Esempio n. 1
void AliasManager::expand(const QString &alias, const BufferInfo &bufferInfo, const QString &msg, CommandList &list) {
  const Network *net = network(bufferInfo.networkId());
  if(!net) {
    // FIXME send error as soon as we have a method for that!

  QRegExp paramRangeR("\\$(\\d+)\\.\\.(\\d*)");
  QStringList commands = alias.split(QRegExp("; ?"));
  QStringList params = msg.split(' ');
  QStringList expandedCommands;
  for(int i = 0; i < commands.count(); i++) {
    QString command = commands[i];

    // replace ranges like $1..3
    if(!params.isEmpty()) {
      int pos;
      while((pos = paramRangeR.indexIn(command)) != -1) {
        int start = paramRangeR.cap(1).toInt();
        bool ok;
        int end = paramRangeR.cap(2).toInt(&ok);
        if(!ok) {
          end = params.count();
        if(end < start)
          command = command.replace(pos, paramRangeR.matchedLength(), QString());
        else {
          command = command.replace(pos, paramRangeR.matchedLength(), QStringList(params.mid(start - 1, end - start + 1)).join(" "));

    for(int j = params.count(); j > 0; j--) {
      IrcUser *ircUser = net->ircUser(params[j - 1]);
      command = command.replace(QString("$%1:hostname").arg(j), ircUser ? ircUser->host() : QString("*"));
      command = command.replace(QString("$%1").arg(j), params[j - 1]);
    command = command.replace("$0", msg);
    command = command.replace("$channelname", bufferInfo.bufferName()); // legacy
    command = command.replace("$channel", bufferInfo.bufferName());
    command = command.replace("$currentnick", net->myNick()); // legacy
    command = command.replace("$nick", net->myNick());
    expandedCommands << command;

  while(!expandedCommands.isEmpty()) {
    QString command;
    if(expandedCommands[0].trimmed().toLower().startsWith("/wait")) {
      command = expandedCommands.join("; ");
    } else {
      command = expandedCommands.takeFirst();
    list.append(qMakePair(bufferInfo, command));
Esempio n. 2
void AliasManager::processInput(const BufferInfo &info, const QString &msg_, CommandList &list) {
  QString msg = msg_;

  // leading slashes indicate there's a command to call unless there is another one in the first section (like a path /proc/cpuinfo)
  int secondSlashPos = msg.indexOf('/', 1);
  int firstSpacePos = msg.indexOf(' ');
  if(!msg.startsWith('/') || (secondSlashPos != -1 && (secondSlashPos < firstSpacePos || firstSpacePos == -1))) {
      msg.remove(0, 1); // //asdf is transformed to /asdf
    msg.prepend("/SAY ");  // make sure we only send proper commands to the core
  } else {
    // check for aliases
    QString cmd = msg.section(' ', 0, 0).remove(0, 1).toUpper();
    for(int i = 0; i < count(); i++) {
      if((*this)[i].name.toUpper() == cmd) {
        expand((*this)[i].expansion, info, msg.section(' ', 1), list);

  list.append(qMakePair(info, msg));