Esempio n. 1
CNCPoint CNCPoint::operator- ( const CNCPoint & rhs ) const
    CNCPoint result(*this);
    result.SetX( X() - rhs.X() );
    result.SetY( Y() - rhs.Y() );
    result.SetZ( Z() - rhs.Z() );

Esempio n. 2
bool CNCPoint::operator<( const CNCPoint & rhs ) const
    if (*this == rhs) return(false);

    if (fabs(X() - rhs.X()) > Tolerance())
        if (X() > rhs.X()) return(false);
        if (X() < rhs.X()) return(true);

    if (fabs(Y() - rhs.Y()) > Tolerance())
        if (Y() > rhs.Y()) return(false);
        if (Y() < rhs.Y()) return(true);

    if (fabs(Z() - rhs.Z()) > Tolerance())
        if (Z() > rhs.Z()) return(false);
        if (Z() < rhs.Z()) return(true);

    return(false);	// They're equal
} // End equivalence operator
Esempio n. 3
std::list< CNCPoint > CDrilling::DrillBitVertices( const CNCPoint & origin, const double radius, const double length ) const
	std::list<CNCPoint> top, spiral, bottom, countersink, result;

	double flutePitch = 5.0;	// 5mm of depth per spiral of the drill bit's flute.
	double countersinkDepth = -1 * radius * tan(31.0); // this is the depth of the countersink cone at the end of the drill bit. (for a typical 118 degree bevel)
	unsigned int numPoints = 20;	// number of points in one circle (360 degrees) i.e. how smooth do we want the graphics
	const double pi = 3.1415926;
	double alpha = 2 * pi / numPoints;

	// Get a circle at the top of the dill bit's path
	top = PointsAround( origin, radius, numPoints );
	top.push_back( *(top.begin()) );	// Close the circle

	double depthPerItteration;
	countersinkDepth = -1 * radius * tan(31.0);	// For a typical (118 degree bevel on the drill bit tip)

	unsigned int l_iNumItterations = numPoints * (length / flutePitch);
	depthPerItteration = (length - countersinkDepth) / l_iNumItterations;

	// Now generate the spirals.

	unsigned int i = 0;
	while( i++ < l_iNumItterations )
		double theta = alpha * i;
		CNCPoint pointOnCircle( cos( theta ) * radius, sin( theta ) * radius, 0 );
		pointOnCircle += origin;

		// And spiral down as we go.
		pointOnCircle.SetZ( pointOnCircle.Z() - (depthPerItteration * i) );

	} // End while

	// And now the countersink at the bottom of the drill bit.
	i = 0;
	while( i++ < numPoints )
		double theta = alpha * i;
		CNCPoint topEdge( cos( theta ) * radius, sin( theta ) * radius, 0 );

		// This is at the top edge of the countersink
		topEdge.SetX( topEdge.X() + origin.X() );
		topEdge.SetY( topEdge.Y() + origin.Y() );
		topEdge.SetZ( origin.Z() - (length - countersinkDepth) );

		// And now at the very point of the countersink
		CNCPoint veryTip( origin );
		veryTip.SetZ( (origin.Z() - length) );

	} // End while

	std::copy( top.begin(), top.end(), std::inserter( result, result.begin() ) );
	std::copy( spiral.begin(), spiral.end(), std::inserter( result, result.end() ) );
	std::copy( countersink.begin(), countersink.end(), std::inserter( result, result.end() ) );


} // End DrillBitVertices() routine