Esempio n. 1
CollOfScalar EquelleRuntimeCPU::solveForUpdate(const CollOfScalar& residual) const
    Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor> matr = residual.derivative()[0];

    CollOfScalar::V du = CollOfScalar::V::Zero(residual.size());

    Opm::time::StopWatch clock;

    // solve(n, # nonzero values ("val"), ptr to col indices
    // ("col_ind"), ptr to row locations in val array ("row_ind")
    // (these two may be swapped, not sure about the naming convention
    // here...), array of actual values ("val") (I guess... '*sa'...),
    // rhs, solution)
    Opm::LinearSolverInterface::LinearSolverReport rep
        = linsolver_.solve(matr.rows(), matr.nonZeros(),
                           matr.outerIndexPtr(), matr.innerIndexPtr(), matr.valuePtr(),

    if (verbose_ > 2) {
        std::cout << "        solveForUpdate: Linear solver took: " << clock.secsSinceLast() << " seconds." << std::endl;
    if (!rep.converged) {
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Linear solver convergence failure.");
    return du;
Esempio n. 2
/// This function is not provided by AutoDiffBlock, so we must add it here.
inline CollOfScalar sqrt(const CollOfScalar& x)
    // d(sqrt(x))/dy = 1/(2*sqrt(x)) * dx/dy

    const auto& xjac = x.derivative();
    if (xjac.empty()) {
        return CollOfScalar(sqrt(x.value()));
    const int num_blocks = xjac.size();
    std::vector<CollOfScalar::M> jac(num_blocks);
    const auto sqrt_x = sqrt(x.value());
    const CollOfScalar::M one_over_two_sqrt_x((0.5/sqrt_x).matrix().asDiagonal());
    for (int block = 0; block < num_blocks; ++block) {
        jac[block] = one_over_two_sqrt_x * xjac[block];
    return CollOfScalar::ADB::function(sqrt_x, jac);
CollOfScalar EquelleRuntimeCUDA::newtonSolve(const ResidualFunctor& rescomp,
                                            const CollOfScalar& u_initialguess)
    Opm::time::StopWatch clock;

    // Set up Newton loop.
    // Define the primary variable
    CollOfScalar u = CollOfScalar(u_initialguess, true);
    if (verbose_ > 2) {
        output("Initial u", u);
        output("    newtonSolve: norm (initial u)", twoNorm(u));
    CollOfScalar residual = rescomp(u);   
    if (verbose_ > 2) {
        output("Initial residual", residual);
        output("    newtonSolve: norm (initial residual)", twoNorm(residual));

    int iter = 0;

    // Debugging output not specified in Equelle.
    if (verbose_ > 1) {
        std::cout << "    newtonSolve: iter = " << iter << " (max = " << max_iter_
		  << "), norm(residual) = " << twoNorm(residual)
                  << " (tol = " << abs_res_tol_ << ")" << std::endl;

    CollOfScalar du;

    // Execute newton loop until residual is small or we have used too many iterations.
    while ( (twoNorm(residual) > abs_res_tol_) && (iter < max_iter_) ) {
	if ( solver_.getSolver() == CPU ) {
	    du = serialSolveForUpdate(residual);
	else {
	    // Solve linear equations for du, apply update.
	    du = solver_.solve(residual.derivative(),

	// du is a constant, hence, u is still a primary variable with an identity
	// matrix as its derivative.
	u = u - du;

        // Recompute residual.
        residual = rescomp(u);

        if (verbose_ > 2) {
            // Debugging output not specified in Equelle.
            output("u", u);
            output("    newtonSolve: norm(u)", twoNorm(u));
            output("residual", residual);
            output("    newtonSolve: norm(residual)", twoNorm(residual));


        // Debugging output not specified in Equelle.
        if (verbose_ > 1) {
            std::cout << "    newtonSolve: iter = " << iter << " (max = " << max_iter_
		      << "), norm(residual) = " << twoNorm(residual)
                      << " (tol = " << abs_res_tol_ << ")" << std::endl;

    if (verbose_ > 0) {
        if (twoNorm(residual) > abs_res_tol_) {
            std::cout << "Newton solver failed to converge in " << max_iter_ << " iterations" << std::endl;
        } else {
            std::cout << "Newton solver converged in " << iter << " iterations" << std::endl;

    if (verbose_ > 1) {
        std::cout << "Newton solver took: " << clock.secsSinceLast() << " seconds." << std::endl;

    return CollOfScalar(u.value());