Esempio n. 1
/// isFormingBranchFromSelectProfitable - Returns true if a SelectInst should be
/// turned into an explicit branch.
static bool isFormingBranchFromSelectProfitable(SelectInst *SI) {
  // FIXME: This should use the same heuristics as IfConversion to determine
  // whether a select is better represented as a branch.  This requires that
  // branch probability metadata is preserved for the select, which is not the
  // case currently.

  CmpInst *Cmp = dyn_cast<CmpInst>(SI->getCondition());

  // If the branch is predicted right, an out of order CPU can avoid blocking on
  // the compare.  Emit cmovs on compares with a memory operand as branches to
  // avoid stalls on the load from memory.  If the compare has more than one use
  // there's probably another cmov or setcc around so it's not worth emitting a
  // branch.
  if (!Cmp)
    return false;

  Value *CmpOp0 = Cmp->getOperand(0);
  Value *CmpOp1 = Cmp->getOperand(1);

  // We check that the memory operand has one use to avoid uses of the loaded
  // value directly after the compare, making branches unprofitable.
  return Cmp->hasOneUse() &&
         ((isa<LoadInst>(CmpOp0) && CmpOp0->hasOneUse()) ||
          (isa<LoadInst>(CmpOp1) && CmpOp1->hasOneUse()));
Esempio n. 2
/// Returns true if the select instruction has users in the compare-and-add
/// reduction pattern below. The select instruction argument is the last one
/// in the sequence.
/// %sum.1 = phi ...
/// ...
/// %cmp = fcmp pred %0, %CFP
/// %add = fadd %0, %sum.1
/// %sum.2 = select %cmp, %add, %sum.1
    RecurrenceKind Kind, Instruction *I) {
  SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(I);
  if (!SI)
    return InstDesc(false, I);

  CmpInst *CI = dyn_cast<CmpInst>(SI->getCondition());
  // Only handle single use cases for now.
  if (!CI || !CI->hasOneUse())
    return InstDesc(false, I);

  Value *TrueVal = SI->getTrueValue();
  Value *FalseVal = SI->getFalseValue();
  // Handle only when either of operands of select instruction is a PHI
  // node for now.
  if ((isa<PHINode>(*TrueVal) && isa<PHINode>(*FalseVal)) ||
      (!isa<PHINode>(*TrueVal) && !isa<PHINode>(*FalseVal)))
    return InstDesc(false, I);

  Instruction *I1 =
      isa<PHINode>(*TrueVal) ? dyn_cast<Instruction>(FalseVal)
                             : dyn_cast<Instruction>(TrueVal);
  if (!I1 || !I1->isBinaryOp())
    return InstDesc(false, I);

  Value *Op1, *Op2;
  if ((m_FAdd(m_Value(Op1), m_Value(Op2)).match(I1)  ||
       m_FSub(m_Value(Op1), m_Value(Op2)).match(I1)) &&
    return InstDesc(Kind == RK_FloatAdd, SI);

  if (m_FMul(m_Value(Op1), m_Value(Op2)).match(I1) && (I1->isFast()))
    return InstDesc(Kind == RK_FloatMult, SI);

  return InstDesc(false, I);