Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc , char ** argv)
	// set timer
	clock_t t1, t2;
	t1 = clock();

	// check files
	if(argc < 4)
		cout << "please input verlog, sdf and pat file" <<endl;
		return 0;

	// ================================================================================
	// cell manager contain nangate45 library information(pin name and cell type names)
	// ================================================================================
	Library lib;
	LibraryParser libp(&lib);
		cout << "**ERROR main(): LIB parser failed" <<endl;
		return 0;
	// ===============================================================================
	// use circuit builder to build a circuit
	// ===============================================================================
	CircuitBuilder cb;
	// tell circuit builder to build the circuit using cells in cell manager
	// tell circuit builder to build the levelized circuit whose clk is set to level 0
	// set flip flop functional pins
	// read the circuit
		cout << "read verlog file fail" <<endl;
		return 0;

	// get the circuit
	Circuit cir = cb.getCircuit();
	// ===============================================================================
	// use pattern set to read the pattern
	// ===============================================================================
	cout << "read pattern" <<endl;
	PatternSet ps;
	// tell pattern set to build ppi and pi order according to cell ID in the circuit
	// read the pattern file
		cout << "read pattern file fail" <<endl;
		return 0;

	// ===============================================================================
	// use circuit simulator to simulate the circuit
	// ===============================================================================
	CircuitSimulator cs;
	// tell which circuit will be simulated
	// set cell manager to get pin name when simulation

	// set clk wave of the simulation
	Wave clkWave;
	clkWave.initialValue = Wave::L;
	// set rise transition of clk
	Transition riseTrans;
	riseTrans.value = Wave::H;
	riseTrans.time = 0.0;
	riseTrans.period = 0.002;
	riseTrans.prevTransition = NULL;
	clkWave.addTransition(Wave::H , riseTrans);//0.0 , 0.002, NULL, 0);
	// set fall transition of clk
	Transition fallTrans;
	fallTrans = riseTrans;
	fallTrans.value = Wave::L;
	fallTrans.time = 0.25;
	clkWave.addTransition(Wave::L , fallTrans);//0.25 , 0.002, NULL, 0);
	cs.set("CK", &clkWave , 1.0);

	// set pattern pi and ppi order
	cs.set(&ps.piOrder , &ps.poOrder , &ps.ppiOrder);
	// ===============================================================================
	// perform circuit simulation
	// ===============================================================================
	cout << "start!" << endl;
	for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < ps.patterns.size() ; ++i)
		// system("clear");
		Pattern pat = ps.patterns[i];
		cs.initial(pat.pis[0] , pat.ppi);
		string ppo = cs.getPPO();
		if(pat.cycle[0] == Pattern::CAPTURE)
			cout << "pattern " << i << "\t" <<ppo << endl;
			cout << "pattern " << i << "\t" << pat.ppi << endl;

	t2 = clock();
	cout << "total cost: " <<  (t2-t1)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/12 << " second!" <<endl;

	ofstream fout;"time.txt",ios::app);
	fout << cir.getName() << ","  << cir.getNets().size() << "," << ps.patterns.size()<< ","<< (t2-t1)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/12 << endl;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
void VerifyIdea::singleVerify(Circuit &cir, Wave *waves, pgNs::PowerGrid &pg, const Transition *trans, VERIFY_TYPE type)
	std::string fileName = "../../spCombine/circuit/" + cir.getName() + ".sp";
	std::ifstream fin(fileName.c_str());
		std::cout << "**ERROR VerifyIdea::verify: Can't find file " << fileName << std::endl;
	string spFileName = "./verify/test.sp";
	SpMaker sp(spFileName);
	std::string line;
	while(std::getline(fin , line))
		//cout << line << endl;
		sp.add( line );
		if(line == "* INPUT")
V1 G0 0 PWL(0ns 0v 2ns 0v 2.001ns 1.1v 4ns 1.1v)
V2 G1 0 PWL(0ns 0v 2ns 0v 2.001ns 1.1v 4ns 1.1v)
V3 G2 0 PWL(0ns 1.1v 2ns 1.1v 2.001ns 0v 4ns 0v)
V4 G3 0 PWL(0ns 1.1v 2ns 1.1v 2.001ns 0v 4ns 0v)
V5 test_se 0 0v
V6 test_si 0 1.1v*/
	// setup voltage source
	for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < pg.vddNodes.size() ; ++i){
		string nodeName(pg.getNodes()[pg.vddNodes[i]].getName());
		size_t found = nodeName.find(".");
		assert(found != string::npos);
		nodeName[found] = '_';
		sp.add("VDDSOURCE " + nodeName + " 0 1.1v");
	for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < pg.gndNodes.size() ; ++i){
		string nodeName(pg.getNodes()[pg.gndNodes[i]].getName());
		size_t found = nodeName.find(".");
		assert(found != string::npos);
		nodeName[found] = '_';
		sp.add("VSSSOURCE " + nodeName + " 0 0v");

	// setup PPI
	const vector<Cell> &cells = cir.getCells();
	const vector<Net> &nets = cir.getNets();
	string ffstring = "* flip-flop switch";
	sp.add( ffstring );
	int qPin = lib->getFanoutIndex(cells[cir.ff[0]].type, "Q");
	int qnPin = lib->getFanoutIndex(cells[cir.ff[0]].type, "QN");
	for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < cir.ff.size() ; ++i)
		int cellID = cir.ff[i];
		// print Q
		int netQ = cells[cellID].opt_net_id[qPin];
		if(netQ != -1){
			// string line = printNet(cells[cellID].name + "_Q" ,waves[netQ]);
			string qNode = cells[cellID].name + "_Q";
			double val = (waves[netQ].initialValue == Wave::H)?pg.getSupplyVoltage():0;
			stringstream ss;
			ss << val;
			sp.add(".ic v("+qNode+")="+ss.str());
			if(val != 0){
				sp.add(".ic v(X"+cells[cellID].name+"."+"N_8_M8_s"+")=1.1v");
				sp.add(".ic v(X"+cells[cellID].name+"."+"n_5_m20_g"+")=1.1v");
				sp.add(".ic v(X"+cells[cellID].name+"."+"N_8_M8_s"+")=0v");
				sp.add(".ic v(X"+cells[cellID].name+"."+"n_5_m20_g"+")=0v");

		// print QN
		int netQN = cells[cellID].opt_net_id[qnPin];
		if(netQN != -1){
			//string line = printNet(cells[cellID].name + "_QN",waves[netQN]) ;
			//sp.add( line);
			string qNode = cells[cellID].name + "_QN";
			double val = (waves[netQN].initialValue == Wave::H)?pg.getSupplyVoltage():0;
			stringstream ss;
			ss << val;
			sp.add(".ic v("+qNode+")="+ss.str());
	sp.add("* PI switch");
	// setup PI
	for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < cir.pi.size() ; ++i)
		int netID = cir.pi[i];
		string line =  printNet(nets[netID].name,waves[netID]);
		sp.add( line );
	if(trans == NULL)

	// setup measurement
	setPathMeasurement(true, sp, trans, cir);

		if(line == ".END")
			setPathMeasurement(false, sp, trans, cir);
		sp.add( line );
	if(type == HSPICE)
	printResult(sp, trans, cir, waves);