Esempio n. 1
DWORD WINAPI WriterThread(PVOID pvParam) {

   int nThreadNum = PtrToUlong(pvParam);
   HWND hWndLB = GetDlgItem(g_hWnd, IDC_CLIENTS);

   for (int nRequestNum = 1; !g_fShutdown; nRequestNum++) {

      CQueue::ELEMENT e = { nThreadNum, nRequestNum };

      // Require access for writing

      // If the queue is full, fall asleep as long as the condition variable 
      // is not signaled
      // Note: During the wait for acquiring the lock, 
      //       a stop might have been received
      if (g_q.IsFull() & !g_fShutdown) {
         // No more room in the queue
         AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] Queue is full: impossible to add %d"), 
            nThreadNum, nRequestNum);

         // --> Need to wait for a reader to empty a slot before acquiring 
         //     the lock again 
         SleepConditionVariableSRW(&g_cvReadyToProduce, &g_srwLock, 
            INFINITE, 0);

      // Other writer threads might still be blocked on the lock
      // --> Release the lock and notify the remaining writer threads to quit
      if (g_fShutdown) {
         // Show that the current thread is exiting
         AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum);

         // No need to keep the lock any longer

         // Signal other blocked writers threads that it is time to exit

         // Bye bye
      } else {
         // Add the new ELEMENT into the queue

         // Show result of processing element
         AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] Adding %d"), nThreadNum, nRequestNum);

         // No need to keep the lock any longer

         // Signal reader threads that there is an element to consume

         // Wait before adding a new element

   // Show that the current thread is exiting
   AddText(hWndLB, TEXT("[%d] bye bye"), nThreadNum);
