DATA_TEST_CASE(Configuration, framework::DatasetMode::ALL, combine(concat(datasets::SmallShapes(), datasets::LargeShapes()), AbsoluteDifferenceS16Dataset), shape, data_type0, data_type1, output_data_type) { // Create tensors CLTensor ref_src1 = create_tensor<CLTensor>(shape, data_type0); CLTensor ref_src2 = create_tensor<CLTensor>(shape, data_type1); CLTensor dst = create_tensor<CLTensor>(shape, output_data_type); // Create and Configure function CLAbsoluteDifference abs_diff; abs_diff.configure(&ref_src1, &ref_src2, &dst); // Validate valid region const ValidRegion valid_region = shape_to_valid_region(shape); validate(>valid_region(), valid_region); // Validate padding const PaddingSize padding = PaddingCalculator(shape.x(), 16).required_padding(); validate(>padding(), padding); validate(>padding(), padding); validate(>padding(), padding); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int r=0; /*data init to be replaced with ppm images*/ unsigned int width = 16; unsigned int height = 16; unsigned int bsize = 2; unsigned int seed = 12; if (getenv("CK_WIDTH")!=NULL) width=atol(getenv("CK_WIDTH")); if (getenv("CK_HEIGHT")!=NULL) height=atol(getenv("CK_HEIGHT")); if (getenv("CK_BSIZE")!=NULL) bsize=atol(getenv("CK_BSIZE")); std::cout << "WIDTH, HEIGHT, BSIZE " << width << " " << height << " " << bsize << "\n"; if (getenv("CK_SEED")!=NULL) seed=atol(getenv("CK_SEED")); std::cout << "CK_SEED " << seed << "\n"; srand(seed); auto *src_data = new float[width * height * bsize]; auto *dst_data = new float[width * height * bsize]; for(unsigned int b = 0; b < bsize; b++){ for(unsigned int h = 0; h < height; h++){ for(unsigned int w = 0; w < width; w++){ // float r = static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX/MYMAX)); src_data[b * (width * height) + h * width + w] = static_cast<float>(100 * b + 10 * h + w); //replace with random fixed seed value dst_data[b * (width * height) + h * width + w] = 0; } } } //tuner.AddArgumentInput(src_data); //tuner.AddArgumentInput(dst_data); //tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<int>(width)); //tuner.SetNumRuns(2); //tuner.Tune(); //tuner.PrintToScreen(); // OpenCL init CLScheduler::get().default_init(); CLTensor ATensor; //NETensor for Neon CLTensor OTensor; TensorShape shape(width, height, bsize); ATensor.allocator()->init(TensorInfo(shape, Format::F32)); OTensor.allocator()->init(TensorInfo(shape, Format::F32)); //FILL TENSORS... easiest way is: create an iteretor Window input_window,output_window; input_window.use_tensor_dimensions(; output_window.use_tensor_dimensions(; //Data in/out ATensor.allocator()->allocate(); OTensor.allocator()->allocate();; Iterator input_it(&ATensor, input_window); execute_window_loop(input_window, [&](const Coordinates & id){ *reinterpret_cast<float *>(input_it.ptr()) = src_data[id.z() * (width * height) + id.y() * width + id.x()]; },input_it); ATensor.unmap(); const ITensorInfo *Ainfo =; const ITensorInfo *Oinfo =; const unsigned int num_elems_processed_per_iteration = ceil_to_multiple(>dimension(0),16); printf("[KERNEL SET-UP] num_elems_processed_per_iteration=%d\n",num_elems_processed_per_iteration); if (>dimension(0) % 16 != 0){ setenv("CLTUNE_BUILD_OPTION","-DNON_MULTIPLE_OF_16", true); printf("SET CLTUNE BUILD\n"); } printf("READ %s\n",getenv("CLTUNE_BUILD_OPTION")); auto kernel_file = std::vector<std::string>{"/home/flavio/CK_REPOS/ck-math/program/acl-softmax-opencl-tuner/"}; cltune::Tuner tuner(size_t{0}, size_t{0}); unsigned int gws_x = (input_window.x().end()-input_window.x().start())/16; unsigned gws_y =(input_window.y().end()-input_window.y().start())/1; const auto id = tuner.AddKernel(kernel_file, "softmax_layer_max", {1, gws_y}, {1,1}); tuner.AddParameter(id, "GROUP_SIZE", {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32}); tuner.MulLocalSize(id, {"GROUP_SIZE"}); const Strides &Astrides = Ainfo->strides_in_bytes(); unsigned int Aoffset_first_element = Ainfo->offset_first_element_in_bytes(); for(unsigned int n = 0; n < Ainfo->num_dimensions(); ++n){ Aoffset_first_element += input_window[n].start() * Astrides[n]; } const Strides &Ostrides = Oinfo->strides_in_bytes(); unsigned int Ooffset_first_element = Oinfo->offset_first_element_in_bytes(); for(unsigned int n = 0; n < Oinfo->num_dimensions(); ++n){ Ooffset_first_element += output_window[n].start() * Ostrides[n]; } std::vector<float> v(src_data, src_data + sizeof src_data / sizeof src_data[0]); std::vector<float> vout(dst_data, dst_data + sizeof dst_data / sizeof dst_data[0]); uint step_y = 1; /* tuner.AddArgumentInput(v); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(Astrides[0])); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(width)); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(Astrides[1])); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(step_y)); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(Aoffset_first_element)); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(Ostrides[0])); tuner.AddArgumentInput(vout); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(Ostrides[1])); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(step_y)); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(Ooffset_first_element)); tuner.AddArgumentScalar(static_cast<unsigned int>(width)); tuner.SetNumRuns(10); tuner.Tune(); */ tuner.PrintToScreen(); //Get output /* Window output_window; output_window.use_tensor_dimensions(;; Iterator output_it(&OTensor, output_window); execute_window_loop(output_window, [&](const Coordinates & id){ #ifdef PRINT std::cout << "Copying one row starting from [" << id.x() << "," << id.y() << "," << id.z() << "]\n"; #endif // Copy one whole row: memcpy(dst_data + id.z() * (width * height) + id.y() * width, output_it.ptr(), width * sizeof(float)); }, output_it); OTensor.unmap(); */ // Compute time // secs += (after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec) + (after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec)/1000000.0; // std::cout << "Softmax[time]= " << secs; // double avg_time = secs; delete[] src_data; delete[] dst_data; return 0; }