Esempio n. 1
BOOL LoadIDs(LPCTSTR szFilename)
	BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;

	FILE* pFile = NULL;
	if ( _tfopen_s( &pFile, szFilename, _T("rb") ) == 0 )
		for (;;)
			CStringA sLine;
			CHAR* res = fgets( sLine.GetBuffer( 4096 ), 4096, pFile );
			if ( ! res )
				break;		// End of file
			sLine.Trim( " \t\r\n" );
			if ( sLine.IsEmpty() || sLine.GetAt( 0 ) != '#' )
				continue;		// Skip empty lines
			int nPos = sLine.FindOneOf( " \t" );
			if ( nPos == -1 || sLine.Left( nPos ) != "#define" )
				continue;		// Skip unknown line
			sLine = sLine.Mid( nPos + 1 ).TrimLeft( " \t" );
			nPos = sLine.FindOneOf( " \t" );
			if ( nPos == -1 )
				continue;		// Skip unknown line
			CStringA sID = sLine.Left( nPos );
			sLine = sLine.Mid( nPos + 1 ).TrimLeft( " \t" );
			UINT nID = 0;
			if ( sLine.Left( 2 ).CompareNoCase( "0x" ) == 0 )
				if ( sscanf_s( sLine, "%x", &nID ) != 1 )
					continue;	// Skip unknown line
				if ( sscanf_s( sLine, "%u", &nID ) != 1 )
					continue;	// Skip unknown line
			if ( g_oIDs.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
				_tprintf( _T("Error: Duplicate ID %hs\n"), sID );
			g_oIDs.SetAt( sID, nID );
			bSuccess = TRUE;
		fclose( pFile );

	return bSuccess;
Esempio n. 2
BOOL LoadResources(LPCTSTR szFilename)
	FILE* pFile = NULL;
	if ( _tfopen_s( &pFile, szFilename, _T("rb") ) == 0 )
		CStringA sID;
		for ( States nState = stFile ; nState != stError ; )
			CStringA sLine;
			CHAR* res = fgets( sLine.GetBuffer( 4096 ), 4096, pFile );
			if ( ! res )
				if ( nState != stFile )
					_tprintf( _T("Error: Unexpected end of file\n") );

				break;		// End of file
			sLine.Trim( ", \t\r\n" );
			if ( sLine.IsEmpty() ||
				 sLine.GetAt( 0 ) == '/' ||
				 sLine.GetAt( 0 ) == '#' )
				continue;	// Skip empty line, comment and pragma

			switch ( nState )
			case stFile:
				if ( sLine == "STRINGTABLE" )
					nState = stStringTable;
				else if ( sLine == "GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO" )
					nState = stGuidelines;
					int nPos = sLine.Find( " DIALOG" );		// DIALOG or DIALOGEX
					if ( nPos != -1 )
						CStringA sID = sLine.SpanExcluding( " " );
						UINT nID;
						if ( ! g_oIDs.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
							_tprintf( _T("Error: Unknown ID \"%hs\" inside DIALOG\n"), sID );
							return 2;
						if ( g_oDialogs.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
							_tprintf( _T("Error: Duplicate ID \"%hs\" inside DIALOG\n"), sID );
							return 2;
						g_oDialogs.SetAt( sID, nID );

					nPos = sLine.Find( " ICON " );
					if ( nPos != -1 )
						CStringA sID = sLine.SpanExcluding( " " );
						UINT nID;
						if ( ! g_oIDs.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
							_tprintf( _T("Error: Unknown ID \"%hs\" of ICON\n"), sID );
							return 2;
						if ( g_oIcons.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
							_tprintf( _T("Error: Duplicate ID \"%hs\" of ICON\n"), sID );
							return 2;
						g_oIcons.SetAt( sID, nID );

					nPos = sLine.Find( " HTML " );
					if ( nPos == -1 )
						nPos = sLine.Find( " GZIP " );
					if ( nPos != -1 )
						CStringA sID = sLine.SpanExcluding( " " );
						UINT nID;
						if ( ! g_oIDs.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
							_tprintf( _T("Error: Unknown ID \"%hs\" of HTML\n"), sID );
							return 2;
						if ( g_oHtmls.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
							_tprintf( _T("Error: Duplicate ID \"%hs\" of HTML\n"), sID );
							return 2;
						g_oHtmls.SetAt( sID, nID );

					nPos = sLine.Find( " BITMAP " );
					if ( nPos == -1 )
						nPos = sLine.Find( " JPEG " );
					if ( nPos == -1 )
						nPos = sLine.Find( " PNG " );
					if ( nPos != -1 )
						CStringA sID = sLine.SpanExcluding( " " );
						UINT nID;
						if ( ! g_oIDs.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
							_tprintf( _T("Error: Unknown ID \"%hs\" of BITMAP\n"), sID );
							return 2;
						if ( g_oBitmaps.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
							_tprintf( _T("Error: Duplicate ID \"%hs\" of BITMAP\n"), sID );
							return 2;
						g_oBitmaps.SetAt( sID, nID );

			case stGuidelines:
				if ( sLine == "BEGIN" )
					nState = stGuidelinesContent;
					_tprintf( _T("Error: BEGIN not found after GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO\n") );
					return 2;

			case stGuidelinesContent:
				if ( sLine == "END" )
					nState = stFile;
				else if ( sLine.Right( 6 ) == "DIALOG" )
					nState = stGuidelinesDialog;
					CStringA sID = sLine.SpanExcluding( "," );
					UINT nID;
					if ( ! g_oIDs.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
						_tprintf( _T("Error: Unknown dialog ID \"%hs\" inside GUIDELINES\n"), sID );
						return 2;
					if ( g_oGuidelines.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
						_tprintf( _T("Error: Duplicate dialog ID \"%hs\" inside GUIDELINES\n"), sID );
						return 2;
					if ( ! g_oDialogs.Lookup( sID, nID ) )
						_tprintf( _T("Error: Orphan dialog ID \"%hs\" inside GUIDELINES\n"), sID );
						return 2;
					g_oGuidelines.SetAt( sID, nID );
					_tprintf( _T("Error: Unknown line \"%hs\" inside GUIDELINES\n"), sLine );
					return 2;

			case stGuidelinesDialog:
				if ( sLine == "END" )
					nState = stGuidelinesContent;

			case stStringTable:
				if ( sLine == "BEGIN" )
					nState = stContent;
					_tprintf( _T("Error: BEGIN not found after STRINGTABLE\n") );
					return 2;

			case stContent:
				if ( sLine == "END" )
					nState = stFile;
					int nPos = sLine.FindOneOf( ", \t" );
					if ( nPos != -1 )
						if ( ProcessString( sLine.Left( nPos ),
							sLine.Mid( nPos + 1 ).TrimLeft( ", \t" ) ) )
							nState = stContent;
							nState = stError;
						sID = sLine;
						nState =  stString;

			case stString:
				if ( ProcessString( sID, sLine ) )
					nState = stContent;
					nState = stError;

		fclose( pFile );

	return TRUE;