TBOX C_BLOB::bounding_box() {  //bounding box
  C_OUTLINE *outline;            //current outline
  C_OUTLINE_IT it = &outlines;   //outlines of blob
  TBOX box;                       //bounding box

  for (it.mark_cycle_pt (); !it.cycled_list (); it.forward ()) {
    outline = it.data ();
    box += outline->bounding_box ();
  return box;
Esempio n. 2
// Adds the selected outlines to the indcated real blobs, and puts the rest
// back in rej_cblobs where they came from. Where the target_blobs entry is
// nullptr, a run of wanted outlines is put into a single new blob.
// Ownership of the outlines is transferred back to the word. (Hence
// GenericVector and not PointerVector.)
// Returns true if any new blob was added to the start of the word, which
// suggests that it might need joining to the word before it, and likewise
// sets make_next_word_fuzzy true if any new blob was added to the end.
bool WERD::AddSelectedOutlines(const GenericVector<bool>& wanted,
                               const GenericVector<C_BLOB*>& target_blobs,
                               const GenericVector<C_OUTLINE*>& outlines,
                               bool* make_next_word_fuzzy) {
  bool outline_added_to_start = false;
  if (make_next_word_fuzzy != nullptr) *make_next_word_fuzzy = false;
  C_BLOB_IT rej_it(&rej_cblobs);
  for (int i = 0; i < outlines.size(); ++i) {
    C_OUTLINE* outline = outlines[i];
    if (outline == nullptr) continue;  // Already used it.
    if (wanted[i]) {
      C_BLOB* target_blob = target_blobs[i];
      TBOX noise_box = outline->bounding_box();
      if (target_blob == nullptr) {
        target_blob = new C_BLOB(outline);
        // Need to find the insertion point.
        C_BLOB_IT blob_it(&cblobs);
        for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list();
             blob_it.forward()) {
          C_BLOB* blob = blob_it.data();
          TBOX blob_box = blob->bounding_box();
          if (blob_box.left() > noise_box.left()) {
            if (blob_it.at_first() && !flag(W_FUZZY_SP) && !flag(W_FUZZY_NON)) {
              // We might want to join this word to its predecessor.
              outline_added_to_start = true;
        if (blob_it.cycled_list()) {
          if (make_next_word_fuzzy != nullptr) *make_next_word_fuzzy = true;
        // Add all consecutive wanted, but null-blob outlines to same blob.
        C_OUTLINE_IT ol_it(target_blob->out_list());
        while (i + 1 < outlines.size() && wanted[i + 1] &&
               target_blobs[i + 1] == nullptr) {
      } else {
        // Insert outline into this blob.
        C_OUTLINE_IT ol_it(target_blob->out_list());
    } else {
      // Put back on noise list.
      rej_it.add_to_end(new C_BLOB(outline));
  return outline_added_to_start;
Esempio n. 3
void close_chopped_cfragments(                             //chop the outline
                              C_OUTLINE_FRAG_LIST *frags,  //list to clear
                              C_OUTLINE_LIST *children,    //potential children
                              float pitch_error,           //allowed shrinkage
                              C_OUTLINE_IT *dest_it        //output list
                             ) {
  C_OUTLINE_FRAG_IT frag_it = frags;
  C_OUTLINE_FRAG *bottom_frag;   //bottom of cut
  C_OUTLINE_FRAG *top_frag;      //top of cut
  C_OUTLINE *outline;            //new outline
  C_OUTLINE *child;              //current child
  C_OUTLINE_IT child_it = children;
  C_OUTLINE_IT olchild_it;       //children of outline

  while (!frag_it.empty()) {
                                 // get bottom one
    bottom_frag = frag_it.extract();
    top_frag = frag_it.data();  // look at next
    if ((bottom_frag->steps == nullptr && top_frag->steps == nullptr)
    || (bottom_frag->steps != nullptr && top_frag->steps != nullptr)) {
      if (frag_it.data_relative(1)->ycoord == top_frag->ycoord)
    top_frag = frag_it.extract();
    if (top_frag->other_end != bottom_frag) {
      outline = join_chopped_fragments(bottom_frag, top_frag);
      ASSERT_HOST(outline == nullptr);
    } else {
      outline = join_chopped_fragments(bottom_frag, top_frag);
      if (outline != nullptr) {
        for (child_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !child_it.cycled_list();
             child_it.forward()) {
          child = child_it.data();
          if (*child < *outline)
        if (outline->bounding_box().width() > pitch_error)
          delete outline;          // Make it disappear.
  while (!child_it.empty ()) {
    dest_it->add_after_then_move (child_it.extract ());
    child_it.forward ();
Esempio n. 4
void fill_buckets(                           // find blobs
                  C_OUTLINE_LIST *outlines,  // outlines in block
                  OL_BUCKETS *buckets        // output buckets
                 ) {
  TBOX ol_box;                     // outline box
  C_OUTLINE_IT out_it = outlines;  // iterator
  C_OUTLINE_IT bucket_it;          // iterator in bucket
  C_OUTLINE *outline;              // current outline

  for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !out_it.cycled_list(); out_it.forward()) {
    outline = out_it.extract();  // take off list
                                 // get box
    ol_box = outline->bounding_box();
    bucket_it.set_to_list((*buckets) (ol_box.left(), ol_box.bottom()));
Esempio n. 5
// Removes noise from the word by moving small outlines to the rej_cblobs
// list, based on the size_threshold.
void WERD::CleanNoise(float size_threshold) {
  C_BLOB_IT blob_it(&cblobs);
  C_BLOB_IT rej_it(&rej_cblobs);
  for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) {
    C_BLOB* blob = blob_it.data();
    C_OUTLINE_IT ol_it(blob->out_list());
    for (ol_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !ol_it.cycled_list(); ol_it.forward()) {
      C_OUTLINE* outline = ol_it.data();
      TBOX ol_box = outline->bounding_box();
      int ol_size =
          ol_box.width() > ol_box.height() ? ol_box.width() : ol_box.height();
      if (ol_size < size_threshold) {
        // This outline is too small. Move it to a separate blob in the
        // reject blobs list.
        C_BLOB* rej_blob = new C_BLOB(ol_it.extract());
    if (blob->out_list()->empty()) delete blob_it.extract();
Esempio n. 6
void fixed_split_coutline(                        //chop the outline
                          C_OUTLINE *srcline,     //source outline
                          int16_t chop_coord,       //place to chop
                          float pitch_error,      //allowed deviation
                          C_OUTLINE_IT *left_it,  //left half of chop
                          C_OUTLINE_IT *right_it  //right half of chop
                         ) {
  C_OUTLINE *child;              //child outline
  TBOX srcbox;                    //box of outline
  C_OUTLINE_LIST left_ch;        //left children
  C_OUTLINE_LIST right_ch;       //right children
  C_OUTLINE_FRAG_LIST left_frags;//chopped fragments
  C_OUTLINE_FRAG_LIST right_frags;;
  C_OUTLINE_IT left_ch_it = &left_ch;
                                 //for whole children
  C_OUTLINE_IT right_ch_it = &right_ch;
                                 //for holes
  C_OUTLINE_IT child_it = srcline->child ();

  srcbox = srcline->bounding_box();
  if (srcbox.left() + srcbox.right() <= chop_coord * 2
      && srcbox.right() < chop_coord + pitch_error) {
    // Whole outline is in the left side or not far over the chop_coord,
    // so put the whole thing on the left.
  } else if (srcbox.left() + srcbox.right() > chop_coord * 2
             && srcbox.left () > chop_coord - pitch_error) {
    // Whole outline is in the right side or not far over the chop_coord,
    // so put the whole thing on the right.
  } else {
    // Needs real chopping.
    if (fixed_chop_coutline(srcline, chop_coord, pitch_error,
        &left_frags, &right_frags)) {
      for (child_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !child_it.cycled_list();
           child_it.forward()) {
        child = child_it.extract();
        srcbox = child->bounding_box();
        if (srcbox.right() < chop_coord) {
          // Whole child is on the left.
        } else if (srcbox.left() > chop_coord) {
          // Whole child is on the right.
          right_ch_it.add_after_then_move (child);
        } else {
          // No pitch_error is allowed when chopping children to prevent
          // impossible outlines from being created.
          if (fixed_chop_coutline(child, chop_coord, 0.0f,
              &left_frags, &right_frags)) {
            delete child;
          } else {
            if (srcbox.left() + srcbox.right() <= chop_coord * 2)
      close_chopped_cfragments(&left_frags, &left_ch, pitch_error, left_it);
      close_chopped_cfragments(&right_frags, &right_ch, pitch_error, right_it);
      ASSERT_HOST(left_ch.empty() && right_ch.empty());
      // No children left.
      delete srcline;            // Smashed up.
    } else {
      // Chop failed. Just use middle coord.
      if (srcbox.left() + srcbox.right() <= chop_coord * 2)
        left_it->add_after_then_move(srcline);  // Stick whole in left.
Esempio n. 7
inT32 OL_BUCKETS::count_children(                     // recursive count
                                 C_OUTLINE *outline,  // parent outline
                                 inT32 max_count      // max output
                                ) {
  BOOL8 parent_box;              // could it be boxy
  inT16 xmin, xmax;              // coord limits
  inT16 ymin, ymax;
  inT16 xindex, yindex;          // current bucket
  C_OUTLINE *child;              // current child
  inT32 child_count;             // no of children
  inT32 grandchild_count;        // no of grandchildren
  inT32 parent_area;             // potential box
  FLOAT32 max_parent_area;       // potential box
  inT32 child_area;              // current child
  inT32 child_length;            // current child
  TBOX olbox;
  C_OUTLINE_IT child_it;         // search iterator

  olbox = outline->bounding_box();
  xmin =(olbox.left() - bl.x()) / BUCKETSIZE;
  xmax =(olbox.right() - bl.x()) / BUCKETSIZE;
  ymin =(olbox.bottom() - bl.y()) / BUCKETSIZE;
  ymax =(olbox.top() - bl.y()) / BUCKETSIZE;
  child_count = 0;
  grandchild_count = 0;
  parent_area = 0;
  max_parent_area = 0;
  parent_box = TRUE;
  for (yindex = ymin; yindex <= ymax; yindex++) {
    for (xindex = xmin; xindex <= xmax; xindex++) {
      child_it.set_to_list(&buckets[yindex * bxdim + xindex]);
      if (child_it.empty())
      for (child_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !child_it.cycled_list();
           child_it.forward()) {
        child = child_it.data();
        if (child != outline && *child < *outline) {
          if (child_count <= max_count) {
            int max_grand =(max_count - child_count) /
            if (max_grand > 0)
              grandchild_count += count_children(child, max_grand) *
              grandchild_count += count_children(child, 1);
          if (child_count + grandchild_count > max_count) {
            if (edges_debug)
              tprintf("Discarding parent with child count=%d, gc=%d\n",
            return child_count + grandchild_count;
          if (parent_area == 0) {
            parent_area = outline->outer_area();
            if (parent_area < 0)
              parent_area = -parent_area;
            max_parent_area = outline->bounding_box().area() * edges_boxarea;
            if (parent_area < max_parent_area)
              parent_box = FALSE;
          if (parent_box &&
              (!edges_children_fix ||
               child->bounding_box().height() > edges_min_nonhole)) {
            child_area = child->outer_area();
            if (child_area < 0)
              child_area = -child_area;
            if (edges_children_fix) {
              if (parent_area - child_area < max_parent_area) {
                parent_box = FALSE;
              if (grandchild_count > 0) {
                if (edges_debug)
                  tprintf("Discarding parent of area %d, child area=%d, max%g "
                          "with gc=%d\n",
                          parent_area, child_area, max_parent_area,
                return max_count + 1;
              child_length = child->pathlength();
              if (child_length * child_length >
                  child_area * edges_patharea_ratio) {
                if (edges_debug)
                  tprintf("Discarding parent of area %d, child area=%d, max%g "
                          "with child length=%d\n",
                          parent_area, child_area, max_parent_area,
                return max_count + 1;
            if (child_area < child->bounding_box().area() * edges_childarea) {
              if (edges_debug)
                tprintf("Discarding parent of area %d, child area=%d, max%g "
                        "with child rect=%d\n",
                        parent_area, child_area, max_parent_area,
              return max_count + 1;
  return child_count + grandchild_count;
Esempio n. 8
void Textord::clean_noise_from_words(          //remove empties
                                     ROW *row  //row to clean
                                    ) {
  TBOX blob_box;                 //bounding box
  C_BLOB *blob;                  //current blob
  C_OUTLINE *outline;            //current outline
  WERD *word;                    //current word
  int32_t blob_size;             //biggest size
  int32_t trans_count;           //no of transitions
  int32_t trans_threshold;       //noise tolerance
  int32_t dot_count;             //small objects
  int32_t norm_count;            //normal objects
  int32_t dud_words;             //number discarded
  int32_t ok_words;              //number remaining
  int32_t word_index;            //current word
                                 //words of row
  WERD_IT word_it = row->word_list ();
  C_BLOB_IT blob_it;             //blob iterator
  C_OUTLINE_IT out_it;           //outline iterator

  ok_words = word_it.length ();
  if (ok_words == 0 || textord_no_rejects)
  // was it chucked
  std::vector<int8_t> word_dud(ok_words);
  dud_words = 0;
  ok_words = 0;
  word_index = 0;
  for (word_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !word_it.cycled_list (); word_it.forward ()) {
    word = word_it.data ();      //current word
    dot_count = 0;
    norm_count = 0;
                                 //blobs in word
    blob_it.set_to_list (word->cblob_list ());
    for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list ();
    blob_it.forward ()) {
      blob = blob_it.data ();
      if (!word->flag (W_DONT_CHOP)) {
                                 //get outlines
        out_it.set_to_list (blob->out_list ());
        for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list ();
        out_it.forward ()) {
          outline = out_it.data ();
          blob_box = outline->bounding_box ();
          blob_size =
            blob_box.width () >
            blob_box.height ()? blob_box.width () : blob_box.
          if (blob_size < textord_noise_sizelimit * row->x_height ())
            dot_count++;         //count smal outlines
          if (!outline->child ()->empty ()
            && blob_box.height () <
            (1 + textord_noise_syfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.height () >
            (1 - textord_noise_syfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.width () <
            (1 + textord_noise_sxfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.width () >
            (1 - textord_noise_sxfract) * row->x_height ())
            norm_count++;        //count smal outlines
      blob_box = blob->bounding_box ();
      blob_size =
        blob_box.width () >
        blob_box.height ()? blob_box.width () : blob_box.height ();
      if (blob_size >= textord_noise_sizelimit * row->x_height ()
      && blob_size < row->x_height () * 2) {
        trans_threshold = blob_size / textord_noise_sizefraction;
        trans_count = blob->count_transitions (trans_threshold);
        if (trans_count < textord_noise_translimit)
      else if (blob_box.height () > row->x_height () * 2
        && (!word_it.at_first () || !blob_it.at_first ()))
        dot_count += 2;
    if (dot_count > 2 && !word->flag(W_REP_CHAR)) {
      if (dot_count > norm_count * textord_noise_normratio * 2)
        word_dud[word_index] = 2;
      else if (dot_count > norm_count * textord_noise_normratio)
        word_dud[word_index] = 1;
        word_dud[word_index] = 0;
    } else {
      word_dud[word_index] = 0;
    if (word_dud[word_index] == 2)

  word_index = 0;
  for (word_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !word_it.cycled_list (); word_it.forward ()) {
    if (word_dud[word_index] == 2
    || (word_dud[word_index] == 1 && dud_words > ok_words)) {
      word = word_it.data();  // Current word.
      // Previously we threw away the entire word.
      // Now just aggressively throw all small blobs into the reject list, where
      // the classifier can decide whether they are actually needed.
      word->CleanNoise(textord_noise_sizelimit * row->x_height());
Esempio n. 9
bool Textord::clean_noise_from_row(          //remove empties
        ROW* row  //row to clean
) {
  bool testing_on;
  TBOX blob_box;                 //bounding box
  C_BLOB *blob;                  //current blob
  C_OUTLINE *outline;            //current outline
  WERD *word;                    //current word
  int32_t blob_size;             //biggest size
  int32_t trans_count = 0;       //no of transitions
  int32_t trans_threshold;       //noise tolerance
  int32_t dot_count;             //small objects
  int32_t norm_count;            //normal objects
  int32_t super_norm_count;      //real char-like
                                 //words of row
  WERD_IT word_it = row->word_list ();
  C_BLOB_IT blob_it;             //blob iterator
  C_OUTLINE_IT out_it;           //outline iterator

  testing_on = textord_test_y > row->base_line (textord_test_x)
               && textord_show_blobs
               && textord_test_y < row->base_line (textord_test_x) + row->x_height ();
  dot_count = 0;
  norm_count = 0;
  super_norm_count = 0;
  for (word_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !word_it.cycled_list (); word_it.forward ()) {
    word = word_it.data ();      //current word
                                 //blobs in word
    blob_it.set_to_list (word->cblob_list ());
    for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list ();
    blob_it.forward ()) {
      blob = blob_it.data ();
      if (!word->flag (W_DONT_CHOP)) {
                                 //get outlines
        out_it.set_to_list (blob->out_list ());
        for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list ();
        out_it.forward ()) {
          outline = out_it.data ();
          blob_box = outline->bounding_box ();
          blob_size =
            blob_box.width () >
            blob_box.height ()? blob_box.width () : blob_box.
          if (blob_size < textord_noise_sizelimit * row->x_height ())
            dot_count++;         //count smal outlines
          if (!outline->child ()->empty ()
            && blob_box.height () <
            (1 + textord_noise_syfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.height () >
            (1 - textord_noise_syfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.width () <
            (1 + textord_noise_sxfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.width () >
            (1 - textord_noise_sxfract) * row->x_height ())
            super_norm_count++;  //count smal outlines
      blob_box = blob->bounding_box ();
      blob_size =
        blob_box.width () >
        blob_box.height ()? blob_box.width () : blob_box.height ();
      if (blob_size >= textord_noise_sizelimit * row->x_height ()
          && blob_size < row->x_height () * 2) {
        trans_threshold = blob_size / textord_noise_sizefraction;
        trans_count = blob->count_transitions (trans_threshold);
        if (trans_count < textord_noise_translimit)
      else if (blob_box.height () > row->x_height () * 2
        && (!word_it.at_first () || !blob_it.at_first ()))
        dot_count += 2;
      if (testing_on) {
          ("Blob at (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d), ols=%d, tc=%d, bldiff=%g\n",
          blob_box.left (), blob_box.bottom (), blob_box.right (),
          blob_box.top (), blob->out_list ()->length (), trans_count,
          blob_box.bottom () - row->base_line (blob_box.left ()));
  if (textord_noise_debug) {
    tprintf ("Row ending at (%d,%g):",
      blob_box.right (), row->base_line (blob_box.right ()));
    tprintf (" R=%g, dc=%d, nc=%d, %s\n",
      norm_count > 0 ? (float) dot_count / norm_count : 9999,
      dot_count, norm_count,
      dot_count > norm_count * textord_noise_normratio
      && dot_count > 2 ? "REJECTED" : "ACCEPTED");
  return super_norm_count < textord_noise_sncount
    && dot_count > norm_count * textord_noise_rowratio && dot_count > 2;
Esempio n. 10
void Textord::clean_noise_from_words(          //remove empties
                                     ROW *row  //row to clean
                                    ) {
  TBOX blob_box;                  //bounding box
  inT8 *word_dud;                //was it chucked
  C_BLOB *blob;                  //current blob
  C_OUTLINE *outline;            //current outline
  WERD *word;                    //current word
  inT32 blob_size;               //biggest size
  inT32 trans_count;             //no of transitions
  inT32 trans_threshold;         //noise tolerance
  inT32 dot_count;               //small objects
  inT32 norm_count;              //normal objects
  inT32 dud_words;               //number discarded
  inT32 ok_words;                //number remaining
  inT32 word_index;              //current word
                                 //words of row
  WERD_IT word_it = row->word_list ();
  C_BLOB_IT blob_it;             //blob iterator
  C_OUTLINE_IT out_it;           //outline iterator

  ok_words = word_it.length ();
  if (ok_words == 0 || textord_no_rejects)
  word_dud = (inT8 *) alloc_mem (ok_words * sizeof (inT8));
  dud_words = 0;
  ok_words = 0;
  word_index = 0;
  for (word_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !word_it.cycled_list (); word_it.forward ()) {
    word = word_it.data ();      //current word
    dot_count = 0;
    norm_count = 0;
                                 //blobs in word
    blob_it.set_to_list (word->cblob_list ());
    for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !blob_it.cycled_list ();
    blob_it.forward ()) {
      blob = blob_it.data ();
      if (!word->flag (W_DONT_CHOP)) {
                                 //get outlines
        out_it.set_to_list (blob->out_list ());
        for (out_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !out_it.cycled_list ();
        out_it.forward ()) {
          outline = out_it.data ();
          blob_box = outline->bounding_box ();
          blob_size =
            blob_box.width () >
            blob_box.height ()? blob_box.width () : blob_box.
          if (blob_size < textord_noise_sizelimit * row->x_height ())
            dot_count++;         //count smal outlines
          if (!outline->child ()->empty ()
            && blob_box.height () <
            (1 + textord_noise_syfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.height () >
            (1 - textord_noise_syfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.width () <
            (1 + textord_noise_sxfract) * row->x_height ()
            && blob_box.width () >
            (1 - textord_noise_sxfract) * row->x_height ())
            norm_count++;        //count smal outlines
      blob_box = blob->bounding_box ();
      blob_size =
        blob_box.width () >
        blob_box.height ()? blob_box.width () : blob_box.height ();
      if (blob_size >= textord_noise_sizelimit * row->x_height ()
      && blob_size < row->x_height () * 2) {
        trans_threshold = blob_size / textord_noise_sizefraction;
        trans_count = blob->count_transitions (trans_threshold);
        if (trans_count < textord_noise_translimit)
      else if (blob_box.height () > row->x_height () * 2
        && (!word_it.at_first () || !blob_it.at_first ()))
        dot_count += 2;
    if (dot_count > 2) {
      if (dot_count > norm_count * textord_noise_normratio * 2)
        word_dud[word_index] = 2;
      else if (dot_count > norm_count * textord_noise_normratio)
        word_dud[word_index] = 1;
        word_dud[word_index] = 0;
      word_dud[word_index] = 0;
    if (word_dud[word_index] == 2)

  word_index = 0;
  for (word_it.mark_cycle_pt (); !word_it.cycled_list (); word_it.forward ()) {
    if (word_dud[word_index] == 2
    || (word_dud[word_index] == 1 && dud_words > ok_words)) {
      word = word_it.data ();    //current word
                                 //rejected blobs
      blob_it.set_to_list (word->rej_cblob_list ());
                                 //move from blobs
      blob_it.add_list_after (word->cblob_list ());