StringArray getMultiConfigItem(const ConfigMap& configItems, const String &itemName, const StringArray& defRetVal, const char* tokenizeSeparator) { ConfigMap::const_iterator item = configItems.find(itemName); if (item != configItems.end()) { StringArray rv; rv.reserve(item->second.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < item->second.size(); ++i) { if (tokenizeSeparator) { StringArray tokenizedValue(item->second[i].value.tokenize(tokenizeSeparator)); rv.insert(rv.end(), tokenizedValue.begin(), tokenizedValue.end()); } else { rv.push_back(item->second[i].value); } } return rv; } else { return defRetVal; } }
bool Settings::load() { #ifdef TARGET_ROBOT robot = NaoBody().getName(); #else robot = "Nao"; #endif bool loadedSettingsFromFile = false; #ifdef TARGET_ROBOT // load settings from team.cfg try { ConfigMap teams; if("teams.cfg", false, &ConfigMap::printOnErr) >= 0) { teams.setFlags(teams.getFlags() | ConfigMap::READONLY); std::vector<std::string> keys = teams.getKeys(); for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = keys.begin(), end = keys.end(); i != end; ++i) { const ConfigValue& teamValue = teams[*i]; if(teamValue.getType() != ConfigValue::MAP) continue; const ConfigMap& team = teamValue; if(!team.hasKey("players")) continue; const ConfigValue& playersValue = team["players"]; if(playersValue.getType() != ConfigValue::LIST) continue; const ListConfigValue& players = playersValue; for(int i = 0, len = players.length(); i < len; ++i) { const ConfigValue& playersValue = players[i]; if(playersValue.getType() != ConfigValue::PLAIN) continue; if(((const PlainConfigValue&)playersValue).str() == robot) { playerNumber = i + 1; team["number"] >> teamNumber; teamPort = 10001 + teamNumber * 100; team["location"] >> location; std::string entryName; team["color"] >> entryName; if(entryName == "blue") teamColor = TEAM_BLUE; else if(entryName == "red") teamColor = TEAM_RED; else ASSERT(false); loadedSettingsFromFile = true; goto loadedTeamsCfg; } } } loadedTeamsCfg: ; }
Command::ConfigList Command::selectedConfigs(MasterDevice &m) { unsigned int i; ec_ioctl_master_t master; ec_ioctl_config_t config; ConfigList list; stringstream err; m.getMaster(&master); if (aliases == "-" && positions == "-") { // shortcut for (i = 0; i < master.config_count; i++) { m.getConfig(&config, i); list.push_back(config); } } else { // take the long way home... ConfigMap configs; uint16_t maxAlias = 0; // fill cascaded map structure with all configs for (i = 0; i < master.config_count; i++) { m.getConfig(&config, i); AliasMap &aliasMap = configs[config.alias]; aliasMap[config.position] = config; if (config.alias > maxAlias) { maxAlias = config.alias; } } ConfigAliasParser ap(maxAlias); NumberListParser::List aliasList = ap.parse(aliases.c_str()); NumberListParser::List::const_iterator ai; for (ai = aliasList.begin(); ai != aliasList.end(); ai++) { ConfigMap::iterator ci = configs.find(*ai); if (ci == configs.end()) { continue; } AliasMap &aliasMap = configs[*ai]; AliasPositionParser pp(aliasMap); NumberListParser::List posList = pp.parse(positions.c_str()); NumberListParser::List::const_iterator pi; for (pi = posList.begin(); pi != posList.end(); pi++) { AliasMap::const_iterator ci; ci = aliasMap.find(*pi); if (ci != aliasMap.end()) { list.push_back(ci->second); } } } } list.sort(); return list; }
/* getConfig: {{{ */ int getConfig(ConfigMap &config, const string &name, int def) { ConfigMap::iterator it=config.find(name); if(it!=config.end()) return atoi(config[name].c_str()); cerr << "[W] Key : '" << name << "' not found, using default value : " << def << endl; return def; }
std::string Robot::getSettingsString(const Team& team) const { ConfigMap cm; cm["teamNumber"] << team.number; cm["teamPort"] << team.port; cm["teamColor"] << team.color; cm["playerNumber"] << team.getPlayerNumber(*this); cm["location"] << team.location; return cm.str(); }
bool GetConfigValue(ConfigMap& configMap, std::string key, std::string& value) { if(configMap.find(key) != configMap.end()) { value = configMap[key]; string trimmedKey = trim(value); if(trimmedKey == "") { return false; } return true; } return false; }
void TeamSelector::saveTeams(const QString& filename) { std::vector<Team> _teams; _teams.reserve(teams.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < teams.size(); ++i) _teams.push_back(*teams[i]); ConfigMap cm; Team::writeTeams(cm, _teams); std::string fn = toString(filename); cm.write(&fn); }
bool ColorTableCreator::saveTrainingData(string fileName) const { ConfigMap cm; cm["handMadeClassification"] << handMadeClassification; ofstream of;; if(!of.is_open()) return false; cm.write(of); of.close(); return true; }
String getConfigItem(const ConfigMap& configItems, const String &itemName, const String& defRetVal) { ConfigMap::const_iterator i = configItems.find(itemName); if (i != configItems.end() && i->second.size() > 0) { return i->second.back().value; } else { return defRetVal; } }
static void dumpConfigMapToYaml(YAML::Emitter &emitter, const ConfigMap &configMap) { emitter << YAML::BeginMap; ConfigMap::const_iterator it; for(it = configMap.begin(); it != configMap.end(); ++it) { emitter << YAML::Key << it->first; if(!(emitter.good())) { fprintf(stderr, "problem with ConfigMap for: %s\n", it->first.c_str()); } emitter << YAML::Value; dumpConfigVectorToYaml(emitter, it->second); } emitter << YAML::EndMap; }
void BallPerceptor::init(const FieldDimensions& theFieldDimensions) { sqrMaxBallDistance = float(Vector2<int>(theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentFieldBorder - theFieldDimensions.xPosOwnFieldBorder, theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftFieldBorder - theFieldDimensions.yPosRightFieldBorder).squareAbs()); /* cout << "theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentFieldBorder: " << theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentFieldBorder << endl; cout << "theFieldDimensions.xPosOwnFieldBorder: " << theFieldDimensions.xPosOwnFieldBorder << endl; cout << "theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftFieldBorder: " << theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftFieldBorder << endl; cout << "theFieldDimensions.yPosRightFieldBorder: " << theFieldDimensions.yPosRightFieldBorder << endl; */ ConfigMap params; params["clippingApproxRadiusScale"] << 2.f; params["clippingApproxRadiusPixelBonus"] << 2.5f; params["scanMaxColorDistance"] << (unsigned int) 30; params["scanPixelTolerance"] << (unsigned int) 2; params["refineMaxPixelCount"] << (unsigned int) 2; params["refineMaxColorDistance"] << (unsigned int) 40; params["checkMaxRadiusDifference"] << 1.6f; params["checkMinRadiusDifference"] << 0.9f; params["checkMinRadiusPixelBonus"] << 6.f; params["checkOutlineRadiusScale"] << 1.1f; params["checkOutlineRadiusPixelBonus"] << 2.f; //"ballPerceptor.cfg"));"/home/nao/.config/naoqi/Data/Config/Locations/Default/Robots/Nao/ballPerceptor.cfg"); params["clippingApproxRadiusScale"] >> p.clippingApproxRadiusScale; params["clippingApproxRadiusPixelBonus"] >> p.clippingApproxRadiusPixelBonus; params["scanMaxColorDistance"] >> p.scanMaxColorDistance; params["scanPixelTolerance"] >> p.scanPixelTolerance; params["refineMaxPixelCount"] >> p.refineMaxPixelCount; params["refineMaxColorDistance"] >> p.refineMaxColorDistance; params["checkMaxRadiusDifference"] >> p.checkMaxRadiusDifference; params["checkMinRadiusDifference"] >> p.checkMinRadiusDifference; params["checkMinRadiusPixelBonus"] >> p.checkMinRadiusPixelBonus; params["checkOutlineRadiusScale"] >> p.checkOutlineRadiusScale; params["checkOutlineRadiusPixelBonus"] >> p.checkOutlineRadiusPixelBonus; }
/* main method {{{ */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ConfigMap config; if(!parseOptions(argc,argv,config)) { //Parse cmd line options cerr << "==> Try '" << argv[0] << " --usage'" << endl; return -1; } if(config.find("usage")!=config.end()||config.find("help")!=config.end()) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } if(!parseConfig(config)) { cerr << "==> Try 'man " << argv[0] << "'" << endl; return -1; } return mainFunction(config); }
void setConfigItem(ConfigMap& configItems, const String& itemName, const String& value, EOverwritePreviousFlag overwritePrevious) { ConfigMap::iterator it = configItems.find(itemName); if (it == configItems.end()) { configItems[itemName].push_back(ItemData("", value)); } else if (overwritePrevious == E_OVERWRITE_PREVIOUS) { ItemDataArray& values = configItems[itemName]; values.clear(); values.push_back(ItemData("", value)); } // else overwritePrevious == E_PRESERVE_PREVIOUS, and do nothing }
bool ColorTableCreator::loadTrainingData(string fileName) { handMadeClassification.clear(); ConfigMap cm; if( < 0) return false; try { cm["handMadeClassification"] >> handMadeClassification; } catch(std::invalid_argument e) { return false; } //In this case the Vector was empty return true; }
ompl::tools::SelfConfig::SelfConfig(const base::SpaceInformationPtr &si, const std::string &context) : context_(context) { typedef std::map<base::SpaceInformation*, boost::shared_ptr<SelfConfigImpl> > ConfigMap; static ConfigMap SMAP; static boost::mutex LOCK; boost::mutex::scoped_lock smLock(LOCK); ConfigMap::const_iterator it = SMAP.find(si.get()); if (it != SMAP.end()) impl_ = it->second.get(); else { impl_ = new SelfConfigImpl(si); SMAP[si.get()].reset(impl_); } }
/*! Load a repeating group into a supplied map. \param tag the tag to find \param map_name the target map \param is_session if true, special case for session map \return the number of elements inserted */ unsigned load_map(const std::string& tag, ConfigMap& map_name, const bool is_session=false) { XmlElement::XmlSet slist; if (_root->find(tag, slist)) { for(XmlElement::XmlSet::const_iterator itr(slist.begin()); itr != slist.end(); ++itr) { std::string name; if ((*itr)->GetAttr("name", name) && is_session ? (*itr)->FindAttr("active", false) : true) { map_name.insert(ConfigMap::value_type(name, *itr)); if (is_session) _allsessions.push_back(*itr); } } } return map_name.size(); }
ompl::tools::SelfConfig::SelfConfig(const base::SpaceInformationPtr &si, const std::string &context) : context_(context.empty() ? "" : context + ": ") { typedef std::map<base::SpaceInformation*, boost::shared_ptr<SelfConfigImpl> > ConfigMap; static ConfigMap SMAP; static boost::mutex LOCK; boost::mutex::scoped_lock smLock(LOCK); // clean expired entries from the map ConfigMap::iterator dit = SMAP.begin(); while (dit != SMAP.end()) { if (dit->second->expired()) SMAP.erase(dit++); else ++dit; } ConfigMap::const_iterator it = SMAP.find(si.get()); if (it != SMAP.end()) impl_ = it->second.get(); else { impl_ = new SelfConfigImpl(si); SMAP[si.get()].reset(impl_); } }
/* parseConfig: {{{ */ bool parseConfig(ConfigMap &config) { string appKey(""); ifstream file(config["configFile"].c_str(),ios::in); if(!file.good()) { cerr << "[E] Error opening the configuration file : '" << config["configFile"] << "' !" << endl; return false; } bool res=true; bool verbose=false; ConfigMap::iterator it=config.find("general::verbose"); if(it!=config.end()) verbose=true; while(file) { string s; getline(file,s); s=strip(s); res=res && readString(s,config,appKey,verbose); } file.close(); return res; }
/// \brief Clone an instance. /// \param inIntancePtr A pointer to the instance to be cloned. /// \param inCloneInstanceName The name of the clone. /// \details Clone an instance and its configuration. This function does not clone the /// instance pins. Instance pins are handled when cloning nets, in function cloneNet. InstanceSharedPtr cloneInstance(InstanceSharedPtr inIntancePtr, const string& inCloneInstanceName) { // Clone inInstancePtr InstanceSharedPtr inInstanceClonePtr = Factory::newInstancePtr(inCloneInstanceName, inIntancePtr->getType(), inIntancePtr->getTile(), inIntancePtr->getSite(), inIntancePtr->getBonding()); // Begin clone inIntance configuration // Get a begin iterator to inIntance config ConfigMap::const_iterator instanceConfigBegin = inIntancePtr->configBegin(); // Get an end iterator to inIntance config ConfigMap::const_iterator instanceConfigEnd = inIntancePtr->configEnd(); // Configuration map ConfigMap configMap; // Iterate over all configuration while(instanceConfigBegin != instanceConfigEnd) { // Get current setting const string setting = instanceConfigBegin->first; // Get current configuration const Config config = instanceConfigBegin->second; // Add (setting,configuration) to configuration map configMap.setConfig(setting, config); // Move to the next configuration instanceConfigBegin++; } // Add configurations to instance clone inInstanceClonePtr->addConfigs(configMap); // End clone inInstance configuration // Return cloned instance return inInstanceClonePtr; }
std::vector<Robot> Robot::getRobots() { std::vector<Robot> robots; std::string robotsDir = "Robots"; Directory d; if(*File::getFullNames(robotsDir).begin() + "/*")) { std::string dir; bool isDir; while(, isDir)) { if(isDir) { ConfigMap cm; std::string s = linuxToPlatformPath(dir + "/robot.cfg"); int status =; if(status > 0) { Robot r; cm >> r; robots.push_back(r); } } }
void ConfigHelper::LoadConfig(ConfigMap & mapConfig, string strPath) { vector<string> vecParas; vector<string> vecSkip; vecSkip.push_back("#"); vecSkip.push_back(";"); Load(vecParas, strPath, vecSkip); vector<string> vecVariable; string delim = "="; for (auto i = vecParas.begin(); i != vecParas.end(); i++) { vecVariable.clear(); libReactor::Utils::split(*i, delim, vecVariable); if (vecVariable.size() == 2) { mapConfig.insert(make_pair(libReactor::Utils::trim(vecVariable[0]), libReactor::Utils::trim(vecVariable[1]))); } } }
void Text3D::init() { // load the mask id form file FILE *f = fopen("./id.txt", "r"); if(f) { fscanf(f, "%d", &maskId); fclose(f); maskId = 1 << (maskId - 1); } // Register for node information: /* std::string groupName, dataName; control->nodes->getDataBrokerNames(id, &groupName, &dataName); control->dataBroker->registerTimedReceiver(this, groupName, dataName, "mars_sim/simTimer", 10, 0); */ /* get or create cfg_param example = control->cfg->getOrCreateProperty("plugin", "example", 0.0, this); */ textFactory = libManager->getLibraryAs<osg_text::TextFactoryInterface>("osg_text_factory"); if(textFactory) { ConfigMap map; map = ConfigMap::fromYamlFile("Text3DConfig.yml", true); ConfigVector::iterator it; osg_text::TextInterface *text; if(map.find("Labels") != map.end()) { TextData *td; double fixedWidth, fixedHeight; bool drawFrame; double fontsize; osg_text::TextAlign align; for(it = map["Labels"].begin(); it!=map["Labels"].end(); ++it) { td = new TextData; td->name = (std::string)it->children["name"][0]; td->value = (std::string)it->children["value"][0]; td->posX = it->children["posX"][0]; td->posY = it->children["posY"][0]; fixedWidth = fixedHeight = -1; drawFrame = false; fontsize = 30; align = osg_text::ALIGN_LEFT; osg_text::Color c, bgColor(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5); osg_text::Color borderColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5); if(it->children.find("fixedWidth") != it->children.end()) { fixedWidth = it->children["fixedWidth"][0]; } if(it->children.find("fixedHeight") != it->children.end()) { fixedHeight = it->children["fixedHeight"][0]; } if(it->children.find("frame") != it->children.end()) { drawFrame = it->children["frame"][0]; } if(it->children.find("fontsize") != it->children.end()) { fontsize = it->children["fontsize"][0]; } if(it->children.find("align") != it->children.end()) { std::string sAlign = (std::string)it->children["align"][0]; if(sAlign == "right") align = osg_text::ALIGN_RIGHT; else if(sAlign == "center") align = osg_text::ALIGN_CENTER; } if(it->children.find("color") != it->children.end()) { c.a = it->children["color"][0]["a"][0]; c.r = it->children["color"][0]["r"][0]; c.g = it->children["color"][0]["g"][0]; c.b = it->children["color"][0]["b"][0]; } if(it->children.find("bgColor") != it->children.end()) { bgColor.a = it->children["bgColor"][0]["a"][0]; bgColor.r = it->children["bgColor"][0]["r"][0]; bgColor.g = it->children["bgColor"][0]["g"][0]; bgColor.b = it->children["bgColor"][0]["b"][0]; } if(it->children.find("borderColor") != it->children.end()) { borderColor.a = it->children["borderColor"][0]["a"][0]; borderColor.r = it->children["borderColor"][0]["r"][0]; borderColor.g = it->children["borderColor"][0]["g"][0]; borderColor.b = it->children["borderColor"][0]["b"][0]; } td->text = textFactory->createText(td->value, fontsize, c, td->posX, td->posY, align); if(drawFrame) { td->text->setBackgroundColor(bgColor); td->text->setBorderWidth(4.0); } else { td->text->setBackgroundColor(osg_text::Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); td->text->setBorderWidth(0.0); } td->text->setBorderColor(borderColor); td->text->setPadding(10., 10., 10., 10.); td->text->setFixedWidth(fixedWidth); td->text->setFixedHeight(fixedHeight); example = control->cfg->getOrCreateProperty("Text3D", td->name+"/value", td->value, this); td->vId = example.paramId; example = control->cfg->getOrCreateProperty("Text3D", td->name+"/posX", td->posX, this); td->pxId = example.paramId; example = control->cfg->getOrCreateProperty("Text3D", td->name+"/posY", td->posY, this); td->pyId = example.paramId; int mask = it->children["mask"][0].getInt(); example = control->cfg->getOrCreateProperty("Text3D", td->name+"/mask", mask, this); td->maskId = example.paramId; td->hudID = control->graphics->addHUDOSGNode(td->text->getOSGNode()); td->vis = mask & maskId; if(!td->vis) { control->graphics->switchHUDElementVis(td->hudID); } textMap[td->vId] = td; textMap[td->pxId] = td; textMap[td->pyId] = td; textMap[td->maskId] = td; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "can not load osg_text_factory\n"); } }
void Loader::clientLoad() { ifstream istr;>loadFile); assert(!; string line; while (std::getline(istr, line)) { ConfigMap cmap; cmap.clear(); string raw = sutl::decode(line); cmap.unpack(raw); if (cmap["itemtype"] == res.itemApp || cmap["itemtype"] == res.itemPlace) { DesktopRec deskrec; #define rec2map(name)[#name]; rec2map(iconName); rec2map(title); rec2map(genname); rec2map(loctitle); rec2map(locgenname); rec2map(command); rec2map(comment); rec2map(loccomment); rec2map(fname); rec2map(categories); rec2map(category); rec2map(itemtype); rec2map(attrs); #undef rec2map string dec = sutl::decode(deskrec.attrs, attrEscape); deskrec.attr.unpack(dec); vapplications.push_back(deskrec); } if (cmap["itemtype"] == res.itemCategory) { CategoryLoader::CategoryRec catrec; #define rec2map(name)[#name]; rec2map(category); rec2map(dirFile); rec2map(dirFilePath); rec2map(loctitle); rec2map(comment); rec2map(loccomment); rec2map(iconName); #undef rec2map vcategories[catrec.category] = catrec; } if (cmap["itemtype"] == res.itemIcon) { string key = iconKey(cmap["name"], atoi(cmap["size"].c_str())); auto path = cmap["path"]; if (!path.empty()) vicons[key] = path; } } istr.close(); }
void Loader::loadProc() { Toolkit toolkit; app->config->load(); string cmd; #define createdir(d) cmd = string("mkdir -p ") + app-> d;system(cmd.c_str());assert(toolkit.dirExists(app-> d)); createdir(dirCache); createdir(dirCacheIcons); createdir(dirProperties); createdir(dirTranslation); std::ofstream fstr;>loadFile, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); assert(fstr.is_open()); struct IconRec { string name; int size; }; vector<IconRec> vicons; ApplicationLoader appLoader; appLoader.getItems(vapplications); CategoryLoader catLoader; catLoader.init(&vapplications); appLoader.insertPlaces(vapplications); //------------- load applications for (auto deskrec : vapplications) { //printf("\napp %s %s", deskrec.title.c_str(),deskrec.category.c_str()); ConfigMap cmap; cmap["itemtype"] = res.itemApp; deskrec.attrs = sutl::encode(deskrec.attr.pack(), attrEscape); #define rec2map(name) cmap[#name] rec2map(iconName); rec2map(title); rec2map(genname); rec2map(loctitle); rec2map(locgenname); rec2map(command); rec2map(comment); rec2map(loccomment); rec2map(fname); rec2map(categories); rec2map(attrs); #undef rec2map string catMoveTo = app->properties->get(deskrec, res.pkeyMoveToCategory); int iconSize = CFGI("app_icon_size"); CategoryLoader::CategoryRec catrec; if (!catMoveTo.empty()) { catrec.category = catMoveTo; } else if (sutl::startsWith(deskrec.fname, toolkit.desktopDir())) { catrec.category = res.categoryDesktop; catrec.loctitle = res.categoryDesktop_loc; catrec.iconName = CFG("icon_place_desktop"); } else if (deskrec.category == res.categoryPlaces) { catrec.category = res.categoryPlaces; catrec.iconName = CFG("icon_category_places"); cmap["itemtype"] = res.itemPlace; iconSize = CFGI("place_icon_size"); } else { catrec = catLoader.getCategory(deskrec); if (catrec.category.empty()) { //catrec.category = res.categoryOther; continue; } } vicons.push_back( { deskrec.iconName, iconSize }); if (vcategories.find(catrec.category) == vcategories.end()) { vcategories[catrec.category] = catrec; } cmap["category"] = catrec.category; string raw = cmap.pack(); raw = sutl::encode(raw); fstr << raw << "\n"; } //------------- load categories for (auto ec : vcategories) { auto & crec = ec.second; ConfigMap cmap; cmap["itemtype"] = res.itemCategory; #define rec2map(name) cmap[#name]; rec2map(category); rec2map(dirFile); rec2map(dirFilePath); rec2map(loctitle); rec2map(comment); rec2map(loccomment); rec2map(iconName); #undef rec2map vicons.push_back( { crec.iconName, CFGI("category_icon_size") }); string raw = cmap.pack(); raw = sutl::encode(raw); fstr << raw << "\n"; } //------------- load icons int iconSize = CFGI("category_icon_size"); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_category_all"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_category_other"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_category_places"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_category_recent"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_category_favorites"), iconSize }); iconSize = CFGI("toolbar_icon_size"); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_toolbar_shutdown"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_toolbar_settings"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_toolbar_logout"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_toolbar_lockscreen"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_toolbar_reload"), iconSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_menu"), app->menuIconSize }); vicons.push_back( { res.iconSearchBoxName, res.iconSearchBoxSize }); vicons.push_back( { CFG("icon_category_places"), CFGI("place_icon_size") }); for (auto iconrec : vicons) { if ( continue; string cachePath = createCachedIcon(, iconrec.size); ConfigMap cmap; cmap["itemtype"] = res.itemIcon; cmap["name"] =; cmap["size"] = sutl::itoa(iconrec.size); cmap["path"] = cachePath; string raw = cmap.pack(); raw = sutl::encode(raw); fstr << raw << "\n"; } fstr.close();; }
/// \brief Clone a net. /// \param inNetPtr A pointer to the net to be cloned. /// \param inNetCloneName The name of the clone. /// \param inModuleInstanceName The module instance name. /// \details Clone a net, its configuration, its sources, sinks and pips. For pips, the /// routethrough instances are droppped and not cloned. NetSharedPtr cloneNet(NetSharedPtr inNetPtr, const string& inNetCloneName, const string& inModuleInstanceName) { // Clone inNetPtr NetSharedPtr inNetClonePtr = Factory::newNetPtr(inNetCloneName, inNetPtr->getNetType()); // Begin clone inNetPtr configuration // Get a begin iterator to net config ConfigMap::const_iterator netConfigBegin = inNetPtr->configBegin(); // Get an end iterator to net config ConfigMap::const_iterator netConfigEnd = inNetPtr->configEnd(); // Configuration map ConfigMap configMap; // Iterate over all configuration while(netConfigBegin != netConfigEnd) { // Get current setting const string setting = netConfigBegin->first; // Get current configuration const Config config = netConfigBegin->second; // Add (setting,configuration) to configuration map configMap.setConfig(setting, config); // Move to the next configuration netConfigBegin++; } // Add configurations to net clone inNetClonePtr->addConfigs(configMap); // End clone inNetPtr configuration // Begin clone inNetPtr sources // Get a begin iterator to net sources InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator inNetSourcesBegin = inNetPtr->sourcesBegin(); // Get an end iterator to net sources InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator inNetSourcesEnd = inNetPtr->sourcesEnd(); // Iterate over all source pins while(inNetSourcesBegin != inNetSourcesEnd) { // Get pointer to current net pin InstancePinSharedPtr instPinPtr = *inNetSourcesBegin; // Get net pin reference instance InstanceSharedPtr pinInstPtr = instPinPtr->getInstancePtr().lock(); // Find the cloned instance that correspond to the pin reference instance InstanceSharedPtrIterator pinInstPtrCloneItr = mDesignPtr->findInstance( inModuleInstanceName + sHierarchySeparator + pinInstPtr->getName()); // Clone source pin InstancePinSharedPtr instPinPtrClone = Factory::newInstancePinPtr(*pinInstPtrCloneItr, instPinPtr->getPinName()); // Add pin clone to the net clone inNetClonePtr->addSource(instPinPtrClone); // Move to next source inNetSourcesBegin++; } // End clone inNetPtr sources // Begin clone inNetPtr sinks // Get a begin iterator to net sinks InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator inNetSinksBegin = inNetPtr->sinksBegin(); // Get an end iterator to net sinks InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator inNetSinksEnd = inNetPtr->sinksEnd(); // Iterate over all sink pins while(inNetSinksBegin != inNetSinksEnd) { // Get pointer to current net pin InstancePinSharedPtr instPinPtr = *inNetSinksBegin; // Get net pin reference instance InstanceSharedPtr pinInstPtr = instPinPtr->getInstancePtr().lock(); // Find the cloned instance that correspond to the pin reference instance InstanceSharedPtrIterator pinInstPtrCloneItr = mDesignPtr->findInstance( inModuleInstanceName + sHierarchySeparator + pinInstPtr->getName()); // Clone sink pin InstancePinSharedPtr instPinPtrClone = Factory::newInstancePinPtr(*pinInstPtrCloneItr, instPinPtr->getPinName()); // Add pin clone to the net clone inNetClonePtr->addSink(instPinPtrClone); // Move to next sink inNetSinksBegin++; } // End clone inNetPtr sinks // Begin clone inNetPtr pips // Get a begin iterator to net pips PipConstIterator inNetPipsBegin = inNetPtr->pipsBegin(); // Get an end iterator to net pips PipConstIterator inNetPipsEnd = inNetPtr->pipsEnd(); // Iterate over all pips while(inNetPipsBegin != inNetPipsEnd) { // Get a pointer to the current pip Pip pipPtr = *inNetPipsBegin; /// \todo We are dropping routethrough instances. // Clone the pip Pip pipClone = Factory::newPip(pipPtr.getTileName(), pipPtr.getSourceWireName(), pipPtr.getSinkWireName(), pipPtr.getDirection()); // Add pip clone to cloned net inNetClonePtr->addPip(pipClone); // Move to next pip inNetPipsBegin++; } // End clone inNetPtr pips // Return cloned net return inNetClonePtr; }
void GlobalCFG::got_input(std::vector<std::string> params, std::vector<int> intparams, std::string command) { if (params[0] == "help") { ng_slogout("gcfg","gcfg_list - show all global config values set"); ng_slogout("gcfg","gcfg <name> <value> - set a global cfg value"); } if (params[0] == "gcfg_list") { ng_slogout("gcfg","listing:"); ConfigMap *cmdata = GetData(); ConfigMap::iterator it; for (it=cmdata->begin(); it != cmdata->end(); it++) { ConfigData *entry = (*it).second; if (!entry) continue; switch (entry->GetType()) { case 0: ng_slogout("gcfg","int %s: %d",(*it).first.c_str(),entry->GetInt()); break; case 1: ng_slogout("gcfg","str %s: %s",(*it).first.c_str(),entry->GetStr().c_str()); break; default: ng_slogout("gcfg","%s: <unkown type>",(*it).first.c_str()); } } } if (params[0] == "gcfg") { if (params.size() >= 3) { if (intparams[2]!=MININT) { SetInt(params[1],intparams[2]); } else { std::string mydata; for( unsigned int i=2; i < params.size(); i++ ) { if (i>2) mydata.append(" "); mydata.append(params[i]); } SetStr(params[1],mydata); } ConfigData *entry = GetItem(params[1]); if (!entry) { ng_slogerror("gcfg","could not set %s",params[1].c_str()); return; } switch (entry->GetType()) { case 0: ng_slogout("gcfg","set int %s: %d",params[1].c_str(),entry->GetInt()); break; case 1: ng_slogout("gcfg","set str %s: %s",params[1].c_str(),entry->GetStr().c_str()); break; } } else ng_slogout_ret("gcfg",RET_WRONG_SYNTAX,"usage: gcfg <name> <value> - set a global cfg value"); } }
/* mainFunction method {{{ */ int mainFunction(ConfigMap &config) { if(config.find("general::equation")==config.end()) { cerr << "[E] No problem defined!" << endl; return -1; } cerr << "[I] Initializing problem...\n"; Expression *eqn=parseString(config["general::equation"]); Expression *pot=parseString(config["general::potential"]); cerr << "[I] Equation: " << eqn << endl; cerr << "[I] Potential: " << pot << endl; VarDef params; cerr << "[I] Getting parameters:\n"; for(ConfigMap::iterator it=config.begin();it!=config.end();it++) { if((it->first).find("parameters::")!=string::npos) { string name=(it->first).substr(12); params[name]=parseString(it->second); cerr << "[I]\t" << name << "=" << it->second << "\n"; } } cerr.flush(); eqn=eqn->simplify(params); pot=pot->simplify(params); GPE *gpe=0; if(pot->find("X")) { if(pot->find("Y")) { if(pot->find("Z")) { if(eqn->find("LZ")) gpe=new GPE3DROT(config,eqn,pot); else gpe=new GPE3D(config,eqn,pot); } else { if(eqn->find("LZ")) gpe=new GPE2DROT(config,eqn,pot); else gpe=new GPE2D(config,eqn,pot); } } else gpe=new GPE1D(config,eqn,pot); } else if(eqn->find("R")) gpe=new Polar1D(config,eqn,pot); if(gpe==0) { cerr << "[E] Unknown problem type!" << std::endl; return -1; } gpe->initialize(pot); if(config["in"].size()>0) { gpe->load(config["in"]); } string out="psi1.dat"; if(config["out"].size()>0) { out=config["out"]; } string log=""; if(config.find("log")!=config.end()) { log="log.txt"; if(config["log"].size()>0) { log=config["log"]; } } if(config.find("imprint")!=config.end()) { int l=getConfig(config,string("imprint"),1); std::cerr << "[I] Imprinting a l=" << l << " circulation" << endl; gpe->imprint(l); } if(config.find("groundstate")!=config.end()) { double dt=getConfig(config,string("general::dt"),1e-3); double tol=getConfig(config,string("general::tol"),1e-12); double dttol=getConfig(config,string("general::dttol"),0.999); gpe->findGroundState(dt,tol,dttol,log); gpe->save(out); } if(config.find("spectrum")!=config.end()) { range<int> def={0,0,1}; range<int> m=getConfig(config,string("spectrum"),def); for(int i=m.min;i<=m.max;i+=m.incr) gpe->spectrum(log,i); } if(config.find("evolve")!=config.end()) { range<double> def={0.,1.,1e-3}; range<double> t=getConfig(config,string("evolve"),def); gpe->evolve(t.min,t.incr,t.max,out); } if(config.find("plot")!=config.end()) { int n=5; //getConfig(config,string("plot"),0); gpe->plot(n,config["plot"]); } if(config.find("measure")!=config.end()) { std::cout << gpe->measure() << std::endl; } return 0; };
/* * adapted from HydroRunBaseMpi::outputPnetcdf * * assumes here that localData have size nx,ny,nz (no ghostWidth) * * see : test_pnetcdf_write.cpp * * Note that if ghostIncluded is false local_data must be sized upon nx,ny,nz * if not size must be nx+2*ghostWidth,ny+2*ghostWidth,nz+2*ghostWidth * */ void write_pnetcdf(const std::string &filename, HostArray<double> &localData, ConfigMap &configMap) { int myRank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank); // read local domain sizes int nx=configMap.getInteger("mesh","nx",32); int ny=configMap.getInteger("mesh","ny",32); int nz=configMap.getInteger("mesh","nz",32); // read mpi geometry int mx=configMap.getInteger("mpi","mx",1); int my=configMap.getInteger("mpi","my",1); int mz=configMap.getInteger("mpi","mz",1); // MPI cartesian coordinates // myRank = mpiCoord[0] + mx*mpiCoord[1] + mx*my*mpiCoord[2] int mpiCoord[3]; { mpiCoord[2] = myRank/(mx*my); mpiCoord[1] = (myRank - mx*my*mpiCoord[2])/mx; mpiCoord[0] = myRank - mx*my*mpiCoord[2] -mx*mpiCoord[1]; } bool ghostIncluded = configMap.getBool("output", "ghostIncluded",false); int ghostWidth = configMap.getInteger("mesh","ghostWidth",3); // global size int NX=nx*mx, NY=ny*my, NZ=nz*mz; int gsizes[3]; gsizes[IZ] = NX; gsizes[IY] = NY; gsizes[IX] = NZ; if ( ghostIncluded ) { gsizes[IZ] += 2*ghostWidth; gsizes[IY] += 2*ghostWidth; gsizes[IX] += 2*ghostWidth; } // netcdf file id int ncFileId; int err; // file creation mode int ncCreationMode = NC_CLOBBER; bool useCDF5 = configMap.getBool("output","pnetcdf_cdf5",false); if (useCDF5) ncCreationMode = NC_CLOBBER|NC_64BIT_DATA; else // use CDF-2 file format ncCreationMode = NC_CLOBBER|NC_64BIT_OFFSET; // verbose log ? bool pnetcdf_verbose = configMap.getBool("output","pnetcdf_verbose",false); int nbVar=8; int dimIds[3], varIds[nbVar]; MPI_Offset write_size, sum_write_size; MPI_Info mpi_info_used; char str[512]; // time measurement variables double write_timing, max_write_timing, write_bw; /* * writing parameter (offset and size) */ MPI_Offset starts[3] = {0}; MPI_Offset counts[3] = {nz, ny, nx}; // take care that row-major / column major format starts[IZ] = mpiCoord[IX]*nx; starts[IY] = mpiCoord[IY]*ny; starts[IX] = mpiCoord[IZ]*nz; if ( ghostIncluded ) { if ( mpiCoord[IX] == 0 ) counts[IZ] += ghostWidth; if ( mpiCoord[IY] == 0 ) counts[IY] += ghostWidth; if ( mpiCoord[IZ] == 0 ) counts[IX] += ghostWidth; if ( mpiCoord[IX] == mx-1 ) counts[IZ] += ghostWidth; if ( mpiCoord[IY] == my-1 ) counts[IY] += ghostWidth; if ( mpiCoord[IZ] == mz-1 ) counts[IX] += ghostWidth; starts[IZ] += ghostWidth; starts[IY] += ghostWidth; starts[IX] += ghostWidth; if ( mpiCoord[IX] == 0 ) starts[IZ] -= ghostWidth; if ( mpiCoord[IY] == 0 ) starts[IY] -= ghostWidth; if ( mpiCoord[IZ] == 0 ) starts[IX] -= ghostWidth; } /* * Create NetCDF file */ err = ncmpi_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename.c_str(), ncCreationMode, MPI_INFO_NULL, &ncFileId); if (err != NC_NOERR) { printf("Error: ncmpi_create() file %s (%s)\n",filename.c_str(),ncmpi_strerror(err)); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); exit(1); } /* * Define dimensions */ err = ncmpi_def_dim(ncFileId, "x", gsizes[0], &dimIds[0]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_dim(ncFileId, "y", gsizes[1], &dimIds[1]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_dim(ncFileId, "z", gsizes[2], &dimIds[2]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; /* * Define variables */ nc_type ncDataType = NC_DOUBLE; MPI_Datatype mpiDataType = MPI_DOUBLE; err = ncmpi_def_var(ncFileId, "rho", ncDataType, 3, dimIds, &varIds[ID]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_var(ncFileId, "E", ncDataType, 3, dimIds, &varIds[IP]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_var(ncFileId, "rho_vx", ncDataType, 3, dimIds, &varIds[IU]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_var(ncFileId, "rho_vy", ncDataType, 3, dimIds, &varIds[IV]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_var(ncFileId, "rho_vz", ncDataType, 3, dimIds, &varIds[IW]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_var(ncFileId, "Bx", ncDataType, 3, dimIds, &varIds[IA]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_var(ncFileId, "By", ncDataType, 3, dimIds, &varIds[IB]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_def_var(ncFileId, "Bz", ncDataType, 3, dimIds, &varIds[IC]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; /* * global attributes */ // did we use CDF-2 or CDF-5 { int useCDF5_int = useCDF5 ? 1 : 0; err = ncmpi_put_att_int(ncFileId, NC_GLOBAL, "CDF-5 mode", NC_INT, 1, &useCDF5_int); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; } /* * exit the define mode */ err = ncmpi_enddef(ncFileId); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; /* * Get all the MPI_IO hints used */ err = ncmpi_get_file_info(ncFileId, &mpi_info_used); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; int nItems = counts[IX]*counts[IY]*counts[IZ]; for (int iVar=0; iVar<nbVar; iVar++) { double *data = &(localData(0,0,0,iVar)); err = ncmpi_put_vara_all(ncFileId, varIds[iVar], starts, counts, data, nItems, mpiDataType); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; } /* * close the file */ err = ncmpi_close(ncFileId); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; } // write_pnetcdf
void read_pnetcdf(const std::string &filename, int iVar, ConfigMap &configMap, HostArray<double> &localData) { int myRank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank); int nbMpiProc; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nbMpiProc); // netcdf file id int ncFileId; int err; // ghostWidth int ghostWidth = configMap.getInteger("mesh","ghostWidth",3); // file creation mode int ncOpenMode = NC_NOWRITE; int varIds[8]; MPI_Offset starts[3], counts[3]; // read_size, sum_read_size; MPI_Info mpi_info_used; // domain local size int nx,ny,nz; // sizes to read //int nx_r, ny_r, nz_r; // logical sizes / per sub-domain //int nx_g, ny_g, nz_g; // sizes with ghost zones included / per sub-domain /* read domain sizes */ nx=configMap.getInteger("mesh","nx",32); ny=configMap.getInteger("mesh","ny",32); nz=configMap.getInteger("mesh","nz",32); // nx_g = nx+2*ghostWidth; // ny_g = ny+2*ghostWidth; // nz_g = nz+2*ghostWidth; // get input filename from configMap //std::string filename = configMap.getString("input", "filename", ""); /* * Open NetCDF file */ err = ncmpi_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename.c_str(), ncOpenMode, MPI_INFO_NULL, &ncFileId); if (err != NC_NOERR) { printf("Error: ncmpi_open() file %s (%s)\n",filename.c_str(),ncmpi_strerror(err)); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); exit(1); } /* * Query NetCDF mode */ int NC_mode; err = ncmpi_inq_version(ncFileId, &NC_mode); if (myRank==0) { if (NC_mode == NC_64BIT_DATA) std::cout << "Pnetcdf Input mode : NC_64BIT_DATA (CDF-5)\n"; else if (NC_mode == NC_64BIT_OFFSET) std::cout << "Pnetcdf Input mode : NC_64BIT_OFFSET (CDF-2)\n"; else std::cout << "Pnetcdf Input mode : unknown\n"; } /* * Query information about variables */ { int ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimited; err = ncmpi_inq(ncFileId, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimited); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_inq_varid(ncFileId, "rho", &varIds[ID]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_inq_varid(ncFileId, "E", &varIds[IP]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_inq_varid(ncFileId, "rho_vx", &varIds[IU]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_inq_varid(ncFileId, "rho_vy", &varIds[IV]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_inq_varid(ncFileId, "rho_vz", &varIds[IW]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_inq_varid(ncFileId, "Bx", &varIds[IA]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_inq_varid(ncFileId, "By", &varIds[IB]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; err = ncmpi_inq_varid(ncFileId, "Bz", &varIds[IC]); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; } // end query information /* * Define expected data types (no conversion done here) */ //nc_type ncDataType; MPI_Datatype mpiDataType; //ncDataType = NC_DOUBLE; mpiDataType = MPI_DOUBLE; /* * Get all the MPI_IO hints used (just in case, we want to print it after * reading data... */ err = ncmpi_get_file_info(ncFileId, &mpi_info_used); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; /* * Read heavy data (take care of row-major / column major format !) */ // use overlapping domains // counts[IZ] = nx_rg; // counts[IY] = ny_rg; // counts[IX] = nz_rg; // starts[IZ] = 0; // starts[IY] = 0; // starts[IX] = myRank*nz_r; counts[IZ] = nx; counts[IY] = ny; counts[IX] = nz; starts[IZ] = ghostWidth; starts[IY] = ghostWidth; starts[IX] = ghostWidth+myRank*nz; int nItems = counts[IX]*counts[IY]*counts[IZ]; /* * Actual reading */ { double* data; //data = &(localData(0,0,0,0)); data =; err = ncmpi_get_vara_all(ncFileId, varIds[iVar], starts, counts, data, nItems, mpiDataType); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; } // end for loop reading heavy data /* * close the file */ err = ncmpi_close(ncFileId); PNETCDF_HANDLE_ERROR; } // read_pnetcdf
void CmdInterpreter::visit(ProxyCmdOpenDatabase &cmd) { ConfigMap configMap; SharedProxyDatabaseParam pParam = cmd.getParams(); for (; pParam; ++pParam) { configMap.setStringParam(pParam->getName(), pParam->getValue()); } CacheParams cacheParams; cacheParams.readConfig(configMap); SharedCache pCache = Cache::newCache(cacheParams); JniUtilParams jniUtilParams; jniUtilParams.readConfig(configMap); JniUtil::configure(jniUtilParams); DeviceMode openMode = cmd.isCreateDatabase() ? DeviceMode::createNew : DeviceMode::load; std::auto_ptr<DbHandle> pDbHandle(newDbHandle()); JniUtil::incrementHandleCount(DBHANDLE_TRACE_TYPE_STR, pDbHandle.get()); JavaTraceTarget *pJavaTraceTarget = newTraceTarget(); pDbHandle->pTraceTarget.reset(pJavaTraceTarget); // on a fatal error, echo the backtrace to the log file: AutoBacktrace::setTraceTarget(pDbHandle->pTraceTarget); SharedDatabase pDb; try { pDb = Database::newDatabase( pCache, configMap, openMode, pDbHandle->pTraceTarget, SharedPseudoUuidGenerator(new JniPseudoUuidGenerator())); } catch (...) { AutoBacktrace::setTraceTarget(); throw; } pDbHandle->pDb = pDb; ExecStreamResourceKnobs knobSettings; knobSettings.cacheReservePercentage = configMap.getIntParam("cacheReservePercentage"); knobSettings.expectedConcurrentStatements = configMap.getIntParam("expectedConcurrentStatements"); ExecStreamResourceQuantity resourcesAvailable; resourcesAvailable.nCachePages = pCache->getMaxLockedPages(); pDbHandle->pResourceGovernor = SharedExecStreamGovernor( new SimpleExecStreamGovernor( knobSettings, resourcesAvailable, pDbHandle->pTraceTarget, "xo.resourceGovernor")); if (pDb->isRecoveryRequired()) { SegmentAccessor scratchAccessor = pDb->getSegmentFactory()->newScratchSegment(pDb->getCache()); FtrsTableWriterFactory recoveryFactory( pDb, pDb->getCache(), pDb->getTypeFactory(), scratchAccessor); pDb->recover(recoveryFactory); cmd.setResultRecoveryRequired(true); } else { cmd.setResultRecoveryRequired(false); } pDbHandle->statsTimer.setTarget(*pJavaTraceTarget); pDbHandle->statsTimer.addSource(pDb); pDbHandle->statsTimer.addSource(pDbHandle->pResourceGovernor); pDbHandle->statsTimer.start(); // Cache initialization may have been unable to allocate the requested // number of pages -- check for this case and report it in the log. if (pCache->getMaxAllocatedPageCount() != cacheParams.nMemPagesMax || pCache->getAllocatedPageCount() != cacheParams.nMemPagesInit) { FENNEL_DELEGATE_TRACE( TRACE_WARNING, pDb, "Unable to allocate " << cacheParams.nMemPagesInit << " (of " << cacheParams.nMemPagesMax << " max) cache pages; allocated " << pCache->getAllocatedPageCount() << " cache pages."); } setDbHandle(cmd.getResultHandle(), pDbHandle.release()); }