Esempio n. 1
void audioCB(AudioIOData& io){

			case 0:	printf("Low-pass feedforward\n");
				comb.feeds( 1,0); break;
			case 1:	printf("High-pass feedforward\n");
				comb.feeds(-1,0); break;
			case 2:	printf("Low-pass feedback\n");
				comb.feeds(0,0.7); break;
			case 3:	printf("High-pass feedback\n");
				comb.feeds(0,-0.7); break;
			case 4:	printf("Low-pass dual-feed\n");
				comb.feeds(0.7,0.7); break;
			case 5:	printf("High-pass dual-feed\n");
				comb.feeds(-0.7,-0.7); break;
			case 6:	printf("All-pass 1\n");
				comb.feeds(0.9,-0.9); break;
			case 7:	printf("All-pass 2\n");
				comb.feeds(-0.9,0.9); break;
			(++feedType) %= 8;
		float s = src()*0.4;
		comb.delay(mod.triU() * 1./400 + 1./10000);
		s = comb(s);

		io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s;
Esempio n. 2
Esempio n. 3
void audioCB(AudioIOData& io){

		using namespace gam::rnd;

			env0 = uni(0.4, 0.39);
				float r = uni(1.);
				tmr.period(r * 4);
				env0.period(r * 4);
			int a = pick(8,6, 0.7);
			if(prob(0.2)) osc0.freq(quanOct(a, 440.));
			if(prob(0.1)) osc1.freq(quanOct(a, 220.));
			if(prob(0.1)) osc2.freq(quanOct(a, 110.));
			if(prob(0.1)) osc3.freq(quanOct(a,  55.));
			if(prob(0.2)) frq0 = lin(8000, 400);
			if(prob(0.2)) frq1 = lin(8000, 400);//printf("d");
		float e = lag(env0());
		del1.delay(e * 0.9);
		float s = (osc0.up() * mod0() + osc1.up() * mod1() + osc2.up() * mod2() + osc3.up() * mod3()) * 0.05;
		res0.freq(frq0()); res1.freq(frq1());
		s = res0(s) + res1(s);

		float sl = ech0(del0(s), ap0(ech0()));
		float sr = ech1(del1(s), ap1(ech1()));

		io.out(0) = sl;
		io.out(1) = sr;
Esempio n. 4
std::shared_ptr<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>> Comb::Crossing::findBestCrossing(const Polygons& outside, const PolygonRef from, const Point estimated_start, const Point estimated_end, Comb& comber)
    ClosestPolygonPoint* best_in = nullptr;
    ClosestPolygonPoint* best_out = nullptr;
    int64_t best_detour_score = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
    int64_t best_crossing_dist2;
    std::vector<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>> crossing_out_candidates = PolygonUtils::findClose(from, outside, comber.getOutsideLocToLine());
    bool seen_close_enough_connection = false;
    for (std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>& crossing_candidate : crossing_out_candidates)
        int64_t crossing_dist2 = vSize2(crossing_candidate.first.location - crossing_candidate.second.location);
        if (crossing_dist2 > comber.max_crossing_dist2 * 2)
        { // preliminary filtering
        int64_t dist_to_start = vSize(crossing_candidate.second.location - estimated_start); // use outside location, so that the crossing direction is taken into account
        int64_t dist_to_end = vSize(crossing_candidate.second.location - estimated_end);
        int64_t detour_dist = dist_to_start + dist_to_end;
        int64_t detour_score = crossing_dist2 + detour_dist * detour_dist / 1000; // prefer a closest connection over a detour
        // The detour distance is generally large compared to the crossing distance.
        // While the crossing is generally about 1mm across,
        // the distance between an arbitrary point and the boundary may well be a couple of centimetres.
        // So the crossing_dist2 is about 1.000.000 while the detour_dist_2 is in the order of 400.000.000
        // In the end we just want to choose between two points which have the _same_ crossing distance, modulo rounding error.
        if ((!seen_close_enough_connection && detour_score < best_detour_score) // keep the best as long as we havent seen one close enough (so that we may walk along the polygon to find a closer connection from it in the code below)
            || (!seen_close_enough_connection && crossing_dist2 <= comber.max_crossing_dist2) // make the one which is close enough the best as soon as we see one close enough
            || (seen_close_enough_connection && crossing_dist2 <= comber.max_crossing_dist2 && detour_score < best_detour_score)) // update to keep the best crossing which is close enough already
            if (!seen_close_enough_connection && crossing_dist2 <= comber.max_crossing_dist2)
                seen_close_enough_connection = true;
            best_in = &crossing_candidate.first;
            best_out = &crossing_candidate.second;
            best_detour_score = detour_score;
            best_crossing_dist2 = crossing_dist2;
    if (best_detour_score == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
    { // i.e. if best_in == nullptr or if best_out == nullptr
        return std::shared_ptr<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>>();
    if (best_crossing_dist2 > comber.max_crossing_dist2)
    { // find closer point on line segments, rather than moving between vertices of the polygons only
        PolygonUtils::walkToNearestSmallestConnection(*best_in, *best_out);
        best_crossing_dist2 = vSize2(best_in->location - best_out->location);
        if (best_crossing_dist2 > comber.max_crossing_dist2)
            return std::shared_ptr<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>>();
    return std::make_shared<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>>(*best_in, *best_out);
Esempio n. 5
bool Comb::Crossing::findOutside(const Polygons& outside, const Point close_to, const bool fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles, Comb& comber)
    out = in_or_mid;
    if (dest_is_inside || outside.inside(in_or_mid, true)) // start in_between
    { // move outside
        Point preferred_crossing_1_out = in_or_mid + normal(close_to - in_or_mid, comber.offset_from_inside_to_outside);
        std::function<int(Point)> close_to_penalty_function([preferred_crossing_1_out](Point candidate){ return vSize2((candidate - preferred_crossing_1_out) / 2); });
        std::optional<ClosestPolygonPoint> crossing_1_out_cpp = PolygonUtils::findClose(in_or_mid, outside, comber.getOutsideLocToLine(), close_to_penalty_function);
        if (crossing_1_out_cpp)
            out = PolygonUtils::moveOutside(*crossing_1_out_cpp, comber.offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
            PolygonUtils::moveOutside(outside, out, comber.offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
    int64_t in_out_dist2_1 = vSize2(out - in_or_mid); 
    if (dest_is_inside && in_out_dist2_1 > comber.max_crossing_dist2) // moveInside moved too far
    { // if move is too far over in_between
        // find crossing closer by
        assert(dest_crossing_poly && "destination crossing poly should have been instantiated!");
        std::shared_ptr<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>> best = findBestCrossing(outside, *dest_crossing_poly, dest_point, close_to, comber);
        if (best)
            in_or_mid = PolygonUtils::moveInside(best->first, comber.offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
            out = PolygonUtils::moveOutside(best->second, comber.offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
        if (fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles && vSize2(out - in_or_mid) > comber.max_crossing_dist2) // moveInside moved still too far
            return false;
    return true;