Esempio n. 1
void Init(HWND hWnd)
    g_hWnd = hWnd;										// Assign the window handle to a global window handle
    GetClientRect(g_hWnd, &g_rRect);					// Assign the windows rectangle to a global RECT
    InitializeOpenGL(g_rRect.right, g_rRect.bottom);	// Init OpenGL with the global rect

    // Position our camera
    g_Camera.PositionCamera(0, 30, 120,	0, 0, 0,	0, 1, 0);

    // This loads the vertices for the terrain

    // Calculate the bounding box of our scene.  This will give us a width of
    // the cube that is needed to surround the whole world.  We want to pass in
    // the vertices and the vertex count into this function to find the farthest point
    // from the center of the world.  That will then be our width.  Depending on the
    // world this doesn't always surround it perfectly. In the next tutorial we will fix that.
    g_Octree.GetSceneDimensions(g_pVertices, g_NumberOfVerts);

    // Here we pass in the information to create the root node.  This will then
    // recursively subdivide the root node into the rest of the node.
    g_Octree.CreateNode(g_pVertices, g_NumberOfVerts, g_Octree.GetCenter(), g_Octree.GetWidth());

    // Here, we turn on a light and enable lighting.  We don't need to
    // set anything else for lighting because we will just take the defaults.
    // We also want color, so we turn that on too.  We don't load any normals from
    // our .raw file so we will calculate some simple face normals to get a decent
    // perspective of the terrain.

    glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);								// Turn on a light with defaults set
    glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);								// Turn on lighting
    glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);						// Allow color
Esempio n. 2
void RecreateOctree()
    // You will not need this function for the octree.  It is just for the tutorial
    // every time we change our subdivision information.

    g_EndNodeCount = 0;						// Reset the end node count

    g_Debug.Clear();						// Clear the list of debug lines
    g_Octree.DestroyOctree();				// Destroy the octree and start again

    // Get the new scene dimensions since we destroyed the previous octree
    g_Octree.GetSceneDimensions(g_pVertices, g_NumberOfVerts);

    // Create our new octree with the new subdivision information
    g_Octree.CreateNode(g_pVertices, g_NumberOfVerts, g_Octree.GetCenter(), g_Octree.GetWidth());
Esempio n. 3
UITRANSFORMAXIS CMapTranslate::selectAxis(const CRay& ray, float zNear, float zFar)
    COctree oct;

    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
        oct.set(m_axisBoxesLo[i], m_axisBoxesHi[i]);
        if(oct.intersect(ray, zNear, zFar))
            TheUITransform::Instance().axis = (UITRANSFORMAXIS)i;
            return (UITRANSFORMAXIS)i;

    return uiaFree;
Esempio n. 4
void CFieldCache::NotifyFieldBoundsChanged( const COctree& bounds )
	if (bounds.isValid()) {
		m_pCache->SetVoxelSize( bounds, CFieldCacheManager::Get()->GetDefaultCacheResolution() );
		m_pCache->SetVoxelSize(m_children[0]->getOctree(), CFieldCacheManager::Get()->GetDefaultCacheResolution() );
Esempio n. 5
WPARAM MainLoop()
	MSG msg;

	while(1)											// Do our infinite loop
	{													// Check if there was a message
		if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) 
			if(msg.message == WM_QUIT)					// If the message wasn't to quit
			TranslateMessage(&msg);						// Find out what the message does
			DispatchMessage(&msg);						// Execute the message
		else											// if there wasn't a message
			if(AnimateNextFrame(60))					// Make sure we only animate 60 FPS
				g_Camera.Update();						// Update the camera info
				RenderScene();							// Render the scene every frame
				Sleep(1);								// Let other processes work

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

	// Go through all the objects in the scene and free them
	for(int i = 0; i < g_World.numOfObjects; i++)
		// Free the faces, normals, vertices, and texture coordinates.
		delete [] g_World.pObject[i].pFaces;
		delete [] g_World.pObject[i].pNormals;
		delete [] g_World.pObject[i].pVerts;
		delete [] g_World.pObject[i].pTexVerts;
		delete [] g_World.pObject[i].pIndices;

	// When using display lists, we need to free them when we are finished using
	// the ID's.  This OpenGL function does just that.  We pass in the base ID and
	// the total ID's we used.
	glDeleteLists(g_Octree.GetDisplayListID(), g_EndNodeCount);

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

	DeInit();											// Clean up and free all allocated memory

	return(msg.wParam);									// Return from the program
Esempio n. 6
void RenderScene() 
	glLoadIdentity();									// Reset The matrix

	// Position the camera

	// Each frame we calculate the new frustum.  In reality you only need to
	// calculate the frustum when we move the camera.

	// Initialize the total node count that is being draw per frame
	g_TotalNodesDrawn = 0;

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

	// Here we draw the octree, starting with the root node and recursing down each node.
	// This time, we pass in the root node and just the original world model.  You could
	// just store the world in the root node and not have to keep the original data around.
	// This is up to you.  I like this way better because it's easy, though it could be 
	// more error prone.
	g_Octree.DrawOctree(&g_Octree, &g_World);

	// Render the cubed nodes to visualize the octree (in wire frame mode)
	if( g_bDisplayNodes )

	// Create a buffer to store the octree information for the title bar
	static char strBuffer[255] = {0};

	// Display in window mode the current subdivision information.  We now display the
	// max triangles per node, the max level of subdivision, total end nodes, current nodes drawn
	// and frames per second we are receiving.  
	sprintf(strBuffer, "Triangles: %d        Subdivisions: %d        EndNodes: %d          NodesDraw: %d          FPS: %s",
		                g_MaxTriangles,		 g_MaxSubdivisions,		 g_EndNodeCount,	   g_TotalNodesDrawn,	  g_strFrameRate);

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

	// Set our window title bar to the subdivision information
	SetWindowText(g_hWnd, strBuffer);

	// Swap the backbuffers to the foreground
Esempio n. 7
void RenderScene()
    glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);	// Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
    glLoadIdentity();									// Reset The matrix

    // Give OpenGL our camera position

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

    // Each frame we calculate the new frustum.  In reality you only need to
    // calculate the frustum when we move the camera.

    // Initialize the total node count that is being draw per frame
    g_TotalNodesDrawn = 0;

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

    // Here we draw the octree, starting with the root node and recursing down each node.
    // When we get to each of the end nodes we will draw the vertices assigned to them.

    // Render the cube'd nodes to visualize the octree (in wire frame mode)

    SwapBuffers(g_hDC);									// Swap the backbuffers to the foreground

    char strBuffer[255] = {0};							// Create a character buffer

    // To view our octree information I set the window's title bar to the some basic
    // information such as the max triangles per node, the max subdivisions,
    // total end nodes and the total drawn end nodes that are currently in the frustum.

    // Display in window mode the current subdivision information
    sprintf(strBuffer, "MaxTriangles: %d     MaxSubdivisions: %d     TotalEndNodes: %d       TotalNodesDraw: %d",
            g_MaxTriangles,		 g_MaxSubdivisions,		 g_EndNodeCount,		 g_TotalNodesDrawn);

    // Set our window title bar to the subdivision data
    SetWindowText(g_hWnd, strBuffer);
Esempio n. 8
void Init(HWND hWnd)
	g_hWnd = hWnd;										// Assign the window handle to a global window handle
	GetClientRect(g_hWnd, &g_rRect);					// Assign the windows rectangle to a global RECT
	InitializeOpenGL(g_rRect.right, g_rRect.bottom);	// Init OpenGL with the global rect

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
	// Initialize the camera position
	g_Camera.PositionCamera(0, 3.5f, 30,	0, 0, 0,	0, 1, 0);

	// Here we load the world from a .3ds file
	g_Load3DS.Import3DS(&g_World, FILE_NAME);

	// Go through all the materials
	for(int i = 0; i < g_World.numOfMaterials; i++)
		// Check to see if there is a file name to load in this material
		if(strlen(g_World.pMaterials[i].strFile) > 0)
			// Use the name of the texture file to load the bitmap, with a texture ID (i).
			// We pass in our global texture array, the name of the texture, and an ID to reference it.	
			CreateTexture(g_Texture[i], g_World.pMaterials[i].strFile);			

		// Set the texture ID for this material
		g_World.pMaterials[i].texureId = i;

	// The first thing that needs to happen before creating our octree is to find
	// the total width of the initial root node.  Now we pass in our t3DModel object
	// to GetSceneDimensions(), instead of vertices and a vertex count, as done
	// in the last octree tutorials.  This will store the initial root node cube width.

	// Since our model structures stores multiple objects, we can't easily access the
	// total triangle count in the scene with out manually going through and counting the total.
	// This is what we do below.  With the result, we pass this into our CreateNode() function.
	int TotalTriangleCount = g_Octree.GetSceneTriangleCount(&g_World);

	// To create the first node we need the world data, the total triangle count in the scene,
	// along with the initial root node center and width.  This function will then recursively
	// subdivide the rest of the world, according to the global restrictions.
	g_Octree.CreateNode(&g_World, TotalTriangleCount, g_Octree.GetCenter(), g_Octree.GetWidth());

	// The octree should be created by now.  To better increase our efficiency we use display
	// lists for every end node.  This way, we just have to call a display list ID to draw
	// a node, verses the slow loops we normal had.  Vertex arrays are also used to optimize
	// our rendering of the octree.

	// Below we get the display list base ID and store it in the root node.  This should return 1
	// since we don't use display lists anywhere before this.  Notice that we use our global
	// variable that stores our end node count to pass in the total amount of list ID's needed.
	// If you are unfamiliar with displays, basically what you do is section off a certain
	// amount of ID's, and then you are returns a base pointer to the start of those ID's.
	// You can use the ID's from the base pointer to the base pointer ID + the number of
	// ID's that were saved off for that base pointer.  Each of the ID's correspond to a
	// bunch of OpenGL commands.  That means that each end node has it's own ID that
	// corresponds to a bunch of OpenGL commands.  So, for instance, if pass in a bunch
	// of vertices to OpenGL, we can assign this action to a display list.  That way we
	// just call a display list ID to perform that action.  Think of it as a function.
	// You just need to call a function to do a bunch of tasks, which eliminates extra
	// code, and also is saved on the video card for faster processing.  
	g_Octree.SetDisplayListID( glGenLists(g_EndNodeCount) );

	// Now we go through every single end node and create a display list for them all.
	// That way, when we draw the end node, we just use it's display list ID to render
	// the node, instead of looping through all the objects and manually give the verts to opengl.
	// The parameters for this function is the node (starting with the root node), 
	// the world data and current display list base ID.  The base ID is stored in the root
	// node's ID, so we just pass that in.  The reason we do this is because, if you create
	// other display lists before you create the octree, you don't want to assume the octree
	// ID's go from 1 to the end node count.  By passing in the base ID, we then will add
	// this ID to other nodes.  Right now, when they are created they are assigned the
	// end node count at the time upon creating them.  This will make more sense when looking
	// at the octree code.
	g_Octree.CreateDisplayList(&g_Octree, &g_World, g_Octree.GetDisplayListID());

	// Hide our cursor since we are using first person camera mode

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

	glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);								// Turn on a light with defaults set
	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);								// Turn on lighting
	glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);						// Allow color