Esempio n. 1
void SwiftAggLowering::addLegalTypedData(llvm::Type *type,
                                         CharUnits begin, CharUnits end) {
  // Require the type to be naturally aligned.
  if (!begin.isZero() && !begin.isMultipleOf(getNaturalAlignment(CGM, type))) {

    // Try splitting vector types.
    if (auto vecTy = dyn_cast<llvm::VectorType>(type)) {
      auto split = splitLegalVectorType(CGM, end - begin, vecTy);
      auto eltTy = split.first;
      auto numElts = split.second;

      auto eltSize = (end - begin) / numElts;
      assert(eltSize == getTypeStoreSize(CGM, eltTy));
      for (size_t i = 0, e = numElts; i != e; ++i) {
        addLegalTypedData(eltTy, begin, begin + eltSize);
        begin += eltSize;
      assert(begin == end);

    return addOpaqueData(begin, end);

  addEntry(type, begin, end);
llvm::Value *ItaniumCXXABI::InitializeArrayCookie(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
                                                  llvm::Value *NewPtr,
                                                  llvm::Value *NumElements,
                                                  const CXXNewExpr *expr,
                                                  QualType ElementType) {

  unsigned AS = cast<llvm::PointerType>(NewPtr->getType())->getAddressSpace();

  ASTContext &Ctx = getContext();
  QualType SizeTy = Ctx.getSizeType();
  CharUnits SizeSize = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(SizeTy);

  // The size of the cookie.
  CharUnits CookieSize =
    std::max(SizeSize, Ctx.getTypeAlignInChars(ElementType));

  // Compute an offset to the cookie.
  llvm::Value *CookiePtr = NewPtr;
  CharUnits CookieOffset = CookieSize - SizeSize;
  if (!CookieOffset.isZero())
    CookiePtr = CGF.Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_64(CookiePtr,

  // Write the number of elements into the appropriate slot.
  llvm::Value *NumElementsPtr
    = CGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(CookiePtr,
  CGF.Builder.CreateStore(NumElements, NumElementsPtr);

  // Finally, compute a pointer to the actual data buffer by skipping
  // over the cookie completely.
  return CGF.Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_64(NewPtr,
void CGRecordLayoutBuilder::AppendBytes(CharUnits numBytes) {
  if (numBytes.isZero())

  // Append the padding field
  AppendField(NextFieldOffset, getByteArrayType(numBytes));
Esempio n. 4
void CastSizeChecker::checkPreStmt(const CastExpr *CE,CheckerContext &C) const {
  const Expr *E = CE->getSubExpr();
  ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
  QualType ToTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(CE->getType());
  const PointerType *ToPTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(ToTy.getTypePtr());

  if (!ToPTy)

  QualType ToPointeeTy = ToPTy->getPointeeType();

  // Only perform the check if 'ToPointeeTy' is a complete type.
  if (ToPointeeTy->isIncompleteType())

  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
  const MemRegion *R = state->getSVal(E, C.getLocationContext()).getAsRegion();
  if (!R)

  const SymbolicRegion *SR = dyn_cast<SymbolicRegion>(R);
  if (!SR)

  SValBuilder &svalBuilder = C.getSValBuilder();
  SVal extent = SR->getExtent(svalBuilder);
  const llvm::APSInt *extentInt = svalBuilder.getKnownValue(state, extent);
  if (!extentInt)

  CharUnits regionSize = CharUnits::fromQuantity(extentInt->getSExtValue());
  CharUnits typeSize = C.getASTContext().getTypeSizeInChars(ToPointeeTy);

  // Ignore void, and a few other un-sizeable types.
  if (typeSize.isZero())

  if (regionSize % typeSize == 0)

  if (evenFlexibleArraySize(Ctx, regionSize, typeSize, ToPointeeTy))

  if (ExplodedNode *errorNode = C.generateErrorNode()) {
    if (!BT)
      BT.reset(new BuiltinBug(this, "Cast region with wrong size.",
                                    "Cast a region whose size is not a multiple"
                                    " of the destination type size."));
    auto R = llvm::make_unique<BugReport>(*BT, BT->getDescription(), errorNode);
Esempio n. 5
void CastSizeChecker::PreVisitCastExpr(CheckerContext &C, const CastExpr *CE) {
  const Expr *E = CE->getSubExpr();
  ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
  QualType ToTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(CE->getType());
  PointerType *ToPTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(ToTy.getTypePtr());

  if (!ToPTy)

  QualType ToPointeeTy = ToPTy->getPointeeType();

  const GRState *state = C.getState();
  const MemRegion *R = state->getSVal(E).getAsRegion();
  if (R == 0)

  const SymbolicRegion *SR = dyn_cast<SymbolicRegion>(R);
  if (SR == 0)

  ValueManager &ValMgr = C.getValueManager();
  SVal Extent = SR->getExtent(ValMgr);

  SValuator &SVator = ValMgr.getSValuator();
  const llvm::APSInt *ExtentInt = SVator.getKnownValue(state, Extent);
  if (!ExtentInt)

  CharUnits RegionSize = CharUnits::fromQuantity(ExtentInt->getSExtValue());
  CharUnits TypeSize = C.getASTContext().getTypeSizeInChars(ToPointeeTy);
  // Ignore void, and a few other un-sizeable types.
  if (TypeSize.isZero())
  if (RegionSize % TypeSize != 0) {
    if (ExplodedNode *N = C.GenerateSink()) {
      if (!BT)
        BT = new BuiltinBug("Cast region with wrong size.",
                            "Cast a region whose size is not a multiple of the"
                            " destination type size.");
      RangedBugReport *R = new RangedBugReport(*BT, BT->getDescription(), N);
Esempio n. 6
llvm::Value *ItaniumCXXABI::readArrayCookieImpl(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
                                                llvm::Value *allocPtr,
                                                CharUnits cookieSize) {
  // The element size is right-justified in the cookie.
  llvm::Value *numElementsPtr = allocPtr;
  CharUnits numElementsOffset =
    cookieSize - CharUnits::fromQuantity(CGF.SizeSizeInBytes);
  if (!numElementsOffset.isZero())
    numElementsPtr =

  unsigned AS = allocPtr->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace();
  numElementsPtr =
    CGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(numElementsPtr, CGF.SizeTy->getPointerTo(AS));
  return CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(numElementsPtr);
void ItaniumCXXABI::ReadArrayCookie(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
                                    llvm::Value *Ptr,
                                    const CXXDeleteExpr *expr,
                                    QualType ElementType,
                                    llvm::Value *&NumElements,
                                    llvm::Value *&AllocPtr,
                                    CharUnits &CookieSize) {
  // Derive a char* in the same address space as the pointer.
  unsigned AS = cast<llvm::PointerType>(Ptr->getType())->getAddressSpace();
  llvm::Type *CharPtrTy = CGF.Builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo(AS);

  // If we don't need an array cookie, bail out early.
  if (!NeedsArrayCookie(expr, ElementType)) {
    AllocPtr = CGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(Ptr, CharPtrTy);
    NumElements = 0;
    CookieSize = CharUnits::Zero();

  QualType SizeTy = getContext().getSizeType();
  CharUnits SizeSize = getContext().getTypeSizeInChars(SizeTy);
  llvm::Type *SizeLTy = CGF.ConvertType(SizeTy);
    = std::max(SizeSize, getContext().getTypeAlignInChars(ElementType));

  CharUnits NumElementsOffset = CookieSize - SizeSize;

  // Compute the allocated pointer.
  AllocPtr = CGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(Ptr, CharPtrTy);
  AllocPtr = CGF.Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_64(AllocPtr,

  llvm::Value *NumElementsPtr = AllocPtr;
  if (!NumElementsOffset.isZero())
    NumElementsPtr =
  NumElementsPtr = 
    CGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(NumElementsPtr, SizeLTy->getPointerTo(AS));
  NumElements = CGF.Builder.CreateLoad(NumElementsPtr);
Esempio n. 8
/// Check if we are casting to a struct with a flexible array at the end.
/// \code
/// struct foo {
///   size_t len;
///   struct bar data[];
/// };
/// \endcode
/// or
/// \code
/// struct foo {
///   size_t len;
///   struct bar data[0];
/// }
/// \endcode
/// In these cases it is also valid to allocate size of struct foo + a multiple
/// of struct bar.
static bool evenFlexibleArraySize(ASTContext &Ctx, CharUnits RegionSize,
                                  CharUnits TypeSize, QualType ToPointeeTy) {
  const RecordType *RT = ToPointeeTy->getAs<RecordType>();
  if (!RT)
    return false;

  const RecordDecl *RD = RT->getDecl();
  RecordDecl::field_iterator Iter(RD->field_begin());
  RecordDecl::field_iterator End(RD->field_end());
  const FieldDecl *Last = 0;
  for (; Iter != End; ++Iter)
    Last = *Iter;
  assert(Last && "empty structs should already be handled");

  const Type *ElemType = Last->getType()->getArrayElementTypeNoTypeQual();
  CharUnits FlexSize;
  if (const ConstantArrayType *ArrayTy =
        Ctx.getAsConstantArrayType(Last->getType())) {
    FlexSize = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(ElemType);
    if (ArrayTy->getSize() == 1 && TypeSize > FlexSize)
      TypeSize -= FlexSize;
    else if (ArrayTy->getSize() != 0)
      return false;
  } else if (RD->hasFlexibleArrayMember()) {
    FlexSize = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(ElemType);
  } else {
    return false;

  if (FlexSize.isZero())
    return false;

  CharUnits Left = RegionSize - TypeSize;
  if (Left.isNegative())
    return false;

  if (Left % FlexSize == 0)
    return true;

  return false;
Esempio n. 9
File: Store.cpp Progetto: CPFL/guc
const MemRegion *StoreManager::CastRegion(const MemRegion *R, QualType CastToTy) {

  ASTContext& Ctx = StateMgr.getContext();

  // Handle casts to Objective-C objects.
  if (CastToTy->isObjCObjectPointerType())
    return R->StripCasts();

  if (CastToTy->isBlockPointerType()) {
    // FIXME: We may need different solutions, depending on the symbol
    // involved.  Blocks can be casted to/from 'id', as they can be treated
    // as Objective-C objects.  This could possibly be handled by enhancing
    // our reasoning of downcasts of symbolic objects.
    if (isa<CodeTextRegion>(R) || isa<SymbolicRegion>(R))
      return R;

    // We don't know what to make of it.  Return a NULL region, which
    // will be interpretted as UnknownVal.
    return NULL;

  // Now assume we are casting from pointer to pointer. Other cases should
  // already be handled.
  QualType PointeeTy = CastToTy->getAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType();
  QualType CanonPointeeTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(PointeeTy);

  // Handle casts to void*.  We just pass the region through.
  if (CanonPointeeTy.getLocalUnqualifiedType() == Ctx.VoidTy)
    return R;

  // Handle casts from compatible types.
  if (R->isBoundable())
    if (const TypedRegion *TR = dyn_cast<TypedRegion>(R)) {
      QualType ObjTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(TR->getValueType());
      if (CanonPointeeTy == ObjTy)
        return R;

  // Process region cast according to the kind of the region being cast.
  switch (R->getKind()) {
    case MemRegion::CXXThisRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::GenericMemSpaceRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::StackLocalsSpaceRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::StackArgumentsSpaceRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::HeapSpaceRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::UnknownSpaceRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::NonStaticGlobalSpaceRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::StaticGlobalSpaceRegionKind: {
      assert(0 && "Invalid region cast");

    case MemRegion::FunctionTextRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::BlockTextRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::BlockDataRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::StringRegionKind:
      // FIXME: Need to handle arbitrary downcasts.
    case MemRegion::SymbolicRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::AllocaRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::CompoundLiteralRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::FieldRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::ObjCIvarRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::VarRegionKind:
    case MemRegion::CXXObjectRegionKind:
      return MakeElementRegion(R, PointeeTy);

    case MemRegion::ElementRegionKind: {
      // If we are casting from an ElementRegion to another type, the
      // algorithm is as follows:
      // (1) Compute the "raw offset" of the ElementRegion from the
      //     base region.  This is done by calling 'getAsRawOffset()'.
      // (2a) If we get a 'RegionRawOffset' after calling
      //      'getAsRawOffset()', determine if the absolute offset
      //      can be exactly divided into chunks of the size of the
      //      casted-pointee type.  If so, create a new ElementRegion with
      //      the pointee-cast type as the new ElementType and the index
      //      being the offset divded by the chunk size.  If not, create
      //      a new ElementRegion at offset 0 off the raw offset region.
      // (2b) If we don't a get a 'RegionRawOffset' after calling
      //      'getAsRawOffset()', it means that we are at offset 0.
      // FIXME: Handle symbolic raw offsets.

      const ElementRegion *elementR = cast<ElementRegion>(R);
      const RegionRawOffset &rawOff = elementR->getAsArrayOffset();
      const MemRegion *baseR = rawOff.getRegion();

      // If we cannot compute a raw offset, throw up our hands and return
      // a NULL MemRegion*.
      if (!baseR)
        return NULL;

      CharUnits off = CharUnits::fromQuantity(rawOff.getByteOffset());

      if (off.isZero()) {
        // Edge case: we are at 0 bytes off the beginning of baseR.  We
        // check to see if type we are casting to is the same as the base
        // region.  If so, just return the base region.
        if (const TypedRegion *TR = dyn_cast<TypedRegion>(baseR)) {
          QualType ObjTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(TR->getValueType());
          QualType CanonPointeeTy = Ctx.getCanonicalType(PointeeTy);
          if (CanonPointeeTy == ObjTy)
            return baseR;

        // Otherwise, create a new ElementRegion at offset 0.
        return MakeElementRegion(baseR, PointeeTy);

      // We have a non-zero offset from the base region.  We want to determine
      // if the offset can be evenly divided by sizeof(PointeeTy).  If so,
      // we create an ElementRegion whose index is that value.  Otherwise, we
      // create two ElementRegions, one that reflects a raw offset and the other
      // that reflects the cast.

      // Compute the index for the new ElementRegion.
      int64_t newIndex = 0;
      const MemRegion *newSuperR = 0;

      // We can only compute sizeof(PointeeTy) if it is a complete type.
      if (IsCompleteType(Ctx, PointeeTy)) {
        // Compute the size in **bytes**.
        CharUnits pointeeTySize = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(PointeeTy);
        if (!pointeeTySize.isZero()) {
          // Is the offset a multiple of the size?  If so, we can layer the
          // ElementRegion (with elementType == PointeeTy) directly on top of
          // the base region.
          if (off % pointeeTySize == 0) {
            newIndex = off / pointeeTySize;
            newSuperR = baseR;

      if (!newSuperR) {
        // Create an intermediate ElementRegion to represent the raw byte.
        // This will be the super region of the final ElementRegion.
        newSuperR = MakeElementRegion(baseR, Ctx.CharTy, off.getQuantity());

      return MakeElementRegion(newSuperR, PointeeTy, newIndex);

  assert(0 && "unreachable");
  return 0;
void CGRecordLayoutBuilder::LayoutUnion(const RecordDecl *D) {
  assert(D->isUnion() && "Can't call LayoutUnion on a non-union record!");

  const ASTRecordLayout &layout = Types.getContext().getASTRecordLayout(D);

  llvm::Type *unionType = 0;
  CharUnits unionSize = CharUnits::Zero();
  CharUnits unionAlign = CharUnits::Zero();

  bool hasOnlyZeroSizedBitFields = true;
  bool checkedFirstFieldZeroInit = false;

  unsigned fieldNo = 0;
  for (RecordDecl::field_iterator field = D->field_begin(),
       fieldEnd = D->field_end(); field != fieldEnd; ++field, ++fieldNo) {
    assert(layout.getFieldOffset(fieldNo) == 0 &&
          "Union field offset did not start at the beginning of record!");
    llvm::Type *fieldType = LayoutUnionField(*field, layout);

    if (!fieldType)

    if (field->getDeclName() && !checkedFirstFieldZeroInit) {
      checkedFirstFieldZeroInit = true;

    hasOnlyZeroSizedBitFields = false;

    CharUnits fieldAlign = CharUnits::fromQuantity(
    CharUnits fieldSize = CharUnits::fromQuantity(

    if (fieldAlign < unionAlign)

    if (fieldAlign > unionAlign || fieldSize > unionSize) {
      unionType = fieldType;
      unionAlign = fieldAlign;
      unionSize = fieldSize;

  // Now add our field.
  if (unionType) {
    AppendField(CharUnits::Zero(), unionType);

    if (getTypeAlignment(unionType) > layout.getAlignment()) {
      // We need a packed struct.
      Packed = true;
      unionAlign = CharUnits::One();
  if (unionAlign.isZero()) {
    assert(hasOnlyZeroSizedBitFields &&
           "0-align record did not have all zero-sized bit-fields!");
    unionAlign = CharUnits::One();

  // Append tail padding.
  CharUnits recordSize = layout.getSize();
  if (recordSize > unionSize)
    AppendPadding(recordSize, unionAlign);
CodeGenFunction::EmitNullInitialization(llvm::Value *DestPtr, QualType Ty) {
  // Ignore empty classes in C++.
  if (getContext().getLangOptions().CPlusPlus) {
    if (const RecordType *RT = Ty->getAs<RecordType>()) {
      if (cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl())->isEmpty())

  // Cast the dest ptr to the appropriate i8 pointer type.
  unsigned DestAS =
  llvm::Type *BP = Builder.getInt8PtrTy(DestAS);
  if (DestPtr->getType() != BP)
    DestPtr = Builder.CreateBitCast(DestPtr, BP);

  // Get size and alignment info for this aggregate.
  std::pair<CharUnits, CharUnits> TypeInfo = 
  CharUnits Size = TypeInfo.first;
  CharUnits Align = TypeInfo.second;

  llvm::Value *SizeVal;
  const VariableArrayType *vla;

  // Don't bother emitting a zero-byte memset.
  if (Size.isZero()) {
    // But note that getTypeInfo returns 0 for a VLA.
    if (const VariableArrayType *vlaType =
                                          getContext().getAsArrayType(Ty))) {
      QualType eltType;
      llvm::Value *numElts;
      llvm::tie(numElts, eltType) = getVLASize(vlaType);

      SizeVal = numElts;
      CharUnits eltSize = getContext().getTypeSizeInChars(eltType);
      if (!eltSize.isOne())
        SizeVal = Builder.CreateNUWMul(SizeVal, CGM.getSize(eltSize));
      vla = vlaType;
    } else {
  } else {
    SizeVal = CGM.getSize(Size);
    vla = 0;

  // If the type contains a pointer to data member we can't memset it to zero.
  // Instead, create a null constant and copy it to the destination.
  // TODO: there are other patterns besides zero that we can usefully memset,
  // like -1, which happens to be the pattern used by member-pointers.
  if (!CGM.getTypes().isZeroInitializable(Ty)) {
    // For a VLA, emit a single element, then splat that over the VLA.
    if (vla) Ty = getContext().getBaseElementType(vla);

    llvm::Constant *NullConstant = CGM.EmitNullConstant(Ty);

    llvm::GlobalVariable *NullVariable = 
      new llvm::GlobalVariable(CGM.getModule(), NullConstant->getType(),
                               NullConstant, Twine());
    llvm::Value *SrcPtr =
      Builder.CreateBitCast(NullVariable, Builder.getInt8PtrTy());

    if (vla) return emitNonZeroVLAInit(*this, Ty, DestPtr, SrcPtr, SizeVal);

    // Get and call the appropriate llvm.memcpy overload.
    Builder.CreateMemCpy(DestPtr, SrcPtr, SizeVal, Align.getQuantity(), false);
  // Otherwise, just memset the whole thing to zero.  This is legal
  // because in LLVM, all default initializers (other than the ones we just
  // handled above) are guaranteed to have a bit pattern of all zeros.
  Builder.CreateMemSet(DestPtr, Builder.getInt8(0), SizeVal, 
                       Align.getQuantity(), false);
Esempio n. 12
void APValue::printPretty(raw_ostream &Out, ASTContext &Ctx, QualType Ty) const{
  switch (getKind()) {
  case APValue::Uninitialized:
    Out << "<uninitialized>";
  case APValue::Int:
    if (Ty->isBooleanType())
      Out << (getInt().getBoolValue() ? "true" : "false");
      Out << getInt();
  case APValue::Float:
    Out << GetApproxValue(getFloat());
  case APValue::Vector: {
    Out << '{';
    QualType ElemTy = Ty->getAs<VectorType>()->getElementType();
    getVectorElt(0).printPretty(Out, Ctx, ElemTy);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i != getVectorLength(); ++i) {
      Out << ", ";
      getVectorElt(i).printPretty(Out, Ctx, ElemTy);
    Out << '}';
  case APValue::ComplexInt:
    Out << getComplexIntReal() << "+" << getComplexIntImag() << "i";
  case APValue::ComplexFloat:
    Out << GetApproxValue(getComplexFloatReal()) << "+"
        << GetApproxValue(getComplexFloatImag()) << "i";
  case APValue::LValue: {
    LValueBase Base = getLValueBase();
    if (!Base) {
      Out << "0";

    bool IsReference = Ty->isReferenceType();
    QualType InnerTy
      = IsReference ? Ty.getNonReferenceType() : Ty->getPointeeType();
    if (InnerTy.isNull())
      InnerTy = Ty;

    if (!hasLValuePath()) {
      // No lvalue path: just print the offset.
      CharUnits O = getLValueOffset();
      CharUnits S = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(InnerTy);
      if (!O.isZero()) {
        if (IsReference)
          Out << "*(";
        if (O % S) {
          Out << "(char*)";
          S = CharUnits::One();
        Out << '&';
      } else if (!IsReference)
        Out << '&';

      if (const ValueDecl *VD = Base.dyn_cast<const ValueDecl*>())
        Out << *VD;
      else {
        assert(Base.get<const Expr *>() != nullptr &&
               "Expecting non-null Expr");
        Base.get<const Expr*>()->printPretty(Out, nullptr,

      if (!O.isZero()) {
        Out << " + " << (O / S);
        if (IsReference)
          Out << ')';

    // We have an lvalue path. Print it out nicely.
    if (!IsReference)
      Out << '&';
    else if (isLValueOnePastTheEnd())
      Out << "*(&";

    QualType ElemTy;
    if (const ValueDecl *VD = Base.dyn_cast<const ValueDecl*>()) {
      Out << *VD;
      ElemTy = VD->getType();
    } else {
      const Expr *E = Base.get<const Expr*>();
      assert(E != nullptr && "Expecting non-null Expr");
      E->printPretty(Out, nullptr, Ctx.getPrintingPolicy());
      ElemTy = E->getType();

    ArrayRef<LValuePathEntry> Path = getLValuePath();
    const CXXRecordDecl *CastToBase = nullptr;
    for (unsigned I = 0, N = Path.size(); I != N; ++I) {
      if (ElemTy->getAs<RecordType>()) {
        // The lvalue refers to a class type, so the next path entry is a base
        // or member.
        const Decl *BaseOrMember =
        if (const CXXRecordDecl *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(BaseOrMember)) {
          CastToBase = RD;
          ElemTy = Ctx.getRecordType(RD);
        } else {
          const ValueDecl *VD = cast<ValueDecl>(BaseOrMember);
          Out << ".";
          if (CastToBase)
            Out << *CastToBase << "::";
          Out << *VD;
          ElemTy = VD->getType();
      } else {
        // The lvalue must refer to an array.
        Out << '[' << Path[I].ArrayIndex << ']';
        ElemTy = Ctx.getAsArrayType(ElemTy)->getElementType();

    // Handle formatting of one-past-the-end lvalues.
    if (isLValueOnePastTheEnd()) {
      // FIXME: If CastToBase is non-0, we should prefix the output with
      // "(CastToBase*)".
      Out << " + 1";
      if (IsReference)
        Out << ')';
  case APValue::Array: {
    const ArrayType *AT = Ctx.getAsArrayType(Ty);
    QualType ElemTy = AT->getElementType();
    Out << '{';
    if (unsigned N = getArrayInitializedElts()) {
      getArrayInitializedElt(0).printPretty(Out, Ctx, ElemTy);
      for (unsigned I = 1; I != N; ++I) {
        Out << ", ";
        if (I == 10) {
          // Avoid printing out the entire contents of large arrays.
          Out << "...";
        getArrayInitializedElt(I).printPretty(Out, Ctx, ElemTy);
    Out << '}';
  case APValue::Struct: {
    Out << '{';
    const RecordDecl *RD = Ty->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl();
    bool First = true;
    if (unsigned N = getStructNumBases()) {
      const CXXRecordDecl *CD = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RD);
      CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator BI = CD->bases_begin();
      for (unsigned I = 0; I != N; ++I, ++BI) {
        assert(BI != CD->bases_end());
        if (!First)
          Out << ", ";
        getStructBase(I).printPretty(Out, Ctx, BI->getType());
        First = false;
    for (const auto *FI : RD->fields()) {
      if (!First)
        Out << ", ";
      if (FI->isUnnamedBitfield()) continue;
        printPretty(Out, Ctx, FI->getType());
      First = false;
    Out << '}';
  case APValue::Union:
    Out << '{';
    if (const FieldDecl *FD = getUnionField()) {
      Out << "." << *FD << " = ";
      getUnionValue().printPretty(Out, Ctx, FD->getType());
    Out << '}';
  case APValue::MemberPointer:
    // FIXME: This is not enough to unambiguously identify the member in a
    // multiple-inheritance scenario.
    if (const ValueDecl *VD = getMemberPointerDecl()) {
      Out << '&' << *cast<CXXRecordDecl>(VD->getDeclContext()) << "::" << *VD;
    Out << "0";
  case APValue::AddrLabelDiff:
    Out << "&&" << getAddrLabelDiffLHS()->getLabel()->getName();
    Out << " - ";
    Out << "&&" << getAddrLabelDiffRHS()->getLabel()->getName();
  llvm_unreachable("Unknown APValue kind!");