Esempio n. 1
bool IPlatformBitmap::createMemoryPNGRepresentation (IPlatformBitmap* bitmap, void** ptr, uint32_t& size)
	bool result = false;
	CGBitmap* cgBitmap = dynamic_cast<CGBitmap*> (bitmap);
	if (cgBitmap)
		CGImageRef image = cgBitmap->getCGImage ();
		if (image)
			CFMutableDataRef data = CFDataCreateMutable (NULL, 0);
			if (data)
				CGImageDestinationRef dest = CGImageDestinationCreateWithData (data, kUTTypePNG, 1, 0);
				if (dest)
					CGImageDestinationAddImage (dest, image, 0);
					if (CGImageDestinationFinalize (dest))
						size = (uint32_t)CFDataGetLength (data);
						*ptr = malloc (size);
						CFDataGetBytes (data, CFRangeMake (0, size), (UInt8*)*ptr);
						result = true;
					CFRelease (dest);
				CFRelease (data);
	return result;
Esempio n. 2
void CGDrawContext::drawBitmap (CBitmap* bitmap, const CRect& inRect, const CPoint& inOffset, float alpha)
	if (bitmap == 0 || alpha == 0.f)
	CGBitmap* cgBitmap = bitmap->getPlatformBitmap () ? dynamic_cast<CGBitmap*> (bitmap->getPlatformBitmap ()) : 0;
	CGImageRef image = cgBitmap ? cgBitmap->getCGImage () : 0;
	if (image)
		CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (false, true);
		if (context)
			CRect rect (inRect);
			rect.makeIntegral ();
			CPoint offset (inOffset);
			offset.makeIntegral ();

			CGContextSetAlpha (context, (CGFloat)alpha*currentState.globalAlpha);

			CGRect dest;
			dest.origin.x = rect.left - offset.h;
			dest.origin.y = -( - (bitmap->getHeight () - offset.v);
			dest.size.width = cgBitmap->getSize ().x;
			dest.size.height = cgBitmap->getSize ().y;
			CGRect clipRect2;
			clipRect2.origin.x = rect.left;
			clipRect2.origin.y = -( - rect.height ();
			clipRect2.size.width = rect.width (); 
			clipRect2.size.height = rect.height ();
			CGContextClipToRect (context, clipRect2);

			CGLayerRef layer = cgBitmap->getCGLayer ();
			if (layer == 0)
				BitmapDrawCountMap::iterator it = bitmapDrawCount.find (cgBitmap);
				if (it == bitmapDrawCount.end ())
					bitmapDrawCount.insert (std::pair<CGBitmap*, int32_t> (cgBitmap, 1));
					CGContextDrawImage (context, dest, image);
					layer = cgBitmap->createCGLayer (context);
			if (layer)
				CGContextDrawLayerInRect (context, dest, layer);

			releaseCGContext (context);
Esempio n. 3
void CGDrawContext::fillRectWithBitmap (CBitmap* bitmap, const CRect& srcRect, const CRect& dstRect, float alpha)
    if (bitmap == 0 || alpha == 0.f || srcRect.isEmpty () || dstRect.isEmpty ())

    if (!(srcRect.left == 0 && srcRect.right == 0 && srcRect.right == bitmap->getWidth () && srcRect.bottom == bitmap->getHeight ()))
        // CGContextDrawTiledImage does not work with parts of a bitmap
        CDrawContext::fillRectWithBitmap(bitmap, srcRect, dstRect, alpha);

    IPlatformBitmap* platformBitmap = bitmap->getBestPlatformBitmapForScaleFactor (scaleFactor);
    CPoint bitmapSize = platformBitmap->getSize ();
    if (srcRect.right > bitmapSize.x || srcRect.bottom > bitmapSize.y)

    CGBitmap* cgBitmap = platformBitmap ? dynamic_cast<CGBitmap*> (platformBitmap) : 0;
    CGImageRef image = cgBitmap ? cgBitmap->getCGImage () : 0;
    if (image)
        CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (false, true);
        if (context)
            // TODO: Check if this works with retina images
            CGRect clipRect = CGRectFromCRect (dstRect);
            clipRect.origin.y = -(clipRect.origin.y) - clipRect.size.height;
            clipRect = pixelAlligned (clipRect);
            CGContextClipToRect (context, clipRect);

            CGRect r = {};
            r.size.width = CGImageGetWidth (image);
            r.size.height = CGImageGetHeight (image);

            CGContextDrawTiledImage (context, r, image);

            releaseCGContext (context);
Esempio n. 4
void CGDrawContext::drawBitmap (CBitmap* bitmap, const CRect& inRect, const CPoint& inOffset, float alpha)
    if (bitmap == 0 || alpha == 0.f)
    double transformedScaleFactor = scaleFactor;
    CGraphicsTransform t = getCurrentTransform ();
    if (t.m11 == t.m22 && t.m12 == 0 && t.m21 == 0)
        transformedScaleFactor *= t.m11;
    IPlatformBitmap* platformBitmap = bitmap->getBestPlatformBitmapForScaleFactor (transformedScaleFactor);
    CGBitmap* cgBitmap = platformBitmap ? dynamic_cast<CGBitmap*> (platformBitmap) : 0;
    CGImageRef image = cgBitmap ? cgBitmap->getCGImage () : 0;
    if (image)
        CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (false, true);
        if (context)
            CGLayerRef layer = cgBitmap->getCGLayer ();
            if (layer == 0)
                BitmapDrawCountMap::iterator it = bitmapDrawCount.find (cgBitmap);
                if (it == bitmapDrawCount.end ())
                    bitmapDrawCount.insert (std::pair<CGBitmap*, int32_t> (cgBitmap, 1));
                    layer = cgBitmap->createCGLayer (context);

            drawCGImageRef (context, image, layer, cgBitmap->getScaleFactor (), inRect, inOffset, alpha, bitmap);

            releaseCGContext (context);