Esempio n. 1
// CompressSimpleHelper
void TestCompressor::CompressSimpleHelper( const char * data, 
										   size_t size, 
										   size_t expectedCompressedSize,
										   bool shouldCompress ) const
    // raw input strings may not be aligned on Linux/OSX, so copy
    // them to achieve our required alignment
    char * alignedData = FNEW( char[ size ] );
    memcpy( alignedData, data, size );
    data = alignedData;
	// compress
	Compressor c;
	const bool compressed = c.Compress( data, size );
	TEST_ASSERT( compressed == shouldCompress );
	const size_t compressedSize = c.GetResultSize();
	if ( expectedCompressedSize > 0 )
		TEST_ASSERT( compressedSize == expectedCompressedSize );
	void const * compressedMem = c.GetResult();

	// decompress
	Compressor d;
	d.Decompress( compressedMem );
	const size_t decompressedSize = d.GetResultSize();
	TEST_ASSERT( decompressedSize == size );
	TEST_ASSERT( memcmp( data, d.GetResult(), size ) == 0 );
    FDELETE_ARRAY( alignedData );
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
  if (argc < 2) { return 1; }
  bool unpack = strstr(argv[1], ".pack") != nullptr;
  FILE* fptr = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
  if (!fptr) { printf("Could not open %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; }
  fseek(fptr, 0, SEEK_END);
  u32 size = ftell(fptr);
  fseek(fptr, 0, SEEK_SET);
  int os = 0;
  CompressionParameters params;
  memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
  if (unpack) {
    fread(&os, 4, 1, fptr);
    fread(&params.contextCount, 1, 1, fptr);
    fread(params.weights, params.contextCount, 1, fptr);
    fread(params.contexts, params.contextCount, 1, fptr);
    size -= ftell(fptr);
  u8* data = (u8*)malloc(size + 10);
  memset(data, 0, size + 10);
  data += 10;  // Ugly, but we can ensure we have a few zero bytes at the beginning of the input.
  fread(data, 1, size, fptr);

  char ofn[256];
  strcpy(ofn, argv[1]);
  if (unpack) {
    *strrchr(ofn, '.') = 0;
    strcat(ofn, ".unpack");
  } else {
    strcat(ofn, ".pack");
  u8* out = (u8*)malloc(65536);
  memset(out, 0, 65536);
  out += 10;  // Ugly, but we can ensure we have a few zero bytes at the beginning of the output.
  FILE* ofptr = fopen(ofn, "wb");
  if (!ofptr) { printf("Could not open %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; }

  if (unpack) {
    Compressor* comp = new Compressor();
    comp->Decompress(&params, &data[size - 4], out, os);
    fwrite(out, os, 1, ofptr);
  } else {
    Compressor* comp = new Compressor();
    os = 65528;
    comp->Compress(&params, data, size, out, &os);
    Invert(out, os);

    fwrite(&size, 4, 1, ofptr);
    fwrite(&params.contextCount, 1, 1, ofptr);
    fwrite(params.weights, params.contextCount, 1, ofptr);
    fwrite(params.contexts, params.contextCount, 1, ofptr);
    fwrite(out, os, 1, ofptr);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
// CompressHelper
void TestCompressor::CompressHelper( const char * fileName ) const
	// read some test data into a file
	AutoPtr< void > data;
	size_t dataSize;
		FileStream fs;
		TEST_ASSERT( fs.Open( fileName ) );
		dataSize = (size_t)fs.GetFileSize();
		data = (char *)ALLOC( dataSize );
		TEST_ASSERT( (uint32_t)fs.Read( data.Get(), dataSize ) == dataSize );

	OUTPUT( "File           : %s\n", fileName );
	OUTPUT( "Size           : %u\n", (uint32_t)dataSize );

	// compress the data to obtain size
	Compressor comp;
	comp.Compress( data.Get(), dataSize );
	size_t compressedSize = comp.GetResultSize();
	AutoPtr< char > compressedData( (char *)ALLOC( compressedSize ) );
	memcpy( compressedData.Get(), comp.GetResult(), compressedSize );
	float compressedPerc = ( (float)compressedSize / (float)dataSize ) * 100.0f;
	OUTPUT( "Compressed Size: %u (%2.1f%% of original)\n", (uint32_t)compressedSize, compressedPerc );

	// decompress to check we get original data back
	Compressor decomp;
	decomp.Decompress( compressedData.Get() );
	size_t uncompressedSize = decomp.GetResultSize();
	TEST_ASSERT( uncompressedSize == dataSize );
	for ( size_t i=0; i<uncompressedSize; ++i )
		TEST_ASSERT( ( (char *)data.Get() )[ i ] == ( (char *)decomp.GetResult() )[ i ] );

	// speed checks
	const size_t NUM_REPEATS( 100 );

	// compress the data several times to get more stable throughput value
	Timer t;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<NUM_REPEATS; ++i )
		Compressor c;
		c.Compress( data.Get(), dataSize );
		TEST_ASSERT( c.GetResultSize() == compressedSize );
	float compressTimeTaken = t.GetElapsed();
	double compressThroughputMBs = ( ( (double)dataSize / 1024.0 * (double)NUM_REPEATS ) / compressTimeTaken ) / 1024.0;
	OUTPUT( "     Comp Speed: %2.1f MB/s - %2.3fs (%u repeats)\n", (float)compressThroughputMBs, compressTimeTaken, NUM_REPEATS );
	// decompress the data
	Timer t2;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<NUM_REPEATS; ++i )
		Compressor d;
		d.Decompress( compressedData.Get() );
		TEST_ASSERT( d.GetResultSize() == dataSize );
	float decompressTimeTaken = t2.GetElapsed();
	double decompressThroughputMBs = ( ( (double)dataSize / 1024.0 * (double)NUM_REPEATS ) / decompressTimeTaken ) / 1024.0;
	OUTPUT( "   Decomp Speed: %2.1f MB/s - %2.3fs (%u repeats)\n", (float)decompressThroughputMBs, decompressTimeTaken, NUM_REPEATS );

	// time memcpy to compare with
	Timer t0;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<NUM_REPEATS; ++i )
		char * mem = (char *)ALLOC( dataSize );
		memcpy( mem, data.Get(), dataSize );
		FREE( mem );
	float memcpyTimeTaken = t0.GetElapsed();
	double memcpyThroughputMBs = ( ( (double)dataSize / 1024.0 * (double)NUM_REPEATS ) / memcpyTimeTaken ) / 1024.0;
	OUTPUT( "   MemCpy Speed: %2.1f MB/s - %2.3fs (%u repeats)\n", (float)memcpyThroughputMBs, memcpyTimeTaken, NUM_REPEATS );