Esempio n. 1
StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceFamilies()
    StringArray results;
    const Direct2DFactories& factories = Direct2DFactories::getInstance();

    if (factories.systemFonts != nullptr)
        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
        uint32 fontFamilyCount = 0;
        fontFamilyCount = factories.systemFonts->GetFontFamilyCount();

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < fontFamilyCount; ++i)
                HRESULT hr = factories.systemFonts->GetFontFamily (i, dwFontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

                ComSmartPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFamilyNames;
                hr = dwFontFamily->GetFamilyNames (dwFamilyNames.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
                jassert (dwFamilyNames != nullptr);

                uint32 index = 0;
                BOOL exists = false;
                hr = dwFamilyNames->FindLocaleName (L"en-us", &index, &exists);
                if (! exists)
                    index = 0;

                uint32 length = 0;
                hr = dwFamilyNames->GetStringLength (index, &length);

                HeapBlock <wchar_t> familyName (length + 1);
                hr = dwFamilyNames->GetString (index, familyName, length + 1);

                results.add(String (familyName));
        HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC (0);

            LOGFONTW lf = { 0 };
            lf.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE;
            lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS;
            lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
            lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
            lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
            lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE;

            EnumFontFamiliesEx (dc, &lf,
                                (FONTENUMPROCW) &FontEnumerators::fontEnum1,
                                (LPARAM) &results, 0);

        DeleteDC (dc);

    results.sort (true);
    return results;
    bool isRendererConnected()
        ComSmartPtr <IEnumPins> enumPins;

        HRESULT hr = baseFilter->EnumPins (enumPins.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
            hr = enumPins->Reset();

        ComSmartPtr<IPin> pin;

        while (SUCCEEDED (hr)
                && enumPins->Next (1, pin.resetAndGetPointerAddress(), nullptr) == S_OK)
            ComSmartPtr<IPin> otherPin;

            hr = pin->ConnectedTo (otherPin.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

            if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                PIN_DIRECTION direction;
                hr = pin->QueryDirection (&direction);

                if (SUCCEEDED (hr) && direction == PINDIR_INPUT)
                    return true;
            else if (hr == VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED)
                hr = S_OK;

        return false;
    void addAttributedRange (const AttributedString::Attribute& attr, IDWriteTextLayout* textLayout,
                             const int textLen, ID2D1RenderTarget* const renderTarget, IDWriteFontCollection* const fontCollection)
        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE range;
        range.startPosition = attr.range.getStart();
        range.length = jmin (attr.range.getLength(), textLen - attr.range.getStart());

        const Font* const font = attr.getFont();

        if (font != nullptr)
            BOOL fontFound = false;
            uint32 fontIndex;
            fontCollection->FindFamilyName (FontStyleHelpers::getConcreteFamilyName (*font).toWideCharPointer(),
                                            &fontIndex, &fontFound);

            if (! fontFound)
                fontIndex = 0;

            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
            HRESULT hr = fontCollection->GetFontFamily (fontIndex, fontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;
            uint32 fontFacesCount = 0;
            fontFacesCount = fontFamily->GetFontCount();

            for (int i = fontFacesCount; --i >= 0;)
                hr = fontFamily->GetFont (i, dwFont.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

                if (font->getTypefaceStyle() == getFontFaceName (dwFont))

            textLayout->SetFontFamilyName (attr.getFont()->getTypefaceName().toWideCharPointer(), range);
            textLayout->SetFontWeight (dwFont->GetWeight(), range);
            textLayout->SetFontStretch (dwFont->GetStretch(), range);
            textLayout->SetFontStyle (dwFont->GetStyle(), range);

            const float fontHeightToEmSizeFactor = getFontHeightToEmSizeFactor (dwFont);
            textLayout->SetFontSize (font->getHeight() * fontHeightToEmSizeFactor, range);

        if (attr.getColour() != nullptr)
            ComSmartPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> d2dBrush;
            renderTarget->CreateSolidColorBrush (D2D1::ColorF (D2D1::ColorF (attr.getColour()->getFloatRed(),

            // We need to call SetDrawingEffect with a legimate brush to get DirectWrite to break text based on colours
            textLayout->SetDrawingEffect (d2dBrush, range);
    bool setupLayout (const AttributedString& text, const float maxWidth, const float maxHeight,
                      ID2D1RenderTarget& renderTarget, IDWriteFactory& directWriteFactory,
                      IDWriteFontCollection& fontCollection, ComSmartPtr<IDWriteTextLayout>& textLayout)
        // To add color to text, we need to create a D2D render target
        // Since we are not actually rendering to a D2D context we create a temporary GDI render target

        Font defaultFont;
        BOOL fontFound = false;
        uint32 fontIndex;
        fontCollection.FindFamilyName (defaultFont.getTypeface()->getName().toWideCharPointer(), &fontIndex, &fontFound);

        if (! fontFound)
            fontIndex = 0;

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
        HRESULT hr = fontCollection.GetFontFamily (fontIndex, dwFontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;
        jassert (dwFont != nullptr);

        const float defaultFontHeightToEmSizeFactor = getFontHeightToEmSizeFactor (*dwFont);

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> dwTextFormat;
        hr = directWriteFactory.CreateTextFormat (defaultFont.getTypefaceName().toWideCharPointer(), &fontCollection,
                                                  defaultFont.getHeight() * defaultFontHeightToEmSizeFactor,
                                                  L"en-us", dwTextFormat.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        setTextFormatProperties (text, *dwTextFormat);

            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteInlineObject> trimmingSign;
            hr = directWriteFactory.CreateEllipsisTrimmingSign (dwTextFormat, trimmingSign.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
            hr = dwTextFormat->SetTrimming (&trimming, trimmingSign);

        const int textLen = text.getText().length();

        hr = directWriteFactory.CreateTextLayout (text.getText().toWideCharPointer(), textLen, dwTextFormat,
                                                  maxWidth, maxHeight, textLayout.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        if (FAILED (hr) || textLayout == nullptr)
            return false;

        const int numAttributes = text.getNumAttributes();

        for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i)
            addAttributedRange (*text.getAttribute (i), *textLayout, textLen, renderTarget, fontCollection);

        return true;
        void getFontFamilyAndStyle (DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN const* glyphRun, String& family, String& style) const
            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;
            HRESULT hr = fontCollection->GetFontFromFontFace (glyphRun->fontFace, dwFont.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
            jassert (dwFont != nullptr);

                ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
                hr = dwFont->GetFontFamily (dwFontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
                family = getFontFamilyName (dwFontFamily);

            style = getFontFaceName (dwFont);
StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceStyles (const String& family)
    if (FontStyleHelpers::isPlaceholderFamilyName (family))
        return findAllTypefaceStyles (FontStyleHelpers::getConcreteFamilyNameFromPlaceholder (family));

    StringArray results;

    const Direct2DFactories& factories = Direct2DFactories::getInstance();

    if (factories.systemFonts != nullptr)
        BOOL fontFound = false;
        uint32 fontIndex = 0;
        HRESULT hr = factories.systemFonts->FindFamilyName (family.toWideCharPointer(), &fontIndex, &fontFound);
        if (! fontFound)
            fontIndex = 0;

        // Get the font family using the search results
        // Fonts like: Times New Roman, Times New Roman Bold, Times New Roman Italic are all in the same font family
        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
        hr = factories.systemFonts->GetFontFamily (fontIndex, fontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        // Get the font faces
        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;
        uint32 fontFacesCount = 0;
        fontFacesCount = fontFamily->GetFontCount();

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < fontFacesCount; ++i)
            hr = fontFamily->GetFont (i, dwFont.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

            // Ignore any algorithmically generated bold and oblique styles..
            if (dwFont->GetSimulations() == DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_NONE)
                results.addIfNotAlreadyThere (getFontFaceName (dwFont));
        results.add ("Regular");
        results.add ("Italic");
        results.add ("Bold");
        results.add ("Bold Italic");

    return results;
        Font getFontForRun (const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN& glyphRun, float fontHeight)
            for (int i = 0; i < attributedString.getNumAttributes(); ++i)
                if (const Font* font = attributedString.getAttribute(i)->getFont())
                    if (WindowsDirectWriteTypeface* wt = dynamic_cast<WindowsDirectWriteTypeface*> (font->getTypeface()))
                        if (wt->getIDWriteFontFace() == glyphRun.fontFace)
                            return font->withHeight (fontHeight);

            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;
            HRESULT hr = fontCollection.GetFontFromFontFace (glyphRun.fontFace, dwFont.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
            jassert (dwFont != nullptr);

            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
            hr = dwFont->GetFontFamily (dwFontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

            return Font (getFontFamilyName (dwFontFamily), getFontFaceName (dwFont), fontHeight);
    void setupLayout (const AttributedString& text, const float& maxWidth, const float& maxHeight,
                      ID2D1RenderTarget* const renderTarget, IDWriteFactory* const directWriteFactory,
                      IDWriteFontCollection* const fontCollection, IDWriteTextLayout** dwTextLayout)
        // To add color to text, we need to create a D2D render target
        // Since we are not actually rendering to a D2D context we create a temporary GDI render target

        Font defaultFont;
        BOOL fontFound = false;
        uint32 fontIndex;
        fontCollection->FindFamilyName (defaultFont.getTypeface()->getName().toWideCharPointer(), &fontIndex, &fontFound);

        if (! fontFound)
            fontIndex = 0;

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
        HRESULT hr = fontCollection->GetFontFamily (fontIndex, dwFontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;

        const float defaultFontHeightToEmSizeFactor = getFontHeightToEmSizeFactor (dwFont);

        jassert (directWriteFactory != nullptr);

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> dwTextFormat;
        hr = directWriteFactory->CreateTextFormat (defaultFont.getTypefaceName().toWideCharPointer(), fontCollection,
                                                   defaultFont.getHeight() * defaultFontHeightToEmSizeFactor,
                                                   L"en-us", dwTextFormat.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        setTextFormatProperties (text, dwTextFormat);

        const int textLen = text.getText().length();

        hr = directWriteFactory->CreateTextLayout (text.getText().toWideCharPointer(), textLen,
                                                   dwTextFormat, maxWidth, maxHeight, dwTextLayout);

        const int numAttributes = text.getNumAttributes();

        for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i)
            addAttributedRange (*text.getAttribute (i), *dwTextLayout, textLen, renderTarget, fontCollection);
    float getFontHeightToEmSizeFactor (IDWriteFont* const dwFont)
        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFace> dwFontFace;
        dwFont->CreateFontFace (dwFontFace.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        DWRITE_FONT_METRICS dwFontMetrics;
        dwFontFace->GetMetrics (&dwFontMetrics);

        const float totalHeight = (float) (std::abs (dwFontMetrics.ascent) + std::abs (dwFontMetrics.descent));
        return dwFontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm / totalHeight;
    int getIntProperty (const LPOLESTR name, const int defaultReturn) const
        ComSmartPtr<IPropertyStorage> prop;
        if (FAILED (discRecorder->GetRecorderProperties (prop.resetAndGetPointerAddress())))
            return defaultReturn;

        PROPSPEC iPropSpec;
        iPropSpec.ulKind = PRSPEC_LPWSTR;
        iPropSpec.lpwstr = name;

        PROPVARIANT iPropVariant;
        return FAILED (prop->ReadMultiple (1, &iPropSpec, &iPropVariant))
                   ? defaultReturn : (int) iPropVariant.lVal;
Esempio n. 11
    void scanFileForDetails()
        ComSmartPtr<IWMHeaderInfo> wmHeaderInfo;
        HRESULT hr = wmSyncReader.QueryInterface (wmHeaderInfo);

        if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
            QWORD lengthInNanoseconds = 0;
            WORD lengthOfLength = sizeof (lengthInNanoseconds);
            WORD streamNum = 0;
            WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE wmAttrDataType;
            hr = wmHeaderInfo->GetAttributeByName (&streamNum, L"Duration", &wmAttrDataType,
                                                   (BYTE*) &lengthInNanoseconds, &lengthOfLength);

            ComSmartPtr<IWMProfile> wmProfile;
            hr = wmSyncReader.QueryInterface (wmProfile);

            if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                ComSmartPtr<IWMStreamConfig> wmStreamConfig;
                hr = wmProfile->GetStream (0, wmStreamConfig.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

                if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                    ComSmartPtr<IWMMediaProps> wmMediaProperties;
                    hr = wmStreamConfig.QueryInterface (wmMediaProperties);

                    if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                        DWORD sizeMediaType;
                        hr = wmMediaProperties->GetMediaType (0, &sizeMediaType);

                        HeapBlock<WM_MEDIA_TYPE> mediaType;
                        mediaType.malloc (sizeMediaType, 1);
                        hr = wmMediaProperties->GetMediaType (mediaType, &sizeMediaType);

                        if (mediaType->majortype == WMMEDIATYPE_Audio)
                            const WAVEFORMATEX* const inputFormat = reinterpret_cast<WAVEFORMATEX*> (mediaType->pbFormat);

                            sampleRate = inputFormat->nSamplesPerSec;
                            numChannels = inputFormat->nChannels;
                            bitsPerSample = inputFormat->wBitsPerSample;
                            lengthInSamples = (lengthInNanoseconds * (int) sampleRate) / 10000000;
    void drawToD2DContext (const AttributedString& text, const Rectangle<float>& area, ID2D1RenderTarget* const renderTarget,
                           IDWriteFactory* const directWriteFactory, IDWriteFontCollection* const fontCollection)
        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteTextLayout> dwTextLayout;
        setupLayout (text, area.getWidth(), area.getHeight(), renderTarget, directWriteFactory,
                     fontCollection, dwTextLayout.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        ComSmartPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> d2dBrush;
        renderTarget->CreateSolidColorBrush (D2D1::ColorF (D2D1::ColorF (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)),

        renderTarget->DrawTextLayout (D2D1::Point2F ((float) area.getX(), (float) area.getY()),
                                      dwTextLayout, d2dBrush, D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_CLIP);
ID2D1PathGeometry* Direct2DLowLevelGraphicsContext::pathToPathGeometry (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& transform)
    ID2D1PathGeometry* p = nullptr;
    Direct2DFactories::getInstance().d2dFactory->CreatePathGeometry (&p);

    ComSmartPtr <ID2D1GeometrySink> sink;
    HRESULT hr = p->Open (sink.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
    sink->SetFillMode (D2D1_FILL_MODE_WINDING); // xxx need to check Path::isUsingNonZeroWinding()

    pathToGeometrySink (path, sink, transform);

    hr = sink->Close();
    return p;
ID2D1PathGeometry* Direct2DLowLevelGraphicsContext::rectListToPathGeometry (const RectangleList& clipRegion)
    ID2D1PathGeometry* p = nullptr;
    Direct2DFactories::getInstance().d2dFactory->CreatePathGeometry (&p);

    ComSmartPtr <ID2D1GeometrySink> sink;
    HRESULT hr = p->Open (sink.resetAndGetPointerAddress()); // xxx handle error
    sink->SetFillMode (D2D1_FILL_MODE_WINDING);

    for (int i = clipRegion.getNumRectangles(); --i >= 0;)
        rectToGeometrySink (clipRegion.getRectangle(i), sink);

    hr = sink->Close();
    return p;
    void createLayout (TextLayout& layout, const AttributedString& text, IDWriteFactory& directWriteFactory,
                       ID2D1Factory& direct2dFactory, IDWriteFontCollection& fontCollection)
        // To add color to text, we need to create a D2D render target
        // Since we are not actually rendering to a D2D context we create a temporary GDI render target

                                                                                D2D1::PixelFormat (DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM,
                                                                                0, 0,
        ComSmartPtr<ID2D1DCRenderTarget> renderTarget;
        HRESULT hr = direct2dFactory.CreateDCRenderTarget (&d2dRTProp, renderTarget.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteTextLayout> dwTextLayout;

        if (! setupLayout (text, layout.getWidth(), layout.getHeight(), *renderTarget,
                           directWriteFactory, fontCollection, dwTextLayout))

        UINT32 actualLineCount = 0;
        hr = dwTextLayout->GetLineMetrics (nullptr, 0, &actualLineCount);

        layout.ensureStorageAllocated (actualLineCount);

            ComSmartPtr<CustomDirectWriteTextRenderer> textRenderer (new CustomDirectWriteTextRenderer (fontCollection, text));
            hr = dwTextLayout->Draw (&layout, textRenderer, 0, 0);

        HeapBlock<DWRITE_LINE_METRICS> dwLineMetrics (actualLineCount);
        hr = dwTextLayout->GetLineMetrics (dwLineMetrics, actualLineCount, &actualLineCount);
        int lastLocation = 0;
        const int numLines = jmin ((int) actualLineCount, layout.getNumLines());
        float yAdjustment = 0;
        const float extraLineSpacing = text.getLineSpacing();

        for (int i = 0; i < numLines; ++i)
            TextLayout::Line& line = layout.getLine (i);
            line.stringRange = Range<int> (lastLocation, (int) lastLocation + dwLineMetrics[i].length);
            line.lineOrigin.y += yAdjustment;
            yAdjustment += extraLineSpacing;
            lastLocation += dwLineMetrics[i].length;
StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceNames()
    StringArray results;

    const Direct2DFactories& factories = Direct2DFactories::getInstance();

    if (factories.systemFonts != nullptr)
        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
        uint32 fontFamilyCount = 0;
        fontFamilyCount = factories.systemFonts->GetFontFamilyCount();

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < fontFamilyCount; ++i)
            HRESULT hr = factories.systemFonts->GetFontFamily (i, fontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

            if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                results.addIfNotAlreadyThere (getFontFamilyName (fontFamily));
        HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC (0);

            LOGFONTW lf = { 0 };
            lf.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE;
            lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS;
            lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
            lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
            lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
            lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_DONTCARE;

            EnumFontFamiliesEx (dc, &lf,
                                (FONTENUMPROCW) &FontEnumerators::fontEnum1,
                                (LPARAM) &results, 0);

        DeleteDC (dc);

    results.sort (true);
    return results;
    bool setIntProperty (const LPOLESTR name, const int value) const
        ComSmartPtr<IPropertyStorage> prop;
        if (FAILED (discRecorder->GetRecorderProperties (prop.resetAndGetPointerAddress())))
            return false;

        PROPSPEC iPropSpec;
        iPropSpec.ulKind = PRSPEC_LPWSTR;
        iPropSpec.lpwstr = name;

        PROPVARIANT iPropVariant;
        if (FAILED (prop->ReadMultiple (1, &iPropSpec, &iPropVariant)))
            return false;

        iPropVariant.lVal = (long) value;
        return SUCCEEDED (prop->WriteMultiple (1, &iPropSpec, &iPropVariant, iPropVariant.vt))
                && SUCCEEDED (discRecorder->SetRecorderProperties (prop));
void Direct2DLowLevelGraphicsContext::drawImage (const Image& image, const AffineTransform& transform)
    renderingTarget->SetTransform (transformToMatrix (transform.followedBy (currentState->transform)));

    D2D1_SIZE_U size;
    size.width = image.getWidth();
    size.height = image.getHeight();

    D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES bp = D2D1::BitmapProperties();

    Image img (image.convertedToFormat (Image::ARGB));
    Image::BitmapData bd (img, Image::BitmapData::readOnly);
    bp.pixelFormat = renderingTarget->GetPixelFormat();
    bp.pixelFormat.alphaMode = D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED;

        ComSmartPtr <ID2D1Bitmap> tempBitmap;
        renderingTarget->CreateBitmap (size,, bd.lineStride, bp, tempBitmap.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
        if (tempBitmap != nullptr)
            renderingTarget->DrawBitmap (tempBitmap);
    void createLayout (TextLayout& layout, const AttributedString& text, IDWriteFactory* const directWriteFactory,
                       ID2D1Factory* const direct2dFactory, IDWriteFontCollection* const fontCollection)
        // To add color to text, we need to create a D2D render target
        // Since we are not actually rendering to a D2D context we create a temporary GDI render target

                                                                                D2D1::PixelFormat (DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM,
                                                                                0, 0,
        ComSmartPtr<ID2D1DCRenderTarget> renderTarget;
        HRESULT hr = direct2dFactory->CreateDCRenderTarget (&d2dRTProp, renderTarget.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        Font defaultFont;
        BOOL fontFound = false;
        uint32 fontIndex;
        fontCollection->FindFamilyName (defaultFont.getTypefaceName().toWideCharPointer(), &fontIndex, &fontFound);

        if (! fontFound)
            fontIndex = 0;

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
        hr = fontCollection->GetFontFamily (fontIndex, dwFontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;

        const float defaultFontHeightToEmSizeFactor = getFontHeightToEmSizeFactor (dwFont);

        jassert (directWriteFactory != nullptr);

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> dwTextFormat;
        hr = directWriteFactory->CreateTextFormat (defaultFont.getTypefaceName().toWideCharPointer(), fontCollection,
                                                   defaultFont.getHeight() * defaultFontHeightToEmSizeFactor,
                                                   L"en-us", dwTextFormat.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        setTextFormatProperties (text, dwTextFormat);

        const int textLen = text.getText().length();

        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteTextLayout> dwTextLayout;
        hr = directWriteFactory->CreateTextLayout (text.getText().toWideCharPointer(), textLen,
                                                   dwTextFormat, layout.getWidth(),
                                                   1.0e7f, dwTextLayout.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        const int numAttributes = text.getNumAttributes();

        for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i)
            addAttributedRange (*text.getAttribute (i), dwTextLayout, textLen, renderTarget, fontCollection);

        UINT32 actualLineCount = 0;
        hr = dwTextLayout->GetLineMetrics (nullptr, 0, &actualLineCount);

        layout.ensureStorageAllocated (actualLineCount);

            ComSmartPtr<CustomDirectWriteTextRenderer> textRenderer (new CustomDirectWriteTextRenderer (fontCollection));
            hr = dwTextLayout->Draw (&layout, textRenderer, 0, 0);

        HeapBlock <DWRITE_LINE_METRICS> dwLineMetrics (actualLineCount);
        hr = dwTextLayout->GetLineMetrics (dwLineMetrics, actualLineCount, &actualLineCount);
        int lastLocation = 0;
        const int numLines = jmin ((int) actualLineCount, layout.getNumLines());

        for (int i = 0; i < numLines; ++i)
            lastLocation = dwLineMetrics[i].length;
            layout.getLine(i).stringRange = Range<int> (lastLocation, (int) lastLocation + dwLineMetrics[i].length);
Esempio n. 20
    DShowCameraDeviceInteral (CameraDevice* const owner_,
                              const ComSmartPtr <ICaptureGraphBuilder2>& captureGraphBuilder_,
                              const ComSmartPtr <IBaseFilter>& filter_,
                              int minWidth, int minHeight,
                              int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
      : owner (owner_),
        captureGraphBuilder (captureGraphBuilder_),
        filter (filter_),
        ok (false),
        imageNeedsFlipping (false),
        width (0),
        height (0),
        activeUsers (0),
        recordNextFrameTime (false),
        previewMaxFPS (60)
        HRESULT hr = graphBuilder.CoCreateInstance (CLSID_FilterGraph);
        if (FAILED (hr))

        hr = captureGraphBuilder->SetFiltergraph (graphBuilder);
        if (FAILED (hr))

        hr = graphBuilder.QueryInterface (mediaControl);
        if (FAILED (hr))

            ComSmartPtr <IAMStreamConfig> streamConfig;

            hr = captureGraphBuilder->FindInterface (&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, 0, filter,
                                                     IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**) streamConfig.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

            if (streamConfig != nullptr)
                getVideoSizes (streamConfig);

                if (! selectVideoSize (streamConfig, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight))

        hr = graphBuilder->AddFilter (filter, _T("Video Capture"));
        if (FAILED (hr))

        hr = smartTee.CoCreateInstance (CLSID_SmartTee);
        if (FAILED (hr))

        hr = graphBuilder->AddFilter (smartTee, _T("Smart Tee"));
        if (FAILED (hr))

        if (! connectFilters (filter, smartTee))

        ComSmartPtr <IBaseFilter> sampleGrabberBase;
        hr = sampleGrabberBase.CoCreateInstance (CLSID_SampleGrabber);
        if (FAILED (hr))

        hr = sampleGrabberBase.QueryInterface (IID_ISampleGrabber, sampleGrabber);
        if (FAILED (hr))

            AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt = { 0 };
            mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
            mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24;
            mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
            sampleGrabber->SetMediaType (&mt);

        callback = new GrabberCallback (*this);
        hr = sampleGrabber->SetCallback (callback, 1);

        hr = graphBuilder->AddFilter (sampleGrabberBase, _T("Sample Grabber"));
        if (FAILED (hr))

        ComSmartPtr <IPin> grabberInputPin;
        if (! (getPin (smartTee, PINDIR_OUTPUT, smartTeeCaptureOutputPin, "capture")
                && getPin (smartTee, PINDIR_OUTPUT, smartTeePreviewOutputPin, "preview")
                && getPin (sampleGrabberBase, PINDIR_INPUT, grabberInputPin)))

        hr = graphBuilder->Connect (smartTeePreviewOutputPin, grabberInputPin);
        if (FAILED (hr))

        AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt = { 0 };
        hr = sampleGrabber->GetConnectedMediaType (&mt);
        VIDEOINFOHEADER* pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*) (mt.pbFormat);
        width = pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth;
        height = pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight;

        ComSmartPtr <IBaseFilter> nullFilter;
        hr = nullFilter.CoCreateInstance (CLSID_NullRenderer);
        hr = graphBuilder->AddFilter (nullFilter, _T("Null Renderer"));

        if (connectFilters (sampleGrabberBase, nullFilter)
              && addGraphToRot())
            activeImage = Image (Image::RGB, width, height, true);
            loadingImage = Image (Image::RGB, width, height, true);

            ok = true;
Esempio n. 21
    bool createFileCaptureFilter (const File& file, int quality)
        firstRecordedTime = Time();
        recordNextFrameTime = true;
        previewMaxFPS = 60;

        HRESULT hr = asfWriter.CoCreateInstance (CLSID_WMAsfWriter);

        if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
            ComSmartPtr <IFileSinkFilter> fileSink;
            hr = asfWriter.QueryInterface (fileSink);

            if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                hr = fileSink->SetFileName (file.getFullPathName().toWideCharPointer(), 0);

                if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                    hr = graphBuilder->AddFilter (asfWriter, _T("AsfWriter"));

                    if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                        ComSmartPtr <IConfigAsfWriter> asfConfig;
                        hr = asfWriter.QueryInterface (asfConfig);
                        asfConfig->SetIndexMode (true);
                        ComSmartPtr <IWMProfileManager> profileManager;
                        hr = WMCreateProfileManager (profileManager.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

                        // This gibberish is the DirectShow profile for a video-only wmv file.
                        String prof ("<profile version=\"589824\" storageformat=\"1\" name=\"Quality\" description=\"Quality type for output.\">"
                                       "<streamconfig majortype=\"{73646976-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}\" streamnumber=\"1\" "
                                                     "streamname=\"Video Stream\" inputname=\"Video409\" bitrate=\"894960\" "
                                                     "bufferwindow=\"0\" reliabletransport=\"1\" decodercomplexity=\"AU\" rfc1766langid=\"en-us\">"
                                         "<videomediaprops maxkeyframespacing=\"50000000\" quality=\"90\"/>"
                                         "<wmmediatype subtype=\"{33564D57-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}\" bfixedsizesamples=\"0\" "
                                                      "btemporalcompression=\"1\" lsamplesize=\"0\">"
                                         "<videoinfoheader dwbitrate=\"894960\" dwbiterrorrate=\"0\" avgtimeperframe=\"$AVGTIMEPERFRAME\">"
                                             "<rcsource left=\"0\" top=\"0\" right=\"$WIDTH\" bottom=\"$HEIGHT\"/>"
                                             "<rctarget left=\"0\" top=\"0\" right=\"$WIDTH\" bottom=\"$HEIGHT\"/>"
                                             "<bitmapinfoheader biwidth=\"$WIDTH\" biheight=\"$HEIGHT\" biplanes=\"1\" bibitcount=\"24\" "
                                                               "bicompression=\"WMV3\" bisizeimage=\"0\" bixpelspermeter=\"0\" biypelspermeter=\"0\" "
                                                               "biclrused=\"0\" biclrimportant=\"0\"/>"

                        const int fps[] = { 10, 15, 30 };
                        int maxFramesPerSecond = fps [jlimit (0, numElementsInArray (fps) - 1, quality & 0xff)];

                        if ((quality & 0xff000000) != 0) // (internal hacky way to pass explicit frame rates for testing)
                            maxFramesPerSecond = (quality >> 24) & 0xff;

                        prof = prof.replace ("$WIDTH", String (width))
                                   .replace ("$HEIGHT", String (height))
                                   .replace ("$AVGTIMEPERFRAME", String (10000000 / maxFramesPerSecond));

                        ComSmartPtr <IWMProfile> currentProfile;
                        hr = profileManager->LoadProfileByData (prof.toWideCharPointer(), currentProfile.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
                        hr = asfConfig->ConfigureFilterUsingProfile (currentProfile);

                        if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
                            ComSmartPtr <IPin> asfWriterInputPin;

                            if (getPin (asfWriter, PINDIR_INPUT, asfWriterInputPin, "Video Input 01"))
                                hr = graphBuilder->Connect (smartTeeCaptureOutputPin, asfWriterInputPin);

                                if (SUCCEEDED (hr) && ok && activeUsers > 0
                                     && SUCCEEDED (mediaControl->Run()))
                                    previewMaxFPS = (quality < 2) ? 15 : 25; // throttle back the preview comps to try to leave the cpu free for encoding

                                    if ((quality & 0x00ff0000) != 0)  // (internal hacky way to pass explicit frame rates for testing)
                                        previewMaxFPS = (quality >> 16) & 0xff;

                                    return true;
Esempio n. 22
StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceStyles(const String& family)
    StringArray results;

    const Direct2DFactories& factories = Direct2DFactories::getInstance();

    if (factories.systemFonts != nullptr)
        BOOL fontFound = false;
        uint32 fontIndex = 0;
        HRESULT hr = factories.systemFonts->FindFamilyName (family.toWideCharPointer(), &fontIndex, &fontFound);
        if (! fontFound)
            fontIndex = 0;

        // Get the font family using the search results
        // Fonts like: Times New Roman, Times New Roman Bold, Times New Roman Italic are all in the same font family
        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
        hr = factories.systemFonts->GetFontFamily (fontIndex, dwFontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

        // Get the font faces
        ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;
        uint32 fontFacesCount = 0;
        fontFacesCount = dwFontFamily->GetFontCount();

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < fontFacesCount; ++i)
                hr = dwFontFamily->GetFont (i, dwFont.resetAndGetPointerAddress());

                ComSmartPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFaceNames;
                hr = dwFont->GetFaceNames (dwFaceNames.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
                jassert (dwFaceNames != nullptr);

                uint32 index = 0;
                BOOL exists = false;
                hr = dwFaceNames->FindLocaleName (L"en-us", &index, &exists);
                if (! exists)
                    index = 0;

                uint32 length = 0;
                hr = dwFaceNames->GetStringLength (index, &length);

                HeapBlock <wchar_t> styleName (length + 1);
                hr = dwFaceNames->GetString (index, styleName, length + 1);

                String style (styleName);

                // For unknown reasons, DirectWrite does not enumerate the Arial Narrow fonts properly.
                // It uses the same style name "Narrow" for all four fonts. Since only one of these fonts
                // is accessible, we will ignore the duplicates.
                if (style == "Narrow" && results.contains("Narrow")) continue;
                // DirectWrite automatically adds extra bold and oblique font styles which are algorithmic
                // style simulations. These styles don't show up in any other software. We will ignore them.
                if (dwFont->GetSimulations() != DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_NONE) continue;

        results.add ("Regular");
        results.add ("Italic");
        results.add ("Bold");
        results.add ("Bold Italic");

    return results;