Esempio n. 1
bool SolarPowerSystem::Initialize()
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Calling Initialization on %s\n",
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("number of shadow bodies = %d\n",
            (Integer) shadowBodyNames.size());

   // Solar System is set by the spacecraft to which this is attached
   if (!solarSystem)
      std::string errmsg = "SolarSystem has not been set on PowerSystem ";
      errmsg            += instanceName + ".\n";
      throw HardwareException(errmsg);

   // if no names were added to the ShadowBodies list, add the Default body
   // This will cause "ShadowBodies = {'Earth'} to be written to the script <<
   if ((shadowBodyNames.empty()) && (!settingNoBodies))
      shadowBodyNames = defaultShadowBodyNames;
//      shadowBodyNames.push_back("Earth");

   // Set up the list of shadowBodies using current solarSystem
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < shadowBodyNames.size(); ii++)
      CelestialBody *body = solarSystem->GetBody(;
      if (!body)
         std::string errmsg = "SolarPowerSystem ";
         errmsg += instanceName + " cannot find body ";
         errmsg += + ".  ShadowBodies must be ";
         errmsg += "Celestial Bodies.\n";
         throw HardwareException(errmsg);
      #ifdef DEBUG_SOLAR_POWER
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Adding shadow body %s to %s\n",
               body->GetName().c_str(), instanceName.c_str());

   if (!shadowState)
      shadowState = new ShadowState();


   return isInitialized;
Esempio n. 2
bool GravityField::GetDerivatives(Real * state, Real dt, Integer dvorder,
      const Integer id)
      if (firstCallFired == false)
            "GravityField(%s) inputs:\n"
            "   state = [%.10lf %.10lf %.10lf %.16lf %.16lf %.16lf]\n"
            "   dt = %.10lf\n   dvorder = %d\n",
            instanceName.c_str(), state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3],
            state[4], state[5], dt, dvorder);

   // We may want to do this down the road:
//   if (fabs(state[0]) + fabs(state[1]) + fabs(state[2]) < minimumDistance)
//      throw ODEModelException("A harmonic gravity field is being computed "
//            "inside of the " + bodyName + ", which is not allowed");

   if ((dvorder > 2) || (dvorder < 1))
      return false;

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("%s %d %s %le %s  %le %le %le %le %le %le\n",
          "Entered GravityField::GetDerivatives with order", dvorder, "dt = ",
          dt, "and state\n",
          state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3], state[4], state[5]);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("cartesianCount = %d, stmCount = %d, aMatrixCount = %d\n",
            cartesianCount, stmCount, aMatrixCount);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("fillCartesian = %s, fillSTM = %s, fillAMatrix = %s\n",
            (fillCartesian? "true" : "false"), (fillSTM? "true" : "false"), (fillAMatrix? "true" : "false"));
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("cartesianStart = %d, stmStart = %d, aMatrixStart = %d\n",
            cartesianStart, stmStart, aMatrixStart);

/// @todo Optimize this code -- May be possible to make GravityField calculations more efficient

   if ((cartesianCount < 1)  && (stmCount < 1) && (aMatrixCount < 1))
      throw ODEModelException(
         "GravityField requires at least one spacecraft.");

   // todo: Move into header; this flag is used to decide if the velocity terms
   // are copied into the position derivatives for first order integrators, so
   // when the GravityField is set to work at non-central bodies, the detection
   // will need to happen in initialization.
   Real satState[6];
   Integer nOffset;

   now = epoch + dt/GmatTimeConstants::SECS_PER_DAY;

         "------ body = %s\n------ inputCS = %s\n------ targetCS = %s"
         "\n------ fixedCS = %s\n",
         body->GetName().c_str(),     (inputCS == NULL? "NULL" : inputCS->GetName().c_str()),
         (targetCS == NULL? "NULL" : targetCS->GetName().c_str()), (fixedCS == NULL? "NULL" : fixedCS->GetName().c_str()));

      if (firstCallFired == false)
    	 CelestialBody *targetBody = (CelestialBody*) targetCS->GetOrigin();
    	 CelestialBody *fixedBody  = (CelestialBody*) fixedCS->GetOrigin();
            "   Epoch = %.12lf\n   targetBody = %s\n   fixedBody = %s\n",
            now.Get(), targetBody->GetName().c_str(),
            "------ body = %s\n------ inputCS = %s\n------ targetCS = %s\n"
            "------ fixedCS = %s\n",
            body->GetName().c_str(),     inputCS->GetName().c_str(),
            targetCS->GetName().c_str(), fixedCS->GetName().c_str());

   if (fillCartesian || fillAMatrix || fillSTM)
      // See assumption 1, above
      if ((cartesianCount < stmCount) || (cartesianCount < aMatrixCount))
         throw ODEModelException("GetDerivatives: cartesianCount < stmCount or aMatrixCount\n");
      Real originacc[3] = { 0.0,0.0,0.0 };  // JPD code
      Rmatrix33 origingrad (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
      Rmatrix33 emptyGradient(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
      Rmatrix33 gradnew (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
      if (body != forceOrigin)
         Real originstate[6] = { 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 };
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("---------> origingrad = %s\n", origingrad.ToString().c_str());

      for (Integer n = 0; n < cartesianCount; ++n)
         nOffset = cartesianStart + n * stateSize;
         for (Integer i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            satState[i] = state[i+nOffset];

         Real accnew[3];  // JPD code
         gradnew = emptyGradient;
         if (body != forceOrigin)
            for (Integer i=0;  i<=2;  ++i)
               accnew[i] -= originacc[i];
            gradnew -= origingrad;
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("---------> body not equal to forceOrigin\n");
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("---------> gradnew (%d) = %s\n", n, gradnew.ToString().c_str());
         // Fill Derivatives
         switch (dvorder)
            case 1:
               deriv[0+nOffset] = satState[3];
               deriv[1+nOffset] = satState[4];
               deriv[2+nOffset] = satState[5];
               deriv[3+nOffset] = accnew[0];
               deriv[4+nOffset] = accnew[1];
               deriv[5+nOffset] = accnew[2];

            case 2:
               deriv[0+nOffset] = accnew[0];
               deriv[1+nOffset] = accnew[1];
               deriv[2+nOffset] = accnew[2];
               deriv[3+nOffset] = 0.0;
               deriv[4+nOffset] = 0.0;
               deriv[5+nOffset] = 0.0;

         for (Integer ii = 0 + nOffset; ii < 6+nOffset; ii++)
                     MessageInterface::ShowMessage("------ deriv[%d] = %12.10f\n", ii, deriv[ii]);
         if (fillSTM)
            Real aTilde[36];
            Integer element;
            // @todo Add the use of the GetAssociateIndex() method here to get index into state array
            //       (See assumption 1, above)
            if (n <= stmCount)
               Integer i6 = stmStart + n * 36;

               // Calculate A-tilde
               aTilde[ 0] = aTilde[ 1] = aTilde[ 2] =
               aTilde[ 3] = aTilde[ 4] = aTilde[ 5] =
               aTilde[ 6] = aTilde[ 7] = aTilde[ 8] =
               aTilde[ 9] = aTilde[10] = aTilde[11] =
               aTilde[12] = aTilde[13] = aTilde[14] =
               aTilde[15] = aTilde[16] = aTilde[17] =
               aTilde[21] = aTilde[22] = aTilde[23] =
               aTilde[27] = aTilde[28] = aTilde[29] =
               aTilde[33] = aTilde[34] = aTilde[35] = 0.0;

               // fill in the lower left quadrant with the calculated gradient values
               aTilde[18] = gradnew(0,0);
               aTilde[19] = gradnew(0,1);
               aTilde[20] = gradnew(0,2);
               aTilde[24] = gradnew(1,0);
               aTilde[25] = gradnew(1,1);
               aTilde[26] = gradnew(1,2);
               aTilde[30] = gradnew(2,0);
               aTilde[31] = gradnew(2,1);
               aTilde[32] = gradnew(2,2);

               for (Integer j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                  for (Integer k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                     element = j * 6 + k;
                     MessageInterface::ShowMessage("------ deriv[%d] = %12.10f\n", (i6+element), aTilde[element]);
                     deriv[i6+element] = aTilde[element];

         if (fillAMatrix)
            Real aTilde[36];
            Integer element;
            // @todo Add the use of the GetAssociateIndex() method here to get index into state array
            //       (See assumption 1, above)
            if (n <= aMatrixCount)
               Integer i6 = aMatrixStart + n * 36;

               // Calculate A-tilde
               aTilde[ 0] = aTilde[ 1] = aTilde[ 2] =
               aTilde[ 3] = aTilde[ 4] = aTilde[ 5] =
               aTilde[ 6] = aTilde[ 7] = aTilde[ 8] =
               aTilde[ 9] = aTilde[10] = aTilde[11] =
               aTilde[12] = aTilde[13] = aTilde[14] =
               aTilde[15] = aTilde[16] = aTilde[17] =
               aTilde[21] = aTilde[22] = aTilde[23] =
               aTilde[27] = aTilde[28] = aTilde[29] =
               aTilde[33] = aTilde[34] = aTilde[35] = 0.0;

               // fill in the lower left quadrant with the calculated gradient values
               aTilde[18] = gradnew(0,0);
               aTilde[19] = gradnew(0,1);
               aTilde[20] = gradnew(0,2);
               aTilde[24] = gradnew(1,0);
               aTilde[25] = gradnew(1,1);
               aTilde[26] = gradnew(1,2);
               aTilde[30] = gradnew(2,0);
               aTilde[31] = gradnew(2,1);
               aTilde[32] = gradnew(2,2);

               for (Integer j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                  for (Integer k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                     element = j * 6 + k;
                     MessageInterface::ShowMessage("------ deriv[%d] = %12.10f\n", (i6+element), aTilde[element]);
                     deriv[i6+element] = aTilde[element];

      }  // end for

      if (firstCallFired == false)
         if (body->GetName() == "Mars")
            "   GravityField[%s <> %s] --> mu = %lf, origin = %s, [%.10lf %.10lf "
            "%.10lf %.16lf %.16lf %.16lf]\n",
            instanceName.c_str(), body->GetName().c_str(), mu,
            deriv[0], deriv[1], deriv[2], deriv[3], deriv[4], deriv[5]);
         firstCallFired = true;

   return true;