Esempio n. 1
QPointF Pedal::linePos(Grip grip, System** sys) const
      qreal x = 0.0;
      qreal nhw = score()->noteHeadWidth();
      System* s = nullptr;
      if (grip == Grip::START) {
            ChordRest* c = toChordRest(startElement());
            if (c) {
                  s = c->segment()->system();
                  x = c->pos().x() + c->segment()->pos().x() + c->segment()->measure()->pos().x();
                  if (c->type() == ElementType::REST && c->durationType() == TDuration::DurationType::V_MEASURE)
                        x -= c->x();
                  if (beginHookType() == HookType::HOOK_45)
                        x += nhw * .5;
      else {
            Element* e = endElement();
            ChordRest* c = toChordRest(endElement());
            if (!e || e == startElement() || (endHookType() == HookType::HOOK_90)) {
                  // pedal marking on single note or ends with non-angled hook:
                  // extend to next note or end of measure
                  Segment* seg = nullptr;
                  if (!e)
                        seg = startSegment();
                        seg = c->segment();
                  if (seg) {
                        seg = seg->next();
                        for ( ; seg; seg = seg->next()) {
                              if (seg->segmentType() == SegmentType::ChordRest) {
                                    // look for a chord/rest in any voice on this staff
                                    bool crFound = false;
                                    int track = staffIdx() * VOICES;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < VOICES; ++i) {
                                          if (seg->element(track + i)) {
                                                crFound = true;
                                    if (crFound)
                              else if (seg->segmentType() == SegmentType::EndBarLine) {
                  if (seg) {
                        s = seg->system();
                        x = seg->pos().x() + seg->measure()->pos().x() - nhw * 2;
            else if (c) {
                  s = c->segment()->system();
                  x = c->pos().x() + c->segment()->pos().x() + c->segment()->measure()->pos().x();
                  if (c->type() == ElementType::REST && c->durationType() == TDuration::DurationType::V_MEASURE)
                        x -= c->x();
            if (!s) {
                  int t = tick2();
                  Measure* m = score()->tick2measure(t);
                  s = m->system();
                  x = m->tick2pos(t);
            if (endHookType() == HookType::HOOK_45)
                  x += nhw * .5;
                  x += nhw;

      *sys = s;
      return QPointF(x, 0);
Esempio n. 2
void Lyrics::layout1()
      if (!parent()) // palette & clone trick

      ChordRest* cr = chordRest();
      const QList<Lyrics*>* ll = &(cr->lyricsList());

      qreal lh = lineSpacing() * score()->styleD(StyleIdx::lyricsLineHeight);
      int line = ll->indexOf(this);
      qreal y  = lh * line + point(score()->styleS(StyleIdx::lyricsDistance));
      qreal x  = 0.0;

      // parse leading verse number and/or punctuation, so we can factor it into layout separately
      // TODO: provide a way to disable this
      bool hasNumber = false; // _verseNumber;
      qreal adjust = 0.0;
      QString s = plainText(true);
      // find:
      // 1) string of numbers and non-word characters at start of syllable
      // 2) at least one other character (indicating start of actual lyric)
      QRegularExpression leadingPattern("(^[\\d\\W]+)([^\\d\\W]+)");
      QRegularExpressionMatch leadingMatch = leadingPattern.match(s);
      if (leadingMatch.hasMatch()) {
            // leading string
            QString s1 = leadingMatch.captured(1);
            // actual lyric
            //QString s2 = leadingMatch.captured(2);
            Text leading(*this);
            adjust = leading.width();
            if (!s1.isEmpty() && s1[0].isDigit())
                  hasNumber = true;

      if (textStyle().align() & AlignmentFlags::HCENTER) {
            // center under notehead, not origin
            // however, lyrics that are melismas or have verse numbers will be forced to left alignment
            // TODO: provide a way to disable the automatic left alignment
            qreal maxWidth;
            if (cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD)
                  maxWidth = static_cast<Chord*>(cr)->maxHeadWidth();
                  maxWidth = cr->width();       // TODO: exclude ledger line for multivoice rest?
            qreal nominalWidth = symWidth(SymId::noteheadBlack);
            if (!isMelisma() && !hasNumber)     // center under notehead
                  x +=  nominalWidth * .5 - cr->x() - adjust * 0.5;
            else                                // force left alignment
                  x += (width() + nominalWidth - maxWidth) * .5 - cr->x() - adjust;
      else {
            // even for left aligned syllables, ignore leading verse numbers and/or punctuation
            x -= adjust;

      rxpos() += x;
      rypos() += y;

      if (_ticks > 0 || _syllabic == Syllabic::BEGIN || _syllabic == Syllabic::MIDDLE) {
            if (_separator == nullptr) {
                  _separator = new LyricsLine(score());
            // if font parameters different from font cached values, compute new dash values from font metrics
            if (textStyle().family() != g_fontFamily && textStyle().size() != g_fontSize) {
                  QFontMetricsF     fm    = textStyle().fontMetrics(spatium());
                  QRectF            r     = fm.tightBoundingRect("\u2013");   // U+2013 EN DASH
                  g_cachedDashY           = _dashY          = r.y() + (r.height() * HALF);
                  g_cachedDashLength      = _dashLength     = r.width();
   #if defined(USE_FONT_DASH_TICKNESS)
                  g_cachedDashThickness   = _dashThickness  = r.height();
                  g_fontFamily            = textStyle().family();
                  g_fontSize              = textStyle().size();
            // if same font, use cached values
            else {
                  _dashY                  = g_cachedDashY;
                  _dashLength             = g_cachedDashLength;
   #if defined(USE_FONT_DASH_TICKNESS)
                  _dashThickness          = g_cachedDashThickness;
            if (_separator != nullptr) {
                  delete _separator;
                  _separator = nullptr;