Esempio n. 1
void	game_sv_GameState::assign_RP				(CSE_Abstract* E, game_PlayerState* ps_who)
	VERIFY				(E);

	u8					l_uc_team = u8(-1);
	CSE_Spectator		*tpSpectator = smart_cast<CSE_Spectator*>(E);
	if (tpSpectator)
		l_uc_team = tpSpectator->g_team();
#ifdef DEBUG
		Msg("--- game_sv_GameState RPoint for Spectators uses team [%d]", l_uc_team);
#endif // #ifdef DEBUG
	} else
		CSE_ALifeCreatureAbstract	*tpTeamed = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeCreatureAbstract*>(E);
		if (tpTeamed)
			l_uc_team = tpTeamed->g_team();
#ifdef DEBUG
		Msg("--- game_sv_GameState RPoint for AlifeCreature uses team [%d]", l_uc_team);
#endif // #ifdef DEBUG
		} else
			R_ASSERT2(false/*tpTeamed*/,"Non-teamed object is assigning to respawn point!");
	R_ASSERT2(l_uc_team < TEAM_COUNT, make_string("not found rpoint for team [%d]",
	xr_vector<RPoint>&	rp	= rpoints[l_uc_team];
#ifdef DEBUG
	Msg("---Size of rpoints of team [%d] is [%d]", l_uc_team, rp.size());
	xr_vector<u32>	xrp;//	= rpoints[l_uc_team];
	for (u32 i=0; i<rp.size(); i++)
		if (rp[i].TimeToUnfreeze < Level().timeServer())
	u32 rpoint = 0;
	if (xrp.size() && !tpSpectator)
		rpoint = xrp[::Random.randI((int)xrp.size())];
		if (!tpSpectator)
			for (u32 i=0; i<rp.size(); i++)
				rp[i].TimeToUnfreeze = 0;
		rpoint = ::Random.randI((int)rp.size());
#ifdef DEBUG
	Msg("--- Result rpoint is [%d]", rpoint);
#endif // #ifdef DEBUG
	RPoint&				r	= rp[rpoint];
	if (!tpSpectator)
		r.TimeToUnfreeze	= Level().timeServer() + g_sv_base_dwRPointFreezeTime;
	E->o_Position.set	(r.P);
	E->o_Angle.set		(r.A);
Esempio n. 2
BOOL CEntity::net_Spawn		(CSE_Abstract* DC)
	m_level_death_time		= 0;
	m_game_death_time		= 0;
	m_killer_id				= ALife::_OBJECT_ID(-1);

	CSE_Abstract				*e	= (CSE_Abstract*)(DC);
	CSE_ALifeCreatureAbstract	*E	= smart_cast<CSE_ALifeCreatureAbstract*>(e);

	// Initialize variables
	if (E) {
		SetfHealth			(E->get_health());

		R_ASSERT2(!((E->get_killer_id() != ALife::_OBJECT_ID(-1)) && g_Alive()), make_string("server entity [%s][%d] has an killer [%d] and not dead",
			E->name_replace(), E->ID, E->get_killer_id()).c_str());

		m_killer_id			= E->get_killer_id();
		if (m_killer_id == ID())
			m_killer_id		= ALife::_OBJECT_ID(-1);
		SetfHealth			(1.0f);

	// load damage params
	if (!E) {
		// Car or trader only!!!!
		CSE_ALifeCar		*C	= smart_cast<CSE_ALifeCar*>(e);
		CSE_ALifeTrader		*T	= smart_cast<CSE_ALifeTrader*>(e);
		CSE_ALifeHelicopter	*H	= smart_cast<CSE_ALifeHelicopter*>(e);

		R_ASSERT2			(C||T||H,"Invalid entity (no inheritance from CSE_CreatureAbstract, CSE_ALifeItemCar and CSE_ALifeTrader and CSE_ALifeHelicopter)!");
		id_Team				= id_Squad = id_Group = 0;
	else {
		id_Team				= E->g_team();
		id_Squad			= E->g_squad();
		id_Group			= E->g_group();

		CSE_ALifeMonsterBase	*monster	= smart_cast<CSE_ALifeMonsterBase*>(E);
		if (monster) {
			MONSTER_COMMUNITY		monster_community;
			monster_community.set	(pSettings->r_string(*cNameSect(), "species"));

			if( != 255)
				id_Team =;

	if (g_Alive() && IsGameTypeSingle()) {
		m_registered_member		= true;

		m_level_death_time		= Device.dwTimeGlobal;
		m_game_death_time		= E->m_game_death_time;;

	if (!inherited::net_Spawn(DC))
		return				(FALSE);

//	SetfHealth			(E->fHealth);
	IKinematics* pKinematics=smart_cast<IKinematics*>(Visual());
	CInifile* ini = NULL;

	if(pKinematics) ini = pKinematics->LL_UserData();
	if (ini) {
		if (ini->section_exist("damage_section") && !use_simplified_visual())

	return					TRUE;