void PairwiseEvaluation<Chord>::printVerboseOutput(std::ostream& inVerboseOStream, const double theStartTime, const double theEndTime, const Chord& theRefLabel, const Chord& theTestLabel, const Chord& theMappedRefLabel, const Chord& theMappedTestLabel, const double theScore, const double theSegmentLength) const
    inVerboseOStream << theStartTime << "," << theEndTime << ",\"" << ChordQMUL(theRefLabel) << "\",\"" << ChordQMUL(theTestLabel) << "\"," << theScore << "," << theSegmentLength << ",\"" << ChordQMUL(theMappedRefLabel) << "\",\"" << ChordQMUL(theMappedTestLabel) << "\",[ ";
    set<Chroma> refChromas = theRefLabel.chromas();
    set<Chroma> testChromas = theTestLabel.chromas();
    for (set<Chroma>::const_iterator it = refChromas.begin(); it != refChromas.end(); ++it)
        inVerboseOStream << it->str() << " ";
    inVerboseOStream << "],[ ";
    for (set<Chroma>::const_iterator it = testChromas.begin(); it != testChromas.end(); ++it)
        inVerboseOStream << it->str() << " ";
    inVerboseOStream << "],";
    inVerboseOStream << theRefLabel.commonChromas(theTestLabel).size();
    inVerboseOStream << ",";
    inVerboseOStream << theRefLabel.bass(true);
    inVerboseOStream << ",";
    inVerboseOStream << theTestLabel.bass(true);
    inVerboseOStream << endl;
//    set<Chroma> common = theRefLabel.commonChromas(theTestLabel);
//    for (set<Chroma>::const_iterator it = common.begin(); it != common.end(); ++it)
//        inVerboseOStream << it->str() << " ";
//    inVerboseOStream << std::endl;
Esempio n. 2
const double SimilarityScoreChord::score(const Chord& inRefChord, const Chord& inTestChord)
    this->m_RefIndex = calcChordIndex(inRefChord, this->m_MappedRefLabel);
    this->m_TestIndex = calcChordIndex(inTestChord, this->m_MappedTestLabel);
    // Check input and output limiting set and check for unmappable chords in reference sequence
    if ((m_InputLimitingSet.empty() || m_InputLimitingSet.count(inRefChord.type()) > 0) &&
        //(m_OutputLimitingSet.empty() || m_OutputLimitingSet.count(this->m_MappedRefLabel.type()) > 0) &&
        (this->m_RefIndex < this->m_NumOfRefLabels))
        // Check for unmappable chords in test sequence
        if ((this->m_MappedTestLabel.type() == ChordType::rootOnly() ||
             this->m_MappedTestLabel.type() == ChordType::power()) &&
            m_Mapping != "root" && m_Mapping != "bass" && m_Mapping != "none")
            throw invalid_argument("The chord '" + ChordQM(inTestChord).str() + "' in the test sequence cannot be mapped using the current evaluating rules");
        if (m_Scoring == "exact")
            if (this->m_RefIndex == this->m_TestIndex)
                return 1.;
                return 0.;
        else if (m_Scoring == "mirex2010")
            size_t theNumOfCommonChromas = inRefChord.commonChromas(inTestChord).size();
            if (theNumOfCommonChromas > 2 ||
                (!inRefChord.isTrueChord() && !inTestChord.isTrueChord()) ||
                (theNumOfCommonChromas > 1 && (inRefChord.type().triad(false) == ChordType::diminished() || inRefChord.type().triad(false) == ChordType::augmented()))/* || inRefChord.type().cardinality() == theNumOfCommonChromas*/)
                return 1.;
                return 0.;
        else if (m_Scoring == "chromarecall")
            if (inRefChord.isTrueChord())
                double theNumOfCommonChromas = inRefChord.commonChromas(inTestChord).size();
                return theNumOfCommonChromas / inRefChord.type().cardinality();
                if (!inTestChord.isTrueChord())
                    return 1.;
                    return 0.;
        else if (m_Scoring == "chromaprecision")
            if (inTestChord.isTrueChord())
                double theNumOfCommonChromas = inRefChord.commonChromas(inTestChord).size();
                return theNumOfCommonChromas / inTestChord.type().cardinality();        }
                if (!inRefChord.isTrueChord())
                    return 1.;
                    return 0.;
        else if (m_Scoring == "chromafmeasure")
            if (inRefChord.isTrueChord() && inTestChord.isTrueChord())
                double theNumOfCommonChromas = inRefChord.commonChromas(inTestChord).size();
                return 2 * theNumOfCommonChromas / (inRefChord.type().cardinality() + inTestChord.type().cardinality());        }
                if (!inRefChord.isTrueChord() && !inTestChord.isTrueChord())
                    return 1.;
                    return 0.;
            throw runtime_error("Unknown scoring function '" + m_Scoring + "'");
        // Exclude from evaluation
        return -1.;