void CTaskSimpleChokingSA::UpdateChoke ( CPed* pPed, CPed* pAttacker, bool bIsTearGas )
    // Get game interfaces
    CPedSA* pPedSA = dynamic_cast < CPedSA* > ( pPed );
	if ( !pPedSA ) return;

    CPedSAInterface* pPedInterface = pPedSA->GetPedInterface ();

    CPedSAInterface* pAttackerInterface = NULL;
    if ( pAttacker )
        CPedSA* pAttackerSA = dynamic_cast < CPedSA* > ( pAttacker );
		if ( pAttackerSA )
			pAttackerInterface = pAttackerSA->GetPedInterface ();

    // Call the func
    DWORD dwThisInterface = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
    DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_CTaskSimpleChoking__UpdateChoke;
        mov         ecx, dwThisInterface
        push        bIsTearGas
        push        pAttackerInterface
        push        pPedInterface
        call        dwFunc
Esempio n. 2
DWORD CPoolsSA::GetPedRef ( CPed* pPed )
    DEBUG_TRACE("DWORD CPoolsSA::GetPedRef ( CPed* pPed )");

    DWORD dwRef = 0;
    CPedSA* pPedSA = dynamic_cast < CPedSA * > ( pPed );
    if ( pPedSA )
        CPedSAInterface* pInterface = pPedSA->GetPedInterface ();
        DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_GetPedRef;
            push    pInterface
            call    dwFunc
            add	    esp, 0x4
            mov	    dwRef, eax

    return dwRef;
Esempio n. 3
bool CCarEnterExitSA::GetNearestCarDoor ( CPed * pPed, CVehicle * pVehicle, CVector * pVector, int * pDoor )
    DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_GetNearestCarDoor;
    bool bReturn = false;

    CPedSA* pPedSA = dynamic_cast < CPedSA* > ( pPed );
    CVehicleSA* pVehicleSA = dynamic_cast < CVehicleSA* > ( pVehicle );

    if ( pPedSA && pVehicleSA )
        CPedSAInterface * pPedInterface = pPedSA->GetPedInterface ();
        CVehicleSAInterface * pVehicleInterface = pVehicleSA->GetVehicleInterface ();
            push    pDoor
            push    pVector
            push    pVehicleInterface
            push    pPedInterface
            call    dwFunc
            add     esp, 0x10
            mov     bReturn, al
CTaskSimpleChokingSA::CTaskSimpleChokingSA ( CPed* pAttacker, bool bIsTearGas )
    CPedSA* pAttackerSA = dynamic_cast < CPedSA* > ( pAttacker );

    DWORD dwFunc = FUNC_CTaskSimpleChoking__Constructor;
    DWORD dwIsTearGas = bIsTearGas;

    // Grab the GTA class for the attacker if any
    CPedSAInterface* pAttackerInterface = NULL;
    if ( pAttackerSA ) pAttackerInterface = pAttackerSA->GetPedInterface ();

    this->CreateTaskInterface ( sizeof ( CTaskSimpleChokingSAInterface ) );
    DWORD dwThisInterface = (DWORD)this->GetInterface();
        mov		ecx, dwThisInterface
        push    ebx
        push    bIsTearGas
        push    pAttackerInterface
        call    dwFunc
        pop     ebx
Esempio n. 5
void CPoolsSA::RemovePed ( unsigned long ulID, bool bDelete )
	DEBUG_TRACE("void CPoolsSA::RemovePed ( unsigned long ulID, bool bDelete )");

    static bool bIsDeletingPedAlready = false; // to prevent delete being called twice
    if ( !bIsDeletingPedAlready ) 
        bIsDeletingPedAlready = true;

        CPedSA* pPedSA = m_pedPool.array [ ulID ];
        assert ( NULL != pPedSA );

        // Pop the element to remove from the pool array
        if ( ulID != m_pedPool.ulCount - 1 )
            // We are removing an intermediate position of
            // the array. Move the last element to the just
            // deleted element position to not allow empty
            // spaces on it.
            m_pedPool.array [ ulID ] = m_pedPool.array [ m_pedPool.ulCount - 1 ];
            m_pedPool.array [ ulID ]->SetArrayID ( ulID );
        m_pedPool.array [ m_pedPool.ulCount - 1 ] = NULL;

        // Unlink the element to remove from the pool map
        pedPool_t::mapType::iterator iter = m_pedPool.map.find ( pPedSA->GetPedInterface () );
        if ( iter != m_pedPool.map.end () )
            m_pedPool.map.erase ( iter );

        // Delete the element from memory
        switch ( pPedSA->GetType () )
            case PLAYER_PED:
                CPlayerPedSA* pPlayerPed = dynamic_cast < CPlayerPedSA* > ( pPedSA );
                if ( pPlayerPed )
                    if ( ! bDelete )
                        pPlayerPed->SetDoNotRemoveFromGameWhenDeleted ( true );

                delete pPlayerPed;


                CCivilianPedSA* pCivPed = dynamic_cast < CCivilianPedSA* > ( pPedSA );
                if ( pCivPed )
                    if ( ! bDelete )
                        pCivPed->SetDoNotRemoveFromGameWhenDeleted ( true );

                delete pCivPed;

        // Decrease the count of elements in the pool

        bIsDeletingPedAlready = false;