Esempio n. 1
void CheckMouseInput(const INPUT_RECORD &InputRecord)
	// Get the current position of the mouse in the console window
	g_cursorPos = InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	// If we have the exit map open (destination map) then we don't want the
	// user to click on the editor tiles since it will screw up our placing
	// of the destination point, so we quit this function if they try that.
	if( (g_cursorPos.Y >= MAP_HEIGHT - EDITOR_HEIGHT) && g_bExitMapOpen) return;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	// If the user hits the left mouse button
	if(InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
		// Here we check if the user chose a tile from our editor.  
		if(g_cursorPos.Y > MAP_HEIGHT - EDITOR_HEIGHT)
			// Get the character chosen from the editor
			CHAR_INFO chosenTile = g_Map.GetEditorSelection(g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);	
			CHAR_INFO cursorTile = chosenTile;

			// If we already have a tile selected, let's grab it's image instead 
			if(g_pCursorTile != NULL)
				cursorTile = g_pCursorTile->GetChar();
			// Check if the user clicked the color tiles
			if(g_cursorPos.X >= 15 && g_cursorPos.Y == (MAP_HEIGHT - 1))
				CHAR_INFO newTile;				// Create a new tile to work with for color

				// Check if the user clicked the background colors, otherwise it was foreground
				if(g_cursorPos.X > 30) 
					newTile = g_Map.AddNewBackground(cursorTile, chosenTile);
					newTile = g_Map.AddNewForeground(cursorTile, chosenTile);
				// Apply the new tile with it's new color to our cursor.  
				g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1].SetChar(newTile);
				// Otherwise, if we didn't choose a color, then we must 
				// have chosen a new tile character from the editor.  
				chosenTile.Attributes = cursorTile.Attributes;
				g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1].SetChar(chosenTile);

				// Let's set the cursor to a normal tile index and type
				g_pCursorTile = &g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1];
			// If we have a tile, let's insert a tile into the map
			if(g_pCursorTile != NULL)
				g_pCurrentMap->InsertTile(g_pCursorTile, g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

			// After we insert a tile, we want to check if that tile was an exit.  If
			// it was, we need to handle the exits because it might either be a placing
			// of a destination exit or the end of a list of exits.  This is why the
			// function HandleExitTiles() gets called twice.  We first call it when
			// we are done placing our desired exit(s) on the normal map, which will
			// bring up a prompt to open the destination map.  It's called again
			// when we choose the destination point on the exit map.  1 + 1 = ... 2 :)
			// Here we check if our current type are exits
			if(g_pCurrentMap->GetCurrentType() == EXIT_TYPE)
				// If we don't have the shift key down or the exit map is open
				// we want to stop setting exits and handle the exits that were just set.
				if(!g_bShiftKeyDown || g_bExitMapOpen)

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////


	// Here we check if the right mouse button was clicked
	if(InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
		// Here we either delete a tile on the map, or delete the cursor tile
		if(g_pCursorTile == NULL)				
			// Delete a tile under our cursor position on the map
			g_pCurrentMap->DeleteTile(g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);
			g_pCursorTile = NULL;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

		// If the user is in the middle of setting exits and decide to abort, we want to
		// still let them right click to destroy the cursor tile and unset exit tiles.
		// We need to handle both situations of the user having placed exits and not yet
		// opened a destination map, as well as having the destination map open as well.
		// So, after the cursor tile is delete, if the exit map is open we want to return 
		// to the previous map and  delete the blank exits that were never filled in with 
		// a destination point.  If the destination map isn't open, we still want to get
		// rid of the wasted exits already set on the map.

		// Check if the current tile type are exits
		if(g_pCurrentMap->GetCurrentType() == EXIT_TYPE)
			// Check if our destination map is open and we need to abort to the previous map
				// To abort, we need to set the current map pointer back and reset the flag
				g_pCurrentMap = &g_Map;	
				g_bExitMapOpen = false;

			// Go through and delete all the useless exits and redraw the screen

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

Esempio n. 2
void CheckMouseInput(const INPUT_RECORD &InputRecord)
    // Get the current position of the mouse in the console window
    g_cursorPos = InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition;

    // If the user hits the left mouse button
    if(InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
        // Here we check if the user chose a tile from our editor.
        if(g_cursorPos.Y > MAP_HEIGHT - EDITOR_HEIGHT)
            // Get the character chosen from the editor
            CHAR_INFO chosenTile = g_Map.GetEditorSelection(g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);
            CHAR_INFO cursorTile = chosenTile;

            // If we already have a tile selected, let's grab it's image instead
            if(g_pCursorTile != NULL)
                cursorTile = g_pCursorTile->GetChar();

            // Check if the user clicked the color tiles
            if(g_cursorPos.X >= 15 && g_cursorPos.Y == (MAP_HEIGHT - 1))
                CHAR_INFO newTile;				// Create a new tile to work with for color

                // Check if the user clicked the background colors, otherwise it was foreground
                if(g_cursorPos.X > 30)
                    newTile = g_Map.AddNewBackground(cursorTile, chosenTile);
                    newTile = g_Map.AddNewForeground(cursorTile, chosenTile);

                // Apply the new tile with it's new color to our cursor.
                g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1].SetChar(newTile);
                // Otherwise, if we didn't choose a color, then we must
                // have chosen a new tile character from the editor.
                chosenTile.Attributes = cursorTile.Attributes;
                g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1].SetChar(chosenTile);

                // Let's set the cursor to a normal tile index and type
                g_pCursorTile = &g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1];
            // If we have a tile, let's insert a tile into the map
            if(g_pCursorTile != NULL)
                g_pCurrentMap->InsertTile(g_pCursorTile, g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);

    // Here we check if the right mouse button was clicked
    if(InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
        // Here we either delete a tile on the map, or delete the cursor tile
        if(g_pCursorTile == NULL)
            // Delete a tile under our cursor position on the map
            g_pCurrentMap->DeleteTile(g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);
            g_pCursorTile = NULL;