close(); return fileData.state; } nResCount++; if(nResCount % READWRITESTATUS == 0) { Sleep(3); nResCount = 0; FileState MyState,YouState; if(fileData.state == S_ReadFileFailed) MyState = S_ReadFileFailed; else MyState = (*pbstatus) ? S_FileContinue : S_IStop; if(!SendData(socket, (char*)&MyState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if(!ReceiveData(socket, (char*)&YouState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if(YouState == S_WriteFileFailed || YouState == S_IStop) { LocalFile.Close(); if (YouState == S_IStop) return S_OtherSideStop; return YouState; } if(MyState == S_ReadFileFailed || MyState == S_IStop) { LocalFile.Close(); if (MyState == S_IStop) return S_IStop; return MyState; } } PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SENDFILETOSERVER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)(nRead / nDes), 0); } return S_Finished; }
// Does: Saves The Picture That Is Stored In The IPicture Object As a Bitmap // ~~~~ (Converts From Any Known Picture Type To a Bitmap / Icon File) // // InPut: sFilePathName - Path And FileName Target To Save // ~~~~~ // // OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded... // ~~~~~~ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CPicture_Ex::SaveAsBitmap(CString sFilePathName) //============================================================================= { BOOL bResult = FALSE; ILockBytes *Buffer = 0; IStorage *pStorage = 0; IStream *FileStream = 0; BYTE *BufferBytes; STATSTG BytesStatistics; DWORD OutData; long OutStream; CFile BitmapFile; CFileException e; double SkipFloat = 0; DWORD ByteSkip = 0; _ULARGE_INTEGER RealData; CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &Buffer); // Create ILockBytes Buffer HRESULT hr = ::StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(Buffer, STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE, 0, &pStorage); hr = pStorage->CreateStream(L"PICTURE", STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE, 0, 0, &FileStream); m_pPict->SaveAsFile(FileStream, TRUE, &OutStream); // Copy Data Stream FileStream->Release(); pStorage->Release(); Buffer->Flush(); // Get Statistics For Final Size Of Byte Array Buffer->Stat(&BytesStatistics, STATFLAG_NONAME); // Cut UnNeeded Data Coming From SaveAsFile() (Leave Only "Pure" Picture Data) SkipFloat = (double(OutStream) / 512); // Must Be In a 512 Blocks... if(SkipFloat > DWORD(SkipFloat)) ByteSkip = (DWORD)SkipFloat + 1; else ByteSkip = (DWORD)SkipFloat; ByteSkip = ByteSkip * 512; // Must Be In a 512 Blocks... // Find Difference Between The Two Values ByteSkip = (DWORD)(BytesStatistics.cbSize.QuadPart - ByteSkip); // Allocate Only The "Pure" Picture Data RealData.LowPart = 0; RealData.HighPart = 0; RealData.QuadPart = ByteSkip; BufferBytes = (BYTE*)malloc(OutStream); if(BufferBytes == NULL) { Buffer->Release(); HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd; MessageBoxEx(hWnd, "Can not allocate enough memory\t", "ERROR"/*ERROR_TITLE*/, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH); } Buffer->ReadAt(RealData, BufferBytes, OutStream, &OutData); if(BitmapFile.Open(sFilePathName, CFile::typeBinary | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite, &e)) { BitmapFile.Write(BufferBytes, OutData); BitmapFile.Close(); bResult = TRUE; } else // Write File Failed... { TCHAR szCause[255]; e.GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255, NULL); HWND hWnd = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd()->m_hWnd; MessageBoxEx(hWnd, szCause, "ERROR"/*ERROR_TITLE*/, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_ENGLISH); bResult = FALSE; } Buffer->Release(); free(BufferBytes); return(bResult); }
BOOL CFileExecutor::ShowBitziTicket(DWORD nIndex) { CString str; if ( ! Settings.Library.BitziOkay ) { Skin.LoadString( str, IDS_LIBRARY_BITZI_MESSAGE ); if ( AfxMessageBox( str, MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO ) != IDYES ) return FALSE; Settings.Library.BitziOkay = TRUE; Settings.Save(); } CSingleLock pLock( &Library.m_pSection, TRUE ); CLibraryFile* pFile = Library.LookupFile( nIndex ); if ( pFile == NULL ) return FALSE; if ( pFile->m_bSHA1 == FALSE || pFile->m_bTiger == FALSE ) { CString strFormat; Skin.LoadString( strFormat, IDS_LIBRARY_BITZI_HASHED ); str.Format( strFormat, (LPCTSTR)pFile->m_sName ); pLock.Unlock(); AfxMessageBox( str, MB_ICONINFORMATION ); return FALSE; } CString strURL = Settings.Library.BitziWebView; CFile hFile; if ( hFile.Open( pFile->GetPath(), CFile::modeRead|CFile::shareDenyNone ) && hFile.GetLength() > 0 ) { static LPCTSTR pszHex = _T("0123456789ABCDEF"); BYTE nBuffer[20]; int nPeek = hFile.Read( nBuffer, 20 ); hFile.Close(); str.Empty(); for ( int nByte = 0 ; nByte < nPeek ; nByte++ ) { str += pszHex[ (BYTE)nBuffer[ nByte ] >> 4 ]; str += pszHex[ (BYTE)nBuffer[ nByte ] & 15 ]; } strURL = Settings.Library.BitziWebSubmit; Replace( strURL, _T("(FIRST20)"), str ); } Replace( strURL, _T("(NAME)"), CConnection::URLEncode( pFile->m_sName ) ); Replace( strURL, _T("(SHA1)"), CSHA::HashToString( &pFile->m_pSHA1 ) ); Replace( strURL, _T("(TTH)"), CTigerNode::HashToString( &pFile->m_pTiger ) ); Replace( strURL, _T("(AGENT)"), CConnection::URLEncode( Settings.SmartAgent() ) ); str.Format( _T("%I64i"), pFile->GetSize() ); Replace( strURL, _T("(SIZE)"), str ); pLock.Unlock(); DisplayURL( strURL ); return TRUE; }
bool CmySvmArth::ChangeDataFormat(const char* pPath) { CFileFind finder; Stringoper oper; if(!finder.FindFile(oper.tocstring(pPath))) return false; FILE *file = NULL; CFile fwrite; if((file=fopen(pPath,"r"))==NULL) { TRACE("Open Source file Failed\n"); return false; } if(!fwrite.Open(TmpFileName , CFile::modeWrite|CFile::modeCreate)) { TRACE("Open Dest file Failed\n"); return false; } unsigned int num_input, num_output, num_data, i, j; unsigned int line = 1; //read the head. if(fscanf(file, "%u %u %u\n", &num_data, &num_input, &num_output) != 3) { TRACE("Read the File Head failed "); TRACE("Read error in Line:%d\n",line); return false; } line++; double *pd = new double[num_input]; double *pt = new double[num_output]; for (int i=0;i<num_data;i++) { for (int j=0;j<num_input;j++) { if(fscanf(file, "%le" " ",&pd[j]) != 1) { delete pd; delete pt; TRACE("Read error in Line:%d\n",line); return false; } } for (int j=0;j<num_output;j++) { if(fscanf(file, "%le" " ",&pt[j]) != 1) { delete pd; delete pt; TRACE("Read error in Line:%d\n",line); return false; } } line++; string str = pt[0]>=0?"+1 ":"-1 "; stringstream ss(stringstream::in | stringstream::out); for (int j=0;j<num_input;j++) { ss.clear(); ss.str(""); ss<<(j+1); str += ss.str(); ss.str(""); ss<<pd[j]; str += ":"+ss.str()+" "; } str +="\r\n"; fwrite.Write(str.c_str() , str.length()); } delete pt; delete pd; fwrite.Close(); fclose(file); return true; }
void CDlgAlarmAnalysis::OnBnClickedOutput() { CFileDialog dlg(FALSE, "txt", "alarmamalyse.txt", OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, _T("文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件|*.*||"), this); if( dlg.DoModal() == IDOK ) { CString strFileName; strFileName = dlg.GetPathName(); CFile file; int nCount; file.Open(strFileName, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); AlarmDisplayData* pData; strFileName.Format("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\r\n", HS_ALARM_ALALYSE_STK, HS_ALARM_ALALYSE_NAME, HS_ALARM_ALALYSE_TIME, HS_ALARM_ALALYSE_DATA2, HS_ALARM_ALALYSE_DATA3, HS_ALARM_ALALYSE_DATA4, HS_ALARM_ALALYSE_DESC); file.Write(strFileName, strFileName.GetLength()); CString strTime; for( int i = 0; i < m_ayDiaplayIndex.GetSize(); i++ ) { pData = m_pDisplayData->GetAt(m_ayDiaplayIndex.GetAt(i)); nCount = pData->m_ayOtherData.GetSize(); pData->GetStrTime(strTime); switch( nCount ) { case 0 : default: { strFileName.Format("%s\t\t%s\t%s\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\r\n", pData->m_Stock.GetCode(), pData->m_strName, strTime, pData->m_strDesc); } break; case 1 : { strFileName.Format("%s\t\t%s\t%s\t\t%.2f\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\r\n", pData->m_Stock.GetCode(), pData->m_strName, strTime, pData->m_ayOtherData.GetAt(0), pData->m_strDesc); } break; case 2 : { strFileName.Format("%s\t\t%s\t%s\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t\t\t%s\r\n", pData->m_Stock.GetCode(), pData->m_strName, strTime, pData->m_ayOtherData.GetAt(0), pData->m_ayOtherData.GetAt(1), pData->m_strDesc); } break; case 3 : { strFileName.Format("%s\t\t%s\t%s\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%s\r\n", pData->m_Stock.GetCode(), pData->m_strName, strTime, pData->m_ayOtherData.GetAt(0), pData->m_ayOtherData.GetAt(1), pData->m_ayOtherData.GetAt(2), pData->m_strDesc); } break; } file.Write(strFileName, strFileName.GetLength()); } file.Close(); } }
void CTemplateWizardDialog::Render() { // Enable and disable the proper buttons. GreyButtons(); // Set the new title. CString title; GetWindowText(title); int parenPos = title.Find(" (", 0); if (parenPos != -1) title = title.Left(parenPos); CString newTitle; if (m_curPage == -1) { newTitle = title; } else { newTitle.Format("%s (Page %d of %d)", title, m_curPage + 1, m_code.GetPageCount()); } SetWindowText(newTitle); // Get the module name and strip the module filename from it, leaving the // module path. TCHAR moduleName[_MAX_PATH]; moduleName[0] = 0; ::GetModuleFileName(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), (TCHAR*)&moduleName, _MAX_PATH); TCHAR* ptr = _tcsrchr(moduleName, '\\'); if (ptr) { ptr++; *ptr = 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Render the page. const CString& pageStr = (m_curPage == -1) ? m_page : m_code.GetPage(m_curPage); CRect clientRect; GetClientRect(clientRect); int curPos = 0; // while (true) // { // Grab the text. CString staticStr = pageStr; // } // See if it is a special case of a URL. bool isURL = false; CString leftStaticStr = staticStr.Left(7); if (leftStaticStr == "http://" || leftStaticStr == "file://") { isURL = true; } CString strURL; if (!isURL) { m_htmlFile.SetLength(0); if (strnicmp(staticStr, "<html>", 6) != 0) { WriteString("<html><head>"); WriteString("</head><body>"); WriteString(staticStr); WriteString("</body></html>"); } else { WriteString(staticStr); } // Generate a unique temporary name. char* asciiTempName = _tempnam(NULL, "WW200_"); m_asciiFilename = CString(asciiTempName); free(asciiTempName); DWORD size = (DWORD)m_htmlFile.GetLength(); BYTE* mem = m_htmlFile.Detach(); CFile asciiFile; asciiFile.Open(m_asciiFilename, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite); asciiFile.Write(mem, size); asciiFile.Close(); free(mem); // CComBSTR bstrURL = "about:blank"; // m_pBrowserApp->Navigate(bstrURL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); strURL = m_asciiFilename; } else { m_asciiFilename.Empty(); strURL = pageStr; strURL = ""; } m_pBrowserApp->Navigate2(COleVariant(strURL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
//打开按钮 void CChessManual::OnOpen() { //获取目录 TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]=TEXT(""); GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szPath),szPath); //选择文件 LPCTSTR pszFilter=TEXT("国际象棋棋谱文件 (*.CHM)|*.CHM||"); CFileDialog DlgOpenManual(TRUE,TEXT("CHM"),NULL,OFN_NOCHANGEDIR|OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,pszFilter); DlgOpenManual.m_pOFN->lpstrInitialDir=szPath; if (DlgOpenManual.DoModal()!=IDOK) return; //打开文件 CFile FileManual; if (FileManual.Open(DlgOpenManual.GetPathName(),CFile::modeRead)==FALSE) { AfxMessageBox(TEXT("无法打开文件,棋谱打开失败!"),MB_ICONSTOP); return; } //判断文件 DWORD dwFileLength=(DWORD)FileManual.GetLength(); if (dwFileLength<sizeof(tagChessManualHead)) { AfxMessageBox(TEXT("棋谱文件格式错误,棋谱打开失败!"),MB_ICONSTOP); return; } //文件头 tagChessManualHead ChessManualHead; FileManual.Read(&ChessManualHead,sizeof(ChessManualHead)); //效验版本 if (ChessManualHead.wVersion!=VER_MANUAL) { AfxMessageBox(TEXT("棋谱文件版本错误,棋谱打开失败!"),MB_ICONSTOP); return; } //效验长度 if ((ChessManualHead.dwManualCount*sizeof(tagChessManual)+sizeof(tagChessManualHead))!=dwFileLength) { AfxMessageBox(TEXT("棋谱文件长度错误,棋谱打开失败!"),MB_ICONSTOP); return; } //读取棋谱 tagChessManual * pChessManual=NULL; m_ChessManualInfo.SetSize(ChessManualHead.dwManualCount); for (DWORD i=0;i<ChessManualHead.dwManualCount;i++) { pChessManual=&m_ChessManualInfo[i]; FileManual.Read(pChessManual,sizeof(tagChessManual)); } //关闭文件 FileManual.Close(); //设置界面 m_wChessStep=0; m_GameLogic.ResetChessBorad(); m_ChessBorad.SetChessFrame(255,255,255,255); m_ChessBorad.SetChessBorad(m_GameLogic.m_ChessBorad); m_ChessBorad.SetChessColor(ChessManualHead.cbChessColor); //更新列表 UpdateManualList(); //更新控制 UpdateControl(); return; }
void vmsFdmWebInterfaceServer::LoadDocuments() { CFile file; CStringA str; int nHtmlLen = 0; std::auto_ptr<WCHAR> apchStr; WCHAR* wszStr = 0; LPCSTR pszVer = "1.0"; file.Open (_T("Server/index.html"), CFile::modeRead); int nLen = file.GetLength (); LPSTR psz = new char [nLen]; file.Read (psz, nLen); strncpy (str.GetBuffer (nLen + 1), psz, nLen); str.ReleaseBuffer (nLen); str.Replace ("%ver%", pszVer); delete [] psz; #ifdef UNICODE nHtmlLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()), -1, 0, 0); apchStr.reset( new WCHAR[nHtmlLen + 1] ); wszStr = apchStr.get(); memset(wszStr, 0, (nHtmlLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()), -1, wszStr, nHtmlLen); m_strRootHtml = wszStr; #else m_strRootHtml = str; #endif file.Close (); file.Open (_T("Server/adddownloadres_ok.html"), CFile::modeRead); nLen = file.GetLength (); psz = new char [nLen]; file.Read (psz, nLen); strncpy (str.GetBuffer (nLen + 1), psz, nLen); str.ReleaseBuffer (nLen); str.Replace ("%ver%", pszVer); delete [] psz; #ifdef UNICODE nHtmlLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()), -1, 0, 0); apchStr.reset( new WCHAR[nHtmlLen + 1] ); wszStr = apchStr.get(); memset(wszStr, 0, (nHtmlLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()), -1, wszStr, nHtmlLen); m_strRootHtml = wszStr; #else m_strAddDownloadRes_ok = str; #endif file.Close (); file.Open (_T("Server/adddownloadres_err.html"), CFile::modeRead); nLen = file.GetLength (); psz = new char [nLen]; file.Read (psz, nLen); strncpy (str.GetBuffer (nLen + 1), psz, nLen); str.ReleaseBuffer (nLen); str.Replace ("%ver%", pszVer); delete [] psz; #ifdef UNICODE nHtmlLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()), -1, 0, 0); apchStr.reset( new WCHAR[nHtmlLen + 1] ); wszStr = apchStr.get(); memset(wszStr, 0, (nHtmlLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()), -1, wszStr, nHtmlLen); m_strRootHtml = wszStr; #else m_strAddDownloadRes_err = str; #endif file.Close (); file.Open (_T("Server/compdlds.html"), CFile::modeRead); nLen = file.GetLength (); psz = new char [nLen]; file.Read (psz, nLen); strncpy (str.GetBuffer (nLen + 1), psz, nLen); str.ReleaseBuffer (nLen); str.Replace ("%ver%", pszVer); delete [] psz; #ifdef UNICODE nHtmlLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()), -1, 0, 0); apchStr.reset( new WCHAR[nHtmlLen + 1] ); wszStr = apchStr.get(); memset(wszStr, 0, (nHtmlLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()), -1, wszStr, nHtmlLen); m_strRootHtml = wszStr; #else m_strCompDldsHtml = str; #endif file.Close (); }
CArchive *CDataFile::OpenAsCArchive( const char *pFilename ) { ASSERT( pFilename ); // Get the relative path of the file for which to search. CString filename( pFilename ); CString path; path = "files\\" + filename; path.MakeLower (); // Check to see if the file exists in the patch directory. if ( m_pPatchDir ) { CString patchPath = *m_pPatchDir + "\\" + path; CFile test; if ( test.Open( patchPath, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::typeBinary ) != FALSE ) { // Close the file so we can allocate a new CFile object to // return to the caller. test.Close(); // Allocate a new CFile object. By creating and opening the CFile // this way, the CFile dtor will automagically close the file // handle for us. CFile *pNewFile = new CFile; if ( pNewFile->Open( patchPath, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::typeBinary ) == FALSE ) ThrowError( ERR_PATCHFILE_OPEN ); CArchive *pNewCArchive = new CArchive( pNewFile, CArchive::load ); if ( pNewCArchive == NULL ) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); return pNewCArchive; } } // If here, the file does not exist in the // patch directory or there is no patch directory. // If a datafile was opened, look for it in the // datafile. if ( m_pDataFile ) { // Look for the file path in the map. If // it is not found, if searching for language // file try searching for US version; otherwise, // return NULL. void * dummy; if ( m_pFileMap->Lookup( path, dummy ) == FALSE ) ThrowError( ERR_DATAFILE_NO_ENTRY ); // If here, file was found in the map. Seek to // that position in the file. // If negative seek checks between CMmio's are // desired, they should be done here. long fileOffset = ( long )dummy; long offsetFromHere = fileOffset - ( long )m_pDataFile->GetPosition(); #ifdef _DEBUG if ( m_bNegativeSeekCheck == TRUE && fileOffset < m_lastPos ) WarnNegativeSeek( pFilename, m_lastPos, fileOffset ); #endif m_pDataFile->Seek( offsetFromHere, CFile::current ); #ifdef _DEBUG m_lastPos = m_pDataFile->GetPosition(); #endif // Create a new CFile object. It will be positioned // at the current file offset. Note that this dtor will // not automagically close the file handle, which is what we // want. CFile * pNewFile = new CFile (); if ( pNewFile == NULL ) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); if (pNewFile->Open( m_sFileName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::typeBinary ) == FALSE) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); pNewFile->Seek (m_pDataFile->GetPosition (), CFile::begin); CArchive *pNewCArchive = new CArchive( pNewFile, CArchive::load ); if ( pNewCArchive == NULL ) ThrowError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); return pNewCArchive; } // If here, file was not found in patch dir ( or // no patch dir was given ), and no datafile was // opened, so return NULL ( no file found ). ThrowError( ERR_DATAFILE_NO_ENTRY ); return NULL; }
bool CCDDARipJob::DoWork() { CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Start ripping track %s to %s", m_input.c_str(), m_output.c_str()); // if we are ripping to a samba share, rip it to hd first and then copy it it the share CFileItem file(m_output, false); if (file.IsRemote()) m_output = SetupTempFile(); if (m_output.empty()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CCDDARipper: Error opening file"); return false; } // init ripper CFile reader; CEncoder* encoder; if (!reader.Open(m_input,READ_CACHED) || !(encoder=SetupEncoder(reader))) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Error: CCDDARipper::Init failed"); return false; } // setup the progress dialog CGUIDialogExtendedProgressBar* pDlgProgress = (CGUIDialogExtendedProgressBar*)g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_EXT_PROGRESS); CGUIDialogProgressBarHandle* handle = pDlgProgress->GetHandle(g_localizeStrings.Get(605)); int iTrack = atoi(m_input.substr(13, m_input.size() - 13 - 5).c_str()); std::string strLine0 = StringUtils::Format("%02i. %s - %s", iTrack, StringUtils::Join(m_tag.GetArtist(), g_advancedSettings.m_musicItemSeparator).c_str(), m_tag.GetTitle().c_str()); handle->SetText(strLine0); // start ripping int percent=0; int oldpercent=0; bool cancelled(false); int result; while (!cancelled && (result=RipChunk(reader, encoder, percent)) == 0) { cancelled = ShouldCancel(percent,100); if (percent > oldpercent) { oldpercent = percent; handle->SetPercentage(static_cast<float>(percent)); } } // close encoder ripper encoder->CloseEncode(); delete encoder; reader.Close(); if (file.IsRemote() && !cancelled && result == 2) { // copy the ripped track to the share if (!CFile::Copy(m_output, file.GetPath())) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CDDARipper: Error copying file from %s to %s", m_output.c_str(), file.GetPath().c_str()); CFile::Delete(m_output); return false; } // delete cached file CFile::Delete(m_output); } if (cancelled) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "User Cancelled CDDA Rip"); CFile::Delete(m_output); } else if (result == 1) CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CDDARipper: Error ripping %s", m_input.c_str()); else if (result < 0) CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CDDARipper: Error encoding %s", m_input.c_str()); else { CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Finished ripping %s", m_input.c_str()); if (m_eject) { CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Ejecting CD"); g_mediaManager.EjectTray(); } } handle->MarkFinished(); return !cancelled && result == 2; }
bool CFile::Copy(const CURL& url2, const CURL& dest, XFILE::IFileCallback* pCallback, void* pContext) { CFile file; const std::string pathToUrl(dest.Get()); if (pathToUrl.empty()) return false; // special case for zips - ignore caching CURL url(url2); if (URIUtils::IsInZIP(url.Get()) || URIUtils::IsInAPK(url.Get())) url.SetOptions("?cache=no"); if (file.Open(url.Get(), READ_TRUNCATED)) { CFile newFile; if (URIUtils::IsHD(pathToUrl)) // create possible missing dirs { vector<std::string> tokens; std::string strDirectory = URIUtils::GetDirectory(pathToUrl); URIUtils::RemoveSlashAtEnd(strDirectory); // for the test below if (!(strDirectory.size() == 2 && strDirectory[1] == ':')) { CURL url(strDirectory); std::string pathsep; #ifndef TARGET_POSIX pathsep = "\\"; #else pathsep = "/"; #endif StringUtils::Tokenize(url.GetFileName(),tokens,pathsep.c_str()); std::string strCurrPath; // Handle special if (!url.GetProtocol().empty()) { pathsep = "/"; strCurrPath += url.GetProtocol() + "://"; } // If the directory has a / at the beginning, don't forget it else if (strDirectory[0] == pathsep[0]) strCurrPath += pathsep; for (vector<std::string>::iterator iter=tokens.begin();iter!=tokens.end();++iter) { strCurrPath += *iter+pathsep; CDirectory::Create(strCurrPath); } } } if (CFile::Exists(dest)) CFile::Delete(dest); if (!newFile.OpenForWrite(dest, true)) // overwrite always { file.Close(); return false; } static const int iBufferSize = 128 * 1024; auto_buffer buffer(iBufferSize); ssize_t iRead, iWrite; UINT64 llFileSize = file.GetLength(); UINT64 llPos = 0; CStopWatch timer; timer.StartZero(); float start = 0.0f; while (true) { g_application.ResetScreenSaver(); iRead = file.Read(buffer.get(), iBufferSize); if (iRead == 0) break; else if (iRead < 0) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Failed read from file %s", __FUNCTION__, url.GetRedacted().c_str()); llFileSize = (uint64_t)-1; break; } /* write data and make sure we managed to write it all */ iWrite = 0; while(iWrite < iRead) { ssize_t iWrite2 = newFile.Write(buffer.get() + iWrite, iRead - iWrite); if(iWrite2 <=0) break; iWrite+=iWrite2; } if (iWrite != iRead) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Failed write to file %s", __FUNCTION__, dest.GetRedacted().c_str()); llFileSize = (uint64_t)-1; break; } llPos += iRead; // calculate the current and average speeds float end = timer.GetElapsedSeconds(); if (pCallback && end - start > 0.5 && end) { start = end; float averageSpeed = llPos / end; int ipercent = 0; if(llFileSize) ipercent = 100 * llPos / llFileSize; if(!pCallback->OnFileCallback(pContext, ipercent, averageSpeed)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - User aborted copy", __FUNCTION__); llFileSize = (uint64_t)-1; break; } } } /* close both files */ newFile.Close(); file.Close(); /* verify that we managed to completed the file */ if (llFileSize && llPos != llFileSize) { CFile::Delete(dest); return false; } return true; } return false; }
int BatterStruct::CopyBatterFile(CString inFileName, CString outFileName) { int i; BYTE count; LONG lSeekPlayerFile; LONG lTeamSection = 74; CFile inFile; CFile outFile; char cTemp[41]; CString strTemp; inFile.Open( inFileName, CFile::modeRead); outFile.Open( outFileName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite); // Read Count inFile.Read(&count,sizeof(count)); outFile.Write(&count,sizeof(count)); // Read team name inFile.Read(cTemp,40); cTemp[40]=NULL; strTemp = cTemp; outFile.Write(strTemp,40); // Read short team name inFile.Read(cTemp,3); cTemp[3]=NULL; strTemp = cTemp; outFile.Write(strTemp,3); // Read Ballpark inFile.Read(cTemp,30); cTemp[30]=NULL; strTemp = cTemp; outFile.Write(strTemp,30); // Read all of the players for (i=0; i<count; i++) { lSeekPlayerFile = lTeamSection+(i*m_RecordSize); inFile.Seek( lSeekPlayerFile, CFile::begin ); BatterRead(&inFile); // Zero out fields m_2B = 0; m_3B = 0; m_AB = 0; m_CS = 0; m_Hits = 0; m_HomeRuns = 0; m_RBI = 0; m_ReachedOnError = 0; m_Runs = 0; m_Sacrifice = 0; m_StolenBase = 0; m_StrikeOut = 0; m_Walk = 0; m_HBP = 0; m_Games = 0; // Write Batter info at EOF, Already positioned there BatterWrite(&outFile); } // Close file inFile.Close(); outFile.Close(); return 1; }
BOOL TFTP_MONITOR(char *server, int port, char *file, int timeout, char *custpath, char *szReturn) { SOCKET s; int nAckSeq = 0; int nSaveFlag = 0; int datalen = 0; DWORD dwBytes = 0; int i = 0, n = 0, dw = 0; struct hostent *hp = NULL; struct sockaddr_in serv; DWORD dwbTime = 0, dweTime = 0; DWORD dwbReceive = 0, dweReceive = 0; int reqlen = 0; u_char req[1024] = {0}; u_char res[1024] = {0}; if((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_SOCKET", "SOCKET_CREATE_FAILED")); return FALSE; } if((hp = gethostbyname(server)) == NULL) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_DSN", "DNS_DOMAIN_NAME_PARSE_ERROR")); return FALSE; } memcpy(&serv.sin_addr,hp->h_addr_list[0],hp->h_length); serv.sin_family = AF_INET; serv.sin_port = htons(port); // RRQ req[reqlen ++] = 0x00; req[reqlen ++] = 0x01; // Filename for(i = 0;i < (int)strlen(file);i ++) req[reqlen ++] = file[i]; req[reqlen ++] = 0x00; // Mode req[reqlen ++] = 'O'; req[reqlen ++] = 'C'; req[reqlen ++] = 'T'; req[reqlen ++] = 'E'; req[reqlen ++] = 'T'; req[reqlen ++] = 0x00; dwbTime = ::GetTickCount(); if((n = sendto(s, (char *)req, reqlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&serv, sizeof(serv))) == SOCKET_ERROR) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_SOCKET", "SOCKET_SEND_DATA_ERROR")); return FALSE; } #ifdef SAVEASFILE CFile datafile; char szFile[256] = {0}; sprintf(szFile, ".\\%s", file); if(!datafile.Open(szFile, CFile::modeWrite|CFile::modeCreate)) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_BASIC", "BASIC_CREATE_FILE_FAIL")); return FALSE; } #endif dwbReceive = ::GetTickCount(); while(1) { if(RESPONSE_WAIT(s, timeout) <= 0) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_SOCKET", "SOCKET_RECV_DATA_TIMEOUT")); return FALSE; } dw = sizeof(serv); n = recvfrom(s, (char *)res, sizeof(res), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&serv, &dw); if(n == SOCKET_ERROR || n == 0) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_SCOKET", "SOCKET_RECV_DATA_ERROR")); return FALSE; } int nCode = res[0] * 0x100 + res[1]; if(nCode == 0x05) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s [%d]$", res + 4, res[2] * 0x100 + res[3]); return FALSE; } if(nCode != 0x03) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_SOCKET", "SOCKET_UNKNOWN_ERROR")); return FALSE; } datalen = n; if(res[2] * 0x100 + res[3] > nAckSeq) { nAckSeq ++; nSaveFlag = 1; } reqlen = 0; req[reqlen ++] = 0x00; req[reqlen ++] = 0x04; req[reqlen ++] = res[2]; req[reqlen ++] = res[3]; if((n = sendto(s, (char *)req, reqlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&serv, sizeof(serv))) == SOCKET_ERROR) { sprintf(szReturn, "error=%s$", FuncGetStringFromIDS("SV_SOCKET", "SOCKET_SEND_DATA_EEROR")); return FALSE; } if(nSaveFlag) dwBytes += datalen - 4; #ifdef SAVEASFILE if(nSaveFlag) datafile.Write(res + 4, datalen - 4); #endif nSaveFlag = 0; if(datalen - 4 < 512) break; } #ifdef SAVEASFILE datafile.Close(); #endif dweTime = ::GetTickCount(); dweReceive = ::GetTickCount(); DWORD dwInterval = dweReceive - dwbReceive; if(dwInterval == 0) dwInterval = 1; sprintf(szReturn, "roundTripTime=%.3f$bytes=%ld$bytesPerSec=%.3f", (dweTime - dwbTime) / 1000.0, dwBytes, (dwBytes / 1024.0) / (dwInterval / 1000.0)); return TRUE; }
FileState ReceiveFile(SOCKET socket, HWND hWrapperWnd, LPCTSTR strFilePathName, ULONGLONG llStartAt) { PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_OPERATE_BEGIN, 0, 0); FileState MyFileState = S_FileOK, YouFileState = S_FileOK; //open file CString strFileName = strFilePathName; CFile LocalFile; UINT uOpMode = llStartAt > 0 ? (CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::typeBinary) : (CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::typeBinary); if (IsFileExist(strFileName)) { if (!DropReadOnly(strFileName)) MyFileState = S_CreateFileFailed; } if(!LocalFile.Open(strFileName, uOpMode)) { if(MyFileState == S_FileOK) MyFileState = S_CreateFileFailed; } if (MyFileState != S_CreateFileFailed) { ULONGLONG uSeeked = LocalFile.Seek(llStartAt, CFile::begin); if (uSeeked != llStartAt) { MyFileState = S_CreateFileFailed; } } //receive you file operate state if(!ReceiveData(socket, (char*)&YouFileState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } //send my file operate state if(!SendData(socket, (char*)&MyFileState, sizeof(FileState))) { if(MyFileState != S_CreateFileFailed) LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if(MyFileState != S_FileOK) return MyFileState; if(YouFileState != S_FileOK) return YouFileState; BasicFileInfo basicFileInfo; if(!ReceiveData(socket, (char*)(&basicFileInfo), sizeof(basicFileInfo))) { LocalFile.Close(); //DeleteFile(strFilePathName); return S_SocketError; } ULONGLONG nTotalRead = llStartAt; ULONGLONG nDes = basicFileInfo.Size > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ? 1024 * 1024 : 1024; PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SETRANGE_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)( basicFileInfo.Size / nDes), (LPARAM)0); PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SENDFILETOSERVER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)(nTotalRead / nDes), 0); ULONGLONG nRead = llStartAt; ULONGLONG nResCount = 0; ULONGLONG nRealRead = 0; FileDataEx fileData; if (gl_pLogger) gl_pLogger->log_info("ReceiveFile Begin to send: %s", strFilePathName); bool *pbstatus = NULL; SendMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_GETSENDSTATE, 0, (LPARAM)&pbstatus); //receive loop while(1) { if (!ReceiveData(socket, (char*)(&fileData), sizeof(fileData))) return S_SocketError; if ( == 0) break; if (fileData.state == S_IStop) { LocalFile.Close(); //DeleteFile(strFilePathName); return S_OtherSideStop; } FileState MyState = S_FileOK; try{ if ( > 0) LocalFile.Write(,; } catch(...){ MyState = S_WriteFileFailed; } nRealRead = nRealRead +; nTotalRead = nTotalRead +; PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SENDFILETOSERVER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)(nTotalRead / nDes), 0); if(fileData.state == S_Finished) { if (nRealRead > 0) LocalFile.Flush(); LocalFile.Close(); return fileData.state; } if(fileData.state == S_ReadFileFailed) { LocalFile.Close(); //DeleteFile(strFilePathName); return fileData.state; } nResCount++; if(nResCount % READWRITESTATUS == 0) { nResCount = 0; FileState MyState,YouState; MyState = (*pbstatus) ? S_FileContinue : S_IStop; //SendMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_GETSENDSTATE, 0, (LPARAM)&MyState); if(!ReceiveData(socket, (char*)&YouState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); //DeleteFile(strFilePathName); return S_SocketError; } if(!SendData(socket, (char*)&MyState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); //DeleteFile(strFilePathName); return S_SocketError; } if(MyState == S_IStop) { LocalFile.Close(); //DeleteFile(strFilePathName); return S_IStop; } if(YouState == S_WriteFileFailed || YouState == S_IStop) { LocalFile.Close(); //DeleteFile(strFilePathName); if(YouState == S_IStop) YouState = S_OtherSideStop; return YouState; } } } return S_Finished; }
void LoadReplacementBitmaps (const char *pszLevelName) { char szFilename [SHORT_FILENAME_LEN]; CFile cf; int i, j; CBitmap bm; //first, free up data allocated for old bitmaps PrintLog (" loading replacement textures\n"); CFile::ChangeFilenameExtension (szFilename, pszLevelName, ".pog"); if (cf.Open (szFilename, gameFolders.szDataDir, "rb", 0)) { int id, version, nBitmapNum, bTGA; int bmDataSize, bmDataOffset, bmOffset; ushort *indices; tPIGBitmapHeader *bmh; id = cf.ReadInt (); version = cf.ReadInt (); if (id != MAKE_SIG ('G','O','P','D') || version != 1) { cf.Close (); return; } nBitmapNum = cf.ReadInt (); indices = new ushort [nBitmapNum]; bmh = new tPIGBitmapHeader [nBitmapNum]; #if 0 cf.Read (indices, nBitmapNum * sizeof (ushort), 1); cf.Read (bmh, nBitmapNum * sizeof (tPIGBitmapHeader), 1); #else for (i = 0; i < nBitmapNum; i++) indices [i] = cf.ReadShort (); for (i = 0; i < nBitmapNum; i++) PIGBitmapHeaderRead (bmh + i, cf); #endif bmDataOffset = cf.Tell (); bmDataSize = cf.Length () - bmDataOffset; for (i = 0; i < nBitmapNum; i++) { bmOffset = bmh [i].offset; memset (&bm, 0, sizeof (CBitmap)); bm.AddFlags (bmh [i].flags & (BM_FLAGS_TO_COPY | BM_FLAG_TGA)); bm.SetWidth (bmh [i].width + ((short) (bmh [i].wh_extra & 0x0f) << 8)); bm.SetRowSize (bm.Width ()); if ((bTGA = (bm.Flags () & BM_FLAG_TGA)) && (bm.Width () > 256)) bm.SetHeight (bm.Width () * bmh [i].height); else bm.SetHeight (bmh [i].height + ((short) (bmh [i].wh_extra & 0xf0) << 4)); bm.SetBPP (bTGA ? 4 : 1); if (!(bm.Width () * bm.Width ())) continue; bm.SetAvgColorIndex (bmh [i].avgColor); bm.SetType (BM_TYPE_ALT); if (!bm.CreateBuffer ()) break; cf.Seek (bmDataOffset + bmOffset, SEEK_SET); #if DBG if (indices [i] == nDbgTexture) nDbgTexture = nDbgTexture; #endif if (bTGA) { int nFrames = bm.Height () / bm.Width (); tTgaHeader h; h.width = bm.Width (); h.height = bm.Width (); h.bits = 32; if (!ReadTGAImage (cf, &h, &bm, -1, 1.0, 0, 1)) { bm.DestroyBuffer (); break; } bm.SetFrameCount ((ubyte) nFrames); if (nFrames > 1) { tEffectClip *ecP = NULL; tWallClip *wcP; tVideoClip *vcP; while ((ecP = FindEffect (ecP, indices [i]))) { //e->vc.nFrameCount = nFrames; ecP->flags |= EF_ALTFMT | EF_FROMPOG; } if (!ecP) { if ((wcP = FindWallAnim (indices [i]))) { //w->nFrameCount = nFrames; wcP->flags |= WCF_ALTFMT | WCF_FROMPOG; } else if ((vcP = FindVClip (i))) { //v->nFrameCount = nFrames; vcP->flags |= WCF_ALTFMT | WCF_FROMPOG; } } } j = indices [i]; bm.SetId (j); } else { #if DBG if (j == nDbgTexture) nDbgTexture = nDbgTexture; #endif ReadBitmap (&bm, int (bm.Width ()) * int (bm.Height ()), &cf, true, false); j = indices [i]; bm.SetId (j); bm.RLEExpand (NULL, 0); *bm.Props () = *gameData.pig.tex.bitmapP [j].Props (); bm.Remap (paletteManager.Game (), TRANSPARENCY_COLOR, SUPER_TRANSP_COLOR); } #if DBG if (j == nDbgTexture) nDbgTexture = nDbgTexture; #endif gameData.pig.tex.bitmapP [j].Unload (j, 0); bm.SetFromPog (1); char szName [20]; if (*gameData.pig.tex.bitmapP [j].Name ()) sprintf (szName, "[%s]", gameData.pig.tex.bitmapP [j].Name ()); else sprintf (szName, "POG#%04d", j); bm.SetName (szName); gameData.pig.tex.altBitmapP [j] = bm; gameData.pig.tex.altBitmapP [j].SetBuffer (bm.Buffer (), 0, bm.Length ()); bm.SetBuffer (NULL); gameData.pig.tex.bitmapP [j].SetOverride (gameData.pig.tex.altBitmapP + j); CBitmap* bmP = gameData.pig.tex.altBitmapP + j; tRgbColorf color; if (0 <= bmP->AvgColor (&color)) bmP->SetAvgColorIndex (bmP->Palette ()->ClosestColor (&color)); UseBitmapCache (gameData.pig.tex.altBitmapP + j, (int) bm.Width () * (int) bm.RowSize ()); } delete[] indices; delete[] bmh; cf.Close (); paletteManager.SetLastPig (""); TexMergeFlush (); //for re-merging with new textures } }
void CSettingDlg::OnCompress() { CString fullpathname, filename, errmsg, compname, compfullpath; DWORD dwsize; CFile file; std::string addfilename; _VERSION_INFO* pInfo = NULL; UpdateData(TRUE); int count = m_FileList.GetCount(); if( count == 0 ) return; BeginWaitCursor(); compname.Format("", m_nVersion ); compfullpath.Format("%s\\%s", m_strDefaultPath, compname); set<int>::iterator Iter; while( !m_RepackingVersionList.empty() ) { Iter = m_RepackingVersionList.begin(); m_RepackingVersionList.erase(Iter); } m_ZipArchive.Open(compfullpath, CZipArchive::create); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS, "Compressing.."); for(int i=0; i<count; i++ ) { m_FileList.GetText( i, filename ); fullpathname = m_strDefaultPath; fullpathname += filename; if( !file.Open( fullpathname, CFile::modeRead ) ) { errmsg.Format("%s File Open Fail", filename); AfxMessageBox(errmsg); continue; } dwsize = file.GetLength(); file.Close(); if(!m_ZipArchive.AddNewFile(fullpathname, m_strDefaultPath, -1, dwsize)) { errmsg.Format("%s File Compress Fail", filename); AfxMessageBox(errmsg); continue; } m_Progress.SetPos(i*100/count); addfilename = (const char*)(LPCTSTR)filename; pInfo = m_pMain->m_VersionList.GetData(addfilename); if( pInfo ) m_RepackingVersionList.insert(pInfo->sHistoryVersion); } SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS, "Compressed"); m_ZipArchive.Close(); if( !m_bCompressOption ) { // Current Version 만 압축 if( !m_RepackingVersionList.empty() ) RepackingHistory(); } m_Progress.SetPos(100); EndWaitCursor(); }