// Purpose: 
// Input  : origin - 
//			radius - 
//			list - 
void CFuncLadder::FindNearbyDismountPoints( const Vector& origin, float radius, CUtlVector< CInfoLadderDismountHandle >& list )
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	while ( (pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassnameWithin( pEntity, "info_ladder_dismount", origin, radius)) != NULL )
		CInfoLadderDismount *landingspot = static_cast< CInfoLadderDismount * >( pEntity );
		Assert( landingspot );

		// If spot has a target, then if the target is not this ladder, don't add to our list.
		if ( landingspot->m_target != NULL_STRING )
			if ( landingspot->GetNextTarget() != this )

		CInfoLadderDismountHandle handle;
		handle = landingspot;
		if ( list.Find( handle ) == list.InvalidIndex() )
			list.AddToTail( handle  );
// Purpose: 
void CFuncLadder::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays()
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )


	Vector playerMins = VEC_HULL_MIN;
	Vector playerMaxs  = VEC_HULL_MAX;

	Vector topPosition;
	Vector bottomPosition;

	GetTopPosition( topPosition );
	GetBottomPosition( bottomPosition );

	NDebugOverlay::Box( topPosition, playerMins, playerMaxs, 255,0,0,127, 0 );
	NDebugOverlay::Box( bottomPosition, playerMins, playerMaxs, 0,0,255,127, 0 );

	NDebugOverlay::EntityBounds(this, 200, 180, 63, 63, 0);

	trace_t bottomtrace;
	UTIL_TraceHull( m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom, m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom, 

	int c = m_Dismounts.Count();
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i++ )
		CInfoLadderDismount *pt = m_Dismounts[ i ];
		if ( !pt )

		NDebugOverlay::Box(pt->GetAbsOrigin(),Vector( -16, -16, 0 ), Vector( 16, 16, 8 ), 150,0,0, 63, 0);
void CHL2GameMovement::GetSortedDismountNodeList( const Vector &org, float radius, CFuncLadder *ladder, CUtlRBTree< NearbyDismount_t, int >& list )
	float radiusSqr = radius * radius;

	int i;
	int c = ladder->GetDismountCount();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		CInfoLadderDismount *spot = ladder->GetDismount( i );
		if ( !spot )

		float distSqr = ( spot->GetAbsOrigin() - org ).LengthSqr();
		if ( distSqr > radiusSqr )

		NearbyDismount_t nd;
		nd.dismount = spot;
		nd.distSqr = distSqr;

		list.Insert( nd );
// Purpose: 
//			*ladder - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CHL2GameMovement::ExitLadderViaDismountNode( CFuncLadder *ladder, bool strict, bool useAlternate )
	// Find the best ladder exit node
	float bestDot = -99999.0f;
	float bestDistance = 99999.0f;
	Vector bestDest;
	bool found = false;

	// For 'alternate' dismount
	bool foundAlternate = false;
	Vector alternateDest;
	float alternateDist = 99999.0f;

	CUtlRBTree< NearbyDismount_t, int >	nearbyDismounts( 0, 0, NearbyDismountLessFunc );

	GetSortedDismountNodeList( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), 100.0f, ladder, nearbyDismounts );

	int i;

	for ( i = nearbyDismounts.FirstInorder(); i != nearbyDismounts.InvalidIndex() ; i = nearbyDismounts.NextInorder( i ) )
		CInfoLadderDismount *spot = nearbyDismounts[ i ].dismount;
		if ( !spot )
			Assert( !"What happened to the spot!!!" );

		// See if it's valid to put the player there...
		Vector org = spot->GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 1 );

		trace_t tr;
			GetPlayerMins( ( player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) ? true : false ),
			GetPlayerMaxs( ( player->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) ? true : false ),
			&tr );

		// Nope...
		if ( tr.startsolid )

		// Find the best dot product
		Vector vecToSpot = org - ( mv->GetAbsOrigin() + player->GetViewOffset() );
		vecToSpot.z = 0.0f;
		float d = VectorNormalize( vecToSpot );

		float dot = vecToSpot.Dot( m_vecForward );

		// We're not facing at it...ignore
		if ( dot < 0.5f )
			if( useAlternate && d < alternateDist )
				alternateDest = org;
				alternateDist = d;
				foundAlternate = true;


		if ( dot > bestDot )
			bestDest = org;
			bestDistance = d;
			bestDot = dot;
			found = true;

	if ( found )
		// Require a more specific 
		if ( strict && 
			( ( bestDot < 0.7f ) || ( bestDistance > 40.0f ) ) )
			return false;

		StartForcedMove( false, player->MaxSpeed(), bestDest, NULL );
		return true;

	if( useAlternate )
		// Desperate. Don't refuse to let a person off of a ladder if it can be helped. Use the
		// alternate dismount if there is one.
		if( foundAlternate && alternateDist <= 60.0f )
			StartForcedMove( false, player->MaxSpeed(), alternateDest, NULL );
			return true;

	return false;