CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleMeshFaceColor::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { CRhinoGetObject go; go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select mesh" ); go.SetGeometryFilter( CRhinoGetObject::mesh_object ); go.GetObjects( 1, 1 ); if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return go.CommandResult(); const CRhinoMeshObject* mesh_obj = CRhinoMeshObject::Cast( go.Object(0).Object() ); if( 0 == mesh_obj ) return CRhinoCommand::failure; CSampleMeshFaceColorConduit conduit( mesh_obj->m_runtime_object_serial_number ); conduit.Enable(); context.m_doc.Regen(); CRhinoGetString gs; gs.SetCommandPrompt( L"Press <Enter> to continue" ); gs.AcceptNothing(); gs.GetString(); conduit.Disable(); context.m_doc.Regen(); return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandPlugIn2Add::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { CRhinoGetObject go; go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select object" ); go.GetObjects( 1, 1 ); if( go.CommandResult() != success ) return go.CommandResult(); const CRhinoObject* object = go.Object(0).Object(); if( 0 == object ) return failure; CRhinoGetPoint gp; gp.SetCommandPrompt( L"Pick point" ); gp.GetPoint(); if( gp.CommandResult() != success ) return gp.CommandResult(); CRhinoGetString gs; gp.SetCommandPrompt( L"Description" ); gs.GetString(); if( gs.CommandResult() != success ) return gs.CommandResult(); bool rc = AddPlugInUserData( context.m_doc, object, gp.Point(), gs.String() ); RhinoApp().Print( L"%s\n", rc ? L"Succeeded!" : L"Failed!" ); return success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleSelectVisibleMeshFaces::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { CRhinoGetObject go; go.SetCommandPrompt(L"Select mesh"); go.SetGeometryFilter(ON::mesh_object); go.EnablePreSelect(false); go.EnableUnselectObjectsOnExit(false); go.GetObjects(1, 1); if (go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success) return go.CommandResult(); CRhinoView* view = go.View(); if (0 == view) return CRhinoCommand::failure; const CRhinoMeshObject* mesh_obj = CRhinoMeshObject::Cast(go.Object(0).Object()); if (0 == mesh_obj) return CRhinoCommand::failure; ON_Mesh* mesh = const_cast<ON_Mesh*>(mesh_obj->Mesh()); if (0 == mesh) return CRhinoCommand::failure; mesh_obj->Select(false); context.m_doc.Redraw(); if (!mesh->HasFaceNormals()) mesh->ComputeFaceNormals(); ON_3fVector dir(view->ActiveViewport().VP().CameraZ()); double min_angle = 0.0; double max_angle = 90.0 * (ON_PI/180); for (int fi = 0; fi < mesh->m_F.Count(); fi++) { const ON_3fVector& norm = mesh->m_FN[fi]; double dot = ON_DotProduct(dir, norm) / (dir.Length() * norm.Length()); double angle = acos(dot); if (min_angle <= angle && angle <= max_angle) { ON_COMPONENT_INDEX ci(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::mesh_face, fi); mesh_obj->SelectSubObject(ci, true, true); } } context.m_doc.Redraw(); CRhinoGetString gs; gs.SetCommandPrompt(L"Press <Enter> to continue"); gs.AcceptNothing(); gs.GetString(); return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleWindowPick::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { CRhinoGetObject go; go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select point cloud" ); go.SetGeometryFilter( CRhinoGetObject::pointset_object ); go.EnableSubObjectSelect( false ); go.GetObjects( 1, 1 ); if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return go.CommandResult(); const CRhinoPointCloudObject* obj = CRhinoPointCloudObject::Cast( go.Object(0).Object() ); if( 0 == obj ) return CRhinoCommand::failure; const ON_PointCloud& cloud = obj->PointCloud(); obj->Select( false ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); CRhinoGetPoint gp; gp.SetCommandPrompt( L"Drag a window to select point cloud points" ); gp.ConstrainToTargetPlane(); gp.AcceptNothing(); gp.SetGetPointCursor( RhinoApp().m_default_cursor ); gp.Get2dRectangle(); if( gp.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return gp.CommandResult(); ON_SimpleArray<int> indices; const int index_count = RhWindowsSelectPointCloudPoints( gp.View(), cloud, gp.Rectangle2d(), indices ); if( 0 == index_count ) return CRhinoCommand::nothing; int i; for( i = 0; i < index_count; i++ ) obj->SelectSubObject( ON_COMPONENT_INDEX(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::pointcloud_point, indices[i]), true ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); CRhinoGetString gs; gs.SetCommandPrompt( L"Press <Enter> to continue" ); gs.AcceptNothing(); gs.GetString(); for( i = 0; i < index_count; i++ ) obj->SelectSubObject( ON_COMPONENT_INDEX(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::pointcloud_point, indices[i]), false ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleRegionPick::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { CRhinoGetObject go; go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select point cloud" ); go.SetGeometryFilter( CRhinoGetObject::pointset_object ); go.EnableSubObjectSelect( false ); go.GetObjects( 1, 1 ); if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return go.CommandResult(); const CRhinoPointCloudObject* obj = CRhinoPointCloudObject::Cast( go.Object(0).Object() ); if( 0 == obj ) return CRhinoCommand::failure; const ON_PointCloud& cloud = obj->PointCloud(); obj->Select( false ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); CRhGetRegionPoints gp; gp.SetCommandPrompt( L"Click and drag, or repeatedly click to lasso point cloud points. Press Enter when done" ); gp.AcceptNothing(); gp.SetGetPointCursor( RhinoApp().m_default_cursor ); gp.GetPoints(); if( gp.Result() == CRhinoGet::point ) return CRhinoCommand::cancel; ON_SimpleArray<int> indices; const int index_count = RhRegionSelectPointCloudPoints( gp.View(), cloud, gp.m_points, indices ); if( 0 == index_count ) return CRhinoCommand::nothing; int i; for( i = 0; i < index_count; i++ ) obj->SelectSubObject( ON_COMPONENT_INDEX(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::pointcloud_point, indices[i]), true ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); CRhinoGetString gs; gs.SetCommandPrompt( L"Press <Enter> to continue" ); gs.AcceptNothing(); gs.GetString(); for( i = 0; i < index_count; i++ ) obj->SelectSubObject( ON_COMPONENT_INDEX(ON_COMPONENT_INDEX::pointcloud_point, indices[i]), false ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandNewName::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { // Select an object to modify CRhinoGetObject go; go.SetCommandPrompt( L"Select object to change name" ); go.EnablePreSelect( TRUE ); go.EnableSubObjectSelect( FALSE ); go.GetObjects( 1, 1 ); if( go.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return go.CommandResult(); // Get the object reference const CRhinoObjRef& objref = go.Object(0); // Get the object const CRhinoObject* obj = objref.Object(); if( !obj ) return CRhinoCommand::failure; // Make copy of object attributes. This objects // holds an object's user-defined name. ON_3dmObjectAttributes obj_attribs = obj->Attributes(); // Prompt for new object name CRhinoGetString gs; gs.SetCommandPrompt( L"New object name" ); gs.SetDefaultString( obj_attribs.m_name ); gs.AcceptNothing( TRUE ); gs.GetString(); if( gs.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return gs.CommandResult(); // Get the string entered by the user ON_wString obj_name = gs.String(); obj_name.TrimLeftAndRight(); // Is name the same? if( obj_name.Compare(obj_attribs.m_name) == 0 ) return CRhinoCommand::nothing; // Modify the attributes of the object obj_attribs.m_name = obj_name; context.m_doc.ModifyObjectAttributes( objref, obj_attribs ); return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CCommandSampleOpenIges::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { ON_wString filename; if( context.IsInteractive() ) { DWORD dwFlags = OFN_ENABLESIZING | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; const wchar_t* szFilter = L"IGES Files (*.igs;*.iges)|*.igs; *.iges||"; CWnd* pParentWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( RhinoApp().MainWnd() ); #if defined(WIN64) CFileDialog dialog( TRUE, L"igs", 0, dwFlags, szFilter, pParentWnd, 0, TRUE ); #else CFileDialog dialog( TRUE, L"igs", 0, dwFlags, szFilter, pParentWnd ); #endif INT_PTR rc = dialog.DoModal(); if( rc != IDOK ) return CRhinoCommand::cancel; filename = dialog.GetPathName(); } else { CRhinoGetString gs; gs.SetCommandPrompt( L"IGES file to open" ); gs.GetString(); if( gs.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) return gs.CommandResult(); filename = gs.String(); } filename.TrimLeftAndRight(); if( filename.IsEmpty() ) return CRhinoCommand::nothing; if( !CRhinoFileUtilities::FileExists(filename) ) { RhinoApp().Print( L"File \"%s\" not found.\n", filename ); return CRhinoCommand::failure; } // Note, setting the document modified flag to false will prevent the // "Do you want to save this file..." mesasge from displaying when you // open a file (if the current document has been modified in any way). // But, you will (also) loose any modifications to the current document. // So, use the following line of code carefully. context.m_doc.SetModifiedFlag( FALSE ); ON_wString script; script.Format( L"_-Open \"%s\" _Enter _Enter _Enter", filename ); RhinoApp().RunScript( script, 0 ); return CRhinoCommand::success; }
CRhinoCommand::result CGenPianoVis::RunCommand( const CRhinoCommandContext& context ) { Cscript1PlugIn& plugin = script1PlugIn(); if( !plugin.IsDlgVisible() ) { return CRhinoCommand::nothing; } /*GET THE LAYER NAME*/ CRhinoGetString gs; gs.SetCommandPrompt( L"NAME OF LAYER WHICH CONTAINS VISIONAL PLANE : " ); gs.GetString(); if( gs.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) { return gs.CommandResult(); } /*VALIDATE THE STRING*/ ON_wString layer_name = gs.String(); layer_name.TrimLeftAndRight(); if( layer_name.IsEmpty() ) { return CRhinoCommand::cancel; } /*GET A REFERENCE TO THE LAYER TABLE*/ CRhinoLayerTable& layer_table = context.m_doc.m_layer_table; /*FIND THE LAYER*/ int layer_index = layer_table.FindLayer(layer_name ); if( layer_index < 0 ) { RhinoApp().Print( L"LAYER \"%s\" DOES NOT EXIST.\n", layer_name ); } else { ON_Layer currentLayer; int numLayers = layer_table.LayerCount(); layer_table.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layer_index); for(int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { if(i != layer_index) { currentLayer = layer_table[i]; currentLayer.SetVisible(false); layer_table.ModifyLayer(currentLayer, i); } } context.m_doc.Redraw(); const CRhinoLayer& layer = context.m_doc.m_layer_table[layer_index]; ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoObject*> obj_list; int object_count = context.m_doc.LookupObject( layer, obj_list ); if( object_count > 0 ) { /********************************************************************/ //CRhinoObject* obj = obj_list[0]; //if( obj && obj->IsSelectable() ) //{ // obj->Select(true); // obj->Highlight(true); // m_doc.Redraw(); //} /********************************************************************/ //aniello gegin // Disable redrawing //CRhinoView::EnableDrawing( FALSE ); meglio tenerlo disabilitato altrimenti la schermata non si aggiorna. // Get the next runtime object serial number before scripting unsigned int first_sn = CRhinoObject::NextRuntimeObjectSerialNumber(); //aniello end ///////////////////// CRhinoGetObject gc; gc.SetCommandPrompt( L"SELECT LINE TO EXTEND" ); gc.SetGeometryFilter( CRhinoGetObject::curve_object ); gc.GetObjects( 1, 1 ); if(gc.CommandResult() == CRhinoCommand::success ) { const CRhinoObjRef& objref = gc.Object(0); const ON_Curve* pC = ON_Curve::Cast( objref.Geometry() ); ON_Curve* crv0 = pC->DuplicateCurve(); bool rc0 = RhinoExtendCurve(crv0, CRhinoExtend::Line, 1, 5); bool rc1 = RhinoExtendCurve(crv0, CRhinoExtend::Line, 0, 15); context.m_doc.ReplaceObject(objref, *crv0 ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); ///// begin prova memorizzazione id o name linea pv ////ON_UUID uuid1 = gc->Attributes().m_uuid; //// ON_UUID uuid1 = objref.ObjectUuid(); // //ON_UuidToString( uuid1, cvrPrima ); // const CRhinoObject* obj5 = objref.Object(); // ON_UUID uuid1 = obj5->Attributes().m_uuid; // pvcurva = uuid1; // ON_3dmObjectAttributes obj_attribs = obj5->Attributes(); // CRhinoGetString gs; //gs.SetCommandPrompt( L"New object name" ); //gs.SetDefaultString( obj_attribs.m_name ); //gs.AcceptNothing( TRUE ); //gs.GetString(); //if( gs.CommandResult() != CRhinoCommand::success ) // return gs.CommandResult(); //// Get the string entered by the user //ON_wString obj_name = gs.String(); //obj_name.TrimLeftAndRight(); //// Is name the same? //if( obj_name.Compare(obj_attribs.m_name) == 0 ) // return CRhinoCommand::nothing; // //ON_wString obj_name = (L"stringanome"); // obj_attribs.m_name = obj_name; // context.m_doc.ModifyObjectAttributes( objref, obj_attribs ); ///// end prova memorizzazione id o name linea pv ON_3dPoint p0 = crv0->PointAtStart(); ON_3dPoint p1 = crv0->PointAtEnd(); CRhinoGetNumber gn; //double default_value = 30; gn.SetCommandPrompt( L"ENTER ANTERIOR ANGLE FOR EXTENSION in grad: " ); gn.SetCommandPromptDefault(L"30"); gn.SetDefaultNumber(30); //gn.AcceptNothing(true); gn.GetNumber(); double alphaAngle = gn.Number(); gn.SetCommandPrompt( L"ENTER ANTERIOR LENGTH FOR EXTENSION in mm: " ); gn.SetCommandPromptDefault(L"80"); gn.SetDefaultNumber(80); gn.GetNumber(); double antLen = gn.Number(); gn.SetCommandPrompt( L"ENTER ANTERIOR FILLET RADIUS in mm: " ); gn.SetCommandPromptDefault(L"6"); gn.SetDefaultNumber(6); gn.GetNumber(); double antRad = gn.Number(); gn.SetCommandPrompt( L"ENTER POSTERIOR ANGLE FOR EXTENSION default <ALPHA + 10°= 40°> : " ); gn.SetCommandPromptDefault(L"40"); gn.SetDefaultNumber(40); gn.GetNumber(); double betaAngle = gn.Number(); gn.SetCommandPrompt( L"ENTER POSTERIOR LENGTH FOR EXTENSION in mm: " ); gn.SetCommandPromptDefault(L"80"); gn.SetDefaultNumber(80); gn.GetNumber(); double posLen = gn.Number(); gn.SetCommandPrompt( L"ENTER POSTERIOR FILLET RADIUS in mm: " ); gn.SetCommandPromptDefault(L"13"); gn.SetDefaultNumber(13); gn.GetNumber(); double posRad = gn.Number(); ON_3dPoint pointStart; ON_3dPoint pointEnd; //// Fillet radius //double radius = 1.0; // Do the fillet calculation double t0 = 0.0, t1 = 0.0; ON_Plane plane; plane.plane_equation.y = 1.0; pointStart = crv0->PointAtStart(); pointEnd = crv0->PointAtEnd(); ON_3dPoint point0((pointStart.x - posLen*cos(betaAngle*acos(-1.0)/180.0)), 0.0, (pointStart.z + posLen*sin(betaAngle*acos(-1.0)/180.0))); ON_3dPoint point1((pointEnd.x + antLen*cos(alphaAngle*acos(-1.0)/180.0)), 0.0, (pointEnd.z - antLen*sin(alphaAngle*acos(-1.0)/180.0))); /**********************************/ /*CREATE THE LINE CURVES TO FILLET*/ /**********************************/ ON_LineCurve curve0( pointStart, point0 ); //LINEA A SINISTRA IN FRONT VIEW ON_LineCurve curve1( point1, pointEnd ); //LINEA A DESTRA IN FRONT VIEW /***************************************************/ /*FILLET AT THE END/START POINTS OF THE LINE CURVES*/ /***************************************************/ double curve0_t = crv0->Domain().Max(); double curve1_t = curve1.Domain().Min(); ON_3dPoint PuntoAltezzaTacco =; AltezzaTacco = PuntoAltezzaTacco; if( RhinoGetFilletPoints(curve1, *crv0, antRad, curve1_t, curve0_t, t1, t0, plane) ) { /*******************************/ /*TRIM BACK THE TWO LINE CURVES*/ /*******************************/ ON_Interval domain1( curve1.Domain().Min(), t1 ); curve1.Trim( domain1 ); ON_Interval domain0( crv0->Domain().Min(), t0 ); crv0->Trim( domain0 ); /**************************/ /*COMPUTE THE FILLET CURVE*/ /**************************/ ON_3dVector radial0 = curve1.PointAt(t1) - plane.Origin(); radial0.Unitize(); ON_3dVector radial1 = crv0->PointAt(t0) - plane.Origin(); radial1.Unitize(); double angle = acos( radial0 * radial1 ); ON_Plane fillet_plane( plane.Origin(), radial0, radial1 ); ON_Arc fillet( fillet_plane, plane.Origin(), antRad, angle ); /******************/ /*ADD THE GEOMETRY*/ /******************/ context.m_doc.AddCurveObject( curve1 ); context.m_doc.ReplaceObject(objref, *crv0 ); context.m_doc.AddCurveObject( fillet ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); } t0 = 0.0, t1 = 0.0; /*FILLET AT THE START POINTS OF THE LINE CURVES*/ curve0_t = crv0->Domain().Min(); curve1_t = curve0.Domain().Min(); if( RhinoGetFilletPoints(curve0, *crv0, posRad, curve1_t, curve0_t, t1, t0, plane) ) { // Trim back the two line curves ON_Interval domain0( t1, curve0.Domain().Max() ); curve0.Trim( domain0 ); ON_Interval domain1( t0, crv0->Domain().Max() ); crv0->Trim( domain1 ); /*COMPUTE THE FILLET CURVE*/ ON_3dVector radial0 = curve0.PointAt(t1) - plane.Origin(); radial0.Unitize(); ON_3dVector radial1 = crv0->PointAt(t0) - plane.Origin(); radial1.Unitize(); double angle = acos( radial0 * radial1 ); ON_Plane fillet_plane( plane.Origin(), radial0, radial1 ); ON_Arc fillet( fillet_plane, plane.Origin(), posRad, angle ); /*ADD THE GEOMETRY*/ context.m_doc.AddCurveObject( curve0 ); context.m_doc.ReplaceObject(objref, *crv0 ); context.m_doc.AddCurveObject( fillet ); context.m_doc.Redraw(); } /******************/ /*CLEAN UP OR LEAK*/ /******************/ delete crv0; crv0 = 0; // code temp // aniello begin // Get the next runtime object serial number after scripting unsigned int next_sn = CRhinoObject::NextRuntimeObjectSerialNumber(); // Enable redrawing //CRhinoView::EnableDrawing( TRUE ); // if the two are the same, then nothing happened /* if( first_sn == next_sn ) //return CRhinoCommand::nothing; return; */ //commento questo per far compilare :-) // The the pointers of all of the objects that were added during scripting ON_SimpleArray<const CRhinoObject*> objects; for( unsigned int sn = first_sn; sn < next_sn; sn++ ) { const CRhinoObject* obj = context.m_doc.LookupObjectByRuntimeSerialNumber( sn ); if( obj && !obj->IsDeleted() ) objects.Append( obj ); } /* // Sort and cull the list, as there may be duplicates if( objects.Count() > 1 ) { objects.HeapSort( CompareObjectPtr ); const CRhinoObject* last_obj = objects[objects.Count()-1]; for( int i = objects.Count()-2; i >= 0; i-- ) { const CRhinoObject* prev_obj = objects[i]; if( last_obj == prev_obj ) objects.Remove(i); else last_obj = prev_obj; } } */ // Do something with the list... for( int i = 0; i < objects.Count(); i++ ) { const CRhinoObject* obj = objects[i]; if( obj->IsSelectable(true) ) obj->Select( true ); } //aniello end //end code temp /*********************/ /*JOIN LINES TOGETHER*/ /*********************/ ON_SimpleArray<const ON_Curve*> lines; ON_SimpleArray<CRhinoObject*> objectsLine; ON_SimpleArray<ON_Curve*> output; double tolerance = context.m_doc.AbsoluteTolerance(); int LinesCount = context.m_doc.LookupObject( layer, objectsLine); if( LinesCount > 0 ) { for(int i = 0; i < LinesCount; i++) { const CRhinoCurveObject* curve_obj = CRhinoCurveObject::Cast( objectsLine[i] ); if( curve_obj ) { lines.Append(curve_obj->Curve()); } } } if( RhinoMergeCurves(lines, output, tolerance) ) { for(int i = 0; i < output.Count(); i++ ) { CRhinoCurveObject* crv = new CRhinoCurveObject; crv->SetCurve( output[i] ); if( context.m_doc.AddObject(crv) ) { crv->Select(); } else { delete crv; } } } /************************/ /*DELETE CHILDREN CURVES*/ /************************/ for(int i = 0; i < LinesCount; i++ ) { context.m_doc.DeleteObject(objectsLine[i]); } context.m_doc.Redraw(); /*************************/ /*END JOIN LINES TOGETHER*/ /*************************/ } }/*CHIUSURA IF( OBJECT_COUNT > 0 )*/ }/*CHIUSURA ELSE*/ return CRhinoCommand::success; }