Esempio n. 1
CPUTAssetSet *CPUTAssetSet::Create( const std::string &name, const std::string &absolutePathAndFilename, int numSystemMaterials, std::string *pSystemMaterialNames )
    CPUTAssetLibrary *pAssetLibrary = CPUTAssetLibrary::GetAssetLibrary();

    // Create the root node.
    CPUTNullNode *pRootNode = CPUTNullNode::Create();

    // Create the asset set, set its root, and load it
    CPUTAssetSet   *pNewAssetSet = new CPUTAssetSet();
	pNewAssetSet->IsEnabled = true;
    pNewAssetSet->SetRoot( pRootNode );
    pAssetLibrary->AddNullNode( name, "", "_Root", pRootNode );

    CPUTResult result = pNewAssetSet->LoadAssetSet(absolutePathAndFilename, numSystemMaterials, pSystemMaterialNames);
    if( CPUTSUCCESS(result) )
        pAssetLibrary->AddAssetSet(name, "", "", pNewAssetSet);
        return pNewAssetSet;
    ASSERT( CPUTSUCCESS(result), "Error loading AssetSet\n'"+absolutePathAndFilename+"'");
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
CPUTResult CPUTAssetSet::LoadAssetSet(std::string name, int numSystemMaterials, std::string *pSystemMaterialNames)
    CPUTResult result = CPUT_SUCCESS;

    // if not found, load the set file
    CPUTConfigFile ConfigFile;
    result = ConfigFile.LoadFile(name);
    if( !CPUTSUCCESS(result) )
        return result;
    // ASSERT( CPUTSUCCESS(result), "Failed loading set file '" + name + "'." );

    mAssetCount = ConfigFile.BlockCount() + 1; // Add one for the implied root node
    mppAssetList = new CPUTRenderNode*[mAssetCount];
    mppAssetList[0] = mpRootNode;

    CPUTAssetLibrary *pAssetLibrary = (CPUTAssetLibrary*)CPUTAssetLibrary::GetAssetLibrary();

	CPUTAnimation *pDefaultAnimation = NULL;
    for(UINT ii=0; ii<mAssetCount-1; ii++) // Note: -1 because we added one for the root node (we don't load it)
        CPUTConfigBlock *pBlock = ConfigFile.GetBlock(ii);
		ASSERT(pBlock != NULL, "Cannot find block");

        if( !pBlock )

        std::string nodeType = pBlock->GetValueByName("type")->ValueAsString();
        CPUTRenderNode *pParentNode = NULL;

        // TODO: use Get*() instead of Load*() ?

        std::string name = pBlock->GetValueByName("name")->ValueAsString();

        int parentIndex;
        CPUTRenderNode *pNode = NULL;
            pNode  = pNode = CPUTNullNode::Create();
            result = ((CPUTNullNode*)pNode)->LoadNullNode(pBlock, &parentIndex);
            pParentNode = mppAssetList[parentIndex+1];
            std::string &parentPrefix = pParentNode->GetPrefix();
            std::string prefix = parentPrefix;
      //      pNode->SetPrefix( parentPrefix + "." + name );
            pAssetLibrary->AddNullNode("", parentPrefix + name, "", (CPUTNullNode*)pNode);
            // Add this null's name to our prefix
            // Append this null's name to our parent's prefix
            pNode->SetParent( pParentNode );
            pParentNode->AddChild( pNode );
        else if("model"))
            CPUTConfigEntry *pValue = pBlock->GetValueByName( "instance" );
            CPUTModel *pModel = CPUTModel::Create();
            if( pValue == &CPUTConfigEntry::sNullConfigValue )
                // Not found.  So, not an instance.
                pModel->LoadModel(pBlock, &parentIndex, NULL, numSystemMaterials, pSystemMaterialNames);
                int instance = pValue->ValueAsInt();

                // If the current node is an instance of itself then it has no "master" model
                if(ii == instance)
                    // TODO: create instance model object
                    pModel->LoadModel(pBlock, &parentIndex, NULL, numSystemMaterials, pSystemMaterialNames);
                    pModel->LoadModel(pBlock, &parentIndex, (CPUTModel*)mppAssetList[instance+1], numSystemMaterials, pSystemMaterialNames);
            pParentNode = mppAssetList[parentIndex+1];
            pModel->SetParent( pParentNode );
            pParentNode->AddChild( pModel );
            std::string &parentPrefix = pParentNode->GetPrefix();
            pModel->SetPrefix( parentPrefix );
            pAssetLibrary->AddModel(name, parentPrefix, "", pModel);


            // Create a mesh for rendering the bounding box
            // TODO: There is definitely a better way to do this.  But, want to see the bounding boxes!
            pNode = pModel;
        else if("light"))
            pNode = CPUTLight::Create();
            ((CPUTLight*)pNode)->LoadLight(pBlock, &parentIndex);
            pParentNode = mppAssetList[parentIndex+1]; // +1 because we added a root node to the start
            pNode->SetParent( pParentNode );
            pParentNode->AddChild( pNode );
            std::string &parentPrefix = pParentNode->GetPrefix();
            pNode->SetPrefix( parentPrefix );
            pAssetLibrary->AddLight(name, parentPrefix, "", (CPUTLight*)pNode);
        else if("camera"))
            pNode = CPUTCamera::Create(CPUT_PERSPECTIVE);
            ((CPUTCamera*)pNode)->LoadCamera(pBlock, &parentIndex);
            pParentNode = mppAssetList[parentIndex+1]; // +1 because we added a root node to the start
            pNode->SetParent( pParentNode );
            pParentNode->AddChild( pNode );
            std::string &parentPrefix = pParentNode->GetPrefix();
            pNode->SetPrefix( parentPrefix );
            pAssetLibrary->AddCamera(name, parentPrefix, "", (CPUTCamera*)pNode);
            if( !mpFirstCamera ) { mpFirstCamera = (CPUTCamera*)pNode; mpFirstCamera->AddRef();}
            ASSERT(0,"Unsupported node type '" + nodeType + "'.");

        CPUTConfigEntry *pAnimValue = pBlock->GetValueByName( "Animation0" );
		//int autoPlayAnimationIndex = pBlock->GetValueByName( "DefaultAnimation" );
        for(int i = 1; pAnimValue != &CPUTConfigEntry::sNullConfigValue; ++i )
			CPUTAnimation *pCurrentAnimation = pAssetLibrary->GetAnimation(pAnimValue->ValueAsString());
            //First Animation will be default for now
			if(pCurrentAnimation != NULL && i == 1 /*autoPlayAnimationIndex*/)
				pDefaultAnimation = pCurrentAnimation ;

            std::stringstream animName;
            animName << "Animation" << i;
            pAnimValue = pBlock->GetValueByName(animName.str());

        // Add the node to our asset list (i.e., the linear list, not the hierarchical)
        mppAssetList[ii+1] = pNode;
        // Don't AddRef.Creating it set the refcount to 1.  We add it to the list, and then we're done with it.
        // Net effect is 0 (+1 to add to list, and -1 because we're done with it)
        // pNode->AddRef();

    //Set the default animation to the current Asset Set
	if(pDefaultAnimation != NULL && mAssetCount > 1)
        //Apply Animation to root of the setfile
    return result;