Esempio n. 1
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Examine the string and determine if it is a valid string type argument or 
//			option value. If the string looks like a long option, short option, a thread
//			group ID or just a number it is rejected as a string type value. There is an
//			option to allow the string to accept a number as a string type.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrTxt	- (R) Some text.
// Return:	bool -	True = yes valid argument value, false = something else.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::IsStringArgSingleText( const CMIUtilString & vrTxt ) const
	if( !m_bHandleDirPaths )
		// Look for directory file paths, if found reject
		const bool bHavePosSlash = (vrTxt.find_first_of( "/" ) != std::string::npos);
		const bool bHaveBckSlash = (vrTxt.find_first_of( "\\" ) != std::string::npos);
		if( bHavePosSlash || bHaveBckSlash )
			return false;

	// Look for --someLongOption, if found reject
	if( 0 == vrTxt.find( "--" ) )
		return false;
	// Look for -f type short options, if found reject
	if( (0 == vrTxt.find( "-" )) && (vrTxt.length() == 2 ) )
		return false;
	// Look for thread group i1 i2 i3...., if found reject
	if( (vrTxt.find( "i" ) == 0) && (::isdigit( vrTxt[ 1 ] )) )
		return false;
	// Look for numbers, if found reject
	if( !m_bAcceptNumbers && vrTxt.IsNumber() )
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract all the words
//			between quotes then delimited by the next space.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateQuotedText( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	const CMIUtilString strOptions = vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse();
	const MIchar cQuote = '"';
	const MIint nPos = strOptions.find( cQuote );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return ValidateSingleText( vrwArgContext );

	// Is one and only quote at end of the string
	if( nPos == (MIint)(strOptions.length() - 1) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Quote must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	if( (nPos > 0) && (strOptions[ nPos - 1 ] != ' ' ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	// Need to find the other quote
	const MIint nPos2 = strOptions.find( cQuote, nPos + 1 );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Extract quoted text
	const CMIUtilString strQuotedTxt = strOptions.substr( nPos, nPos2 - nPos + 1 ).c_str();
	if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( strQuotedTxt ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		m_argValue = strOptions.substr( nPos + 1, nPos2 - nPos - 1 ).c_str();;	
		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Does the command name entered match the criteria for a MI command format.
//          Is a recogised command present? The command name is entered into the
//          command meta data structure whether correct or not for reporting or later
//          command execution purposes. Command options is present are also put into the
//          command meta data structure.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vTextLine   - (R) Command information structure.
// Return:  bool  - True = yes command name present, false = command not recognised.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmdInterpreter::MiHasCmd(const CMIUtilString &vTextLine)
    MIint nPos = 0;
    if (m_miCmdData.bMIOldStyle)
        char cChar = vTextLine[0];
        MIuint i = 0;
        while (::isdigit(cChar) != 0)
            cChar = vTextLine[++i];
        nPos = --i;
        nPos = vTextLine.find("-", 0);

    bool bFoundCmd = false;
    const MIint nLen = vTextLine.length();
    const MIint nPos2 = vTextLine.find(" ", nPos);
    if (nPos2 != (MIint)std::string::npos)
        if (nPos2 == nLen)
            return false;
        const CMIUtilString cmd = CMIUtilString(vTextLine.substr(nPos + 1, nPos2 - nPos - 1).c_str());
        if (cmd.empty())
            return false;

        m_miCmdData.strMiCmd = cmd;

        if (nPos2 < nLen)
            m_miCmdData.strMiCmdOption = CMIUtilString(vTextLine.substr(nPos2 + 1, nLen - nPos2 - 1).c_str());

        bFoundCmd = true;
        const CMIUtilString cmd = CMIUtilString(vTextLine.substr(nPos + 1, nLen - nPos - 1).c_str());
        if (cmd.empty())
            return false;
        m_miCmdData.strMiCmd = cmd;
        bFoundCmd = true;

    if (bFoundCmd)
        m_miCmdData.strMiCmdAll = vTextLine;

    return bFoundCmd;
Esempio n. 4
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Examine the string and determine if it is a valid string type argument.
//			Take into account quotes surrounding the text. Note this function falls 
//			through to IsStringArgSingleText() should the criteria match fail.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrTxt	- (R) Some text.
// Return:	bool -	True = yes valid arg, false = no.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::IsStringArgQuotedText( const CMIUtilString & vrTxt ) const
	const MIchar cQuote = '"';
	const MIint nPos = vrTxt.find( cQuote );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	// Is one and only quote at end of the string
	if( nPos == (MIint)(vrTxt.length() - 1) )
		return false;

	// Quote must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	// Also check for embedded string formating quote
	const MIchar cBckSlash = '\\'; 
	const MIchar cSpace = ' ';
	if( (nPos > 1) && (vrTxt[ nPos - 1 ] == cBckSlash) && (vrTxt[ nPos - 2 ] != cSpace) )
		return false;
	if( (nPos > 0) && (vrTxt[ nPos - 1 ] != cSpace) )
		return false;
	// Need to find the other quote
	const MIint nPos2 = vrTxt.rfind( cQuote );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	// Make sure not same quote, need two quotes
	if( nPos == nPos2 )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	return true;
// Details: Examine the string and determine if it is a valid long type option
// argument.
//          Long type argument looks like --someLongOption.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrTxt   - (R) Some text.
// Return:  bool    - True = yes valid arg, false = no.
// Throws:  None.
bool CMICmdArgValOptionLong::IsArgLongOption(const CMIUtilString &vrTxt) const {
  const bool bHavePosSlash = (vrTxt.find('/') != std::string::npos);
  const bool bHaveBckSlash = (vrTxt.find('\\') != std::string::npos);
  if (bHavePosSlash || bHaveBckSlash)
    return false;

  const size_t nPos = vrTxt.find("--");
  if (nPos != 0)
    return false;

  if (vrTxt.length() < 3)
    return false;

  const CMIUtilString strArg = vrTxt.substr(2);
  return !strArg.IsNumber();
Esempio n. 6
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract all the words
//			between quotes then delimited by the next space. If there any string format
//			characters '\\' used to embed quotes these are ignored i.e. "\\\"%5d\\\""
//			becomes "%5d".
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	CMIUtilString strOptions = vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse();
	const MIint nPos = strOptions.find( "\"\\\"" );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	const MIint nPos2 = strOptions.rfind( "\\\"\"" );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	const MIint nLen = strOptions.length();
	if( (nLen > 5) && ((nPos + 2) == (nPos2 - 2)) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Quote must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	// or '\\'
	const MIchar cSpace = ' ';
	if( (nPos > 0) && (strOptions[ nPos - 1 ] != cSpace) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Extract quoted text
	const CMIUtilString strQuotedTxt = strOptions.substr( nPos, nPos2 - nPos + 3 ).c_str();
	if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( strQuotedTxt ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		m_argValue = strQuotedTxt;	
		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
Esempio n. 7
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Examine the string and determine if it is a valid string type argument.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrTxt	- (R) Some text.
// Return:	bool -	True = yes valid arg, false = no.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::IsStringArgQuotedText( const CMIUtilString & vrTxt ) const
	const MIchar cQuote = '"';
	const MIint nPos = vrTxt.find( cQuote );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return IsStringArgSingleText( vrTxt );

	// Is one and only quote at end of the string
	if( nPos == (MIint)(vrTxt.length() - 1) )
		return false;

	// Quote must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	if( (nPos > 0) && (vrTxt[ nPos - 1 ] != ' ' ) )
		return false;
	// Need to find the other quote
	const MIint nPos2 = vrTxt.find( cQuote, nPos + 1 );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 8
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Examine the string and determine if it is a valid string type argument.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrTxt   - (R) Some text.
// Return:  bool    - True = yes valid arg, false = no.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmdArgValThreadGrp::IsArgThreadGrp(const CMIUtilString &vrTxt) const
    // Look for i1 i2 i3....
    const MIint nPos = vrTxt.find('i');
    if (nPos != 0)
        return false;

    const CMIUtilString strNum = vrTxt.substr(1);
    if (!strNum.IsNumber())
        return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 9
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Check a command's name is valid:
//				- name is not empty
//				- name does not have spaces
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vMiCmd	- (R) Command's name, the MI command.
// Return:	True - valid.
//			False - not valid.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdFactory::IsValid( const CMIUtilString & vMiCmd ) const
	bool bValid = true;

	if( vMiCmd.empty() )
		bValid = false;
		return false;

	const MIint nPos = vMiCmd.find( " " );
	if( nPos != (MIint) std::string::npos )
		bValid = false;
	return bValid;
Esempio n. 10
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Examine the string and determine if it is a valid string type argument.
//			Take into account quotes surrounding the text. Take into account string format
//			embedded quotes surrounding the text i.e. "\\\"%5d\\\"". Note this function falls 
//			through to IsStringArgQuotedTextEmbedded() should the criteria match fail.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrTxt	- (R) Some text.
// Return:	bool -	True = yes valid arg, false = no.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::IsStringArgQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded( const CMIUtilString & vrTxt ) const
	const MIint nPos = vrTxt.find( "\"\\\"" );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	const MIint nPos2 = vrTxt.rfind( "\\\"\"" );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	const MIint nLen = vrTxt.length();
	if( (nLen > 5) && ((nPos + 2) == (nPos2 - 2)) )
		return false;
	return true;
Esempio n. 11
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Determine if the path contains valid characters for a file path. Letters can be
//          either upper or lower case.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrText  - (R) The text data to examine.
// Return:  bool - True = yes valid, false = one or more chars is valid.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmdArgValFile::IsValidChars(const CMIUtilString &vrText) const
    static CMIUtilString s_strSpecialCharacters(".'\"`@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]| ");
    const char *pPtr = vrText.c_str();
    for (MIuint i = 0; i < vrText.length(); i++, pPtr++)
        const char c = *pPtr;
        if (::isalnum((int)c) == 0)
            if (s_strSpecialCharacters.find(c) == CMIUtilString::npos)
                return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 12
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract all the words
//			between quotes then delimited by the next space. If there any string format
//			characters '\\' used to embed quotes these are ignored i.e. "\\\"%5d\\\""
//			becomes "%5d". Can fall through to ValidateQuotedText().
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateQuotedTextEmbedded( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	CMIUtilString strOptions = vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse();
	const MIchar cBckSlash = '\\'; 
	const MIint nPos = strOptions.find( cBckSlash );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return ValidateQuotedText( vrwArgContext );

	// Back slash must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	// or '\\'
	const MIchar cSpace = ' ';
	if( (nPos > 0) && (strOptions[ nPos - 1 ] != cSpace) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Need to find the other back slash
	const MIint nPos2 = strOptions.rfind( cBckSlash );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Make sure not same back slash, need two slashs
	if( nPos == nPos2 )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Look for the two quotes
	const MIint nLen = strOptions.length();
	const MIchar cQuote = '"';
	const MIint nPosQuote1 = nPos + 1;
	const MIint nPosQuote2 = (nPos2 < nLen) ? nPos2 + 1 : nPos2;
	if( (nPosQuote1 != nPosQuote2) && 
		(strOptions[ nPosQuote1 ] != cQuote) && (strOptions[ nPosQuote2 ] != cQuote) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Extract quoted text
	const CMIUtilString strQuotedTxt = strOptions.substr( nPos, nPosQuote2 - nPos + 1 ).c_str();
	if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( strQuotedTxt ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		m_argValue = strQuotedTxt;	
		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
Esempio n. 13
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Parse the command's argument options string and try to extract all the words
//			between quotes then delimited by the next space. Can fall through to 
//			ValidateSingleText() or ValidateQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded().
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrwArgContext	- (RW) The command's argument options string.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::ValidateQuotedText( CMICmdArgContext & vrwArgContext )
	CMIUtilString strOptions = vrwArgContext.GetArgsLeftToParse();
	const MIchar cQuote = '"';

	// Look for first quote of two
	MIint nPos = strOptions.find( cQuote );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return ValidateSingleText( vrwArgContext );

	// Is one and only quote at end of the string
	const MIint nLen = strOptions.length();
	if( nPos == (MIint)(nLen - 1) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Quote must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	if( (nPos > 0) && (strOptions[ nPos - 1 ] != ' ') )
			return MIstatus::failure;
	// Need to find the other quote
	const MIint nPos2 = strOptions.rfind( cQuote );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Is there quotes surrounding string formatting embedded quotes
	if( IsStringArgQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded( strOptions ) )
		return ValidateQuotedQuotedTextEmbedded( vrwArgContext );

	// Make sure not same back quote, need two quotes
	if( nPos == nPos2 )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	// Extract quoted text
	const CMIUtilString strQuotedTxt = strOptions.substr( nPos, nPos2 - nPos + 1 ).c_str();
	if( vrwArgContext.RemoveArg( strQuotedTxt ) )
		m_bFound = true;
		m_bValid = true;
		m_argValue = strOptions.substr( nPos + 1, nPos2 - nPos - 1 ).c_str();	
		return MIstatus::success;

	return MIstatus::failure;
Esempio n. 14
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Does the command entered match the criteria for a MI command format.
//			The format to validate against is 'nn-' where there can be 1 to n digits.
//			I.e. '2-gdb-exit'.
//			Is the execution token present? The command token is entered into the
//			command meta data structure whether correct or not for reporting or later
//			command execution purposes.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vTextLine	- (R) Text data to interpret.
// Return:	bool  - True = yes command token present, false = command not recognised.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdInterpreter::MiHasCmdTokenEndingHypthen( const CMIUtilString & vTextLine )
    // The hythen is mandatory
    const MIint nPos = vTextLine.find( "-", 0 );
    if( (nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos) )
        return false;

    if( MiHasCmdTokenPresent( vTextLine ) )
        const std::string strNum = vTextLine.substr( 0, nPos );
        if( !CMIUtilString( strNum.c_str() ).IsNumber() )
            return false;

        m_miCmdData.strMiCmdToken = strNum.c_str();

    m_miCmdData.bMIOldStyle = false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 15
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Examine the string and determine if it is a valid string type argument.
//			Take into account quotes surrounding the text. Take into account string format
//			embedded quotes surrounding the text i.e. "\\\"%5d\\\"". Note this function falls 
//			through to IsStringArgQuotedText() should the criteria match fail.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vrTxt	- (R) Some text.
// Return:	bool -	True = yes valid arg, false = no.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmdArgValString::IsStringArgQuotedTextEmbedded( const CMIUtilString & vrTxt ) const
	const MIchar cBckSlash = '\\'; 
	const MIint nPos = vrTxt.find( cBckSlash );
	if( nPos == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	// Slash must be the first character in the string or be preceeded by a space
	const MIchar cSpace = ' ';
	if( (nPos > 0) && (vrTxt[ nPos - 1 ] != cSpace) )
		return false;

	// Need to find the other matching slash
	const MIint nPos2 = vrTxt.rfind( cBckSlash );
	if( nPos2 == (MIint) std::string::npos )
		return false;

	// Make sure not same back slash, need two slashs
	if( nPos == nPos2 )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	return false;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Does the command entered match the criteria for a MI command format.
//          Is the command token present before the hypen?
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vTextLine - (R) Text data to interpret.
// Return:  bool  - True = yes command token present, false = token not present.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmdInterpreter::MiHasCmdTokenPresent(const CMIUtilString &vTextLine)
    const MIint nPos = vTextLine.find("-", 0);
    return (nPos > 0);