Color LimitedScaleColor (const Color& c1, const Color& c2, float factor) { return Color ( LimitedScaleColor (c1.GetA(), c2.GetA(), factor) , LimitedScaleColor (c1.GetR(), c2.GetR(), factor) , LimitedScaleColor (c1.GetG(), c2.GetG(), factor) , LimitedScaleColor (c1.GetB(), c2.GetB(), factor)); }
void GPCreateFlashFrame( Bitmap& bmpSrc, CRect& rcBegin, CRect& rcEnd, Bitmap& bmpDes, CRect& rcDes, double dPercent ) { int nWidth = bmpSrc.GetWidth(); int nHeight = bmpSrc.GetHeight(); double dPercent2 = 1.0 - dPercent; int nWidthDes = bmpDes.GetWidth(); int nHeightDes = bmpDes.GetHeight(); CRect rcBmpSrc(0,0, nWidth, nHeight); CRect rcBmpDes(0,0, nWidthDes, nHeightDes); ASSERT(IsInRect(rcBegin, rcBmpSrc)); ASSERT(IsInRect(rcEnd, rcBmpSrc)); ASSERT(IsInRect(rcDes, rcBmpDes)); ASSERT(rcBegin.Size() == rcEnd.Size()); ASSERT(rcEnd.Size() == rcDes.Size()); int nLoopWidth = rcBegin.Width(); int nLoopHeight = rcBegin.Height(); for (int i = 0; i <nLoopWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nLoopHeight; j++) { Color clrBegin; bmpSrc.GetPixel(i+ rcBegin.left, j+, &clrBegin); Color clrEnd; bmpSrc.GetPixel(i+ rcEnd.left, j+, &clrEnd); Color clrDes = Color::MakeARGB(clrBegin.GetA()*dPercent + clrEnd.GetA()* dPercent2, clrBegin.GetR()*dPercent + clrEnd.GetR()* dPercent2, clrBegin.GetG()*dPercent + clrEnd.GetG()* dPercent2, clrBegin.GetB()*dPercent + clrEnd.GetB()* dPercent2); bmpDes.SetPixel(rcDes.left + i,, clrDes); } } }
void Graphics::fillRect(Rect r, Color c1, Color c2, Color c3, Color c4) { glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(r.getX()+(Scalar)r.getWidth()/2+0.375f,r.getY()+(Scalar)r.getHeight()/2+0.375f,0); //DrawStuff glRotated(r.getRot(),0,0,-1); int w = (int)r.getWidth(); int h = (int)r.getHeight(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor4d(c1.GetR(),c1.GetG(),c1.GetB(),c1.GetA()); glVertex2d(-.5*w,-.5*h); glColor4d(c3.GetR(),c3.GetG(),c3.GetB(),c3.GetA()); glVertex2d(-.5*w,.5*h); glColor4d(c4.GetR(),c4.GetG(),c4.GetB(),c4.GetA()); glVertex2d(.5*w,.5*h); glColor4d(c2.GetR(),c2.GetG(),c2.GetB(),c2.GetA()); glVertex2d(.5*w,-.5*h); glEnd(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix(); }
Color Blend(Color c1, Color c2, int alpha) { int a = (alpha >> 7) + alpha; return Color(min(((a * (c2.GetR() - c1.GetR())) >> 8) + c1.GetR(), 255), min(((a * (c2.GetG() - c1.GetG())) >> 8) + c1.GetG(), 255), min(((a * (c2.GetB() - c1.GetB())) >> 8) + c1.GetB(), 255)); }
BYTE MaxComponentDiff (const Color& c1, const Color& c2) { int rDiff = abs ((int)c1.GetR() - (int)c2.GetR()); int gDiff = abs ((int)c1.GetG() - (int)c2.GetG()); int bDiff = abs ((int)c1.GetB() - (int)c2.GetB()); return (BYTE) max (max (rDiff, gDiff), bDiff); }
void MapPainterOpenGL::DrawPath(const Projection& /*projection*/, const MapParameter& /*parameter*/, const Color& color, double width, const std::vector<double>& /*dash*/, LineStyle::CapStyle /*startCap*/, LineStyle::CapStyle /*endCap*/, size_t transStart, size_t transEnd) { // TODO: // There is a limit in the OpenGL lineWidth, we need to // fallback to using quads instead of lines for this. glColor4d(color.GetR(), color.GetG(), color.GetB(), color.GetA()); glLineWidth(width); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (size_t i=transStart; i<=transEnd; i++) { glVertex3d(coordBuffer->buffer[i].GetX(), coordBuffer->buffer[i].GetY(), 0.0); } glEnd(); }
// 리스트의 폰트 스타일이 관리된다. void CCherryComboBox::SetDropDownListFont(LPCTSTR lpszFontName, LONG lFontSize, Color fontColor, DWORD dwFontStyle) { m_font.DeleteObject(); int nWeight = FW_NORMAL; BYTE byItalic = FALSE; BYTE byUnderline = FALSE; BYTE byStrikeOut = FALSE; if (dwFontStyle & STYLE_BOLD) nWeight = FW_BOLD; if (dwFontStyle & STYLE_ITALIC) byItalic = TRUE; if (dwFontStyle & STYLE_UNDERLINE) byUnderline = TRUE; if (dwFontStyle & STYLE_STRIKEOUT) byStrikeOut = TRUE; // Color -> COLORREF m_textColor = RGB(fontColor.GetR(), fontColor.GetG(), fontColor.GetB()); m_font.CreateFont(lFontSize, 0, 0, 0, nWeight, byItalic, byUnderline, byStrikeOut, DEFAULT_CHARSET , OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH, lpszFontName); SetFont(&m_font); // SetFont() 후에 클라이언트 사이즈가 변경되기 때문에 여기서 텍스트 영역을 갱신한다. GetClientRect(m_textRect); // Offset pixel은 항상 반영 m_textRect.OffsetRect(m_nOffsetTextLeft, m_nOffsetTextTop); CCherryFont::SetCherryFont(lpszFontName, static_cast<float>(lFontSize), fontColor, dwFontStyle); }
Color Darken (const Color& c) { return Color ( 0xff , Darken (c.GetR()) , Darken (c.GetG()) , Darken (c.GetB())); }
void CAggMemoryDC::Line( const PointF& p1, const PointF& p2, const Color& clr) { if (m_buf==0) return; CPoint _p1 = p1; CPoint _p2 = p2; pixel_format pixf(m_rbuf); ren_base renb(pixf); outline_renderer outline_rd(renb, s_lineprof); outline_rasterizer_aa outline_rt(outline_rd); outline_rd.profile(s_lineprof); outline_rd.color(agg::rgba8(clr.GetR(), clr.GetG(), clr.GetB(), clr.GetA())); outline_rd.clip_box(0, 0, m_rcUpdate.Width(), m_rcUpdate.Height()); double p1x(p1.x), p1y(p1.y), p2x(p2.x), p2y(p2.y); m_mtx.transform(&p1x,&p1y); m_mtx.transform(&p2x,&p2y); outline_rt.move_to_d(p1x, p1y); outline_rt.line_to_d(p2x, p2y); //outline_rt.round_cap( 1 ); outline_rt.render(false); }
static XPicture sGetSolidFill(Color c) { int q = GetHashValue(c) % (int)XRSolidFillCount; XRSolidFill& f = sFill[q]; if(f.color == c && f.picture) return f.picture; if(f.picture) XRenderFreePicture(Xdisplay, f.picture); if(f.pixmap) XFreePixmap(Xdisplay, f.pixmap); f.pixmap = XCreatePixmap(Xdisplay, Xroot, 1, 1, 32); XRenderPictureAttributes attr; attr.repeat = XTrue; f.picture = XRenderCreatePicture(Xdisplay, f.pixmap, XRenderFindStandardFormat(Xdisplay, PictStandardARGB32), CPRepeat, &attr); f.color = c; XRenderColor xc; = s255d16(c.GetR()); = s255d16(c.GetG()); = s255d16(c.GetB()); xc.alpha = 65535; XRenderFillRectangle(Xdisplay, PictOpSrc, f.picture, &xc, 0, 0, 1, 1); return f.picture; }
void Splash::DrawString(const wchar_t* str, float x, float y, RSPL_TEXT_PROPS* prop, bool bFree) { // Check alpha if(prop->cAlpha == 0) return; // Get length int len = (int)wcslen(str); // Setup point PointF pos(x, y); // Set alpha Color col; prop->brshBrush->GetColor(&col); Color ncol(prop->cAlpha, col.GetR(), col.GetG(), col.GetB()); prop->brshBrush->SetColor(ncol); // Draw>DrawString(str, len, prop->fntFont, pos, prop->sfFormat, prop->brshBrush); // Flush>Flush(); // Release string if needed if(bFree) LocalFree((LPVOID)str); }
int MapPainterCanvas::GetColorInt(Color color) { return GetColorInt(color.GetR(), color.GetG(), color.GetB(), color.GetA()); }
void Image::draw(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int w, int h, Scalar ScaleX, Scalar ScaleY, Scalar Rot, Color c) { glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(x+(Scalar)w/2,y+(Scalar)h/2,0); //DrawStuff glRotated(Rot,0,0,-1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, imageTag); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor4d(c.GetR(),c.GetG(),c.GetB(),c.GetA()); //tex((Scalar)x1/width,(Scalar)y1/height); glTexCoord2d((Scalar)(x1+0.375f)/texSize,Scalar(y1+0.375f)/texSize); glVertex2d(-.5*w*ScaleX,-.5*h*ScaleY); //tex((Scalar)x1/width,(Scalar)(y1+h)/height); glTexCoord2d((Scalar)(x1+0.357f)/texSize,(Scalar)(y1+h-0.625f)/texSize); glVertex2d(-.5*w*ScaleX,.5*h*ScaleY); //tex((Scalar)(x1+w)/width,(Scalar)(y1+h)/height); glTexCoord2d(((Scalar)x1+w-0.625f)/texSize,(Scalar)(y1+h-0.625f)/texSize); glVertex2d(.5*w*ScaleX,.5*h*ScaleY); //tex((Scalar)(x1+w)/width,(Scalar)y1/height); glTexCoord2d(((Scalar)x1+w-0.625f)/texSize,(Scalar)(y1+0.375f)/texSize); glVertex2d(.5*w*ScaleX,-.5*h*ScaleY); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); }
void CAggMemoryDC::Lines( const PointFVector& pts, const Color& clr, const REAL width/*=1.0*/) { if (m_buf==0) return; unsigned count=pts.size()/2; ATLASSERT(count>0); ATLASSERT((float)count/2.0f>0); pixel_format pixf(m_rbuf); ren_base renb(pixf); solid_renderer ren_solid(renb); m_path.remove_all(); for(unsigned i=0; i<count; ++i) { m_path.move_to(pts[i*2].x, pts[i*2].y); m_path.line_to(pts[i*2+1].x, pts[i*2+1].y); } typedef agg::conv_stroke<conv_path_trans_type> conv_stroke_outline; conv_stroke_outline stroke(m_transpath); stroke.width(width); m_ras_aa.add_path(stroke); ren_solid.color(agg::rgba8(clr.GetR(), clr.GetG(), clr.GetB(), clr.GetA())); agg::render_scanlines(m_ras_aa, m_sl, ren_solid); }
void AADrawBASE(PixelBlock& w, int x, int y, Color c) { if(!Rect(w.GetSize()).Contains(Rect(x, y, x + 6, y + 11))) return; const byte *s = op; dword *a = w.PointAdr(x, y); int d = w.LineDelta(); byte tr = c.GetR(); byte tg = c.GetG(); byte tb = c.GetB(); int q = 0; for(;;) { byte c = *s++; if(c) { byte *m = (byte *)&a[q]; int alpha = c + (c >> 7); m[0] += alpha * (tr - m[0]) >> 8; m[1] += alpha * (tg - m[1]) >> 8; m[2] += alpha * (tb - m[2]) >> 8; q++; } else { c = *s++; if(c) q += c; else { if(s[0] == 0 && s[1] == 255) return; a += d; q = 0; } } }
String AsString(const Color& c) { if(IsNull(c)) return "Color(Null)"; if(c.GetRaw() & 0x80000000) return Format("Color(%d, 0)", int(c.GetRaw() & ~0x80000000)); return Format("Color(%d, %d, %d)", c.GetR(), c.GetG(), c.GetB()); }
NAMESPACE_UPP void SystemDraw::PutRect(const Rect& r, Color color) { LLOG("Ctrl::PutRect " << r << ", color " << color); Ctrl::stat_putrect++; Point p = r.TopLeft(); if(color == InvertColor()) { Ctrl::Put8(Ctrl::INVERTRECT); Ctrl::Put(r); } else { Size sz = r.GetSize(); Point dp = p - pos; if(abs(dp.x) < 256 && abs(dp.y) < 256 && < 256 && < 256 && 0) { Ctrl::Put8(dp.x < 0 ? dp.y < 0 ? Ctrl::RECTNN : Ctrl::RECTNP : dp.y < 0 ? Ctrl::RECTPN : Ctrl::RECTPP); Ctrl::Put8(abs(dp.x)); Ctrl::Put8(abs(dp.y)); Ctrl::Put8(; Ctrl::Put8(; } else { Ctrl::Put8(Ctrl::RECT); Ctrl::Put(r); } Ctrl::Put8(color.GetR()); Ctrl::Put8(color.GetG()); Ctrl::Put8(color.GetB()); } pos = p; }
void CAggMemoryDC::SolidPolygon( const PointF* points, const Color& clr, unsigned point_count) { if (m_buf==0) return; if(m_npaths>0) { m_pathCache.close_polygon(); m_colorsCache[m_countpaths] = agg::rgba8(clr.GetR(), clr.GetG(), clr.GetB(), clr.GetA()); m_path_idxCache[m_countpaths] = m_pathCache.start_new_path(); m_countpaths++; m_pathCache.move_to(points->x, points->y); while(--point_count>0) { points++; m_pathCache.line_to(points->x, points->y); } } else { pixel_format pixf(m_rbuf); ren_base renb(pixf); solid_renderer ren_solid(renb); ATLASSERT(point_count>0); m_path.remove_all(); m_path.move_to(points->x, points->y); while(--point_count>0) { points++; m_path.line_to(points->x, points->y); } m_ras_aa.reset(); m_ras_aa.clip_box(0, 0, m_rcUpdate.Width(), m_rcUpdate.Height()); m_ras_aa.add_path(m_transpath); ren_solid.color(agg::rgba8(clr.GetR(), clr.GetG(), clr.GetB(), clr.GetA())); agg::render_scanlines(m_ras_aa, m_sl, ren_solid); } }
void CTransparentPen::SetColor(Color crColor) { BYTE r = crColor.GetR(); BYTE g = crColor.GetG(); BYTE b = crColor.GetB(); ARGB argb = Color::MakeARGB(m_nAlpha, r, g, b); m_crColor.SetValue(argb); }
RGBA operator*(int alpha, Color c) { RGBA r; r.a = alpha; alpha += (alpha >> 7); r.r = (alpha * c.GetR()) >> 8; r.g = (alpha * c.GetG()) >> 8; r.b = (alpha * c.GetB()) >> 8; return r; }
EscValue EscColor(Color c) { EscValue v; if(!IsNull(c)) { v.MapSet("r", c.GetR()); v.MapSet("g", c.GetG()); v.MapSet("b", c.GetB()); } return v; }
void CAggMemoryDC::SolidPolygon( const PointF* points, const Color& clr, unsigned point_count, REAL widthoutline, const Color& clroutline ) { if (m_buf==0) return; ATLASSERT(point_count>0); pixel_format pixf(m_rbuf); ren_base renb(pixf); solid_renderer ren_solid(renb); m_ras_aa.reset(); m_path.remove_all(); m_path.move_to(points->x, points->y); while(--point_count>0) { points++; m_path.line_to(points->x, points->y); } m_path.close_polygon(); m_ras_aa.add_path(m_transpath); ren_solid.color(agg::rgba8(clr.GetR(), clr.GetG(), clr.GetB(), clr.GetA())); agg::render_scanlines(m_ras_aa, m_sl, ren_solid); if(widthoutline>REAL(0)) { typedef agg::conv_stroke<conv_path_trans_type> conv_trans_stroke_outline; ren_solid.color(agg::rgba8(clroutline.GetR(), clroutline.GetG(), clroutline.GetB(), clroutline.GetA())); conv_trans_stroke_outline stroke(m_transpath); stroke.width(widthoutline); m_ras_aa.add_path(stroke); agg::render_scanlines(m_ras_aa, m_sl, ren_solid); } }
void QTFDisplayCls::Paint(Draw& draw, const Rect& r, const Value& v, Color ink, Color paper, dword style) const { String s; s << "[@(" << ink.GetR() << "." << ink.GetG() << "." << ink.GetB() << ") " << v; RichText rtext = ParseQTF(s); rtext.ApplyZoom(GetRichTextStdScreenZoom()); draw.DrawRect(r, paper); draw.Clipoff(r); rtext.Paint(Zoom(1, 1), draw, 0, 0, r.Width()); draw.End(); }
Color GetColorGradient(Color c1, Color c2, int ratio1, int ratio2, double gamma) { double h1, s1, v1; double h2, s2, v2; RGBtoHSV(pow(c1.GetR() / 255.0, gamma), pow(c1.GetG() / 255.0, gamma), pow(c1.GetB() / 255.0, gamma), h1, s1, v1); RGBtoHSV(pow(c2.GetR() / 255.0, gamma), pow(c2.GetG() / 255.0, gamma), pow(c2.GetB() / 255.0, gamma), h2, s2, v2); if(s1 == 0) h1 = h2; else if(s2 == 0) h2 = h1; double r = ratio1 / (double)ratio2; gamma = 1 / gamma; if(h2 > h1 + 0.5) h1 = ((h1 += (h2 - 1 - h1) * r) < 0 ? h1 + 1 : h1); else if(h1 > h2 + 0.5) h1 = ((h1 += (h2 + 1 - h1) * r) > 1 ? h1 - 1 : h1); else h1 += (h2 - h1) * r; HSVtoRGB(h1, s1 + (s2 - s1) * r, v1 + (v2 - v1) * r, h1, s1, v1); return Color(fround(pow(h1, gamma) * 255.0), fround(pow(s1, gamma) * 255.0), fround(pow(v1, gamma) * 255.0)); }
void Sphere::DrawMe() { btTransform trans; getMotionState()->getWorldTransform(trans); GLfloat mat_amb_diff[] = { _color.GetR(), _color.GetG(), _color.GetB(), 1.0 }; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_amb_diff); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(trans.getOrigin().getX(), trans.getOrigin().getY(), trans.getOrigin().getZ()); glutSolidSphere(_radius, 50, 50); glPopMatrix(); }
void Graphics::drawPoint(int x, int y, Color c) { glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); //glScalef(ScaleX,ScaleY,1.0f); glTranslatef(0.375f,0.375f,0); //DrawStuff glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glColor4d(c.GetR(),c.GetG(),c.GetB(),c.GetA()); glVertex2d(x,y); glEnd(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix(); }
void Box::DrawMe() { translate(btVector3(15,0,0)); btTransform trans; getMotionState()->getWorldTransform(trans); GLfloat mat_amb_diff[] = { _color.GetR(), _color.GetG(), _color.GetB(), 1.0 }; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_amb_diff); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(trans.getOrigin().getX(), trans.getOrigin().getY(), trans.getOrigin().getZ()); glutSolidCube(_side_size); glPopMatrix(); }
Image CreateBall(int r, Color color) { int rr = 2 * r; int r2 = r * r; ImageBuffer b(rr, rr); b.SetHotSpot(Point(4, 4)); for(int y = 0; y < rr; y++) for(int x = 0; x < rr; x++) { RGBA& a = b[y][x]; a.r = color.GetR(); a.g = color.GetG(); a.b = color.GetB(); int q = ((x - r) * (x - r) + (y - r) * (y - r)) * 256 / r2; a.a = q <= 255 ? q : 0; } return b; }
UCHAR ImageArray::GetUCharAtLCDMem(UINT x, UINT y) { UCHAR val = 0; if (x < GetColumns() && y < GetRows()) { Points points; m_packer->GetPoints(points, x, y); Points::iterator point = points.begin(); while (point != points.end()) { Color c; m_img->GetPixel((*point).GetX(), (*point).GetY(), &c); UCHAR gray = Gray(c.GetR(), c.GetG(), c.GetB()); val |= (m_packer->Pack(gray, (*point).GetPackOffset(), m_invert)); point++; } } return val; }
//================================================= // Helper Functions //================================================= Color OffsetColor(Color clr, short sOffset) { BYTE bRed = 0; BYTE bGreen = 0; BYTE bBlue = 0; short sOffsetR = sOffset; short sOffsetG = sOffset; short sOffsetB = sOffset; if((sOffset < -255) || (sOffset > 255)) return clr; // Get RGB components of specified color bRed = clr.GetR(); bGreen = clr.GetG(); bBlue = clr.GetB(); // Calculate max. allowed real offset if(sOffset > 0) { if((bRed + sOffset) > 255) sOffsetR = (255 - bRed); if((bGreen + sOffset) > 255) sOffsetG = (255 - bGreen); if((bBlue + sOffset) > 255) sOffsetB = (255 - bBlue); sOffset = min(min(sOffsetR, sOffsetG), sOffsetB); } else { if((bRed + sOffset) < 0) sOffsetR = -bRed; if((bGreen + sOffset) < 0) sOffsetG = -bGreen; if((bBlue + sOffset) < 0) sOffsetB = -bBlue; sOffset = max(max(sOffsetR, sOffsetG), sOffsetB); } return Color(clr.GetAlpha(), (BYTE)(bRed + sOffset), (BYTE)(bGreen + sOffset), (BYTE)(bBlue + sOffset)); }