Esempio n. 1
File: Song.cpp Progetto: A600/xbmc
CSong::CSong(CMusicInfoTag& tag)
  strTitle = tag.GetTitle();
  genre = tag.GetGenre();
  strFileName = tag.GetURL();
  artist = tag.GetArtist();
  strAlbum = tag.GetAlbum();
  albumArtist = tag.GetAlbumArtist();
  strMusicBrainzTrackID = tag.GetMusicBrainzTrackID();
  strMusicBrainzArtistID = tag.GetMusicBrainzArtistID();
  strMusicBrainzAlbumID = tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumID();
  strMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID = tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID();
  strMusicBrainzTRMID = tag.GetMusicBrainzTRMID();
  strComment = tag.GetComment();
  rating = tag.GetRating();
  iYear = stTime.wYear;
  iTrack = tag.GetTrackAndDiskNumber();
  iDuration = tag.GetDuration();
  bCompilation = tag.GetCompilation();
  embeddedArt = tag.GetCoverArtInfo();
  strThumb = "";
  iStartOffset = 0;
  iEndOffset = 0;
  idSong = -1;
  iTimesPlayed = 0;
  iKaraokeNumber = 0;
  iKaraokeDelay = 0;         //! Karaoke song lyrics-music delay in 1/10 seconds.
  iAlbumId = -1;
Esempio n. 2
CSong::CSong(CMusicInfoTag& tag)
  strTitle = tag.GetTitle();
  strGenre = tag.GetGenre();
  strFileName = tag.GetURL();
  strArtist = tag.GetArtist();
  strAlbum = tag.GetAlbum();
  strAlbumArtist = tag.GetAlbumArtist();
  strComment = tag.GetComment();
  strLabel = tag.GetLabel(); // Laureon: Added getLabel 
  strISRC = tag.GetISRC(); // Laureon: Added getISRC
  iVisible = 1; // Laureon: Added: Song Visibility
  rating = tag.GetRating();
  iYear = stTime.wYear;
  iTrack = tag.GetTrackAndDiskNumber();
  iDuration = tag.GetDuration();
  strThumb = "";
  iStartOffset = 0;
  iEndOffset = 0;
  idSong = -1;
  iTimesPlayed = 0;
  iKaraokeNumber = 0;
  iKaraokeDelay = 0;         //! Karaoke song lyrics-music delay in 1/10 seconds.
  iArtistId = -1;
  iAlbumId = -1;
Esempio n. 3
bool CTagLoaderTagLib::ParseID3v2Tag(ID3v2::Tag *id3v2, EmbeddedArt *art, CMusicInfoTag& tag)
  //  tag.SetURL(strFile);
  if (!id3v2) return false;

  ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *pictures[3] = {};
  const ID3v2::FrameListMap& frameListMap = id3v2->frameListMap();
  for (ID3v2::FrameListMap::ConstIterator it = frameListMap.begin(); it != frameListMap.end(); ++it)
    if      (it->first == "TPE1")   SetArtist(tag, GetID3v2StringList(it->second));
    else if (it->first == "TALB")   tag.SetAlbum(it->second.front()->toString().to8Bit(true));
    else if (it->first == "TPE2")   SetAlbumArtist(tag, GetID3v2StringList(it->second));
    else if (it->first == "TIT2")   tag.SetTitle(it->second.front()->toString().to8Bit(true));
    else if (it->first == "TCON")   SetGenre(tag, GetID3v2StringList(it->second));
    else if (it->first == "TRCK")   tag.SetTrackNumber(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10));
    else if (it->first == "TPOS")   tag.SetPartOfSet(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10));
    else if (it->first == "TYER")   tag.SetYear(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10));
    else if (it->first == "TCMP")   tag.SetCompilation((strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10) == 0) ? false : true);
    else if (it->first == "TENC")   {} // EncodedBy
    else if (it->first == "TCOP")   {} // Copyright message
    else if (it->first == "TDRC")   tag.SetYear(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10));
    else if (it->first == "TDRL")   tag.SetYear(strtol(it->second.front()->toString().toCString(true), NULL, 10));
    else if (it->first == "TDTG")   {} // Tagging time
    else if (it->first == "TLAN")   {} // Languages
    else if (it->first == "USLT")
      // Loop through any lyrics frames. Could there be multiple frames, how to choose?
      for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator lt = it->second.begin(); lt != it->second.end(); ++lt)
        ID3v2::UnsynchronizedLyricsFrame *lyricsFrame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::UnsynchronizedLyricsFrame *> (*lt);
        if (lyricsFrame)           
    else if (it->first == "COMM")
      // Loop through and look for the main (no description) comment
      for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator ct = it->second.begin(); ct != it->second.end(); ++ct)
        ID3v2::CommentsFrame *commentsFrame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::CommentsFrame *> (*ct);
        if (commentsFrame && commentsFrame->description().isEmpty())
    else if (it->first == "TXXX")
      // Loop through and process the UserTextIdentificationFrames
      for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator ut = it->second.begin(); ut != it->second.end(); ++ut)
        ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame *frame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame *> (*ut);
        if (!frame) continue;
        // First field is the same as the description
        StringList stringList = frame->fieldList(); 
        if      (frame->description() == "MusicBrainz Artist Id")       tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(stringList.front().to8Bit(true));
        else if (frame->description() == "MusicBrainz Album Id")        tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(stringList.front().to8Bit(true));
        else if (frame->description() == "MusicBrainz Album Artist Id") tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(stringList.front().to8Bit(true));
        else if (frame->description() == "replaygain_track_gain")       tag.SetReplayGainTrackGain((int)(atof(stringList.front().toCString(true)) * 100 + 0.5));
        else if (frame->description() == "replaygain_album_gain")       tag.SetReplayGainAlbumGain((int)(atof(stringList.front().toCString(true)) * 100 + 0.5));
        else if (frame->description() == "replaygain_track_peak")       tag.SetReplayGainTrackPeak((float)atof(stringList.front().toCString(true)));
        else if (frame->description() == "replaygain_album_peak")       tag.SetReplayGainAlbumPeak((float)atof(stringList.front().toCString(true)));
        else if (g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MAX)
          CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized user text tag detected: TXXX:%s", frame->description().toCString(true));
    else if (it->first == "UFID")
      // Loop through any UFID frames and set them
      for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator ut = it->second.begin(); ut != it->second.end(); ++ut)
        ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame *ufid = reinterpret_cast<ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame*> (*ut);
        if (ufid->owner() == "")
          // MusicBrainz pads with a \0, but the spec requires binary, be cautious
          char cUfid[64];
          int max_size = std::min((int)ufid->identifier().size(), 63);
          strncpy(cUfid, ufid->identifier().data(), max_size);
          cUfid[max_size] = '\0';
    else if (it->first == "APIC")
      // Loop through all pictures and store the frame pointers for the picture types we want
      for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator pi = it->second.begin(); pi != it->second.end(); ++pi)
        ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *pictureFrame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *> (*pi);
        if (!pictureFrame) continue;
        if      (pictureFrame->type() == ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::FrontCover) pictures[0] = pictureFrame;
        else if (pictureFrame->type() == ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::Other)      pictures[1] = pictureFrame;
        else if (pi == it->second.begin())                                        pictures[2] = pictureFrame;
    else if (it->first == "POPM")
      // Loop through and process ratings
      for (ID3v2::FrameList::ConstIterator ct = it->second.begin(); ct != it->second.end(); ++ct)
        ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame *popFrame = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame *> (*ct);
        if (!popFrame) continue;
        // ratings trump others (of course)
        if      (popFrame->email() == "*****@*****.**")
          tag.SetRating(popFrame->rating() / 51 + '0');
        else if (tag.GetRating() == '0')
          if (popFrame->email() != "Windows Media Player 9 Series" &&
              popFrame->email() != "no@email" &&
              popFrame->email() != "*****@*****.**" &&
              popFrame->email() != "*****@*****.**")
            CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized ratings schema detected: %s", popFrame->email().toCString(true));
    else if (g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel == LOG_LEVEL_MAX)
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "unrecognized ID3 frame detected: %c%c%c%c", it->first[0], it->first[1], it->first[2], it->first[3]);
  } // for

  // Process the extracted picture frames; 0 = CoverArt, 1 = Other, 2 = First Found picture
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    if (pictures[i])
      string      mime =             pictures[i]->mimeType().to8Bit(true);
      TagLib::uint size =            pictures[i]->picture().size();
      tag.SetCoverArtInfo(size, mime);
      if (art)
        art->set((const uint8_t*)pictures[i]->picture().data(), size, mime);
      // Stop after we find the first picture for now.
  return true;