Esempio n. 1
CGenethonDoc::GetPhylipFile( CString PathName, int Append )

	CPtrList CommentList;
	CPtrList SequenceList;

	if ( !ReadPhylipIFile( &CommentList, &SequenceList, PathName ) ) {
		while ( !CommentList.IsEmpty() ) {
			delete (CString *)CommentList.RemoveHead();
		while ( !SequenceList.IsEmpty() ) {
			delete (SeqNameStruct *)SequenceList.RemoveHead();
		return 0;

	SeqNameStruct *tSNS = (SeqNameStruct *)SequenceList.GetHead();
	gMaxStrSize = tSNS->Len;

	return ProcessRows( CommentList, SequenceList, Append );

Esempio n. 2
void CDlgTimedMessageBox::GetWindowHandles(void)
	HWND		hWnd;
	CWnd		*pWnd;
	CString		title;
	CPtrList	allButtons;

	// Handle of the messageBox
	if( !m_hMsgBox )
		hWnd = ::GetWindow(::GetDesktopWindow(), GW_CHILD);
		while( (hWnd!=NULL) && (m_hMsgBox==NULL) )
			pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd);

			if( ::AfxIsDescendant(m_hParent, hWnd) && ::IsWindowVisible(hWnd) && (m_Title.CompareNoCase(title)==0) )
				m_hMsgBox = hWnd;
			hWnd = ::GetWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);

	// Handle of the static text
	// TODO only if text-replace is needed
	if( m_hMsgBox && !m_hStaticText )
		// not sure if this will work always
		// under Win2000 it did
		//m_hStaticText = ::GetDlgItem(m_hMsgBox, 0xFFFF);

		// not sure, so lets find it dynamically!

		char		className[_MAX_PATH];
		CString		classNameOk("STATIC");
		LONG		id;

		hWnd = ::GetWindow(m_hMsgBox, GW_CHILD);
		while( (hWnd!=NULL) && (m_hStaticText==NULL) )
			id = ::GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_ID);
			// small ids only for buttons
			if( id > IDHELP )
				if( ::GetClassName(hWnd, className, _MAX_PATH) )

					// looking only for a static 
					if( classNameOk.CompareNoCase(className) == 0 )
						// not check the text
						pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd);
						if( m_CurrentMessage.CompareNoCase(title) == 0 )
							m_hStaticText = hWnd;


			hWnd = ::GetWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);


	// Handle of the default button
	if( m_hMsgBox && !m_hDefaultButton )
		m_hDefaultButton = ::GetDlgItem(m_hMsgBox, m_DefaultReturn);
		// Problem: (reported from Keith Brown)
		// if generated with MB_OK the button has NOT IDOK, but IDCANCEL !!
		// then lets take the first button we find !
		// (with and IDCANCEL this works, because it is the only button
		// if this problem encounters also with 2 buttons, I have no chance 
		// to find out which one is the better one!)
		while( allButtons.GetCount()>0 && !m_hDefaultButton )
			m_hDefaultButton = (HWND) allButtons.GetHead();
			if( m_hDefaultButton )
				m_DefaultReturn = ::GetWindowLong(m_hDefaultButton, GWL_ID);