int main(){ Communicator* comm = new Communicator(512, "", 9000, "*", 9001); //initialize camera VideoCapture cap(0); if(!cap.isOpened()){ cout << "No camera found." << endl; return -1; } cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH,320); cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT,240); cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS, 30); //initialize frame Mat frame; Mat grayFrame; cap >> frame; //give information to PC about frame size char frameWidthBuf[3]; char frameHeightBuf[3]; sprintf(frameWidthBuf, "%d", frame.rows); sprintf(frameHeightBuf, "%d", frame.cols); comm->send(frameWidthBuf, 3, 0); comm->send(frameHeightBuf, 3, 0); int frameSize = frame.rows*frame.cols; //for encoding the frame vector<uchar> enc; while(1){ // capture gray image cap >> frame; cvtColor(frame, grayFrame, CV_BGR2GRAY); // send encoded image comm->send(, frameSize, 0); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ Communicator* comm = new Communicator(512, "", 8000, "*", 8002); thread t(recvOdometry, comm); //initialize laser urg_t urg; long int *scan; long max_distance = 5000; long min_distance = 150; long time_stamp; int i; int n; //check if laser is available if (open_urg_sensor(&urg, argc, argv) < 0) { return -1; } //allocate necessary memory for scanning int numberOfPoints = 685; int sizeOfScan = sizeof(int); int bytesPerScan = numberOfPoints*sizeOfScan; scan = (long int*)malloc(urg_max_data_size(&urg) * sizeof(scan[0])); if (!scan) { perror("urg_max_index()"); return -1; } //allocate memory for unsigned int int* intScan = (int*) malloc(bytesPerScan); //give information to PC about bytes per scan char buf[4]; sprintf(buf, "%d", bytesPerScan); comm->send(buf, 4, 0); cout << numberOfPoints << endl; cout << sizeOfScan << endl; while(1){ //get new scan urg_start_measurement(&urg, URG_DISTANCE, 1, 0); n = urg_get_distance(&urg, scan, &time_stamp); if (n < 0) { printf("urg_get_distance: %s\n", urg_error(&urg)); urg_close(&urg); return -1; } //first four values are odometry //put latest odometry-data in scan. mtx.lock(); intScan[0] = dx; intScan[1] = dy; intScan[2] = tyaw; intScan[3] = tt; tt = 0; tyaw = 0; mtx.unlock(); //better to parse to unsigned ints --> less data will be sent for(int i=4; i<numberOfPoints; i++){ intScan[i] = (int)scan[i]; } //send new scan comm->send(intScan, bytesPerScan, 0); } t.join(); delete scan; urg_close(&urg); }
int main(){ thread t(waitForKeyPress); list<CvPoint> opticalFlowVectors; //set up communicator Communicator* comm = new Communicator(512, "", 9002, "*", 9000); //receive size of one image char frameWidthBuf[3]; char frameHeightBuf[3]; comm->recv(frameWidthBuf, 3, 0); comm->recv(frameHeightBuf, 3, 0); //extract data int frameWidth = atoi(frameWidthBuf); int frameHeight = atoi(frameHeightBuf); int frameSize = frameWidth*frameHeight; cout << frameSize << endl; //declare frames Mat frame1(frameWidth,frameHeight,CV_8UC1); Mat frame2(frameWidth,frameHeight,CV_8UC1); //second get the image comm->recv(, frameSize, 0); //build pyramid for frame 1 buildOpticalFlowPyramid(frame1, pyramid1, cvSize(pyrWindowSize,pyrWindowSize), 3); //start optical flow algorithm cout << "Started optical flow algorithm." << endl; high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = high_resolution_clock::now(); int iter = 0; mtx.lock(); while(loop) { mtx.unlock(); //recv frame 2 comm->recv(, frameSize, 0); FeatureDetector* detector = new FastFeatureDetector(FASTThreshold,true); detector->detect(frame1, KeyPointVector); delete detector; if(KeyPointVector.size() > 30) FASTThreshold++; else FASTThreshold--; //build pyramid for frame 2 buildOpticalFlowPyramid(frame2, pyramid2, cvSize(pyrWindowSize,pyrWindowSize), 3); KeyPoint::convert(KeyPointVector, pointVector1); //run Lucas Kanade optical flow if features have been found if(KeyPointVector.size() > 0) { calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(pyramid1, pyramid2, pointVector1, pointVector2, featuresFound, featuresError, cvSize(pyrWindowSize,pyrWindowSize), 0, cvTermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 10, 0.2), 0,0.0001); } Mat frame3; cvtColor(frame2, frame3, CV_GRAY2RGB); for(int i=0; i < pointVector1.size(); i++){ if(featuresFound[i]==0 || featuresError[i]>50) { //printf("Error is: %f\n",featuresError[i]); } else { CvPoint p0 = cvPoint( cvRound(pointVector1[i].x), cvRound(pointVector1[i].y)); CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( cvRound(pointVector2[i].x), cvRound(pointVector2[i].y)); line(frame3, p0, p1, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, 8, 0); } } ostringstream fileName2; fileName2 << "flightphoto/flow" << iter <<".jpg"; imwrite(fileName2.str(), frame3); //store pyramid 2 in pyramid 1 frame1 = frame2.clone(); pyramid1.swap(pyramid2); //find the average displacement displacement = trajectoryCalc(pointVector1, pointVector2, featuresFound, featuresError, KeyPointVector.size()); //Compensate angle: must be done on RPI char xBuf[4]; char yBuf[4]; int xBufLen = sprintf(xBuf, "%d", displacement.x); int yBufLen = sprintf(yBuf, "%d", displacement.y); comm->send(xBuf,xBufLen,ZMQ_NOBLOCK); comm->send(yBuf,yBufLen,ZMQ_NOBLOCK); opticalFlowVectors.push_back(displacement); mtx.lock(); iter ++; } t.join(); high_resolution_clock::time_point t2 = high_resolution_clock::now(); duration<double> time_span = duration_cast<duration<double>>(t2 - t1); double fps = ((double)opticalFlowVectors.size())/time_span.count(); ofstream myFile; ("opticalFlow.txt"); myFile << "FPS: \t" << fps << endl; for (list<CvPoint>::iterator it=opticalFlowVectors.begin(); it!=opticalFlowVectors.end(); ++it){ myFile << "x:\t" << it->x << "\ty:\t" << it->y << endl; } myFile.close(); }
int main(){ thread t(waitForKeyPress); list<CvPoint> opticalFlowVectors; //set up communicator Communicator* comm = new Communicator(512, "", 9002, "*", 9000); //receive size of one image char frameWidthBuf[3]; char frameHeightBuf[3]; comm->recv(frameWidthBuf, 3, 0); comm->recv(frameHeightBuf, 3, 0); //extract data int frameWidth = atoi(frameWidthBuf); int frameHeight = atoi(frameHeightBuf); int frameSize = frameWidth*frameHeight; //declare frames Mat frame1(frameWidth,frameHeight,CV_8UC1); Mat frame2(frameWidth,frameHeight,CV_8UC1); //second recv the first frame //recv the size of the encoded frame char encSizeBuf[6]; comm->recv(encSizeBuf, 6, 0); int encSize = atoi(encSizeBuf); vector<uchar> enc = vector<uchar>(encSize); //recv the encoded frame comm->recv(&enc[0], encSize, 0); //decode the frame qlz_state_decompress *state_decompress = (qlz_state_decompress *)malloc(sizeof(qlz_state_decompress)); qlz_decompress((const char*) &enc[0], (char*), state_decompress); //build pyramid for frame 1 buildOpticalFlowPyramid(frame1, pyramid1, cvSize(pyrWindowSize,pyrWindowSize), 3); //start optical flow algorithm cout << "Started optical flow algorithm." << endl; high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = high_resolution_clock::now(); mtx.lock(); while(loop) { mtx.unlock(); //recv frame 2 //recv the size of the encoded frame comm->recv(encSizeBuf, 6, 0); encSize = atoi(encSizeBuf); enc = vector<uchar>(encSize); //recv the encoded frame comm->recv(&enc[0], encSize, 0); //uncompress recv data qlz_decompress((const char*) &enc[0], (char*), state_decompress); FeatureDetector* detector = new FastFeatureDetector(FASTThreshold,true); detector->detect(frame1, KeyPointVector); delete detector; if(KeyPointVector.size() > 30) FASTThreshold++; else FASTThreshold--; //build pyramid for frame 2 buildOpticalFlowPyramid(frame2, pyramid2, cvSize(pyrWindowSize,pyrWindowSize), 3); KeyPoint::convert(KeyPointVector, pointVector1); //run Lucas Kanade optical flow if features have been found if(KeyPointVector.size() > 0) { calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(pyramid1, pyramid2, pointVector1, pointVector2, featuresFound, featuresError, cvSize(pyrWindowSize,pyrWindowSize), 0, cvTermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 10, 0.2), 0,0.0001); } //store pyramid 2 in pyramid 1 frame1 = frame2.clone(); pyramid1.swap(pyramid2); //find the average displacement displacement = trajectoryCalc(pointVector1, pointVector2, featuresFound, featuresError, KeyPointVector.size()); //Compensate angle: must be done on RPI char xBuf[4]; char yBuf[4]; int xBufLen = sprintf(xBuf, "%d", displacement.x); int yBufLen = sprintf(yBuf, "%d", displacement.y); comm->send(xBuf,xBufLen,ZMQ_NOBLOCK); comm->send(yBuf,yBufLen,ZMQ_NOBLOCK); opticalFlowVectors.push_back(displacement); mtx.lock(); } t.join(); high_resolution_clock::time_point t2 = high_resolution_clock::now(); duration<double> time_span = duration_cast<duration<double>>(t2 - t1); double fps = ((double)opticalFlowVectors.size())/time_span.count(); ofstream myFile; ("opticalFlow.txt"); myFile << "FPS: \t" << fps << endl; for (list<CvPoint>::iterator it=opticalFlowVectors.begin(); it!=opticalFlowVectors.end(); ++it){ myFile << "x:\t" << it->x << "\ty:\t" << it->y << endl; } myFile.close(); free(state_decompress); }