Esempio n. 1
u16	GetSpawnInfo(NET_Packet &P, u16 &parent_id)
	u16 dummy16, id;
	shared_str	s_name;
	CSE_Abstract*	E = F_entity_Create(*s_name);
	if (E->
	id = E->ID;
	parent_id = E->ID_Parent;
	P.r_pos = 0;
	return id;
Esempio n. 2
CSE_Abstract *CLevelSpawnConstructor::create_object						(IReader *chunk)
	NET_Packet				net_packet;
	net_packet.B.count		= chunk->length();
	chunk->r				(,net_packet.B.count);
//	we do not need to close chunk since we iterate on them
//	chunk->close			();
	u16						ID;
	net_packet.r_begin		(ID);
	R_ASSERT2				(M_SPAWN==ID,"ID doesn't match to the spawn-point ID!");
	string64				section_name;
	net_packet.r_stringZ	(section_name);
	CSE_Abstract			*abstract = F_entity_Create(section_name);
	if (!abstract) {
		string256			temp;
		sprintf				(temp,"Can't create entity '%s' !\n",section_name);
		R_ASSERT2			(abstract,temp);
	abstract->Spawn_Read	(net_packet);
	return					(abstract);
void CLevel::cl_Process_Spawn(NET_Packet& P)
	// Begin analysis
	shared_str			s_name;
	P.r_stringZ			(s_name);

	// Create DC (xrSE)
	CSE_Abstract*	E	= F_entity_Create	(*s_name);
	R_ASSERT2(E, *s_name);

	E->Spawn_Read		(P);
	if (E->
		E->UPDATE_Read	(P);

	if (!E->match_configuration())
//.	Msg ("M_SPAWN - %s[%d][%x] - %d %d", *s_name,  E->ID, E,E->ID_Parent, Device.dwFrame);
	//force object to be local for server client
	if (OnServer())		{
		E->s_flags.set(M_SPAWN_OBJECT_LOCAL, TRUE);

	if (g_bDebugEvents)		ProcessGameSpawns();
	g_sv_Spawn					(E);

	F_entity_Destroy			(E);
Esempio n. 4
								CLevelGameGraph	(
									LPCSTR graph_file_name,
									LPCSTR raw_cross_table_file_name,
									CGameGraph::SLevel *tLevel,
									LPCSTR S,
									u32 dwOffset,
									u32 dwLevelID,
									CInifile *Ini
		m_tLevel				= *tLevel;
		m_dwOffset				= dwOffset;
		m_tpLevelPoints.clear	();
		FILE_NAME				caFileName;
		// loading graph
		strcpy_s				(caFileName,graph_file_name);
		m_tpGraph				= new CGameGraph(caFileName);

		strcpy_s				(caFileName,raw_cross_table_file_name);
		CGameLevelCrossTable	*l_tpCrossTable = new CGameLevelCrossTable(caFileName);

		CLevelGraph				*l_tpAI_Map = new CLevelGraph(S);

		VERIFY2					(l_tpCrossTable->header().level_guid() == l_tpAI_Map->header().guid(), "cross table doesn't correspond to the AI-map, rebuild graph!");
		VERIFY2					(l_tpCrossTable->header().game_guid() == m_tpGraph->header().guid(), "cross table doesn't correspond to the graph, rebuild graph!");
		VERIFY2					(m_tpGraph->header().level(GameGraph::_LEVEL_ID(0)).guid() == l_tpAI_Map->header().guid(), "cross table doesn't correspond to the AI-map, rebuild graph!");

		VERIFY					(l_tpAI_Map->header().vertex_count() == l_tpCrossTable->header().level_vertex_count());
		VERIFY					(m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count() == l_tpCrossTable->header().game_vertex_count());

		tLevel->m_guid			= l_tpAI_Map->header().guid();

			for (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID i=0, n = m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count(); i<n; ++i)
				if ((!l_tpAI_Map->valid_vertex_id(m_tpGraph->vertex(i)->level_vertex_id()) ||
					(l_tpCrossTable->vertex(m_tpGraph->vertex(i)->level_vertex_id()).game_vertex_id() != i) ||
					!l_tpAI_Map->inside(m_tpGraph->vertex(i)->level_vertex_id(),m_tpGraph->vertex(i)->level_point()))) {
						Msg				("! Graph doesn't correspond to the cross table");
						R_ASSERT2		(false,"Graph doesn't correspond to the cross table");

		m_tpVertices.resize		(m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count());
		GRAPH_VERTEX_IT			B = m_tpVertices.begin();
		GRAPH_VERTEX_IT			E = m_tpVertices.end();
		for ( ; I != E; I++) {
			(*I).tLocalPoint		= m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->level_point();
			(*I).tGlobalPoint.add	(m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->game_point(),m_tLevel.offset());
			(*I).tLevelID			= dwLevelID;
			(*I).tNodeID			= m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->level_vertex_id();
			Memory.mem_copy			((*I).tVertexTypes,m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->vertex_type(),GameGraph::LOCATION_TYPE_COUNT*sizeof(GameGraph::_LOCATION_ID));
			(*I).tNeighbourCount	= m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->edge_count();
			CGameGraph::const_iterator	b,i,e;
			m_tpGraph->begin		(int(I - B),i,e);
			(*I).tpaEdges			= (CGameGraph::CEdge*)xr_malloc((*I).tNeighbourCount*sizeof(CGameGraph::CEdge));
			b						= i;
			for ( ; i != e; ++i) {
				GameGraph::CEdge	&edge = (*I).tpaEdges[i - b];
				edge				= *i;
				VERIFY				((edge.vertex_id() + dwOffset) < (u32(1) << (8*sizeof(GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID))));
				edge.m_vertex_id	= (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)(edge.m_vertex_id + dwOffset);
			(*I).dwPointOffset		= 0;
			vfGenerateDeathPoints	(int(I - B),l_tpCrossTable,l_tpAI_Map,(*I).tDeathPointCount);

		xr_delete					(l_tpCrossTable);
		xr_delete					(l_tpAI_Map);
		// updating cross-table
			strcpy_s				(caFileName,raw_cross_table_file_name);
			CGameLevelCrossTable	*tpCrossTable = new CGameLevelCrossTable(caFileName);
			xr_vector<CGameLevelCrossTable::CCell> tCrossTableUpdate;
			for (int i=0; i<(int)tpCrossTable->header().level_vertex_count(); i++) {
				tCrossTableUpdate[i] = tpCrossTable->vertex(i);
				VERIFY				(u32(tCrossTableUpdate[i].tGraphIndex) < tpCrossTable->header().game_vertex_count());
				tCrossTableUpdate[i].tGraphIndex = tCrossTableUpdate[i].tGraphIndex + (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)dwOffset;

			CGameLevelCrossTable::CHeader	tCrossTableHeader;

			tCrossTableHeader.dwVersion			= XRAI_CURRENT_VERSION;
			tCrossTableHeader.dwNodeCount		= tpCrossTable->m_tCrossTableHeader.dwNodeCount;
			tCrossTableHeader.dwGraphPointCount = tpCrossTable->m_tCrossTableHeader.dwGraphPointCount;
			tCrossTableHeader.m_level_guid		= tpCrossTable->m_tCrossTableHeader.m_level_guid;
			tCrossTableHeader.m_game_guid		= tGraphHeader.m_guid;

			xr_delete			(tpCrossTable);

			for (int i=0; i<(int)tCrossTableHeader.dwNodeCount; i++)

		// fill vertex map
			string_path								fName;
			strconcat								(sizeof(fName),fName,S,"level.spawn");
			IReader									*F = FS.r_open(fName);
			u32										id;
			IReader									*O = F->open_chunk_iterator(id);
			for (int i=0; O; O = F->open_chunk_iterator(id,O))	{
				NET_Packet							P;
				P.B.count							= O->length();
				O->r								(,P.B.count);
				u16									ID;
				P.r_begin							(ID);
				R_ASSERT							(M_SPAWN==ID);
				P.r_stringZ							(fName);
				CSE_Abstract						*E = F_entity_Create(fName);
				R_ASSERT3							(E,"Can't create entity.",fName);
//				E->Spawn_Read						(P);
				CSE_ALifeGraphPoint					*tpGraphPoint = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeGraphPoint*>(E);
				if (tpGraphPoint) {
					E->Spawn_Read					(P);

					Fvector							tVector;
					tVector							= tpGraphPoint->o_Position;
					GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID			tGraphID = GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID(-1);
					float							fMinDistance = 1000000.f;
						GRAPH_VERTEX_IT					B = m_tpVertices.begin();
						GRAPH_VERTEX_IT					I = B;
						GRAPH_VERTEX_IT					E = m_tpVertices.end();
						for ( ; I != E; I++) {
							float fDistance = (*I).tLocalPoint.distance_to(tVector);
							if (fDistance < fMinDistance) {
								fMinDistance	= fDistance;
								tGraphID		= GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID(I - B);
								if (fMinDistance < EPS_L)
					if (fMinDistance < EPS_L) {
						SConnectionVertex				T;
						LPSTR							S;
						S								= xr_strdup(tpGraphPoint->name_replace());
						T.caConnectName					= xr_strdup(*tpGraphPoint->m_caConnectionPointName);
						T.dwLevelID						= dwfGetIDByLevelName(Ini,*tpGraphPoint->m_caConnectionLevelName);
//						T.tGraphID						= (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)i;
//						T.tOldGraphID					= tGraphID;
						T.tOldGraphID					= (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)i;
						T.tGraphID						= tGraphID;

						bool							ok = true;
						VERTEX_MAP::const_iterator		II = m_tVertexMap.begin();
						VERTEX_MAP::const_iterator		EE = m_tVertexMap.end();
						for ( ; II != EE; ++II)
							if (T.tOldGraphID == (*II).second.tOldGraphID) {
								ok						= false;
								Msg						("Graph point %s is removed,because it has the same position as some another graph point",E->name_replace());

						if (ok) {
							m_tVertexMap.insert			(mk_pair(S,T));
				F_entity_Destroy					(E);
			if (i != m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count())
				Msg									("Graph for the level %s doesn't correspond to the graph points from Level Editor! (%d : %d)",*,i,m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count());
			VERTEX_MAP::const_iterator				I = m_tVertexMap.begin();
			VERTEX_MAP::const_iterator				E = m_tVertexMap.end();
			for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
				R_ASSERT3	(!xr_strlen((*I).second.caConnectName) || ((*I).second.tGraphID < m_tpVertices.size()),"Rebuild graph for the level",*;

//			VERIFY3									(i == m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count(), "Rebuild graph for the level ",;
			O->close								();
			FS.r_close								(F);
Esempio n. 5
void CGameGraphBuilder::load_graph_point	(NET_Packet &net_packet)
	string256				section_id;
	u16						id;
	net_packet.r_begin		(id);
	R_ASSERT				(M_SPAWN == id);
	net_packet.r_stringZ	(section_id);

//	if (xr_strcmp("graph_point",section_id))
//		return;

	CSE_Abstract			*entity = F_entity_Create(section_id);
	if (!entity) {
		Msg					("Cannot create entity from section %s, skipping",section_id);

	CSE_ALifeGraphPoint		*graph_point = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeGraphPoint*>(entity);
	if (!graph_point) {
		F_entity_Destroy	(entity);

	entity->Spawn_Read		(net_packet);

	vertex_type				vertex;
	vertex.tLocalPoint		= graph_point->o_Position;
	// check for duplicate graph point positions
		graph_type::const_vertex_iterator	I = graph().vertices().begin();
		graph_type::const_vertex_iterator	E = graph().vertices().end();
		for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
			if ((*I).second->data().tLocalPoint.distance_to_sqr(vertex.tLocalPoint) < EPS_L) {
				Msg			("! removing graph point [%s][%f][%f][%f] because it is too close to the another graph point",entity->name_replace(),VPUSH(entity->o_Position));

	vertex.tGlobalPoint		= graph_point->o_Position;
	vertex.tNodeID			= level_graph().valid_vertex_position(vertex.tLocalPoint) ? level_graph().vertex_id(vertex.tLocalPoint) : u32(-1);
	if (!level_graph().valid_vertex_id(vertex.tNodeID)) {
		Msg					("! removing graph point [%s][%f][%f][%f] because it is outside of the AI map",entity->name_replace(),VPUSH(entity->o_Position));

		graph_type::const_vertex_iterator	I = graph().vertices().begin();
		graph_type::const_vertex_iterator	E = graph().vertices().end();
		for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
			if ((*I).second->data().tNodeID == vertex.tNodeID) {
				Msg			("! removing graph point [%s][%f][%f][%f] because it has the same AI node as another graph point",entity->name_replace(),VPUSH(entity->o_Position));

	vertex.tNeighbourCount	= 0;
	Memory.mem_copy			(vertex.tVertexTypes,graph_point->m_tLocations,GameGraph::LOCATION_TYPE_COUNT*sizeof(GameGraph::_LOCATION_ID));
	vertex.tLevelID			= 0;
	vertex.tDeathPointCount = 0;
	vertex.dwPointOffset	= 0;

	graph().add_vertex		(vertex,graph().vertices().size());

	F_entity_Destroy		(entity);