// darksilk: attempt to generate suitable proof-of-stake
bool CBlock::SignBlock(CWallet& wallet, CAmount nFees)
    // if we are trying to sign
    //    something except proof-of-stake block template
    if (!vtx[0].vout[0].IsEmpty())
        return false;

    // if we are trying to sign
    //    a complete proof-of-stake block
    if (IsProofOfStake())
        return true;

    static int64_t nLastCoinStakeSearchTime = GetAdjustedTime(); // startup timestamp

    CKey key;
    CTransaction txCoinStake;
    txCoinStake.nTime &= ~STAKE_TIMESTAMP_MASK;

    int64_t nSearchTime = txCoinStake.nTime; // search to current time

    if (nSearchTime > nLastCoinStakeSearchTime)
        int64_t nSearchInterval = 1;
        if (wallet.CreateCoinStake(wallet, nBits, nSearchInterval, nFees, txCoinStake, key))
            if (txCoinStake.nTime >= pindexBest->GetPastTimeLimit()+1)
                // make sure coinstake would meet timestamp protocol
                //    as it would be the same as the block timestamp
                vtx[0].nTime = nTime = txCoinStake.nTime;

                // we have to make sure that we have no future timestamps in
                //    our transactions set
                for (vector<CTransaction>::iterator it = vtx.begin(); it != vtx.end();)
                    if (it->nTime > nTime) { it = vtx.erase(it); } else { ++it; }

                vtx.insert(vtx.begin() + 1, txCoinStake);
                hashMerkleRoot = BuildMerkleTree();

                // append a signature to our block
                return key.Sign(GetHash(), vchBlockSig);
        nLastCoinStakeSearchInterval = nSearchTime - nLastCoinStakeSearchTime;
        nLastCoinStakeSearchTime = nSearchTime;

    return false;