Esempio n. 1
         * Stores ranges for a particular collection and shard starting from some version
        void storeCollectionRanges( const NamespaceString& nss,
                                    const string& shardName,
                                    const vector<KeyRange>& ranges,
                                    const ChunkVersion& startVersion ) {

            // Get key pattern from first range
            ASSERT_GREATER_THAN( ranges.size(), 0u );

            CollectionType coll;
            coll.setNS( nss.ns() );
            coll.setKeyPattern( ranges.begin()->keyPattern );
            coll.setEpoch( startVersion.epoch() );
            coll.setUpdatedAt( 1ULL );
            string errMsg;
            ASSERT( coll.isValid( &errMsg ) );

            DBDirectClient client(&_txn);

            client.update( CollectionType::ConfigNS,
                           BSON( CollectionType::ns( coll.getNS() ) ),
                           coll.toBSON(), true, false );

            ChunkVersion nextVersion = startVersion;
            for ( vector<KeyRange>::const_iterator it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it ) {

                ChunkType chunk;
                // TODO: We should not rely on the serialized ns, minkey being unique in the future,
                // causes problems since it links string serialization to correctness.
                chunk.setName( Chunk::genID( nss, it->minKey ) );
                chunk.setShard( shardName );
                chunk.setNS( nss.ns() );
                chunk.setVersion( nextVersion );
                chunk.setMin( it->minKey );
                chunk.setMax( it->maxKey );

                client.insert( ChunkType::ConfigNS, chunk.toBSON() );