void CGameGibManager::AddGibToLRU( CBaseAnimating *pEntity )
	int i, next;

	if ( pEntity == NULL )

	//Find stale gibs.
	for ( i = m_LRU.Head(); i < m_LRU.InvalidIndex(); i = next )
		next = m_LRU.Next(i);

		if ( m_LRU[i].Get() == NULL )

	// We're not tracking gibs at the moment
	if ( m_iCurrentMaxPieces <= 0 )

	while ( m_LRU.Count() >= m_iCurrentMaxPieces )
		i = m_LRU.Head();

		//TODO: Make this fade out instead of pop.
		UTIL_Remove( m_LRU[i] );
	m_LRU.AddToTail( pEntity );
	m_iLastFrame = gpGlobals->framecount;
Esempio n. 2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Add/remove decals
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
DispDecalHandle_t CDispInfo::NotifyAddDecal( decal_t *pDecal )
    // FIXME: Add decal retirement...
//	if( m_Decals.Size() < MAX_DISP_DECALS )
//		return;

    // Create a new decal, link it in
    DispDecalHandle_t h = s_DispDecals.Alloc( true );

    // When linking, insert it in sorted order based on material enumeration ID
    // This will help us when rendering later
    int i = m_FirstDecal;
    int enumerationId = pDecal->material->GetEnumerationID();
    while( i != s_DispDecals.InvalidIndex() )
        int testId = s_DispDecals[i].m_pDecal->material->GetEnumerationID();
        if (enumerationId <= testId)

        last = i;
        i = s_DispDecals.Next(i);

    // NOTE: when the list is used in multimode, we can't use LinkBefore( i, INVALID_INDEX ),
    // since the Head and Tail of the linked list are meaningless...

    if ( last != DISP_DECAL_HANDLE_INVALID )
        s_DispDecals.LinkAfter( last, h );
        s_DispDecals.LinkBefore( m_FirstDecal, h );
        m_FirstDecal = h;

    CDispDecal *pDispDecal = &s_DispDecals[h];
    pDispDecal->m_pDecal = pDecal;
    pDispDecal->m_FirstFragment = DISP_DECAL_FRAGMENT_HANDLE_INVALID;
    pDispDecal->m_nVerts = 0;
    pDispDecal->m_nTris = 0;

    // Setup a basis for it.
    CDecalVert *pOutVerts = NULL;
        MSurf_Plane( m_ParentSurfID ).normal,
        pDispDecal->m_DecalWorldScale );

    // Recurse and precalculate which nodes this thing can touch.
        0,			// node bit index into CDispDecal::m_NodeIntersects
        0 );

    return h;
Esempio n. 3
BSPTreeDataHandle_t CBSPTreeData::NewHandle( int userId )
	BSPTreeDataHandle_t handle = m_Handles.AddToTail();
	m_Handles[handle].m_UserId = userId;
	m_Handles[handle].m_LeafList = m_HandleLeafList.InvalidIndex();

	return handle;
Esempio n. 4
// Adds a handle to a leaf
void CBSPTreeData::AddHandleToLeaf( int leaf, BSPTreeDataHandle_t handle )
	// Got to a leaf baby! Add the handle to the leaf's list of elements
	unsigned short leafElement = m_LeafElements.Alloc( true );
	if (m_Leaf[leaf].m_FirstElement != m_LeafElements.InvalidIndex() )
		m_LeafElements.LinkBefore( m_Leaf[leaf].m_FirstElement, leafElement );
	m_Leaf[leaf].m_FirstElement = leafElement;
	m_LeafElements[leafElement] = handle;

	// Insert the leaf into the handles's list of leaves
	unsigned short handleElement = m_HandleLeafList.Alloc( true );
	if (m_Handles[handle].m_LeafList != m_HandleLeafList.InvalidIndex() )
		m_HandleLeafList.LinkBefore( m_Handles[handle].m_LeafList, handleElement );
	m_Handles[handle].m_LeafList = handleElement;
	m_HandleLeafList[handleElement].m_Leaf = leaf;
	m_HandleLeafList[handleElement].m_LeafElementIndex = leafElement;
Esempio n. 5
void CGroundLine::DrawAllGroundLines()
	unsigned short i;
	for( i = s_GroundLines.Head(); i != s_GroundLines.InvalidIndex(); i = s_GroundLines.Next(i) )
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *focus - 
void CInputWin32::PanelDeleted(VPANEL focus)
	HInputContext i;
	for (i = m_Contexts.Head(); i != m_Contexts.InvalidIndex(); i = m_Contexts.Next(i) )
		PanelDeleted( focus, m_Contexts[i] );
	PanelDeleted( focus, m_DefaultInputContext );
Esempio n. 7
void CVGui::DestroyAllContexts( )
	HContext next;
	HContext i = m_Contexts.Head();
	while (i != m_Contexts.InvalidIndex())
		next = m_Contexts.Next(i);
		DestroyContext( i );
		i = next;
Esempio n. 8
// Enumerate elements in a particular leaf
int CBSPTreeData::CountElementsInLeaf( int leaf )
	int i;
	int nCount = 0;
	for( i = m_Leaf[leaf].m_FirstElement; i != m_LeafElements.InvalidIndex(); i = m_LeafElements.Next(i) )

	return nCount;
Esempio n. 9
void CBSPTreeData::RemoveFromTree( BSPTreeDataHandle_t handle )
	// Iterate over the list of all leaves the handle is in
	unsigned short i = m_Handles[handle].m_LeafList;
	while (i != m_HandleLeafList.InvalidIndex())
		int leaf = m_HandleLeafList[i].m_Leaf;
		unsigned short leafElement = m_HandleLeafList[i].m_LeafElementIndex; 

		// Unhook the handle from the leaf handle list
		if (leafElement == m_Leaf[leaf].m_FirstElement)
			m_Leaf[leaf].m_FirstElement = m_LeafElements.Next(leafElement);

		unsigned short prevNode = i;
		i = m_HandleLeafList.Next(i);

	m_Handles[handle].m_LeafList = m_HandleLeafList.InvalidIndex();
void TimeoutJobIDs()
	double flCurTime = Plat_FloatTime();
	int iNext;
	for ( int i=g_JobMemories.Head(); i != g_JobMemories.InvalidIndex(); i=iNext )
		iNext = g_JobMemories.Next( i );
		if ( (flCurTime - g_JobMemories[i].m_Time) > JOB_MEMORY_DURATION )
			g_JobMemories.Remove( i );
bool FindJobMemory( int id[4] )
	int iNext;
	for ( int i=g_JobMemories.Head(); i != g_JobMemories.InvalidIndex(); i=iNext )
		iNext = g_JobMemories.Next( i );
		CJobMemory *pJob = &g_JobMemories[i];
		if ( memcmp( pJob->m_ID, id, sizeof( pJob->m_ID ) ) == 0 )
			return true;
	return false;
static bool EventCollidesWithRows( CUtlLinkedList< CChoreoEvent*, int >& list, CChoreoEvent *event, char *trackName, size_t trackNameLength )
    float st = event->GetStartTime();
    float ed = event->GetEndTime();

    for ( int i = list.Head(); i != list.InvalidIndex(); i = list.Next( i ) )
        CChoreoEvent *test = list[ i ];

        float teststart = test->GetStartTime();
        float testend = test->GetEndTime();

        // See if spans overlap
        if ( teststart >= ed )
        if ( testend <= st )

        // Now see if they deal with the same flex controller
        int tc = event->GetNumFlexAnimationTracks();
        for ( int track = 0; track < tc; ++track )
            CFlexAnimationTrack *t = event->GetFlexAnimationTrack( track );
            if ( !t->IsTrackActive() )

            int sampleCountNormal = t->GetNumSamples( 0 );
            int sampleCountBalance = 0;
            if ( t->IsComboType() )
                sampleCountBalance = t->GetNumSamples( 1 );

            if ( !sampleCountNormal && !sampleCountBalance )

            // Otherwise, see if the test track has this as an active track
            if ( IsFlexTrackBeingUsed( test, t->GetFlexControllerName() ) )
                Q_strncpy( trackName, t->GetFlexControllerName(), trackNameLength );
                return true;
        return false;

    return false;
PackedEntity* CFrameSnapshotManager::GetPreviouslySentPacket( int iEntity, int iSerialNumber )
	PackedEntityHandle_t handle = m_pPackedData[iEntity]; 
	if ( handle != m_PackedEntities.InvalidIndex() )
		// NOTE: We can't use the previously sent packet if there was a 
		// serial number change....
		if ( m_pSerialNumber[iEntity] == iSerialNumber )
			return &m_PackedEntities[handle];
	return NULL;
void CFrameSnapshotManager::DeleteFrameSnapshot( CFrameSnapshot* pSnapshot )
	// Decrement reference counts of all packed entities
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EDICTS; ++i)
		if (pSnapshot->m_pPackedData[i] != m_PackedEntities.InvalidIndex())
			if (--m_PackedEntities[ pSnapshot->m_pPackedData[i] ].m_ReferenceCount <= 0)
				DestroyPackedEntity( pSnapshot->m_pPackedData[i] );

	m_FrameSnapshots.Remove( pSnapshot->m_ListIndex );
	delete pSnapshot;
bool CFrameSnapshotManager::UsePreviouslySentPacket( CFrameSnapshot* pSnapshot, 
											int entity, int entSerialNumber )
	PackedEntityHandle_t handle = m_pPackedData[entity]; 
	if ( handle != m_PackedEntities.InvalidIndex() )
		// NOTE: We can't use the previously sent packet if there was a 
		// serial number change....
		if ( m_pSerialNumber[entity] == entSerialNumber )
			pSnapshot->m_pPackedData[entity] = handle;
			return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 16
void CBSPTreeData::Init( ISpatialQuery* pBSPTree )
	Assert( pBSPTree );
	m_pBSPTree = pBSPTree;

	m_Handles.EnsureCapacity( 1024 );
	m_LeafElements.EnsureCapacity( 1024 );
	m_HandleLeafList.EnsureCapacity( 1024 );

	// Add all the leaves we'll need
	int leafCount = m_pBSPTree->LeafCount();
	m_Leaf.EnsureCapacity( leafCount );

	Leaf_t newLeaf;
	newLeaf.m_FirstElement = m_LeafElements.InvalidIndex();
	while ( --leafCount >= 0 )
		m_Leaf.AddToTail( newLeaf );
PackedEntity* CFrameSnapshotManager::CreatePackedEntity( CFrameSnapshot* pSnapshot, int entity )
	PackedEntityHandle_t handle = m_PackedEntities.AddToTail();

	// Referenced twice: in the mru 
	m_PackedEntities[handle].m_ReferenceCount = 2;
	pSnapshot->m_pPackedData[entity] = handle;

	// Add a reference into the global list of last entity packets seen...
	// and remove the reference to the last entity packet we saw
	if (m_pPackedData[entity] != m_PackedEntities.InvalidIndex())
		if (--m_PackedEntities[ m_pPackedData[entity] ].m_ReferenceCount <= 0)
			DestroyPackedEntity( m_pPackedData[entity] );
	m_pPackedData[entity] = handle;
	m_pSerialNumber[entity] = pSnapshot->m_Entities[entity].m_nSerialNumber;

	return &m_PackedEntities[handle];
Esempio n. 18
// Enumerate elements in a particular leaf
bool CBSPTreeData::EnumerateElementsInLeaf( int leaf, IBSPTreeDataEnumerator* pEnum, int context )
	// The enumeration method better damn well not change this list...
	int nCount = CountElementsInLeaf(leaf);

	unsigned short idx = m_Leaf[leaf].m_FirstElement;
	while (idx != m_LeafElements.InvalidIndex())
		BSPTreeDataHandle_t handle = m_LeafElements[idx];
		if (!pEnum->EnumerateElement( m_Handles[handle].m_UserId, context ))
			Assert( CountElementsInLeaf(leaf) == nCount );
			return false;
		idx = m_LeafElements.Next(idx);

	Assert( CountElementsInLeaf(leaf) == nCount );

	return true;
Esempio n. 19
// Is the element in any leaves at all?
bool CBSPTreeData::IsElementInTree( BSPTreeDataHandle_t handle ) const
	return m_Handles[handle].m_LeafList != m_HandleLeafList.InvalidIndex();