Esempio n. 1
bool CMenuItem::ParseLine( TCHAR * pszArgs, CScriptObj * pObjBase, CTextConsole * pSrc )

	if ( *pszArgs == '@' )
		// This allows for triggers in menus
		return false;

	TCHAR * pszArgStart = pszArgs;
	while ( _ISCSYM( *pszArgs ))

	if ( *pszArgs )
		*pszArgs = '\0';

	// The item id (if we want to have an item type menu) or 0
	if ( strcmp( pszArgStart, "0" ) != 0 )
		CItemBase * pItemBase = CItemBase::FindItemBase(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(g_Cfg.ResourceGetIndexType( RES_ITEMDEF, pszArgStart )));
		if ( pItemBase != NULL )
			m_id = static_cast<WORD>(pItemBase->GetDispID());
			pObjBase = pItemBase;
			DEBUG_ERR(( "Bad MENU item id '%s'\n", pszArgStart ));
			return( false );	// skip this.
		m_id = 0;

	if ( pObjBase != NULL )
		pObjBase->ParseText( pszArgs, pSrc );
		g_Serv.ParseText( pszArgs, pSrc );

	// Parsing @color
	if ( *pszArgs == '@' )
		HUE_TYPE wHue = static_cast<HUE_TYPE>(Exp_GetVal( pszArgs ));
		if ( wHue != 0 )
			wHue = (wHue == 1? 0x7FF: wHue-1);

		m_color = wHue;
		SKIP_ARGSEP( pszArgs );
		m_color = 0;

	m_sText = pszArgs;

	if ( m_sText.IsEmpty())
		if ( pObjBase )	// use the objects name by default.
			m_sText = pObjBase->GetName();	
			if ( ! m_sText.IsEmpty())
				return( true );
		DEBUG_ERR(( "Bad MENU item text '%s'\n", pszArgStart ));

	return( !m_sText.IsEmpty() );
Esempio n. 2
void CWorld::GetFixPoint( const CPointMap & pt, CGrayMapBlockState & block)
	//Will get the highest CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB and places it into block.Bottom
	CItemBase * pItemDef = NULL;
	CItemBaseDupe * pDupeDef = NULL;
	CItem * pItem = NULL;
	DWORD wBlockThis = 0;
	signed char z = 0;
	int x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

	// Height of statics at/above given coordinates
	// do gravity here for the z.
	const CGrayMapBlock * pMapBlock = GetMapBlock( pt );
	if (pMapBlock == NULL)

	size_t iQty = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStaticQty();
	if ( iQty > 0 )  // no static items here.
		x2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetX(pt.m_x);
		y2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetY(pt.m_y);
		const CUOStaticItemRec * pStatic = NULL;
		for ( size_t i = 0; i < iQty; ++i, z = 0, pStatic = NULL, pDupeDef = NULL )
			if ( ! pMapBlock->m_Statics.IsStaticPoint( i, x2, y2 ))

			pStatic = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStatic( i );
			if ( pStatic == NULL )

			z = pStatic->m_z;

			pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pStatic->GetDispID() );
			if ( pItemDef )
				if (pItemDef->GetID() == pStatic->GetDispID()) //parent item
					wBlockThis = (pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK);
					z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
				else //non-parent item
					pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pStatic->GetDispID()));
					if ( ! pDupeDef )
						g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (static) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pStatic->GetDispID(),pStatic->m_x+pMapBlock->m_x,pStatic->m_y+pMapBlock->m_y,pStatic->m_z);
						wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
						z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
						wBlockThis = (pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK);
						z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pDupeDef->GetHeight()/2 : pDupeDef->GetHeight());
			else if ( pStatic->GetDispID() )

			if (block.m_Bottom.m_z < z)
				if ((z < pt.m_z+PLAYER_HEIGHT) && (wBlockThis & (CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB|CAN_I_WATER)))
					block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
					block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = pStatic->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
					block.m_Bottom.m_z = z;
				else if (block.m_Top.m_z > z)
					block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
					block.m_Top.m_dwTile = pStatic->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
					block.m_Top.m_z = z;

	pItemDef = NULL;
	pDupeDef = NULL;
	pItem = NULL;
	wBlockThis = 0;
	z = 0;
	x2 = y2 = 0;
	iQty = 0;

	// Any multi items here ?
	// Check all of them
	CRegionLinks rlinks;
	size_t iRegionQty = pt.GetRegions( REGION_TYPE_MULTI, rlinks );
	if ( iRegionQty > 0 )
		//  ------------ For variables --------------------
		CRegionBase * pRegion = NULL;
		const CGrayMulti * pMulti = NULL;
		const CUOMultiItemRec2 * pMultiItem = NULL;
		x2 = 0;
		y2 = 0;
		//  ------------ For variables --------------------

		for ( size_t iRegion = 0; iRegion < iRegionQty; ++iRegion, pRegion = NULL, pItem = NULL, pMulti = NULL, x2 = 0, y2 = 0 )
			pRegion = rlinks.GetAt(iRegion);
			if ( pRegion != NULL )
				pItem = pRegion->GetResourceID().ItemFind();

			if ( pItem != NULL )
				pMulti = g_Cfg.GetMultiItemDefs(pItem);
				if ( pMulti )
					x2 = pt.m_x - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x;
					y2 = pt.m_y - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y;
					iQty = pMulti->GetItemCount();
					for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < iQty; ++ii, pMultiItem = NULL, z = 0 )
						pMultiItem = pMulti->GetItem(ii);

						if ( !pMultiItem )

						if ( ! pMultiItem->m_visible )

						if ( pMultiItem->m_dx != x2 || pMultiItem->m_dy != y2 )

						z = static_cast<signed char>(pItem->GetTopZ() + pMultiItem->m_dz);

						pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pMultiItem->GetDispID() );
						if ( pItemDef != NULL )
							if ( pItemDef->GetID() == pMultiItem->GetDispID() ) //parent item
								wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
								z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
							else //non-parent item
								pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pMultiItem->GetDispID()));
								if ( pDupeDef == NULL )
									g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (multi) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pMultiItem->GetDispID(),pMultiItem->m_dx+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x,pMultiItem->m_dy+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y,pMultiItem->m_dz+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_z);
									wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
									z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
									wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
									z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pDupeDef->GetHeight()/2 : pDupeDef->GetHeight());
						else if ( pMultiItem->GetDispID() )

						if (block.m_Bottom.m_z < z)
							if ((z < pt.m_z+PLAYER_HEIGHT) && (wBlockThis & (CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB|CAN_I_WATER)))
								block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
								block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = pMultiItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
								block.m_Bottom.m_z = z;
							else if (block.m_Top.m_z > z)
								block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
								block.m_Top.m_dwTile = pMultiItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
								block.m_Top.m_z = z;

	pItemDef = NULL;
	pDupeDef = NULL;
	pItem = NULL;
	wBlockThis = 0;
	x2 = y2 = iQty = 0;
	z = 0;

	// Any dynamic items here ?
	// NOTE: This could just be an item that an NPC could just move ?
	CWorldSearch Area( pt );

	for (;;)
		pItem = Area.GetItem();
		if ( !pItem )

		z = pItem->GetTopZ();

		// Invis items should not block ???
		pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pItem->GetDispID() );

		if ( pItemDef )
			if ( pItemDef->GetDispID() == pItem->GetDispID() )//parent item
				wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
				z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
			else //non-parent item
				pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pItem->GetDispID()));
				if ( ! pDupeDef )
					g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (dynamic) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pItem->GetDispID(),pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x,pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y,pItem->GetTopPoint().m_z);
					wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
					z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pItemDef->GetHeight()/2 : pItemDef->GetHeight());
					wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
					z += ((wBlockThis & CAN_I_CLIMB) ? pDupeDef->GetHeight()/2 : pDupeDef->GetHeight());

			if ( block.m_Bottom.m_z < z )
				if ( (z < pt.m_z + PLAYER_HEIGHT) && (wBlockThis & (CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB|CAN_I_WATER)) )
					block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
					block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = pItemDef->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
					block.m_Bottom.m_z = z;
				else if ( block.m_Top.m_z > z )
					block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
					block.m_Top.m_dwTile = pItemDef->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY;
					block.m_Top.m_z = z;
		else if (pItem->GetDispID())

	wBlockThis = 0;
	// Terrain height is screwed. Since it is related to all the terrain around it.
	const CUOMapMeter * pMeter = pMapBlock->GetTerrain( UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_x), UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_y));
	if ( ! pMeter )

	if ( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex == TERRAIN_HOLE )
		wBlockThis = 0;
	else if ( CUOMapMeter::IsTerrainNull( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex ) )	// inter dungeon type.
		wBlockThis = CAN_I_BLOCK;
		CGrayTerrainInfo land( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex );
		//DEBUG_ERR(("Terrain flags - land.m_flags 0%x wBlockThis (0%x)\n",land.m_flags,wBlockThis));
		if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_WATER )
			wBlockThis |= CAN_I_WATER;
		if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_DAMAGE )
			wBlockThis |= CAN_I_FIRE;
		if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_BLOCK )
			wBlockThis |= CAN_I_BLOCK;
		if (( ! wBlockThis ) || ( land.m_flags & UFLAG2_PLATFORM )) // Platform items should take precendence over non-platforms.
			wBlockThis = CAN_I_PLATFORM;

	if (block.m_Bottom.m_z < pMeter->m_z)
		if (((pMeter->m_z < pt.m_z+PLAYER_HEIGHT) && (wBlockThis & (CAN_I_PLATFORM|CAN_I_CLIMB|CAN_I_WATER))) || (block.m_Bottom.m_z == UO_SIZE_MIN_Z))
			block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
			block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex;
			block.m_Bottom.m_z = pMeter->m_z;
		else if (block.m_Top.m_z > pMeter->m_z)
			block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = wBlockThis;
			block.m_Top.m_dwTile = pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex;
			block.m_Top.m_z = pMeter->m_z;

	if ( block.m_Bottom.m_z == UO_SIZE_MIN_Z )
		//Fail safe...  Reset to 0z with no top block;
		block.m_Bottom.m_dwBlockFlags = 0;
		block.m_Bottom.m_dwTile = 0;
		block.m_Bottom.m_z = 0;

		block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = 0;
		block.m_Top.m_dwTile = 0;
		block.m_Top.m_z = UO_SIZE_Z;
Esempio n. 3
void CWorld::GetHeightPoint( const CPointMap & pt, CGrayMapBlockState & block, bool fHouseCheck )
	CItemBase * pItemDef = NULL;
	CItemBaseDupe * pDupeDef = NULL;
	CItem * pItem = NULL;
	DWORD wBlockThis = 0;
	signed char z = 0;
	height_t zHeight = 0;
	int x2 = 0, y2 = 0;

	// Height of statics at/above given coordinates
	// do gravity here for the z.
	const CGrayMapBlock * pMapBlock = GetMapBlock( pt );
	if (pMapBlock == NULL)

	size_t iQty = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStaticQty();
	if ( iQty > 0 )  // no static items here.
		x2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetX(pt.m_x);
		y2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetY(pt.m_y);
		const CUOStaticItemRec * pStatic = NULL;
		for ( size_t i = 0; i < iQty; ++i, z = 0, zHeight = 0, pStatic = NULL, pDupeDef = NULL )
			if ( ! pMapBlock->m_Statics.IsStaticPoint( i, x2, y2 ))

			pStatic = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStatic( i );
			if ( pStatic == NULL )

			z = pStatic->m_z;

			//DEBUG_ERR(("z (%d)  block.m_zHeight (%d) block.m_Bottom.m_z (%d)\n",z,block.m_zHeight,block.m_Bottom.m_z));
			if ( ! block.IsUsableZ( z, block.m_zHeight ))

			// This static is at the coordinates in question.
			// enough room for me to stand here ?

			pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pStatic->GetDispID() );
			if ( pItemDef )
				//DEBUG_ERR(("pItemDef->GetID(0%x) pItemDef->GetDispID(0%x) pStatic->GetDispID(0%x)\n",pItemDef->GetID(),pItemDef->GetDispID(),pStatic->GetDispID()));
				if ( pItemDef->GetID() == pStatic->GetDispID() ) //parent item
					zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
					wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove
				else //non-parent item
					pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pStatic->GetDispID()));
					if ( ! pDupeDef )
						g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (static) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pStatic->GetDispID(),pStatic->m_x+pMapBlock->m_x,pStatic->m_y+pMapBlock->m_y,pStatic->m_z);
						zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
						wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
						zHeight = pDupeDef->GetHeight();
						wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove - CAN flags cannot be inherited from the parent item due to bad script pack...
			else if ( pStatic->GetDispID() )

			block.CheckTile_Item( wBlockThis, z, zHeight, pStatic->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY );

	pItemDef = NULL;
	pDupeDef = NULL;
	pItem = NULL;
	wBlockThis = 0;
	z = 0;
	zHeight = 0;
	x2 = y2 = 0;
	iQty = 0;

	// Any multi items here ?
	// Check all of them
	if ( fHouseCheck )
		CRegionLinks rlinks;
		size_t iRegionQty = pt.GetRegions( REGION_TYPE_MULTI, rlinks );
		if ( iRegionQty > 0 )
			//  ------------ For variables --------------------
			CRegionBase * pRegion = NULL;
			const CGrayMulti * pMulti = NULL;
			const CUOMultiItemRec2 * pMultiItem = NULL;
			x2 = 0;
			y2 = 0;
			//  ------------ For variables --------------------

			for ( size_t iRegion = 0; iRegion < iRegionQty; ++iRegion, pRegion = NULL, pItem = NULL, pMulti = NULL, x2 = 0, y2 = 0 )
				pRegion = rlinks.GetAt(iRegion);
				if ( pRegion != NULL )
					pItem = pRegion->GetResourceID().ItemFind();

				if ( pItem != NULL )
					pMulti = g_Cfg.GetMultiItemDefs(pItem);
					if ( pMulti )
						x2 = pt.m_x - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x;
						y2 = pt.m_y - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y;

						iQty = pMulti->GetItemCount();
						for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < iQty; ++ii, pMultiItem = NULL, z = 0, zHeight = 0 )
							pMultiItem = pMulti->GetItem(ii);

							if ( !pMultiItem )

							if ( ! pMultiItem->m_visible )

							if ( pMultiItem->m_dx != x2 || pMultiItem->m_dy != y2 )

							z = static_cast<signed char>( pItem->GetTopZ() + pMultiItem->m_dz );
							if ( ! block.IsUsableZ(z,block.m_zHeight))

							pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pMultiItem->GetDispID() );
							if ( pItemDef != NULL )
								if ( pItemDef->GetID() == pMultiItem->GetDispID() ) //parent item
									zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
									wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove
								else //non-parent item
									pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pMultiItem->GetDispID()));
									if ( pDupeDef == NULL )
										g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (multi) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pMultiItem->GetDispID(),pMultiItem->m_dx+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x,pMultiItem->m_dy+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y,pMultiItem->m_dz+pItem->GetTopPoint().m_z);
										zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
										wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
										zHeight = pDupeDef->GetHeight();
										wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove - CAN flags cannot be inherited from the parent item due to bad script pack...
							else if ( pMultiItem->GetDispID() )

							block.CheckTile_Item( wBlockThis, z, zHeight, pMultiItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY );

	pItemDef = NULL;
	pDupeDef = NULL;
	pItem = NULL;
	wBlockThis = 0;
	x2 = y2 = iQty = 0;
	zHeight = 0;
	z = 0;

	// Any dynamic items here ?
	// NOTE: This could just be an item that an NPC could just move ?
	CWorldSearch Area( pt );

	for (;;)
		pItem = Area.GetItem();
		if ( !pItem )

		z = pItem->GetTopZ();
		if ( !block.IsUsableZ( z, block.m_zHeight ) )

		// Invis items should not block ???
		pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase( pItem->GetDispID() );

		if ( pItemDef )
			if ( pItemDef->GetDispID() == pItem->GetDispID() )//parent item
				zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
				wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove
			else //non-parent item
				pDupeDef = CItemBaseDupe::GetDupeRef(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(pItem->GetDispID()));
				if ( ! pDupeDef )
					g_Log.EventDebug("Failed to get non-parent reference (dynamic) (DispID 0%x) (X: %d Y: %d Z: %d)\n",pItem->GetDispID(),pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x,pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y,pItem->GetTopPoint().m_z);
					zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();
					wBlockThis = ( pItemDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK );
					zHeight = pDupeDef->GetHeight();
					wBlockThis = ( pDupeDef->m_Can & CAN_I_MOVEMASK ); //Use only Block flags, other remove - CAN flags cannot be inherited from the parent item due to bad script pack...
		else if (pItem->GetDispID())

		block.CheckTile_Item(wBlockThis, z, zHeight, pItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY);

	wBlockThis = 0;
	// Terrain height is screwed. Since it is related to all the terrain around it.
	const CUOMapMeter * pMeter = pMapBlock->GetTerrain( UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_x), UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_y));
	if ( ! pMeter )

	if ( block.IsUsableZ( pMeter->m_z,block.m_zHeight ) )
		//DEBUG_ERR(("pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex 0%x wBlockThis (0%x)\n",pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex,wBlockThis));
		if ( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex == TERRAIN_HOLE )
			wBlockThis = 0;
		else if ( CUOMapMeter::IsTerrainNull( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex ) )	// inter dungeon type.
			wBlockThis = CAN_I_BLOCK;
			CGrayTerrainInfo land( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex );
			//DEBUG_ERR(("Terrain flags - land.m_flags 0%x wBlockThis (0%x)\n",land.m_flags,wBlockThis));
			if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_WATER )
				wBlockThis |= CAN_I_WATER;
			if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_DAMAGE )
				wBlockThis |= CAN_I_FIRE;
			if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_BLOCK )
				wBlockThis |= CAN_I_BLOCK;
			if (( ! wBlockThis ) || ( land.m_flags & UFLAG2_PLATFORM )) // Platform items should take precendence over non-platforms.
				wBlockThis = CAN_I_PLATFORM;
		//DEBUG_ERR(("TERRAIN wBlockThis (0%x)\n",wBlockThis));
		block.CheckTile_Terrain( wBlockThis, pMeter->m_z, pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex );

	if ( block.m_Bottom.m_z == UO_SIZE_MIN_Z )
		block.m_Bottom = block.m_Lowest;
		if ( block.m_Top.m_z == block.m_Bottom.m_z )
			block.m_Top.m_dwBlockFlags = 0;
			block.m_Top.m_dwTile = 0;
			block.m_Top.m_z = UO_SIZE_Z;
Esempio n. 4
void CWorld::GetHeightPoint2( const CPointMap & pt, CGrayMapBlockState & block, bool fHouseCheck )
	// Height of statics at/above given coordinates
	// do gravity here for the z.

	DWORD wBlockThis = 0;
	const CGrayMapBlock * pMapBlock = GetMapBlock( pt );
	if ( !pMapBlock )
		g_Log.EventWarn("GetMapBlock failed at %s.\n", pt.WriteUsed());

		size_t iStaticQty = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStaticQty();
		if ( iStaticQty > 0 )  // no static items here.
			int x2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetX(pt.m_x);
			int y2 = pMapBlock->GetOffsetY(pt.m_y);
			for ( size_t i = 0; i < iStaticQty; i++ )
				if ( ! pMapBlock->m_Statics.IsStaticPoint( i, x2, y2 ))
				const CUOStaticItemRec * pStatic = pMapBlock->m_Statics.GetStatic( i );
				signed char z = pStatic->m_z;
				if ( ! block.IsUsableZ(z,PLAYER_HEIGHT))

				// This static is at the coordinates in question.
				// enough room for me to stand here ?
				wBlockThis = 0;
				height_t zHeight = CItemBase::GetItemHeight( pStatic->GetDispID(), wBlockThis );
				block.CheckTile( wBlockThis, z, zHeight, pStatic->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY );

	// Any multi items here ?
	if ( fHouseCheck )
		CRegionLinks rlinks;
		size_t iRegionQty = pt.GetRegions( REGION_TYPE_MULTI, rlinks );
		if ( iRegionQty > 0 )
			for ( size_t i = 0; i < iRegionQty; i++)
				CRegionBase * pRegion = rlinks.GetAt(i);
				CItem * pItem = pRegion->GetResourceID().ItemFind();
				if ( pItem != NULL )
					const CGrayMulti * pMulti = g_Cfg.GetMultiItemDefs(pItem);
					if ( pMulti )
						int x2 = pt.m_x - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_x;
						int y2 = pt.m_y - pItem->GetTopPoint().m_y;

						size_t iMultiQty = pMulti->GetItemCount();
						for ( size_t j = 0; j < iMultiQty; j++ )
							const CUOMultiItemRec2 * pMultiItem = pMulti->GetItem(j);

							if ( ! pMultiItem->m_visible )
							if ( pMultiItem->m_dx != x2 || pMultiItem->m_dy != y2 )

							signed char zitem = static_cast<signed char>( pItem->GetTopZ() + pMultiItem->m_dz );
							if ( ! block.IsUsableZ(zitem,PLAYER_HEIGHT))

							wBlockThis = 0;
							height_t zHeight = CItemBase::GetItemHeight( pMultiItem->GetDispID(), wBlockThis );
							block.CheckTile( wBlockThis, zitem, zHeight, pMultiItem->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY );

	// Any dynamic items here ?
	// NOTE: This could just be an item that an NPC could just move ?
	CWorldSearch Area( pt );
	for (;;)
		CItem * pItem = Area.GetItem();
		if ( pItem == NULL )

		signed char zitem = pItem->GetTopZ();
		if ( ! block.IsUsableZ(zitem,PLAYER_HEIGHT))

		// Invis items should not block ???
		CItemBase * pItemDef = pItem->Item_GetDef();

		// Get Attributes from ItemDef. If they are not set, get them from the static object (DISPID)
		wBlockThis = pItemDef->m_Can & (CAN_I_DOOR | CAN_I_WATER | CAN_I_CLIMB | CAN_I_BLOCK | CAN_I_PLATFORM);
		height_t zHeight = pItemDef->GetHeight();

		DWORD wStaticBlockThis = 0;
		height_t zStaticHeight = CItemBase::GetItemHeight(pItem->GetDispID(), wStaticBlockThis);

		if (wBlockThis == 0)
			wBlockThis = wStaticBlockThis;
		if (zHeight == 0)
			zHeight = zStaticHeight;

		if ( !block.CheckTile( 
			zitem, zHeight, pItemDef->GetDispID() + TERRAIN_QTY ) )

	// Check Terrain here.
	// Terrain height is screwed. Since it is related to all the terrain around it.

	const CUOMapMeter * pMeter = pMapBlock->GetTerrain( UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_x), UO_BLOCK_OFFSET(pt.m_y));

	if ( block.IsUsableZ(pMeter->m_z,0))
		if ( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex == TERRAIN_HOLE )
			wBlockThis = 0;
		else if ( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex == TERRAIN_NULL )	// inter dungeon type.
			wBlockThis = CAN_I_BLOCK;
			CGrayTerrainInfo land( pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex );
			if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG2_PLATFORM ) // Platform items should take precendence over non-platforms.
				wBlockThis = CAN_I_PLATFORM;
			else if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_WATER )
				wBlockThis = CAN_I_WATER;
			else if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_DAMAGE )
				wBlockThis = CAN_I_FIRE;
			else if ( land.m_flags & UFLAG1_BLOCK )
				wBlockThis = CAN_I_BLOCK;
				wBlockThis = CAN_I_PLATFORM;
		block.CheckTile( wBlockThis, pMeter->m_z, 0, pMeter->m_wTerrainIndex );

	if ( block.m_Bottom.m_z == UO_SIZE_MIN_Z )
		block.m_Bottom = block.m_Lowest;