Esempio n. 1
CL_Sprite::CL_Sprite(CL_GraphicContext &gc, CL_IODevice &file, const CL_String &image_type, const CL_ImageImportDescription &import_desc )
: impl(new CL_Sprite_Impl())
	CL_SpriteDescription desc;
	desc.add_frame(file, image_type, import_desc );
	impl->create_textures(gc, desc);
Esempio n. 2
CL_Sprite::CL_Sprite(CL_GraphicContext &gc, const CL_StringRef &filename, CL_VirtualDirectory &dir, const CL_ImageImportDescription &import_desc)
: impl(new CL_Sprite_Impl())
	CL_SpriteDescription desc;
	desc.add_frame(filename, dir, import_desc );
	impl->create_textures(gc, desc);

Esempio n. 3
std::shared_ptr<TerrainWrapper> TerrainManager::createDefaultEntity(const std::string &aRelativeFilepath)
    CL_SpriteDescription proxyDescription;

    CL_Sprite proxySprite(World::instance.getGraphicWrapper().cl(), proxyDescription);
    std::shared_ptr<Drawer> proxyDrawer = std::make_shared<DrawerSprite>(World::instance.getGraphicWrapper(), proxySprite);

    std::shared_ptr<Controller> controllerNull = std::make_shared<ControllerNull>();
	std::shared_ptr<TerrainWrapper> proxy = std::make_shared<TerrainWrapper>(controllerNull, proxyDrawer);


    PhysicsMaterial proxyMaterial(EPSILON, EPSILON, 10000.f, 13, 13);
    PhysicsSystem::addEntity(*proxy, PHYSICS_BOX);

    return proxy;
Esempio n. 4
  if (impl->sprite)
    return impl->sprite;
    if (impl->provider)
      impl->sprite = impl->provider.get_sprite();
      CL_SpriteDescription desc;
      impl->sprite = CL_Sprite(desc);

    return impl->sprite;
Esempio n. 5
// The start of the Application
int App::start(const std::vector<CL_String> &args)
	quit = false;


		CL_OpenGLWindowDescription desc;

		desc.set_title("ClanLib AnimCursor Test");
		desc.set_size(CL_Size(800, 600), true);
		CL_DisplayWindow window(desc);

		// Connect the Window close event
		CL_Slot slot_quit = window.sig_window_close().connect(this, &App::on_window_close);

		// Connect a keyboard handler to on_key_up()
		CL_Slot slot_input_up = (window.get_ic().get_keyboard()).sig_key_up().connect(this, &App::on_input_up);

		// Get the graphic context
		CL_GraphicContext gc = window.get_gc();

		CL_Font font = CL_Font(gc, "Tahoma", 20);

		CL_PixelBuffer pacman("pacman.png");

		CL_SpriteDescription description;
		CL_Size size(22, 22);

		for (int frame_cnt=0; frame_cnt < 6; frame_cnt++)
			CL_PixelBuffer frame(size.width, size.height, cl_rgba8);
			pacman.convert(frame, size, CL_Rect((frame_cnt * 28) + 4, 4, size));
			description.set_frame_delay(frame_cnt, 0.1);

		CL_Point hotspot(0,0);
		CL_Cursor cursor(window, description, hotspot);

		// Run until someone presses escape
		while (!quit)

			font.draw_text(gc, 32, 32, "Observe the animated cursor");

			// Flip the display, showing on the screen what we have drawed
			// since last call to flip()

			// This call processes user input and other events
	catch(CL_Exception& exception)
		// Create a console window for text-output if not available
		CL_ConsoleWindow console("Console", 80, 200);

		CL_Console::write_line("Exception caught:");

		// Display the stack trace (if available)
		std::vector<CL_String> stacktrace = exception.get_stack_trace();
		int size = stacktrace.size();
		if (size > 0)
			CL_Console::write_line("Stack Trace:");
			for (int cnt=0; cnt < size; cnt++)


		return -1;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
void CL_Sprite_Impl::create_textures(CL_GraphicContext &gc, const CL_SpriteDescription &description)
	// Fetch frames
	const std::vector<CL_SpriteDescriptionFrame> &description_frames = description.get_frames();
	std::vector<CL_SpriteDescriptionFrame>::const_iterator it_frames;

	// Calculate estimated texture group size
	if (texture_group.is_null())
		// *** This algorithm may not work! ***
		int max_width = 1;
		int max_height = 1;
		int num_objects = 0;
		int min_width = 9999999;
		int min_height = min_width;
		int total_width = 1;

		const int allowed_pixel_gap = 4;

		for (it_frames = description_frames.begin(); it_frames != description_frames.end(); ++it_frames)
			CL_SpriteDescriptionFrame description_frame = (*it_frames);
			int width = description_frame.rect.get_width();
			int height = description_frame.rect.get_width();

			if (max_width < width) max_width = width;
			if (max_height < height) max_height = height;

			if (min_width > width) min_width = width;
			if (min_height > height) min_height = height;

			total_width += width + allowed_pixel_gap;


		int group_width = total_width;
		int group_height = max_height;

		// Check all will fit into a single line
		const int max_group_size = 512;
		if (group_width > max_group_size)
			group_width = max_group_size;
			group_height *= (total_width + max_group_size - 1) / max_group_size;

		// Ensure power of 2 - width
		if (group_width > 256)
			group_width = 512;
		else if (group_width > 128)
			group_width = 256;
		else if (group_width > 64)
			group_width = 128;
		else if (group_width > 32)
			group_width = 64;
		else group_width = 32;

		// Ensure power of 2 - height
		if (group_height > 256)
			group_height = 512;
		else if (group_height > 128)
			group_height = 256;
		else if (group_height > 64)
			group_height = 128;
		else if (group_height > 32)
			group_height = 64;
		else group_height = 32;

		// Only create group if an object will definately fit into it
		if ( (group_width >= min_width) && (group_height >= min_height) && (num_objects > 1) )
			texture_group = CL_TextureGroup(CL_Size(group_width, group_height));

	int texture_group_width;
	int texture_group_height;

	if (texture_group.is_null())
		texture_group_width = -1;
		texture_group_height = -1;
		CL_Size size = texture_group.get_texture_sizes();
		texture_group_width = size.width;
		texture_group_height = size.height;

	for (it_frames = description_frames.begin(); it_frames != description_frames.end(); ++it_frames)
		CL_SpriteDescriptionFrame description_frame = (*it_frames);

		if(description_frame.type == CL_SpriteDescriptionFrame::type_pixelbuffer)
			CL_PixelBuffer image = description_frame.pixelbuffer;
			if (texture_group_width >0 &&
				description_frame.rect.get_width() <= texture_group_width &&
				description_frame.rect.get_height() <= texture_group_height)
				CL_Subtexture subtexture = texture_group.add(gc, description_frame.rect.get_size());
				subtexture.get_texture().set_subimage(subtexture.get_geometry().get_top_left(), image, description_frame.rect);
				subtexture.get_texture().set_mag_filter(linear_filter ? cl_filter_linear : cl_filter_nearest);
				subtexture.get_texture().set_min_filter(linear_filter ? cl_filter_linear : cl_filter_nearest);

				SpriteFrame frame;
				frame.position = subtexture.get_geometry();
				frame.texture = subtexture.get_texture();
				frame.delay_ms = 60;
				frame.offset = CL_Point(0, 0);
				int width = description_frame.rect.get_width();
				int height = description_frame.rect.get_height();

				// Note, forced power of 2 textures have clamping issues
				int texture_width = width;
				int texture_height = height;

				CL_Texture texture(gc, texture_width, texture_height);
				texture.set_subimage(CL_Point(0,0), image, description_frame.rect);
				texture.set_mag_filter(linear_filter ? cl_filter_linear : cl_filter_nearest);
				texture.set_min_filter(linear_filter ? cl_filter_linear : cl_filter_nearest);

				SpriteFrame frame;
				frame.position = CL_Rect(0, 0, width, height);
				frame.texture = texture;
				frame.delay_ms = 60;
				frame.offset = CL_Point(0, 0);
		else if(description_frame.type == CL_SpriteDescriptionFrame::type_texture)
			SpriteFrame frame;
			frame.position = description_frame.rect;
			frame.texture = description_frame.texture;
			frame.delay_ms = 60;
			frame.offset = CL_Point(0, 0);
Esempio n. 7
    CL_GraphicContext&  gc,
    const typelib::size2Int_t&  needVisualSize,
    const pathSprite_t&  path
) {
    // пробуем получить спрайт из кеша
    const auto ftr = mKnownSprite.find( path );
    if (ftr != mKnownSprite.cend()) {
        return ftr->second.get();

    // собираем фреймы для спрайта
    // # Фреймы спрайта сгруппированы по папкам событий.
#ifdef _DEBUG
    std::cout << "\nПодготавливаем спрайт '" << path << "'\n";

    std::unique_ptr< CL_Sprite >  sprite;

    // фреймы для визуального образа
    CL_SpriteDescription ds;
    std::set< std::string >  frameSet;
    typelib::file::listFile( &frameSet, path, "png" );
    typelib::file::listFile( &frameSet, path, "jpg" );
    /* - # Допустимо, что спрайта для некоторых событий нет.
    ASSERT( !frameSet.empty()
        && "Для спрайта не найдено ни одного фрейма. "
            " Визуальный образ не может быть собран." );
    if ( !frameSet.empty() ) {
        for (auto ftr = frameSet.cbegin(); ftr != frameSet.cend(); ++ftr) {
            const std::string& f = *ftr;
            const std::string pathFrame = path + "/" + f;
            const auto image = frame( pathFrame );
            ds.add_frame( *image );
        // сам виз. образ
        sprite = std::unique_ptr< CL_Sprite >( new CL_Sprite( gc, ds ) );

        // @todo Конфигурируем спрайт.

        // начало координат для спрайта - по центру
        const int cx = sprite->get_width()  / 2;
        const int cy = sprite->get_height() / 2;
        sprite->set_alignment( origin_center );

        // задаём масштаб
        // # Учитываем существующий масштаб спрайта.
        float fixSX, fixSY;
        sprite->get_scale( fixSX, fixSY );
        const typelib::size2_t  scale(
            needVisualSize.x / static_cast< float >( sprite->get_width()  ) * fixSX,
            needVisualSize.y / static_cast< float >( sprite->get_height() ) * fixSY
        sprite->set_scale( scale.x, scale.y );


#ifdef _DEBUG
        std::cout << "Спрайт '" << path << "' собран.\n";

    } else {
#ifdef _DEBUG
        std::cout << "Спрайт '" << path << "' не найден.\n";
    } // else if ( !frameSet.empty() )

    // # Есть спрайт или нет - отметим факт загрузки.
    const auto ltr = mKnownSprite.insert(
        std::make_pair( path, std::move( sprite ) )

    return ltr->second.get();