Esempio n. 1
// append an ascii-version of Scan into cachewa.qryText_
void Scan::generateCacheKey(CacheWA &cwa) const
  // Fix to 10-010618-3505, 10-010619-3515: include this Scan table's 
  // RedefTime into cwa.qryText_ to make sure we get a cache hit only on 
  // query that reference table(s) that have not changed since the query's 
  // addition to the cache. The queries that reference altered table(s) 
  // will never be hit again and will eventually age out of the cache.
  const NATable *tbl;
  if (cwa.getPhase() >= CmpMain::BIND && 
      getTableDesc() && (tbl=getTableDesc()->getNATable()) != NULL) {
    char redefTime[40];
    convertInt64ToAscii(tbl->getRedefTime(), redefTime);
    cwa += " redef:";
    cwa += redefTime;

    if (tbl->isHiveTable()) {
      char lastModTime[40];
      Int64 mTime = tbl->getClusteringIndex()->getHHDFSTableStats()->getModificationTS();
      convertInt64ToAscii(mTime, lastModTime);
      cwa += " lastMod:";
      cwa += lastModTime;

      cwa += " numFiles:";
      char numFiles[20];
      Int64 numberOfFiles = tbl->getClusteringIndex()->getHHDFSTableStats()->getNumFiles();
      sprintf(numFiles, " %ld", numberOfFiles); 
      cwa += numFiles ;
    // save pointer to this table. later, QueryCache::addEntry will use
    // this pointer to get to this table's histograms's timestamp
    cwa.addTable( (NATable*)tbl );
    // If PARTITION clause has been used we must reflect that in the key.
    if (tbl->isPartitionNameSpecified()) {
      cwa += " partition:";
      cwa += tbl->getClusteringIndex()->getFileSetName().getQualifiedNameAsString().data();
    // If PARTITION range has been used we must reflect that in the key.
    else if (tbl->isPartitionRangeSpecified()) {
      cwa += " partition:";

      char str[100];
      sprintf(str, " from %d to %d", 
	      tbl->getExtendedQualName().getPartnClause().getBeginPartitionNumber() ,
      cwa += str;
  // We must reflect userTableName_.location into cache key.
  // Otherwise, two queries which differ only in location such as
  //   table table (table T058a, location $system.zsd12345.x1234500);
  //   table table (table T058a, location $data  .zsd12345.x1234500);
  // can confuse our query caching code to return a false hit and 
  // cause fullstack/test058 to fail.
  cwa += userTableName_.getLocationName().data();

  // Same with stream_ because queries like
  // "select * from t" and "select * from stream(t)" can
  // confuse query caching into a false hit causing test079 to fail.
  if (stream_) { 
    cwa += " stream "; 
  // mark mpalias queries so they can be decached upon user request
  if (getTableDesc()->getNATable()->isAnMPTableWithAnsiName()) {

  if (getHbaseAccessOptions())
      cwa += " hbaseVersions: ";
      char numVersions[20];
      sprintf(numVersions, " %d", getHbaseAccessOptions()->getHbaseVersions());
      cwa += numVersions ;