Esempio n. 1
bool FixedAllocator::MakeNewChunk( void )
    bool allocated = false;
        std::size_t size = chunks_.size();
        // Calling chunks_.reserve *before* creating and initializing the new
        // Chunk means that nothing is leaked by this function in case an
        // exception is thrown from reserve.
        if ( chunks_.capacity() == size )
            if ( 0 == size ) size = 4;
            chunks_.reserve( size * 2 );
        Chunk newChunk;
        allocated = newChunk.Init( blockSize_, numBlocks_ );
        if ( allocated )
            chunks_.push_back( newChunk );
    catch ( ... )
        allocated = false;
    if ( !allocated ) return false;

    allocChunk_ = &chunks_.back();
    deallocChunk_ = &chunks_.front();
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool FixedAllocator::TrimChunkList( void )
    if ( chunks_.empty() )
        assert( NULL == allocChunk_ );
        assert( NULL == deallocChunk_ );

    if ( chunks_.size() == chunks_.capacity() )
        return false;
    // Use the "make-a-temp-and-swap" trick to remove excess capacity.
    Chunks( chunks_ ).swap( chunks_ );

    return true;