StateType::Insert( CommandInterpreter& inInterpreter )
  string name = inInterpreter.GetToken();
  string line = inInterpreter.GetRemainder(),
         stateline = name + " " + line + " 0 0";
  State state;
  istringstream iss( stateline );
  if( !( iss >> state ) )
    throw bciexception( "Invalid state definition" );
    Lock lock( inInterpreter.StateMachine() );
    switch( inInterpreter.StateMachine().SystemState() )
      case StateMachine::Idle:
      case StateMachine::WaitingForConnection:
      case StateMachine::Publishing:
      case StateMachine::Information:
        throw bciexception( "Could not add state " << name << " to list after information phase" );
    inInterpreter.StateMachine().States().Add( state );
  inInterpreter.StateMachine().ExecuteCallback( BCI_OnState, stateline.c_str() );
  inInterpreter.Log() << "Added state " << name << " to list";
  return true;
StateType::Set( CommandInterpreter& inInterpreter )
  string name;
  State::ValueType value = 0;
  ostringstream oss;
    Lock lock( inInterpreter.StateMachine() );
    State& state = GetState( inInterpreter );
    name = state.Name();
    value = ::atoi( inInterpreter.GetToken().c_str() );
    if( !inInterpreter.StateMachine().SetStateValue( name.c_str(), value ) )
      throw bciexception( "Could not set state " << name << " to " << value );
    // StateMachine::SetStateValue() does not set the value of the state object in its state list.
    state.SetValue( value );
    oss << state;
  inInterpreter.StateMachine().ExecuteCallback( BCI_OnState, oss.str().c_str() );
  inInterpreter.Log() << "Set state " << name << " to " << value;
  return true;