Esempio n. 1
void CmSaliencyRC::GetCmplx(CMat& mag32F, CMat& ang32F, Mat& cmplx32FC2)
	CV_Assert(mag32F.type() == CV_32FC1 && ang32F.type() == CV_32FC1 && mag32F.size() == ang32F.size());
	cmplx32FC2.create(mag32F.size(), CV_32FC2);
	for (int y = 0; y < mag32F.rows; y++)
		float* cmpD = cmplx32FC2.ptr<float>(y);
		const float* dataA = ang32F.ptr<float>(y);
		const float* dataM = mag32F.ptr<float>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < mag32F.cols; x++, cmpD += 2)
			cmpD[0] = dataM[x] * cos(dataA[x]);
			cmpD[1] = dataM[x] * sin(dataA[x]);
Esempio n. 2
void CmSaliencyRC::SmoothSaliency(CMat &colorNum1i, Mat &sal1f, float delta, const vector<vector<CostfIdx>> &similar)
	if (sal1f.cols < 2)
	CV_Assert(sal1f.rows == 1 && sal1f.type() == CV_32FC1);
	CV_Assert(colorNum1i.size() == sal1f.size() && colorNum1i.type() == CV_32SC1);

	int binN = sal1f.cols;
	Mat newSal1d= Mat::zeros(1, binN, CV_64FC1);
	float *sal = (float*)(;
	double *newSal = (double*)(;
	int *pW = (int*)(;

	// Distance based smooth
	int n = max(cvRound(binN * delta), 2);
	vecD dist(n, 0), val(n), w(n);
	for (int i = 0; i < binN; i++){
		const vector<CostfIdx> &similari = similar[i];
		double totalDist = 0, totoalWeight = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
			int ithIdx =similari[j].second;
			dist[j] = similari[j].first;
			val[j] = sal[ithIdx];
			w[j] = pW[ithIdx];
			totalDist += dist[j];
			totoalWeight += w[j];
		double valCrnt = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
			valCrnt += val[j] * (totalDist - dist[j]) * w[j];

		newSal[i] =  valCrnt / (totalDist * totoalWeight);
	normalize(newSal1d, sal1f, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32FC1);
// Training SVM with feature vector X and label Y. 
// Each row of X is a feature vector, with corresponding label in Y.
// Return a CV_32F weight Mat
Mat Objectness::trainSVM(CMat &X1f, const vecI &Y, int sT, double C, double bias, double eps)
	// Set SVM parameters
	parameter param; {
		param.solver_type = sT; // L2R_L2LOSS_SVC_DUAL;
		param.C = C;
		param.eps = eps; // see setting below
		param.p = 0.1;
		param.nr_weight = 0;
		param.weight_label = NULL;
		param.weight = NULL;
		CV_Assert(X1f.rows == Y.size() && X1f.type() == CV_32F);

	// Initialize a problem
	feature_node *x_space = NULL;
	problem prob;{
		prob.l = X1f.rows;
		prob.bias = bias;
		prob.y = Malloc(double, prob.l);
		prob.x = Malloc(feature_node*, prob.l);
		const int DIM_FEA = X1f.cols;
		prob.n = DIM_FEA + (bias >= 0 ? 1 : 0);
		x_space = Malloc(feature_node, (prob.n + 1) * prob.l);
		int j = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < prob.l; i++){
			prob.y[i] = Y[i];
			prob.x[i] = &x_space[j];
			const float* xData = X1f.ptr<float>(i);
			for (int k = 0; k < DIM_FEA; k++){
				x_space[j].index = k + 1;
				x_space[j++].value = xData[k];
			if (bias >= 0){
				x_space[j].index = prob.n;
				x_space[j++].value = bias;
			x_space[j++].index = -1;
		CV_Assert(j == (prob.n + 1) * prob.l);

	// Training SVM for current problem
	const char*  error_msg = check_parameter(&prob, &param);
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",error_msg);
	model *svmModel = train(&prob, &param);
	Mat wMat(1, prob.n, CV_64F, svmModel->w);
	wMat.convertTo(wMat, CV_32F);
	return wMat;
Esempio n. 4
void BenchMarkLatex::printMatTransport(CMat &mat1di, CStr texFile, const char* rowDes[], bool *descendOrder)
	FILE* f = fopen(_S(texFile), "w");
	if (f == NULL){
		printf("Can't open file %s\n", _S(texFile));
	CV_Assert(mat1di.cols == _numMethod);
	const int MAX_COL = min(20, _numMethod);
	const int NUM_BLOCK = (_numMethod + MAX_COL - 1) / MAX_COL;
	string strAlign = "|l||";
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COL; i++)
		strAlign += "c|";	
	const char* rankCommand[3] = {"\\first", "\\second", "\\third"};

	Mat mat1d = mat1di.t();
	mat1d.convertTo(mat1d, CV_64F);
	Mat rnk1i = getRankIdx(mat1d, true).t();
	Mat rnkInv = getRankIdx(mat1d, false).t(); 
	for (int i = 0; i < mat1di.rows; i++)
		if (!descendOrder[i])	
			rnkInv.row(i).copyTo(rnk1i.row(i)); // Revert ordering for row i
	for (int b = 0; b < NUM_BLOCK; b++){
		fprintf(f, "\\begin{tabular}{%s} \\hline\n\tMethod ", _S(strAlign));
		for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COL; i++){
			int colIdx = i + b * MAX_COL;
			fprintf(f, "& %4s", colIdx < _numMethod ?  _S(_methodNames[colIdx]) : "");
		fprintf(f, "\\\\\\hline\n");
		for (int i = 0; i < mat1di.rows; i++){
			fprintf(f, "\t%-5s ", rowDes[i]);
			for (int j = 0; j < MAX_COL; j++){
				int colIdx = j + b * MAX_COL;
				if (colIdx >= _numMethod){
					fprintf(f, "&      ");
				int idx =<int>(i, colIdx);
				if (mat1di.type() == CV_32S){
					if (idx < 3)
						fprintf(f, "& %s{%d} ", rankCommand[idx],<int>(i, colIdx));
						fprintf(f, "& %d ",<int>(i, colIdx));
				else{// CV_64F
					if (idx < 3)
						fprintf(f, "& %s{%5.3f} ", rankCommand[idx],<double>(i, colIdx));
						fprintf(f, "& %5.3f ",<double>(i, colIdx));
			fprintf(f, "\\\\\n");
		fprintf(f, "\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n");
Esempio n. 5
void CmSaliencyRC::SmoothByHist(CMat &img3f, Mat &sal1f, float delta)
	//imshow("Before", sal1f); imshow("Src", img3f);

	// Quantize colors
	CV_Assert(img3f.size() == sal1f.size() && img3f.type() == CV_32FC3 && sal1f.type() == CV_32FC1);
	Mat idx1i, binColor3f, colorNums1i;
	int binN = Quantize(img3f, idx1i, binColor3f, colorNums1i);
	//CmShow::HistBins(binColor3f, colorNums1i, "Frequency");
	// Get initial color saliency
	Mat _colorSal =  Mat::zeros(1, binN, CV_64FC1);
	int rows = img3f.rows, cols = img3f.cols;{
		double* colorSal = (double*);
		if (img3f.isContinuous() && sal1f.isContinuous())
			cols *= img3f.rows, rows = 1;
		for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++){
			const int* idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(y);
			const float* initialS = sal1f.ptr<float>(y);
			for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
				colorSal[idx[x]] += initialS[x];
		const int *colorNum = (int*)(;
		for (int i = 0; i < binN; i++)
			colorSal[i] /= colorNum[i];
		normalize(_colorSal, _colorSal, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32F);
	// Find similar colors & Smooth saliency value for color bins
	vector<vector<CostfIdx>> similar(binN); // Similar color: how similar and their index
	Vec3f* color = (Vec3f*)(;
	cvtColor(binColor3f, binColor3f, CV_BGR2Lab);
	for (int i = 0; i < binN; i++){
		vector<CostfIdx> &similari = similar[i];
		similari.push_back(make_pair(0.f, i));
		for (int j = 0; j < binN; j++)
			if (i != j)
				similari.push_back(make_pair(vecDist<float, 3>(color[i], color[j]), j));
		sort(similari.begin(), similari.end());
	cvtColor(binColor3f, binColor3f, CV_Lab2BGR);
	//CmShow::HistBins(binColor3f, _colorSal, "BeforeSmooth", true);
	SmoothSaliency(colorNums1i, _colorSal, delta, similar);
	//CmShow::HistBins(binColor3f, _colorSal, "AfterSmooth", true);

	// Reassign pixel saliency values
	float* colorSal = (float*)(;
	for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		const int* idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(y);
		float* resSal = sal1f.ptr<float>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
			resSal[x] = colorSal[idx[x]];
	//imshow("After", sal1f);
Esempio n. 6
void CmShow::SaveShow(CMat& img, CStr& title)
    if (title.size() == 0)

    int mDepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(img.type());
    double scale = (mDepth == CV_32F || mDepth == CV_64F ? 255 : 1);
    if (title.size() > 4 && title[title.size() - 4] == '.')
        imwrite(title, img*scale);
    else if (title.size())
        imshow(title, img);
Esempio n. 7
int SegmentImage(CMat &_src3f, Mat &pImgInd, float sigma, float c, int min_size)
	CV_Assert(_src3f.type() == CV_32FC3);
	int width(_src3f.cols), height(_src3f.rows);
	pImgInd.create(height, width, CV_32S);
	image<RGB_f> *im = new image<RGB_f>(width, height,;
	image<int> *regIdx = new image<int>(width, height,;
	int regNum = SegmentImage(im, regIdx, sigma, c, min_size);
	im->data = NULL; regIdx->data = NULL;
	delete im; delete regIdx;
	return regNum;
Esempio n. 8
Mat CmSaliencyRC::GetFT(CMat &img3f)
	CV_Assert( != NULL && img3f.type() == CV_32FC3);
	Mat sal(img3f.size(), CV_32F), tImg;
	GaussianBlur(img3f, tImg, Size(3, 3), 0);
	cvtColor(tImg, tImg, CV_BGR2Lab);
	Scalar colorM = mean(tImg);
	for (int r = 0; r < tImg.rows; r++) {
		float *s = sal.ptr<float>(r);
		float *lab = tImg.ptr<float>(r);
		for (int c = 0; c < tImg.cols; c++, lab += 3)
			s[c] = (float)(sqr(colorM[0] - lab[0]) + sqr(colorM[1] - lab[1]) + sqr(colorM[2] - lab[2]));
	normalize(sal, sal, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);
	return sal;
Esempio n. 9
void CmSaliencyRC::AbsAngle(CMat& cmplx32FC2, Mat& mag32FC1, Mat& ang32FC1)
	CV_Assert(cmplx32FC2.type() == CV_32FC2);
	mag32FC1.create(cmplx32FC2.size(), CV_32FC1);
	ang32FC1.create(cmplx32FC2.size(), CV_32FC1);

	for (int y = 0; y < cmplx32FC2.rows; y++)
		const float* cmpD = cmplx32FC2.ptr<float>(y);
		float* dataA = ang32FC1.ptr<float>(y);
		float* dataM = mag32FC1.ptr<float>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < cmplx32FC2.cols; x++, cmpD += 2)
			dataA[x] = atan2(cmpD[1], cmpD[0]);
			dataM[x] = sqrt(cmpD[0] * cmpD[0] + cmpD[1] * cmpD[1]);
Esempio n. 10
// 3, 30, 20, 10
GrabCutMF::GrabCutMF(CMat &img3f, CMat &img3u, CStr &nameNE, float w1, float w2, float w3, float alpha, float beta, float gama, float mu)
	:_fGMM(5), _bGMM(5), _w(img3f.cols), _h(img3f.rows)
	,_crf(_w, _h, 2), _nameNE(nameNE)
	CV_Assert( != NULL && img3f.type() == CV_32FC3);
	_imgBGR3f = img3f;
	_img3u = img3u;
	_trimap1i.create(_h, _w, CV_32S);
	_segVal1f.create(_h, _w, CV_32F);
	_unary2f.create(_h, _w, CV_32FC2);
	_res1u.create(_h, _w, CV_8U);

	if (w1 != 0)
		_crf.addPairwiseBilateral(alpha, alpha, beta, beta, beta,, w1);
	if (w2 != 0)
		_crf.addPairwiseGaussian(gama, gama, w2);
	if (w3 != 0)
		_crf.addPairwiseColorGaussian(mu, mu, mu,, w3);
Esempio n. 11
// img3f is the input BGR image
void CmColorQua::S_Quantize(CMat& _img3f, Mat &idx1i, int method)
	CV_Assert(method >= 0 && method < S_Q_NUM && != NULL && _img3f.type() == CV_32FC3);
	S_QUANTIZE_FUNC SQ_Function = sqFuns[method];

	Mat img;
	switch (method)	{
	case S_BGR: img = _img3f; break;
	case S_HSV: cvtColor(_img3f, img, CV_BGR2HSV); break;
	case S_LAB: cvtColor(_img3f, img, CV_BGR2Lab); break;

	idx1i.create(img.size(), CV_32S);
	for (int r = 0; r < img.rows; r++)	{
		const Vec3f * imgD = img.ptr<Vec3f>(r);
		int *idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(r);
		for (int c = 0; c < img.cols; c++)
			idx[c] = (*SQ_Function)(imgD[c]);
Esempio n. 12
// src3f are BGR, color3f are 1xBinDim matrix represent color fore each histogram bin
int CmColorQua::S_BinInf(CMat& idx1i, Mat &color3f, vecI &colorNum, int method, CMat &src3f)
	int totalBinNum = 0;
	CV_Assert( != NULL && idx1i.type() == CV_32S && method >= 0 && method < S_Q_NUM);

	// Find colors for each bin
	color3f = Mat::zeros(1, binNum[method], CV_32FC3);
	Vec3f* color = (Vec3f*)(;

	vector<Vec3d> colorD(color3f.cols, 0);
	colorNum.resize(color3f.cols, 0);
	if (src3f.size() != Size() && != NULL)	{
		for (int r = 0; r < idx1i.rows; r++) {
			const int *idx = idx1i.ptr<int>(r);
			const Vec3f *src = src3f.ptr<Vec3f>(r);
			for (int c = 0; c < idx1i.cols; c++)	{
				colorD[idx[c]] += src[c];
				colorNum[idx[c]] ++;
	S_RECOVER_FUNC SR_Function = srFuns[method];
	for (int i = 0; i < color3f.cols; i++)	{
		if (colorNum[i] == 0)
			(*SR_Function)(i, color[i]);
			totalBinNum += colorNum[i];
	if (method == 1)
		cvtColor(color3f, color3f, CV_HSV2BGR);
	else if (method == 2)
		cvtColor(color3f, color3f, CV_Lab2BGR);

	for (int i = 0; i < color3f.cols; i++)
		if (colorNum[i] > 0)
			color[i] = Vec3f((float)(colorD[i][0]/colorNum[i]), (float)(colorD[i][1]/colorNum[i]), (float)(colorD[i][2]/colorNum[i]));

	return totalBinNum;
Esempio n. 13
* Segment an image
* Returns a color image representing the segmentation.
* Input:
*	im: image to segment.
*	sigma: to smooth the image.
*	c: constant for threshold function.
*	min_size: minimum component size (enforced by post-processing stage).
*	nu_ccs: number of connected components in the segmentation.
* Output:
*	colors: colors assigned to each components
*	pImgInd: index of each components, [0, colors.size() -1]
int SegmentImage(CMat &_src3f, Mat &pImgInd, double sigma, double c, int min_size)
	CV_Assert(_src3f.type() == CV_32FC3);
	int width(_src3f.cols), height(_src3f.rows);
	Mat smImg3f;
	GaussianBlur(_src3f, smImg3f, Size(), sigma, 0, BORDER_REPLICATE);

	// build graph
	edge *edges = new edge[width*height*4];
	int num = 0; 
		for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
				if (x < width-1) {
					edges[num].a = y * width + x;
					edges[num].b = y * width + (x+1);
					edges[num].w = diff(smImg3f, x, y, x+1, y);

				if (y < height-1) {
					edges[num].a = y * width + x;
					edges[num].b = (y+1) * width + x;
					edges[num].w = diff(smImg3f, x, y, x, y+1);

				if ((x < width-1) && (y < height-1)) {
					edges[num].a = y * width + x;
					edges[num].b = (y+1) * width + (x+1);
					edges[num].w = diff(smImg3f, x, y, x+1, y+1);

				if ((x < width-1) && (y > 0)) {
					edges[num].a = y * width + x;
					edges[num].b = (y-1) * width + (x+1);
					edges[num].w = diff(smImg3f, x, y, x+1, y-1);
	// segment
	universe *u = segment_graph(width*height, num, edges, (float)c);

	// post process small components
	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		int a = u->find(edges[i].a);
		int b = u->find(edges[i].b);
		if ((a != b) && ((u->size(a) < min_size) || (u->size(b) < min_size)))
			u->join(a, b);
	delete [] edges;

	// pick random colors for each component
	map<int, int> marker;
	pImgInd.create(smImg3f.size(), CV_32S);

	int idxNum = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
		int *imgIdx = pImgInd.ptr<int>(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
			int comp = u->find(y * width + x);
			if (marker.find(comp) == marker.end())
				marker[comp] = idxNum++;

			int idx = marker[comp];
			imgIdx[x] = idx;
	delete u;

	return idxNum;