Esempio n. 1
void CRoutingZone::ReadBootstrapNodesDat(CFileDataIO& file){
	// Bootstrap versions of nodes.dat files, are in the style of version 1 nodes.dats. The difference is that
	// they will contain more contacts 500-1000 instead 50, and those contacts are not added into the routingtable
	// but used to sent Bootstrap packets too. The advantage is that on a list with a high ratio of dead nodes,
	// we will be able to bootstrap faster than on a normal nodes.dat and more important, if we would deliver
	// a normal nodes.dat with eMule, those 50 nodes would be kinda DDOSed because everyone adds them to their routing
	// table, while with this style, we don't actually add any of the contacts to our routing table in the end and we
	// ask only one of those 1000 contacts one time (well or more untill we find an alive one).
	if (!CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.IsEmpty()){
		ASSERT( false );
	uint32_t uNumContacts = file.ReadUInt32();
	if (uNumContacts != 0 && uNumContacts * 25 == (file.GetLength() - file.GetPosition()))
		uint32_t uValidContacts = 0;
		CUInt128 uID;
		while ( uNumContacts )
			uint32_t uIP = file.ReadUInt32();
			uint16_t uUDPPort = file.ReadUInt16();
			uint16_t uTCPPort = file.ReadUInt16();
			uint8_t uContactVersion = file.ReadUInt8();

			uint32_t uhostIP = ntohl(uIP);
			if (::IsGoodIPPort(uhostIP, uUDPPort))
				if (::theApp.ipfilter->IsFiltered(uhostIP))
					if (::thePrefs.GetLogFilteredIPs())
						AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Ignored kad contact (IP=%s:%u)--read known.dat -- - IP filter (%s)") , ipstr(uhostIP), uUDPPort, ::theApp.ipfilter->GetLastHit());
				else if (uUDPPort == 53 && uContactVersion <= KADEMLIA_VERSION5_48a) 
					if (::thePrefs.GetLogFilteredIPs())
						AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Ignored kad contact (IP=%s:%u)--read known.dat") , ipstr(uhostIP), uUDPPort);
				else if (uContactVersion > 1) // only kad2 nodes
					// we want the 50 nodes closest to our own ID (provides randomness between different users and gets has good chances to get a bootstrap with close Nodes which is a nice start for our routing table) 
					CUInt128 uDistance = uMe;
					// don't bother if we already have 50 and the farest distance is smaller than this contact
					if (CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetCount() < 50 || CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetTail()->GetDistance() > uDistance){
						// look were to put this contact into the proper position
						bool bInserted = false;
						CContact* pContact = new CContact(uID, uIP, uUDPPort, uTCPPort, uMe, uContactVersion, 0, false);
						for (POSITION pos = CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetNext(pos)){
							if (CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetAt(pos)->GetDistance() > uDistance){
								CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.InsertBefore(pos, pContact);
								bInserted = true;
						if (!bInserted){
							ASSERT( CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetCount() < 50 );
						else if (CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetCount() > 50)
							delete CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.RemoveTail();
		AddLogLine( false, GetResString(IDS_KADCONTACTSREAD), CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetCount());
		DebugLog(_T("Loaded Bootstrap nodes.dat, selected %u out of %u valid contacts"), CKademlia::s_liBootstapList.GetCount(), uValidContacts);