bool CKnownFileList::SafeAddKFile(CKnownFile* toadd) { bool bRemovedDuplicateSharedFile = false; CCKey key(toadd->GetFileHash()); CKnownFile* pFileInMap; if (m_Files_map.Lookup(key, pFileInMap)) { TRACE(_T("%hs: Already in known list: %s %I64u \"%s\"\n"), __FUNCTION__, md4str(pFileInMap->GetFileHash()), pFileInMap->GetFileSize(), pFileInMap->GetFileName()); TRACE(_T("%hs: Old entry replaced with: %s %I64u \"%s\"\n"), __FUNCTION__, md4str(toadd->GetFileHash()), toadd->GetFileSize(), toadd->GetFileName()); // if we hash files which are already in known file list and add them later (when the hashing thread is finished), // we can not delete any already available entry from known files list. that entry can already be used by the // shared file list -> crash. m_Files_map.RemoveKey(CCKey(pFileInMap->GetFileHash())); m_mapKnownFilesByAICH.RemoveKey(pFileInMap->GetAICHHashset()->GetMasterHash()); //This can happen in a couple situations.. //File was renamed outside of eMule.. //A user decided to redownload a file he has downloaded and unshared.. //RemovingKeyWords I believe is not thread safe if I'm looking at this right. //Not sure of a good solution yet.. if (theApp.sharedfiles) { #if 0 // This may crash the client because of dangling ptr in shared files ctrl. // This may happen if a file is re-shared which is also currently downloaded. // After the file was downloaded (again) there is a dangl. ptr in shared files // ctrl. // Actually that's also wrong in some cases: Keywords are not always removed // because the wrong ptr is used to search for in keyword publish list. theApp.sharedfiles->RemoveKeywords(pFileInMap); #else // This solves the problem with dangl. ptr in shared files ctrl, // but creates a new bug. It may lead to unshared files! Even // worse it may lead to files which are 'shared' in GUI but // which are though not shared 'logically'. // // To reduce the harm, remove the file from shared files list, // only if really needed. Right now this 'harm' applies for files // which are re-shared and then completed (again) because they were // also in download queue (they were added there when the already // available file was not in shared file list). if (theApp.sharedfiles->IsFilePtrInList(pFileInMap)) bRemovedDuplicateSharedFile = theApp.sharedfiles->RemoveFile(pFileInMap); #endif ASSERT( !theApp.sharedfiles->IsFilePtrInList(pFileInMap) ); } //Double check to make sure this is the same file as it's possible that a two files have the same hash. //Maybe in the furture we can change the client to not just use Hash as a key throughout the entire client.. ASSERT( toadd->GetFileSize() == pFileInMap->GetFileSize() ); ASSERT( toadd != pFileInMap ); if (toadd->GetFileSize() == pFileInMap->GetFileSize()) toadd->statistic.MergeFileStats(&pFileInMap->statistic); ASSERT( theApp.sharedfiles==NULL || !theApp.sharedfiles->IsFilePtrInList(pFileInMap) ); ASSERT( theApp.downloadqueue==NULL || !theApp.downloadqueue->IsPartFile(pFileInMap) ); // Quick fix: If we downloaded already downloaded files again and if those files all had the same file names // and were renamed during file completion, we have a pending ptr in transfer window. if (theApp.emuledlg && theApp.emuledlg->transferwnd && theApp.emuledlg->transferwnd->downloadlistctrl.m_hWnd) theApp.emuledlg->transferwnd->downloadlistctrl.RemoveFile((CPartFile*)pFileInMap); delete pFileInMap; } m_Files_map.SetAt(key, toadd); if (bRemovedDuplicateSharedFile) { theApp.sharedfiles->SafeAddKFile(toadd); } if (toadd->GetAICHHashset()->HasValidMasterHash()) m_mapKnownFilesByAICH.SetAt(toadd->GetAICHHashset()->GetMasterHash(), toadd); return true; }
int CAICHSyncThread::Run() { if ( !theApp.emuledlg->IsRunning() ) return 0; // we collect all masterhashs which we find in the known2.met and store them in a list CList<CAICHHash> liKnown2Hashs; CString fullpath=thePrefs.GetConfigDir(); fullpath.Append(KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME); CSafeFile file; CFileException fexp; uint32 nLastVerifiedPos = 0; if (!file.Open(fullpath,CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::modeNoTruncate|CFile::osSequentialScan|CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyNone, &fexp)){ if (fexp.m_cause != CFileException::fileNotFound){ CString strError(_T("Failed to load ") KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME _T(" file")); TCHAR szError[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; if (fexp.GetErrorMessage(szError, ARRSIZE(szError))){ strError += _T(" - "); strError += szError; } LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR, _T("%s"), strError); } return false; } try { //setvbuf(file.m_pStream, NULL, _IOFBF, 16384); uint32 nExistingSize = file.GetLength(); uint16 nHashCount; while (file.GetPosition() < nExistingSize){ liKnown2Hashs.AddTail(CAICHHash(&file)); nHashCount = file.ReadUInt16(); if (file.GetPosition() + nHashCount*HASHSIZE > nExistingSize){ AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::endOfFile, 0, file.GetFileName()); } // skip the rest of this hashset file.Seek(nHashCount*HASHSIZE, CFile::current); nLastVerifiedPos = file.GetPosition(); } } catch(CFileException* error){ if (error->m_cause == CFileException::endOfFile){ LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR,GetResString(IDS_ERR_SERVERMET_BAD)); // truncate the file to the size to the last verified valid pos try{ file.SetLength(nLastVerifiedPos); } catch(CFileException* error2){ error2->Delete(); } } else{ TCHAR buffer[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; error->GetErrorMessage(buffer, ARRSIZE(buffer)); LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR,GetResString(IDS_ERR_SERVERMET_UNKNOWN),buffer); } error->Delete(); return false; } file.Close(); // now we check that all files which are in the sharedfilelist have a corresponding hash in out list // those how don'T are added to the hashinglist for (uint32 i = 0; i < theApp.sharedfiles->GetCount(); i++){ CKnownFile* pCurFile = theApp.sharedfiles->GetFileByIndex(i); if (pCurFile != NULL && !pCurFile->IsPartFile() ){ if (theApp.emuledlg==NULL || !theApp.emuledlg->IsRunning()) // in case of shutdown while still hashing return 0; if (pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->GetStatus() == AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE){ bool bFound = false; for (POSITION pos = liKnown2Hashs.GetHeadPosition();pos != 0;) { if (liKnown2Hashs.GetNext(pos) == pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->GetMasterHash()){ bFound = true; #ifdef _DEBUG // in debugmode we load and verify all hashsets ASSERT( pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->LoadHashSet() ); // pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->DbgTest(); pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->FreeHashSet(); #endif break; } } if (bFound) // hashset is available, everything fine with this file continue; } pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->SetStatus(AICH_ERROR); m_liToHash.AddTail(pCurFile); } } // warn the user if he just upgraded if (thePrefs.IsFirstStart() && !m_liToHash.IsEmpty()){ LogWarning(GetResString(IDS_AICH_WARNUSER)); } if (!m_liToHash.IsEmpty()){ AddLogLine(true, GetResString(IDS_AICH_SYNCTOTAL), m_liToHash.GetCount() ); // I18n: ThreadSafeLog theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.SetAICHHashing(m_liToHash.GetCount()); // let first all normal hashing be done before starting out synchashing CSingleLock sLock1(&theApp.hashing_mut); // only one filehash at a time while (theApp.sharedfiles->GetHashingCount() != 0){ Sleep(100); } sLock1.Lock(); uint32 cDone = 0; for (POSITION pos = m_liToHash.GetHeadPosition();pos != 0; cDone++) { if (theApp.emuledlg==NULL || !theApp.emuledlg->IsRunning()){ // in case of shutdown while still hashing return 0; } theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.SetAICHHashing(m_liToHash.GetCount()-cDone); if (theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.m_hWnd != NULL) theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.ShowFilesCount(); CKnownFile* pCurFile = m_liToHash.GetNext(pos); // just to be sure that the file hasnt been deleted lately if (!(theApp.knownfiles->IsKnownFile(pCurFile) && theApp.sharedfiles->GetFileByID(pCurFile->GetFileHash())) ) continue; AddLogLine(false, GetResString(IDS_AICH_CALCFILE), pCurFile->GetFileName()); // I18n: ThreadSafeLog if(!pCurFile->CreateAICHHashSetOnly()) // [TPT] - WebCache if(thePrefs.GetLogICHEvents()) //JP log ICH events AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Failed to create AICH Hashset while sync. for file %s"), pCurFile->GetFileName()); // I18n: ThreadSafeLog } theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.SetAICHHashing(0); if (theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.m_hWnd != NULL) theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.ShowFilesCount(); sLock1.Unlock(); } // [TPT] - WebCache if(thePrefs.GetLogICHEvents()) //JP log ICH events AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("AICHSyncThread finished")); // I18n: ThreadSafeLog return 0; }
int CAICHSyncThread::Run() { if ( !theApp.emuledlg->IsRunning() ) return 0; // we need to keep a lock on this file while the thread is running CSingleLock lockKnown2Met(&CAICHHashSet::m_mutKnown2File); lockKnown2Met.Lock(); // we collect all masterhashs which we find in the known2.met and store them in a list CList<CAICHHash> liKnown2Hashs; CString fullpath=thePrefs.GetConfigDir(); fullpath.Append(KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME); CSafeFile file; CFileException fexp; uint32 nLastVerifiedPos = 0; if (!file.Open(fullpath,CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::modeNoTruncate|CFile::osSequentialScan|CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyNone, &fexp)){ if (fexp.m_cause != CFileException::fileNotFound){ CString strError(_T("Failed to load ") KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME _T(" file")); TCHAR szError[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; if (fexp.GetErrorMessage(szError, ARRSIZE(szError))){ strError += _T(" - "); strError += szError; } LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR, _T("%s"), strError); } return false; } try { //setvbuf(file.m_pStream, NULL, _IOFBF, 16384); uint32 nExistingSize = (UINT)file.GetLength(); uint16 nHashCount; while (file.GetPosition() < nExistingSize){ liKnown2Hashs.AddTail(CAICHHash(&file)); nHashCount = file.ReadUInt16(); if (file.GetPosition() + nHashCount*CAICHHash::GetHashSize() > nExistingSize){ AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::endOfFile, 0, file.GetFileName()); } // skip the rest of this hashset file.Seek(nHashCount*CAICHHash::GetHashSize(), CFile::current); nLastVerifiedPos = (UINT)file.GetPosition(); } } catch(CFileException* error){ if (error->m_cause == CFileException::endOfFile){ LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR,GetResString(IDS_ERR_SERVERMET_BAD)); // truncate the file to the size to the last verified valid pos try{ file.SetLength(nLastVerifiedPos); } catch(CFileException* error2){ error2->Delete(); } } else{ TCHAR buffer[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; error->GetErrorMessage(buffer, ARRSIZE(buffer)); LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR,GetResString(IDS_ERR_SERVERMET_UNKNOWN),buffer); } error->Delete(); return false; } // now we check that all files which are in the sharedfilelist have a corresponding hash in out list // those how don'T are added to the hashinglist CList<CAICHHash> liUsedHashs; CSingleLock sharelock(&theApp.sharedfiles->m_mutWriteList); sharelock.Lock(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < theApp.sharedfiles->GetCount(); i++){ CKnownFile* pCurFile = theApp.sharedfiles->GetFileByIndex(i); if (pCurFile != NULL && !pCurFile->IsPartFile() ){ if (theApp.emuledlg==NULL || !theApp.emuledlg->IsRunning()) // in case of shutdown while still hashing return 0; if (pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->GetStatus() == AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE){ bool bFound = false; for (POSITION pos = liKnown2Hashs.GetHeadPosition();pos != 0;) { CAICHHash current_hash = liKnown2Hashs.GetNext(pos); if (current_hash == pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->GetMasterHash()){ bFound = true; liUsedHashs.AddTail(current_hash); //theApp.QueueDebugLogLine(false, _T("%s - %s"), current_hash.GetString(), pCurFile->GetFileName()); #ifdef _DEBUG // in debugmode we load and verify all hashsets ASSERT( pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->LoadHashSet() ); // pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->DbgTest(); pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->FreeHashSet(); #endif break; } } if (bFound) // hashset is available, everything fine with this file continue; } pCurFile->GetAICHHashset()->SetStatus(AICH_ERROR); m_liToHash.AddTail(pCurFile); } } sharelock.Unlock(); // removed all unused AICH hashsets from known2.met if (!thePrefs.IsRememberingDownloadedFiles() && liUsedHashs.GetCount() != liKnown2Hashs.GetCount()){ file.SeekToBegin(); try { uint32 nExistingSize = (UINT)file.GetLength(); uint16 nHashCount; ULONGLONG posWritePos = 0; ULONGLONG posReadPos = 0; uint32 nPurgeCount = 0; while (file.GetPosition() < nExistingSize){ CAICHHash aichHash(&file); nHashCount = file.ReadUInt16(); if (file.GetPosition() + nHashCount*CAICHHash::GetHashSize() > nExistingSize){ AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::endOfFile, 0, file.GetFileName()); } if (liUsedHashs.Find(aichHash) == NULL){ // unused hashset skip the rest of this hashset file.Seek(nHashCount*CAICHHash::GetHashSize(), CFile::current); nPurgeCount++; } else if(nPurgeCount == 0){ // used Hashset, but it does not need to be moved as nothing changed yet file.Seek(nHashCount*CAICHHash::GetHashSize(), CFile::current); posWritePos = file.GetPosition(); } else{ // used Hashset, move position in file BYTE* buffer = new BYTE[nHashCount*CAICHHash::GetHashSize()]; file.Read(buffer, nHashCount*CAICHHash::GetHashSize()); posReadPos = file.GetPosition(); file.Seek(posWritePos, CFile::begin); file.Write(aichHash.GetRawHash(), CAICHHash::GetHashSize()); file.WriteUInt16(nHashCount); file.Write(buffer, nHashCount*CAICHHash::GetHashSize()); delete[] buffer; posWritePos = file.GetPosition(); file.Seek(posReadPos, CFile::begin); } } posReadPos = file.GetPosition(); file.SetLength(posWritePos); theApp.QueueDebugLogLine(false, _T("Cleaned up known2.met, removed %u hashsets (%s)"), nPurgeCount, CastItoXBytes(posReadPos-posWritePos)); file.Flush(); file.Close(); } catch(CFileException* error){ if (error->m_cause == CFileException::endOfFile){ // we just parsed this files some ms ago, should never happen here ASSERT( false ); } else{ TCHAR buffer[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; error->GetErrorMessage(buffer, ARRSIZE(buffer)); LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR,GetResString(IDS_ERR_SERVERMET_UNKNOWN),buffer); } error->Delete(); return false; } } lockKnown2Met.Unlock(); // warn the user if he just upgraded if (thePrefs.IsFirstStart() && !m_liToHash.IsEmpty()){ LogWarning(GetResString(IDS_AICH_WARNUSER)); } if (!m_liToHash.IsEmpty()){ theApp.QueueLogLine(true, GetResString(IDS_AICH_SYNCTOTAL), m_liToHash.GetCount() ); theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.SetAICHHashing(m_liToHash.GetCount()); // let first all normal hashing be done before starting out synchashing CSingleLock sLock1(&theApp.hashing_mut); // only one filehash at a time while (theApp.sharedfiles->GetHashingCount() != 0){ Sleep(100); } sLock1.Lock(); uint32 cDone = 0; for (POSITION pos = m_liToHash.GetHeadPosition();pos != 0; cDone++) { if (theApp.emuledlg==NULL || !theApp.emuledlg->IsRunning()){ // in case of shutdown while still hashing return 0; } theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.SetAICHHashing(m_liToHash.GetCount()-cDone); if (theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.m_hWnd != NULL) theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.ShowFilesCount(); CKnownFile* pCurFile = m_liToHash.GetNext(pos); // just to be sure that the file hasnt been deleted lately if (!(theApp.knownfiles->IsKnownFile(pCurFile) && theApp.sharedfiles->GetFileByID(pCurFile->GetFileHash())) ) continue; theApp.QueueLogLine(false, GetResString(IDS_AICH_CALCFILE), pCurFile->GetFileName()); if(!pCurFile->CreateAICHHashSetOnly()) theApp.QueueDebugLogLine(false, _T("Failed to create AICH Hashset while sync. for file %s"), pCurFile->GetFileName()); } theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.SetAICHHashing(0); if (theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.m_hWnd != NULL) theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->sharedfilesctrl.ShowFilesCount(); sLock1.Unlock(); } theApp.QueueDebugLogLine(false, _T("AICHSyncThread finished")); return 0; }